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u# PPC Prstective &

Marine Coaüngs QUALITY ITÍANAGEIiIEN? No. PCM-2*F02-008
Protective Marine Coat.ings Batch Record Card Page: 1/ 1


Product name NOVAGUARD 615I650 HRD 000001400 Article nr : 00330614

Supplied by PPG PROTECTIVE E MARINE COATINGS Batch no. : 294!"731482
Date of production: 15.10.2019 I t4.LA.2021 I Batch Si.ze; 3.000,000 Kc
.I!¡T. LIreLI¿KI¡:IL METHOD IT^M top¡er Lisrit uor}€)r i.; tllr 1r. Resui t
Densty i 5M 311-02 kgldm3 0,970 1,000 0t994
Viscosity Din4cup sM 311-11 S 35 ¿i 36
Gel time sM 314-3i min 120 180 180
A¡r,i ne sM 314-3s mg /g ?qq 3?5
Curing sM 321-20 Cons ist.ent
General appearance sM 322-29 Consi" stent

W€, PPG PMC Coatinqs Belgiurn BVBA, hereby eert.ify that this batch has been made in
accordance with the prescribed formuiat.ion and manufacturing procedure.

This certifj.cate has been made automatically by an electroni"c data processing systern
and does Lherefore not require any signature.
A reproduction of this document., even partially, wit.hout formal authorisation of PPG,
is forbidden,
É *11
lÉ ry ¡*
w# PPC Protective &
Marine Coatings QUALITY I"IANAGEMENT No. PCM-2-F02*008
Protective Marine Coati_ngs Batch Record Card Page: L/ 1


Product. name NOVAGUARD 6I5 BAS LIGHTGREY 5OO1O0216O Arti-cle nr: 00350159
Supplied by PPG PF,OTECTIVtr § MARINE COATINGS Batch no. : 294L'730237
oduction:09 0.2 19
1ÑSP. C}LqÉ.E,CTERf STIC ¡tr?tioD UoM tower timit Upper Lin-it Result
Fi-neness -70
sM 312-01- pm 50 ?0
Density sM 311-02 kqldm3 1,530 1,580 1,580
Viscosity Haake sM 311-25 dPas 50 8C {t t)

Solid content sM 310*35 z ao n 92, ü 89, C

Sag resistance §M 315*22 450 600

Col t iña sM 314-31 min 70
!g¡ !¡r(, sM 321-20 Cons i stent
Co 1 our eM ?11-Á-7 istent
General appearance sM 322-29 Consisten¡
Viscosity Flaake mixed sM 311-25 ¿ü 30 ¿5

Viscosity Haake was approl ei by R, D funsterdam

W€, PPG PMC Coalinqs Belgium BVBA, hereby certify that this batch has been made in
accordance with the prescribed formulation and manufacturing procedure.
This cerlificate has'l.en maCe aulomatically by an eLectronic data processing system
and does therefore not require any signature.
A reproduction of this document, er¡en partialiy, withóut fcrmel authorisation of PPG
is forbidden,

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