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© 1983 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 0162-0886/83/0502-0010$02.00

Infections Caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Gerald P. Bodey, Ricardo Bolivar, From the Department of Developmental Therapeutics,

Victor Fainstein, and Leena Jadeja Section of Infectious Diseases, The University of Texas
System Cancer Center, M. D. Anderson Hospital
and Tumor Institute, Houston, Texas

Pseudomonas aeruginosa has emerged as an important pathogen during the past two
decades. It causes between 10070 and 20070 of infections in most hospitals. Pseudomonas
infection is especially prevalent among patients with burn wounds, cystic fibrosis, acute
leukemia, organ transplants, and intravenous-drug addiction. P. aeruginosa is a com-
mon nosocomial contaminant, and epidemics have been traced to many items in the
hospital environment. Patients who are hospitalized for extended periods are frequently

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colonized by this organism and are at increased risk of developing infection. The most
serious infections include malignant external otitis, endophthalmitis, endocarditis, men-
ingitis, pneumonia, and septicemia. The likelihood of recovery from pseudomonas
infection is related to the severity of the patient's underlying disease process. The intro-
duction of the antipseudomonal aminoglycosides and penicillins has improved substan-
tially the prognosis of these infections. Ticarcillin and carbenicillin have been especially
beneficial in neutropenic patients; however, prompt institution of therapy is mandatory
for optimal benefit. Many new drugs with antipseudomonal activity, including penicil-
lins, cephalosporins, and other ~-lactams, have been introduced in recent years and of-
fer the potential for new approaches to therapy for these infections.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa was first isolated by pathogen recovered from patients who have been
Gessard in 1882 and first recognized as a pathogen hospitalized for more than a week. It is also an im-
by Charrin in 1890. The first cases in which the or- portant cause of infection following battlefield in-
ganism was cultured from blood specimens of in- juries. Other species of Pseudomonas are also
fected patients during life were reported in 1896 becoming increasingly important as causes of in-
and 1899 [1]. Pseudomonas infections occurred fection, especially in compromised hosts, but this
infrequently until after the introduction of the sul- review will be limited to infections due to P. aeru-
fonamides and penicillin. Presently, P. aeruginosa ginosa.
causes only 3%-6070 of community-acquired infec-
tions. However, in a survey of community hospi-
Epidemiologic Features of P. aeruginosa
tals, this organism was found to have caused 343
infections per 100,000 discharged patients, or A considerable body of literature has accumulated
f\.J12OJo of all reported infections. In the hospital on the epidemiologic characteristics of P. aerugi-
surveillance program of the Center for Disease nasa. This organism lends itself to epidemiologic
Control, 10010 of urinary tract infections, 9010 of studies because it is recovered only infrequently
surgical wound infections, 17010 of lower respi- from the endogenous microbial flora of healthy
ratory tract infections, and 11% of bacteremias individuals. Only 4%-12070 of the normal popu-
were reportedly caused by P. aeruginosa [2]. This lation are fecal carriers of P. aeruginosa. The
organism has become an important pathogen organism is a readily recognizable nosocomial
among debilitated, burned, and immunocom- pathogen, yet it is seldom cultured from home en-
promised individuals. It is the most common vironments. It is capable of causing epidemics of
infection among susceptible hospitalized patients.
This paper was originally presented at a symposium entitled In epidemiologic studies, biotyping, antibiograms,
"Infectious Diseases Update: 1982," funded by an educational pyocin typing, serotyping, and bacteriophage typ-
grant from Beecham Laboratories, Bristol, Tennessee, and ing have been utilized for identification of individ-
held in Houston, Texas, on February 25, 1982.
Please address requests for reprints to Dr. Gerald P. Bodey,
ual strains. An analysis of the merits of various
M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, 6723 Bertner, typing methods is beyond the scope of this review.
Houston, Texas 77030. In one study, P. aeruginosa was cultured from

280 Bodeyet al.

the feces of 24070 of 108 surgical patients when Table 1. Relation between the Pseudomonas aeruginosa
they were first admitted to the hospital [3]. An ad- carrier state and pseudomonas infection.
ditional 17070 of patients acquired the organism Total
during hospitalization. The carrier rate was 31% no. of Percentage
among patients who received antibiotics but only Status of patients patients infected
11 % among patients who did not. Only 6% of the Carriers 47 26
hospital staff were fecal carriers of P. aeruginosa. Noncarriers 40 13
In another survey of surgical patients, only 25070 Carriers for >500;0 of hospitalization 18 50
Carriers for <25% of hospitalization 17 12
of patients hospitalized for less than 10 days were
colonized, whereas 43 % of patients hospitalized
for more than 15 days were carriers of the orga- of the former group of patients and in 15 (68%) of
nism [4]. Sites of colonization (in descending the latter.
order of frequency) were stool, urine, groin, Pseudomonas aeruginosa thrives in a moist en-

