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Elma P.


The Pandora Effect: The Power and Peril of Curiosity

(Christopher K. Hsee, Bowen Ruan)

This article tackles about curiosity as what mentioned, curiosity might kill the cat, but it looks like it
could kill humans too. Curiosity killed the cat. Truly if a greater fallacy were ever spoken, I have yet to
hear it. Many things could be responsible for the death of a feline, but certainly a want for
understanding is not among them. In fact if it weren’t for curiosity, humans would still be living in cold,
dark caves, dragging our knuckles and grunting at one another. Curiosity is the foundation of all
learning. Without a desire to comprehend the extent of our existence there would be no point to
education and everyone would live in the realm of another common cliche, “ignorance is bliss.”

Curiosity leads a far path in life, and do not know what contribution it can make in your life. However,
today, curiosity led me to who I am today, and how I achieve many difficulties in my life. Simply
wanting to keep myself away from boredom led to a lesson that is remembered today in my everyday

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