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Lifeguard Staff Notes:

Date: August 6, 2020

Pool Location: Sunset Island Resort Ocean City, Maryland

Lifeguards On Duty: Jan Hanzel, Michael Jancik, Lexi Hayes, Tierra Watkins

Manager On Duty: Brian Plummer

Supervisor On Duty: Erin Mowbray

Patrons Involved: Cynthia, Bart, Jack (8 years old), Jason (5 years old)


● Jack and Jason were running on the pool deck, lifeguards Hanzel and Jancik responded

by yelling “WALK” from their stands

● The kids repeatedly ran, despite the lifeguard warnings, so Hanzel and Jancik sat the kids

out for a 5 minute time out (no swimming allowed during this time)

● The parents, Cynthia and Bart, approached the lifeguard stand of Michael Jancik, and

started yelling at the guard, accusing him of bullying their children

○ “How dare you speak to my children that way, they are old enough to

understand dialogue, yelling one word does nothing” -Cynthia

○ “I demand you let my children swim immediately, you have no right” -Bart

○ “Where is your boss?” -Cythnia

○ I came to the scene (Erin Mowbray) as supervisor on duty. I replaced Michael

Jancik and Jan Hazel with Tierra Watkins and Lexi Hayes, so the guards of the

incident could receive a break

○ I asked Cynthia and Bart to step inside the lifeguard break room, so I could

gather information on the situation and receive their point of view in private

■ She explained that the guards were barking orders at her kids, which she

thought was rude

■ I said I understood her frustration and that the guards were from the

Czech Republic so English is harder for them

■ She apologized and said she wasn’t aware of a language barrier, she then

went up to Jancik and Hazel and apologized to them as well.

● Incident was resolved, no charges or violence was involved

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