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Taiwan, New Zealand, and Sweden

Case Data & How They/We

(sadly) Handled It
Total cases: 7.64 million
in USA
oblems total deaths - 212 thousand
Most cases: Indigenous and Black Americans
Racism also left Indigenous and Black Americans
at risk due to job opportunities offered to them
Reacted slowly to COVID, & had underfunding of
hospitals. We pretty much didn't handle it. Save
the fact that we're currently at home.

Trumps Lies
When COVID first started, President Trump called it lies and a hoax
Did nothing about it, and let 200k people die
Some of his supporters only took it seriously after he said he got
Before him getting COVID came out, to the people, he actually went to
a public gathering of sorts and mingled, getting more people sick, and
the worst thing is, he knew!

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Showing a hospital not allowing Chinese people in.

arison Case Data
co 521 total cases
1st 7 deaths
3 active cases
About 90% of cases were 30-79 years of age

How They Handled It

quick to take action when the pandemic arrived i.e. border
control and face masks, as early as January
inspection of passengers coming from Wuhan (where the
pandemic started)
If someone were to spread fake news on the virus, they would
be fined $100,000 USD, and that's only some of it

arison Case Data

2nd 1,499 total confirmed cases
25 deaths
currently 40 active cases
1st case on February 28, 2020
0 cases in ages 90+
0 currently hospitalized for COVID-19
Most cases in ages 20-29 (23% of all NZ cases)
currently 0 new cases
April 2 - 76 new cases
April 17 - 2 new cases
May 5 - 0 new cases

How they Handled It

Started implementing plans in February i.e. preparing hospitals
started border control in march
7 week strict lockdown started in march
were done with COVID-19 lockdown by may (103 days)
d c
Case Data
76,000 cases
5,893 deaths in a population of 10 million
Lots of officials say that it's too early to tell if this strategy will work
Has reported 30.3 new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days
Reported a large surge on June of COVID cases

How they handled it

Encouraged social distancing, but didn't go into lockdown
Economy and mental health fared better because of this
Not a lot of people wore masks
Although they have not gone under lockdown, or are wearing masks, Sweden doesn't have a
high death rate

Taiwan, New Zealand, and had few overall cases compared to other countries,
kept the virus under control. Both countries issued border control early on. The US
did not do that, but there are still ways you can help get this virus under control.
Stay in your home as much as possible; New Zealand issued a strict lockdown
early on so the virus would not have any host cells, and would eventually die
When you do go out, only on necessary occasions, make sure you are not
getting within 6 ft. of people (try for even more), and you are wearing a mask!
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