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1)What is instanceof operator ?

Ans:- instanceof operator checks “is-a” relationship.

It returns boolean.

2) Given, in C++,
MyClass m1;
MyClass m2=m1;
And in Java,
MyClass m1=new MyClass();
MyClass m2=m1;

What is the difference?

Ans:- in C++ It means “m2” object is initialized with
“m1”. i.e. for “m2” copy constructor is called, which
is provided by compiler implicitly.

In java It means that “m2” reference is initialized

using “m1” reference, i.e. “m2” refers to the same
object “m1” refers to.

3)In Java copy constructor is not provided implicitly. Can

we provide it explicitly and if yes when exactly it will
be called?
Ans:- Yes we can provide copy constructor explicitly in
java as follows:
Suppose class name is “MyClass” then the copy
constructor would be:
MyClass(MyClass ref)
…… code for copy…

So if you say….
MyClass m1=new MyClass();
MyClass m2=new MyClass(m1);

Copy constructor would be invoked for second object.

4)How many types of inheritance allowed in java ?

Three types of inheritance: single, multilevel

and hierarchical.
5)Why “Multiple Inheritance” is not supported in Java?
Ans:- Multiple inheritance permits you to derive a
subclass from more than one direct superclass. This
poses a problem if two direct parent classes have
conflicting implementations from Grand Parent. Now
which one to follow in the child class? i.e. a famous
“Diamond Problem”!. This problem ideally can be
solved by declaring a Grand Parent class as “virtual
base” class, just to ensure that only one copy of
Grand Parent in child class object. But these all add
complications to the language and hence Multiple
Inheritance is not allowed in java.
6)Explain accessibility modifiers in java.

Accessibility Same class Sub class in Different class Sub class in Different
modifiers same package in same different class in
package package different
Private Yes No No No no
<default> Yes Yes Yes No no
Protected Yes Yes Yes Yes no
Public Yes Yes Yes Yes yes

7)What is super keyword?

Ans:- super keyword is used to access parent class
member ( member functions as well as constructors)

8)What is @Override? What does it do?

Ans:- @Override is an annotation which instructs
compiler that we are overriding a particular method
and then compiler will ensure that u follow all the
rules while overriding especially method name,
parameters are correct etc.

9)What are Overriding rules in java?

Ans:- there are 4 rules for overriding in java.
1) Arguments must be same otherwise it becomes
2) Return type of overriding can be co-variant.
3) Overriding method must be having same or more
accessibility as compare to overridden method.
4) Overriding and checked-exception rule :

a) Overriding method may not declare any checked

b) Overriding method can declare same checked
exception or its sub-type declared by overridden
c) Overriding method can not declare checked
exception not declared by overridden method.
10) What is Object class?
Ans:- Object class is the parent class of all the classes
in java.

11) What is “ClassCastException” ? What is the solution

for that?
Ans:- when u try to cast the classes out of hierarchy,
u get ClassCastException.
Soloution:- before casting check the hierarchy with
“instanceof” operator.
12) Where can we apply final keyword in java ?
Ans:- final keyword can be applied to
a) instance member
b) class variable
c) local variable
d) member function
e) class

final member must be initialized and once initialized

it can not be modified. It is also known as “compile-
time constant”.
final member function can not be overridden.
final class can not be inherited.

13) Can a class be defined a both final and abstract

Ans:- No, because final and abstract are
contradictory. i.e. abstract encourages inheritance
whereas final stops inheritance.

14) Explain “System.out.println”.

class System
public static PrintStream out;
public static InputStream in;

class PrintStream
public void print(){}
public void println(){}

println() is a non-static method of PrintStream

class, hence it has to be invoked using the reference
of PrintStream.
out is a reference of PrintStream. i.e. out.println()
out is a public static member of System class .
that’s why “System.out.println()”

15) Explain “public static void main”.

Ans:- public - so that main can be accessed from

static - so that jvm need not create the

object of class in which main function is defined.
void - main is not expected to return

String args[] - in java main should be always

ready to accept command line arguments.