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throat, and nose. Burned patients appeared to ac- vironment. It has survived in water at ru37 C for
quire P. aeruginosa in their stools initially and 300 days. In one study this organism was cultured
then to experience colonization of their burn from distilled water, with a growth of 102-10 7 or-
wounds. ganisms within 48 hr [8], and in another it was cul-
In a study by Schimpff et al. [5], specimens for tured from mop water used to clean a burn unit
surveillance cultures of rectum, urine, gingiva, ax- for up to eight weeks after the unit was closed [9].
illa, and nose were obtained twice weekly from Contaminated eschar from this unit contained 3
190 patients with cancer. Overall, P. aeruginosa x 106 organisms/em? at eight weeks. Many disin-
was cultured from at least one site in 30070 of the fectants and bacteriostatic agents are ineffective
patients. The colonization rate was highest among against P. aeruginosa, including 0.25 % acetic
patients with acute leukemia and other marrow acid, phenolic disinfectants, chlorhexidine, and
diseases. The frequency of pseudomonas septi- isopropyl alcohol. Epidemics of pseudomonas in-
cemia was 21070 among patients who were colo- fection have occurred in nurseries for newborns,
nized but only 7% among patients who were not leukemia services, burn wards, orthopedic and
colonized. Of the patients who were colonized, 29 urologic units, and intensive-care units. The orga-
had neutropenia « 1,000 neutrophils/rnm") and 28 nism has been cultured from faucets, sink drains,
did not; Pseudomonas septicemia occurred in water pitchers, suction apparatuses, and respira-
42% of the former group but in none of the latter. tors. Pulmonary infections have been traced to
Pseudomonas septicemia developed in 32% of pa- contaminated nebulizers and humidifiers. Oph-
tients who received antibiotics but in only 10% of thalmic solutions of fluorescein and boric acid
patients who did not. have introduced infection in corneal ulcers. Hydro-
In a survey of 87 patients hospitalized for treat- therapy tanks have spread infection among burned
ment of leukemia, P. aeruginosa was isolated patients. Recognition of these potential sources of
from throat or stool specimens of 25% of patients contamination has led to more careful attention to
on admission and from 47% after two to four sterilization and has eliminated them as major
weeks of hospitalization [6]. Of the 47 colonized vehicles for spread of infection.
patients, 26% developed pseudomonas infection; In one study P. aeruginosa was cultured from
in contrast, 13070 of the 40 patients who were not tomatoes, radishes, celery, carrots, cabbage, cu-
carriers developed pseudomonas infection (table cumbers, endive, onions, and lettuce delivered to
1). Infection occurred in 50070 of patients who hospital kitchens [10]. About 80070 of tomatoes
were colonized for more than 50070 of their hospi- were contaminated, and it was estimated that a pa-
talization but in only 12070 of patients who were tient eating an average portion of tomato salad
colonized for less than 25% of their hospitaliza- could ingest 5 x 103 P. aeruginosa organisms. The
tion. In another survey of 48 patients with acute importance of this observation is unclear. Studies
leukemia, nine patients (19070) were colonized by of the intentional ingestion of P. aeruginosa dem-
P. aeruginosa when first admitted to the hospital, onstrated that organisms were not detectable in
and 22 (46070) became colonized in the hospital [7]. the feces after ingestion of <10 4 organisms. P. ae-
Pseudomonas infection occurred in seven (78070) ruginosa was regularly cultured only after inges-
P. aeruginosa Infections 281

tion of >10 6 organisms; the organisms gradually Table 2. Conditions predisposing to pseudomonas
decreased in number and finally disappeared after infection.
six days. However, the selective pressure of anti- Most prevalent type(s) of
biotic administration could facilitate continued Condition infection
colonization. Diabetes Malignant otitis externa
The longer a patient remains in the hospital, the Drug addiction Endocarditis, osteomyelitis
greater is the likelihood of colonization by P. ae- Leukemia Septicemia, typhlitis
ruginosa. The risk of infection is substantially Cancer Pneumonia, septicemia
Burn wound Cellulitis, septicemia
greater among colonized patients, especially if Pneumonia
Cystic fibrosis
they have some defect in host defense mechanisms. Surgery involving central Meningitis
For example, the oropharynx of hospitalized pa- nervous system
tients is readily colonized by gram-negative bacilli. Tracheostomy Pneumonia
Neonatal period Diarrhea

