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Related Literature

Foreign Literature

Pornography is tearing apart the very fabric of our society. Yet Christians are

often ignorant of its impact and apathetic about the need to control this menace.

Pornography encompasses books, magazines, videos, and devices and has moved

from the periphery of society into the mainstream through video cassettes, soft-porn

magazines, and cable television. (Anderson,

In Time’s current cover story, “Porn and the Threat to Virility,” Belinda Luscombe

writes, “A growing number of young men are convinced that their sexual responses

have been sabotaged because their brains were virtually marinated in porn when they

were adolescents. Their generation has consumed explicit content in quantities and

varieties never before possible, on devices designed to deliver content swiftly and

privately, all at an age when their brains were more plastic—more prone to permanent

change—than in later life. These young men feel like unwitting guinea pigs in a largely

unmonitored decade-long experiment in sexual conditioning.”

Pornography is a visual representation of sexuality which distorts an individual’s

concept of the nature of conjugal relations. This, in turn, alters both sexual attitudes and

behavior. It is a major threat to marriage, to family, to children and to individual

happiness. In undermining marriage it is one of the factors in undermining social

stability. (Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D.,


"As a clinical psychologist, I have treated, over many years, approximately 300

sex addicts, sex offenders, or other individuals (96% male) with sexual illnesses. This

includes many types of unwanted compulsive sexual acting out plus such things as child

molestation, voyeurism, sadomasochism, fetishism, and rape. With only several

exceptions, pornography has been a major or minor contributor or facilitator in the

acquisition of their deviation or sexual addiction…" ("Pornography's Effects on Adults

and Children")

Opponents provide a plethora of justifiable arguments against pornography. For

example, they say that it objectifies women and fosters a market that allows for the

victimization of innocent children and women. Porn has also been labeled as an

"enemy of the family" and as a contributor to the "demise of guys." Many opponents

sum up their assertions by insisting that the human body is a temple, and porn is its

unparalleled desecrator. Whether or not smut actually does this is a matter that is at

least partially subjective, and we all harbor our own opinions. (Ross Pomeroy

January 19, 2012)

"Indeed, the data reported and reviewed suggests that the thesis is myth and, if

anything, there is an inverse causal relationship between an increase in pornography

and sex crimes. Further, considering the findings of studies of community standards and

wide spread usage of SEM [sexually explicit material], it is obvious that in local

communities as nationally and internationally, porn is available, widely used and felt

appropriate for voluntary adult consumption. If there is a consensus against

pornography it is in regard to any SEM that involves children or minors in its production

or consumption. Lastly we see that objections to erotic materials are often made on the

basis of supposed actual, social or moral harm to women. No such cause and effect has

been demonstrated with any negative consequence." (International Journal of Law

and Psychiatry, Milton Diamond, 2009)

Repression seems to figure prominently into the puzzle of pornography. In 2009 Michael

P. Twohig, a psychologist at Utah State University, asked 299 undergraduate students

whether they considered their pornography consumption problematic; for example,

causing intrusive sexual thoughts or difficulty finding like-minded sex partners. Then he

assessed the students with an eye to understanding the root causes of their issues.

It turns out that among porn viewers, the amount of porn each subject consumed had

nothing to do with his or her mental state. What mattered most, Twohig found, was

whether the subjects tried to control their sexual thoughts and desires. The more they

tried to clamp down on their urge for sex or porn, the more likely they were to consider

their own pornography use a problem. The findings suggest that suppressing the desire

to view pornography, for example, for moral or religious reasons, might actually

strengthen the urge for it and exacerbate sexual problems. It’s all about “personal views

and personal values,” Twohig says. In other words, the effects of pornography—positive

or negative—have little to do with the medium itself and everything to do with the person

viewing it.

It’s not hard to find a study population, given how widespread pornography has

become. The United States alone produces 10,000 pornographic movies each year.

The Free Speech Coalition, a porn industry–lobbying group, estimates that adult

video/DVD sales and rentals amount to at least $4 billion per year. The Internet is a rich

source, with 40 million adults regularly visiting porn Web sites, and more than one-

quarter of regular users downloading porn at work. And it’s not just men who are

interested: Nelsen/Net reports that 9.4 million women in the United States accessed

online pornography Web sites in the month of September 2003. According to the

conservative media watchdog group Family Safe Media, the porn industry makes more

money than the top technology companies combined, including Microsoft, Google,

Apple, and Amazon.

