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Create a User Registration form and provide following fields

1) User Name
2) User Email
3) User Gender (Radio Button)
4) User Languages known (Check Box Group)
5) User Role (Manager, Developer, Tester use drop down)
6) User BirthDate (Use calendar control)
7) User facebook profile Url (
8) User expected Salary (shoule be +ve and greater than 15000)
9) Password
10) Confirm Password
11) Checkbox I accept Licence Terms & agreement
12) Submit Button
After click on submit button user information should be displayed on same Page.

2. Create a database Library which contain a table called as book storing information about book
as book id, book name, author, book price, publication name.Use sqldatasource to get
information about book and bind this information to gridview

3. Develop web application to validate user information using ASP .Net [validation controls]
1) Required Field Validator [Apply on all fields]
2) Range Validator [on age fied between 20 and 30]
3) Custom Validator [apply on salary must greater than 15,000]
4) Regular Expression Validator [email and email]
5) Compare Validator [apply on password and re password]

4. Develop Web Application using ASP .

The homepage contains Two Options 1)Registration 2)To display Information
Create an Employee Registrationorm which accepts Employee information

 ID
 Name
 Salary
 Experience
after clicking button save the information will be entered into SQL server Databse.
After clicking on to display information will all student information within Display Gridview.

5. Design web Application to accept and display student personal information using ASP.NET

6. Design ASP.NET application as follows 1. Web page 1 should accept login information from
the user. when user logs in successfully he should redirected to Web page 2 2. Web page 2
should prompt the user change password (old password, new password, confirm password) After
this he should redirected to Web page 3 3. In Web Pages 3 take the personal information of user
as input 4. each page should be validated using appropriate validation controls and display
appropriate messages.

7. Design the Student registration form. Read the data from user through this form and add this
in database. Display Details of all the students in GridView. create the required database in
mysql. Create this application using ASP.NET

8. Create the database to store Employee Information. Design the login page for admin, when
admin logs in successfully he should redirected to Search page which contains 2 fields to search
the employee information 1st is by employee department and 2nd is by salary < entered amount.
Display the data in GridView. Create this application using ASP.NET

9. Create the database to store Book information. Design application in ASP.NET to insert,
update, delete book information using listview or detailsview.

10. Create the database to store Student Information. Design login page for student. Authenticate
the user. after Successful login maintain the session for username and display it on every page
that user visits. when user clicks on Logout Go to Home Page and destroy all sessions. Create
this application using ASP.NET

11. Create the database to store Employee information. Design application in ASP.NET to
insert, update, delete, sort Employee information using listview or detailsview.

12. Design the Employee registration form. Read the data from user through this form and add
this in database. Display Details of all the Employee in GridView. create the required database in
mysql. Create this application using ASP.NET

13. Develop web application for registration of user using PHP with MySQL.
Form should contain following fields

1. User Full Name (required)

2. Date of birth (3 drop downs for date month and year)(dont use date control)
3. Gender (radio buttons male /female)
4. Address (textarea )
5. City(should contain characters only)
6. Pin Code (6 digit(should not start from 0))
7. Mobile (text box should be 10 digit first number should be (7-9))
8. email-id (valid email id)
9. password (minimum 4 char)
10. confirm password (should match password entered previously)
14. Develop a PHP web application to update information in MySQL
Farmer Registration

 Accept rollno /registration number and display information to user in HTML form
 [HTML form must contain : textbox, radio button, checkbox, drop down list]
 then allow users to update their details other than rollno/registration number
 if information is not present then show data not found message
 after update show message you have successfully updated your information

15. Design the Student registration form. Read the data from user through this form and add this
in database. Display Details of all the students in tabular form. create the required database in
mysql. Create this application using PHP

16. Create the database to store Employee Information. Design the login page for Emplyee,
when admin logs in successfully he should redirected to Update page where he should be able to
update the personal details. After updation display all the details of the same employee. Create
this application using PHP
17. Create the database to store Student Information. Design login page for student. Authenticate
the user. after Successful login maintain the session for username and display it on every page
that user visits. when user clicks on Logout Go to Home Page and destroy all sessions. Create
this application using PHP

18. Develop a PHP web application to update information in MySql

Election Form

 Accept rollno /registration number and display information to user in HTML form
 [HTML form must contain : textbox, radio button, checkbox, drop down list]
 then allow users to update their details other than rollno/registration number
 if information is not present then show data not found message
 after update show message you have successfully updated your information

19. create a user login form which will accept user email and password and compare with the
information stored in the database. if form information matches with the information from
database, redirect the user to his profile page. also initialize session value of user to users email
id. on profile page provide logout link once user clicks on the logout link session will be

User profile page will be only accessible once the session is set else it should display error
20. Develop a PHP web application to update information in MySql
Student Registration

 Accept rollno /registration number and display information to user in HTML form
 [HTML form must contain : textbox, radio button, checkbox, drop down list]
 then allow users to update their details other than rollno/registration number
 if information is not present then show data not found message
 after update show message you have successfully updated your information

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