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A short introduction to parameter identification

with Matlab worked examples

Alain Vande Wouwer

Control Department
University of Mons
Purpose of the talk : introduction to linear and nonlinear
parameter estimation

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Purpose of the talk : introduction to linear and nonlinear
parameter estimation

Estimating a physical quantity θ requires a specific experiment

allowing for this quantity to ”express itself as much as possible”
(notion of sensitivity)
This experiment requires a system onto which inputs u(t ) are applied
(stimuli) and whose outputs y (t ) are collected (observations)
t is the explanatory variable (time for a dynamic experiment)
A model M is required to mathematically express the dependence of
ˆ M (t , θ, u)
the system response with respect to these factors =

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Purpose of the talk : introduction to linear and nonlinear
parameter estimation

Measurements y are subjected to random perturbations (intrinsic

noise  ) which in turn will generate perturbed estimated values θ̂,
even if the model is perfect
The mathematical model may not correspond exactly to the reality of
the experiment, leading to a biased estimation θ̂

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Simple bacterial growth

kS S → X
A variety of kinetic laws:
Monod law µ(S ) = µmax KMS+S
Contois law µ(S ) = µmax KM XS+S
Haldane law µ(S ) = µmax K S
2 /K
M +S +S I

For example:
" # " #
Ẋ 1 S
= µmax X
Ṡ −kS KM + S
with unknown model parameters that have to be estimated from
experimental data... how?

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Main ingredients of parameter estimation
A set of (informative !) experimental data (with experimental errors)
A model structure with a set of parameters
A distance between the experimental data and the model prediction
(which is function of the parameter values)
A minimization procedure (analytical, if feasible, or numerical)

A popular choice for the distance is the sum of squared errors.

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Model structure and parametrization

A lack of information in the data (extreme case: less data than

parameters) leads to parameter uncertainty and correlation (extreme
case: total undetermination)
A wrong model structure will lead to systematic errors in the
Overparametrization (a too large set of the degrees of freedom) will
lead to parameter uncertainty and/or overfitting (undesired
reproduction of experimental errors)

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Linear and nonlinear models
Linearity (in the parameters !!!) can be an interesting feature to ease the
parameter estimation procedure
a straight line
m(t ) = θ1 t + θ2
a polynomial in t
m(t ) = θ1 t 2 + θ2 t + θ3
a linear combination of functions
m(t ) = θ1 exp (t ) + θ2 cos (t ) + θ3 t 3 + θ4
Linearity can also be expressed through a transformation

µ(S ) = µmax
KM + S
can be transformed to

1 KM + S 1 KM 1 1
= = + = θ1 + θ2
µ(S ) µmax S µmax µmax S S
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Distance between measured data and model prediction
The most popular distance between the measured data 2(tk ) and the
model prediction m(tk , θ) is the sum of squared errors

J (θ) = (y (tk ) − m(tk , θ))2
k =1

but other distances can be used as well, for instance a weighted sum of
squared errors,

J (θ) = wk (y (tk ) − m(tk , θ))2
k =1

The weighting factors can translate the trust that the modeler has in the
data. Some common choices include wk = σ12 (probabilistic), wk = t1k
(forgetting factor).

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Distance between measured data and model prediction

Other norms (distances) can be used as well, for instance a sum of

absolute errors

J (θ) =
y (t ) − m(t , θ)
k k
k =1

This criterion emphasizes less the larger deviations (could be interesting if

there are outliers).
However, the derivative is discontinuous, so that it is harder to minimize
(and nonuniqueness of solution).

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Distance minimization
The minimization of J (θ) can be achieved in an analytical way in linear
least square problems. Otherwise it has to be achieved in a numerical way.
Potential problems are:
presence of local minima
lack of sensitivity in some parameter range

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Overall view of parameter estimation procedure

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Cost function topology

Different possible shapes of the cost function (distance)

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Sensitivity analysis and experiment design
Compute the parametric sensitivities


∂θj θ∗


and evaluate the influence of the several parameters on the measurement

outputs as well as potential links between them.
Design experiments (selection of initial conditions and/or operating
conditions) to enhance sensitivity

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Parameter estimation: an art !

Parameter estimation is a difficult task as it combines:

Informative experimental studies
Selection of a good model structure (in the following we will assume
that this choice is well made: certainly requires a good
physical/biological inspiration !)
Selection of good parameter estimation tools (the goal of this
presentation !)
Model validation (direct and cross validation)

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An example of the importance of model structure and

Identification of a kinetic model based on 11 measurements of µ for S from

0 to 500 (by steps of 50) with an additive white noise with normal
distribution, zero mean and standard deviation of 5

µ = 120
40 + S

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An example of the importance of model structure and

Identification of a kinetic model based on 11 measurements of µ for S from

0 to 500 (by steps of 50) with an additive white noise with normal
distribution, zero mean and standard deviation of 5

µ = 120
40 + S

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An example of the importance of model structure and
Different candidate model structures
1 Exact model structure (Monod law)

µ = θ1
θ2 + S
2 Same level of complexity (Tessier law)

µ = θ1 1 − e −S /θ2

3 Overparametrized model (polynomial ”black-box” model)

µ = θ1 + θ2 S + θ3 S 2 + θ4 S 3 + θ5 S 4 + θ6 S 5

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An example of the importance of model structure and

Direct Validation

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An example of the importance of model structure and

Direct Validation Cross Validation

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Parameter estimation: an art !

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