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OZ-HOF YOGA EXERCISE February 24,2019 9:47 AM This contract is to hire the habit named OZ- Hoff Yoga Exercise with the terms that will be outlined below. The habit is to be hired with the best intention. This habit is to be paid via the HABIT TRACKER system and is be updated at the end of the contract duration. The full value of the HABIT is added to the 10x HABIT TRACKER LEDGER whether or not you complete the habit. Failure to fulfil the minimum requirement for the habit will mean that the full amount of the penalty will be ‘owed via the ledger. If the habit succeeds past the minimum threshold outlined below, then the amount of the penalty will be converted to 10x Habit Accelerators and will be used to provide information on the progress of the ‘major goals and the impact of the habit. 1, All Abbas, agree to hire this habit named This habit will be hired for a period of 90 days from today ending This habit will be done at the following times (am/PM) The minimum work this habit is expected to do (Minutes/Cycle s) Why am! hiring this habit? OZ-HOF YOGA EXERCISE ‘May 25 2019 ‘AM BUT CAN BE PM TOO S minutes or 1 cycle To develop an exercise habit What dol hope Strength, Stretching, Mindfulness, balance, core to achieve by hiring this habit? Will this Habit yes be tracked? What is the 10x 10 min benchmark $46,875 penalty for the 90 days? ($3,125/hr) Whatisthe 90% minimum expected outcome? (690%) Does this habit have a specific location to be completed? Does this habit Yes have details that require a Schedule A? ‘Anywhere Habit Details Schedule A: Be detailed, clear, concise, and provide the framework for definition. This habit will be hired for a period of at least 5 minutes per day to be completed either first thing in the morning or right before bed at night. The agreement allows for the exercise to be a minimum of 5 minutes but can be more ten 5 minutes if needed through multiple sessions (cycles). This agreement is valid for 90 days and expires on March 24th to be renewed with new terms. The new terms can increase or decrease the minimum quota and is to be negotiated at the time of signing for a new term. This new term can also be changed to a longer term once this habit has been proven. The agreement is for the following routine: Exercise Routine Time Purpose Dr. Oz Yoga VIDEO 15min Yoga/Stretching Pushups 10reps Strength Wim Hof Handstand 1-5 min HSL Fitness Posture min Improve posture Legs behind back End with warrior pose Squats 10 Does this habit qualify for a quick promotion? How many days after hiring for eligibility? What performance parentage? ‘Any other requirements prior to promotion? Our standard policy on habit promotion is that after 90 days if the habit does it's duty without any mistakes after a period outlined above then that habit can be promoted and a new contract made. By Signing this contract you agree to the terms outlined above and any/all additional terms or requirements are to be added via a Schedule. Violation of this agreement will be added to the "HABIT DEBT" and income tracker. By Signing this agreement the terms and conditions you agree to commit to the outlined terms above with complete devotion and commitment. By signing this you agree that you are bound by this agreement and are personally responsible and liable if you fail to fulfil the terms agreed. Sincerely, Signature: Name: Date: Notes Good flow, matchings with WHM/HSL Strength Improve bloodflow This is part of the WHM Fundamentals Increases core strength Yes, after 70 days 70 90%

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