When couples viewed erotic films together over several weeks, their sexual

activity increased in short-term compared with couples who did not view erotic films.

Furthermore, exposure to pornography together could increase couple members’ desire

to be close to each another and their own sexual confidence. But it did not change how

they saw their partner in the relationship. (Campbell L, Kohut T., 2017)

Local Literature

"At the core of the concept of pornography is that it is [an] expression involving

human sexuality," said UP law professor Perfecto Fernandez in his article "Indicators of

Pornography," (PJR, October-December 1998). There is plenty of jurisprudence on

obscenity and pornography, he says, but "there has not been any conceptual statement

of pornography which commands universal assent."

The academe has also reacted. "Using the police to go after tabloid publishers

and authorizing them to make judgments on matters of values and public morals sends

the wrong signals," pointed out University of the Philippines (UP) journalism professor

Georgina Encanto in an article in the Philippine Journalism Review (October-December

1998). The practice could lead to abuses, she said. These operations also in effect

constrain press freedom, she added, a "form of prior restraint that violates the

Constitutional right to freedom of expression."

"At the core of the concept of pornography is that it is [an] expression involving

human sexuality," said UP law professor Perfecto Fernandez in his article "Indicators of

Pornography," (PJR, October-December 1998). There is plenty of jurisprudence on

obscenity and pornography, he says, but "there has not been any conceptual statement

of pornography which commands universal assent."

Pornography is a grave evil that offends against chastity because it perverts and

undermines the marriage act, the sexual intimate self-giving of husband and wife to

each other, which should be enjoyed as a personal and private gift from God.[10] It

does grave injury to the dignity of all involved, performers, consumer, producers, and

distributors, since each is dehumanized by an industry that exists solely to objectify

persons for illicit profit. (Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, 2016)

According to a book by Arnie Trinidad entitled Child Pornography in the

Philippines published by UNICEF Manila, a prominent case happened in Pagsanjan,

Laguna, a rural community South of Manila. The case, according to Trinidad, involved

the victimization of 590 children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years old, by 22

American and European pedophiles who were involved in the production of

pornography, drug abuse, and the sexual abuse of children.[1] The study, published in

2005, documents other cases perpetrated by both foreign and local pedophiles and

includes in depth analysis of the ongoing problem, in the context of the social, economic

and legal environment. (Child Pornography, Arnie Trinidad, 2015)

Students reported that they obtained information about love and sexuality mainly

from friends. However, they valued parents' opinion more than friends'. They revealed

few conversations with their parents on these topics. A majority of them would like to

have more information, mainly about emotion-related topics. Almost half of respondents

were not aware that condoms are not 100% effective in preventing STIs or pregnancies.

More girls, compared to boys, were sensitive and opposed to several types of sexism.

After adjusting for sex, age and institution, the belief of 100% condom effectiveness and

the approval of pornography and sexism were associated with being sexually


Firstly, Pornography is a form of Adultery which means that it violates the 6th

commandment of God “You shall not commit adultery.” Thus, it is immoral. What is

Immorality? In my own words, it involves actions that are against the personal and

social ethics. Pornography is against the personal ethics, social ethics and the

CULTURE of our country.

Second, it corrupts the innocent minds of young people. Instead of doing their

daily responsibilities, they engage in Pornography.

What is the bad effect? The best example that I can give you as of the present

time is Hayden Kho. He recorded and kept sex videos of him, having sex with other

girls. When he was asked why he did such a thing, he can’t answer anything. Will he do

such a thing without any reason? The main root of his actions is most probably

Pornography. His mind was corrupted by Immorality. Like him, Pornography watchers

can be turned into SEX ADDICTS when they grow up.

Moreover, it abuses women. In sex videos, women are more abused. Their

dignities are being stepped on whenever someone watches their videos. (Philippine-

based anti-pornography blog, 2010)

Definition of Terms

Anti-pornography - opposed to or acting against pornography

Apathetic - showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

Child Pornography is a criminal offense and is defined as any visual depiction involving

the use of a minor, or one appearing to be a minor, engaging in sexually explicit


Compulsion - an irresistible urge to behave in a certain way, especially against one's

conscious wishes

Contentious - (of a person) given to arguing or provoking argument.