16) Can we use “this” with static member ?

Ans:- No. “this” and “static” both are contradictory.
i.e. this is a reference to invoking object and static is
not at all related to object.

17) Explain static block or static initializer.

Ans:- static block
a) is used to access static members.
b) is called as soon as class gets loaded.
c) u can define more than one static block inside
the class. They will get executed in the order in
which they are defined.

17) Where have u seen an application of static

block or initializer in java?
Ans:- in JDBC. In JDBC all the drivers are java classes.
Every jdbc driver class contain static initializer or
static block. Inside this static block driver class tries
to register itself with DriverManager. Advantage of
this is that user does not need to explicitly invoke
“registerDriver” method of DriverManager. He just
has to ensure that driver class should be loaded and
everything else happens automatically.

18) What is non-static block?

Ans:- NON-STATIC BLOCK:is used for - if we have
many constructor inside a class and those
constructors need to have some common
Instead of repeating those statements in each
constructor, we place those statements in non-static

e.g counter which is incremented in each

constructor , to keep a track of number of objects

19) Can static member function access non-static data?

Ans:- No. because static member function can be
called without creating object. When object is not
created, non-static member is not allocated
20) Can non-static member function access static data?
Ans:- Yes. Because in order to invoke non-static
member function u need to create object and by
that time static members are already allocated

21) Explain constructor invocation in case of

Ans:- when u instantiate child class, child class
constructor by default invokes “no-arg” constructor
of parent class. If parent class does not have “no-
arg” constructor, then child class must invoke one of
the available constructor of parent class explicitly
( using “super”)

22) In case of inheritance, if parent class does not have

no-arg constructor, what happens ? How do u solve
the problem?
Ans:- in such case, when u try to instantiate child
class u get compile-time error.
Solution:- If parent class does not have “no-arg”
constructor, then child class must invoke one of the
available constructor of parent class explicitly ( using

23) In case of an array which variable is created

automatically? Can u modify it? If no, why?
Ans:- in java whenever u create array, u get “length”
variable by default which is nothing but size of array.
No u can’t modify it because it is final.

24) What is class Class in java ?

Ans:- In java whenever any class gets loaded, it is
represented by an instance of class Class.
All instances of a particular class share the same
Class object and you can obtain the Class object by
calling the getClass() method of the object. This method
is inherited from java.lang.Object

Suppose you create two instances of class called Person


Person A = new Person();

Person B = new Person();
if(A.getClass() == B.getClass())
System.out.println("A and B are instances of same
System.out.println("A and B are instances of
different class");

In this case it will print "A and B are instances of

same class" because they are both instance of class

25) What is the use of class “Class” in java?

Ans:- The main use of class “Class” is in case of
Reflection API , the technique to find out everything
about a particular class during runtime.

26)What does “forName() “ function do ?

Ans:- Returns the Class object associated with the
class or interface with the given string name.

27)When does class get loaded?

Ans:- a) implicitly

java MyClass


emp e=new emp(); when u create first

object of that class



Whichever is first……..

b) Explicitly

28)What is bridge method in java?
Ans:- When u override parent class method with a co-
variant return type, compiler synthesizes (implicitly
provides) additional method in child class with a
matching signature of overridden method. This method
invokes the method which we are overriding. This
synthesized method is known as “Bridge Method”.
29)Why compiler synthesizes bridge method in case
of overriding?
Ans:- suppose we have overridden a parent class
method with co-variant return type e.g.
class base
public Object disp()
System.out.println("base disp");
return null;
class sub extends base
public String disp()
System.out.println("sub disp");
return null;

Even though the above overriding is correct

according to compiler, for JVM this is not exactly an
Actually return types are also part of method signature
for JVM. So for JVM these two methods [public Object
And public String disp() ] are overloaded. To solve
this problem, compiler adds a bridge method [public
Object disp() ] in Derived class [ sub ] which calls the
method which we are overriding.
27) What are the scenarios in which we have early
binding in java?
Ans:- in case of private or static or final methods.

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