Cybersex - sexual arousal using computer technology, especially by wearing virtual

reality equipment or by exchanging messages with another person via the Internet.

Desecrator -to violate or outrage the sacred character of (an object or place) by

destructive, blasphemous, or sacrilegious action.

Elicit - evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to

one's own actions or questions.

Erotica - These are pictures that do not involve either nudity or sexual behavior. They

may be simply pictures of children, or more obvious sexual connotations such as

children in swimsuits or underwear. Neither the production is considered illegal.

Exacerbate - make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.

Explicit - stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt.

Futility - pointlessness or uselessness.

Genitals - a person or animal's external organs of reproduction.

Holistic - characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental

and social factors, rather than just the physical symptoms of a disease.

Jurisprudence - the theory or philosophy of law.

Nudity - the state or fact of being naked.

Obscenity - an extremely offensive word or expression.

Pedophile - a person who is sexually attracted to children.

Plethora - a large or excessive amount of (something).

Pornography - printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of

sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional


Sex - (chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual


Virility - (in a man) the quality of having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive;


Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Teacher:
Note: The researcher would like to ask the following questions will remain
CONFIDENTIAL and it will not be used against the correspondents.
Effects of Pornography on Children

Yes Sometimes No
1. Have you been exposed to any pornographic

2. Is pornography good for viewer self-esteem?

3. Are your parents aware that you have viewed

pornographic materials?

4. Do you believe there should be legal restrictions on


5. Is pornographic materials necessary for sex


6. Do you ever feel bad or guilty after looking at


7. Does pornography encourage rapists?

8. Would you agree if others tell that pornography is a

poison to one’s mind?

9. Would you say porn is "bad"?

10. Would you like help to stop viewing pornography?

Table of Analysis

1. Out of 100 respondents 52% said that they have been exposed to pornographic
materials, 27% said sometimes and 21% have never been exposed to
2. Out of 100 respondents 45% said that pornography is good for viewers self-
esteem, 26% said maybe it is, and 29% said it is not good for the viewers self-
3. Out of 100 respondents 28% of them said that their parents are aware that they
are viewing pornographic materials, 20% sometimes and 52% are not.
4. Out of 100 respondents 58% believe that there should be legal restrictions on
pornography, 19% said sometimes, and 23% of them said that there should be
no legal restrictions on viewing pornography.
5. Out of 100 respondents 25% said that pornographic materials is necessary for
sex education, 40% said sometimes and 35% of them said that it is not
necessary for sex education.
6. Out of 100 respondents 25% feel bad or guilty after looking at pornography, 39%
sometimes, and 36% does not feel bad after viewing pornography.
7. Out of 100 respondents 58% said that pornography encourage rapists, 25% said
sometimes and 17% said it doesn’t encourage rapists.
8. Out of 100 respondents 48% agree that pornography is a poison to one’s mind
39% said sometimes and 13% said that it is not poison to one’s mind.
9. Out of 100 respondents 50% said that porn is bad, 32% said sometimes porn is
bad and 18% said that it is not bad.
10. Out of 100 respondents 48% like to help stop viewing pornography, 33%
sometimes and 19% doesn’t want to help to stop viewing pornography.

Questions Yes Sometimes No
1. Have you been exposed to any pornographic material? 52 27 21
2. Is pornography good for viewer self-esteem? 45 26 29
3. Are your parents aware that you have viewed 28 20 52

pornographic materials?
4. Do you believe there should be legal restrictions on 58 19 23

5. Is pornographic materials necessary for sex education? 25 40 35
6. Do you ever feel bad or guilty after looking at 25 39 36

7. Does pornography encourage rapists? 58 25 17
8. Would you agree if others tell that pornography is a 48 39 13

poison to one’s mind?

9. Would you say porn is "bad"? 50 32 18
10. Would you like help to stop viewing pornography? 48 33 19

Effects of Pornography on Children







NoQuestion Question Question Question Question
Question Question Question Question Question
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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