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If a patient requires a tracheostomy, he or she will
Corneal ulcer Panophthalmitis
run a high risk of developing pneumonia. P. aeru- Suppurative thrombophlebitis
Vascular catheterization
ginosa is one of the organisms that frequently Urinary catheterization Urinary tract infection
cause pneumonia in patients who have tracheos-
tomies and are using respirators.
The relation between oropharyngeal coloniza- cancer who developed pseudomonas septicemia,
tion and infection was illustrated by a study of 213 81070 had an absolute neutrophil count of
patients admitted to a medical intensive-care unit <l,OOO/mm\ and 36070 had a count of <lOO/mm 3
[11]. Forty-five percent of those patients became [12]. However, pseudomonas infections are be-
colonized with gram-negative bacilli, 22070 on the coming increasingly frequent among nonneutro-
first day in the unit. Among the patients at high penic patients with cancer, presumably because of
risk of colonization were those with respiratory the selective pressures of extensive antibiotic usage
disease and those with leukopenia. Of the 95 pa- in cancer hospitals.
tients who were colonized, 23070 developed noso-
comial respiratory infections, whereas only 3070 of
Host Defenses and Pseudomonas Infection
the 118 patients who were not colonized developed
infections. Although P. aeruginosa was not the In order to understand the pathogenicity of P. ae-
most common colonizing organism, it was cultured ruginosa, it is important to recognize its complex
from 32070 of the colonized patients. The environ- cellular structure. P. aeruginosa, like most other
mental sources of the organism could not be iden- gram-negative bacteria, has a cell-envelope struc-
tified. ture consisting of an outer membrane, a peptido-
Certain populations of patients are especially glycan layer, and an inner cytoplasmic membrane.
susceptible to pseudomonas infections. Some of The outermost layer is a polysaccharide layer des-
these populations and their most prevalent infec- ignated as slime. Each component of the organism
tions are listed in table 2. A common factor has virulent properties (with a wide range of
among many of these patients is an interruption of potency) and has different effects on host defense
the natural barriers that protect against invasion mechanisms. The cell envelope, for instance, is of
by bacteria. For example, in both the patient with paramount importance in the persistence and
a corneal ulcer and the burned patient, disruption growth of this organism at sites of infection. Some
of the epithelial surface permits the denuded area components of the cell envelope control adhesion
to be colonized by P. aeruginosa. Subsequent in- and microcolony formation, while others control
vasion of tissues can result in devastating infec- the passage of nutrients and the exclusion of
tion. The insertion of devices into blood vessels, humoral and synthetic antibacterial agents from
the urethra, or the meninges facilitates the es- the bacterial cell. The most important extracellu-
tablishment of infection. Patients with acute leu- lar and intracellular virulence factors are listed in
kemia or cancer are frequently neutropenic as a table 3 [13].
result of their disease or related therapy. Neutro- Exotoxins. Although the pathogenesis of
penic patients are especially susceptible to pseudo- P. aeruginosa had been ascribed to endotoxin (the
monas infections. In one series of 67 patients with lipopolysaccharide, or LPS, components of the cell
282 Bodey et al.

Table 3. Virulence factors of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. highly purified P. aeruginosa proteases [18]. In-
Category, factor Biologic effect(s) traalveolar hemorrhage, injury and necrosis of
alveolar septal cells, and infiltration of mononu-
clear cells- all of which occur during pseudomo-
Proteases Tissue invasion, cellular damage,
decreased complement- nas pneumonia in humans - were elicited in this
mediated defense mechanisms animal model.
Exotoxin A Cellular damage, toxicity for Pigments. P. aeruginosa produces a variety of
macrophages pigments such as chloraphin, pyomelanin,
Phospholipase Destruction of pulmonary
pyorubin, and pyocyanin [19]. These pigments,
Cellular particularly the phenazines, have been implicated
Pili Adherence to epithelial cells in pathogenicity [20]. The active fraction of an ex-
Slime polysaccharide Toxicity for neutrophils, endo- tract, "pyocyanase," has been determined to be
toxin-like effects alpha oxyphenazine, which has antibacterial pro-

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Mucoid polysaccharide Antiphagocytic effects, de-
perties [15]. It has been postulated that pyo-
creased pulmonary clearance
Lipopolysaccharide Possible antiphagocytic effects cyanins suppress the growth of other bacteria,
"0" antigen thus facilitating colonization by P. aeruginosa.
Lipid A Endotoxic effects Phospholipase and glycolipids. Phospholipase
NOTE. Data are from [13]. is a heat-labile substance that liberates phospho-
rylcholine from lecithin and may playa significant
role in the pathogenesis of pseudomonas pneu-
wall), recent evidence indicates that an exotoxin is monia. The mechanism of pathogenesis is related
actually the most toxic component. In vitro to the destruction of pulmonary surfactant (the
studies of a nonproteolytic strain of P. aeruginosa major component of which is lecithin), resulting in
identified exotoxin A, a protein with a molecular atelectasis. Also, the phospholipase of P. aerugi-
weight of ~5 X 104 that was 20,000 times as toxic nosa causes necrosis of pulmonary tissues. The
as the endotoxin in experiments with animals [14, glycolipid of P. aeruginosa appears to enhance the
15]. When exotoxin A was injected into mice, it activity of the phospholipase by acting as a deter-
produced tissue necrosis and neutropenia. Dogs gent and solubilizing phospholipids [21].
that received an iv injection of the toxin died in Cellular factors. Pili are structures that enable
shock [16]. Exotoxin A also inhibits protein syn- an organism to adhere to surfaces and that may
thesis by interfering with polypeptide transloca- playa role in conjugation and function as recep-
tion on messenger RNA. This effect is similar to tors for RNA and DNA bacteriophages [22].
the action of diphtheria toxin, but the two toxins Heat-labile antigens are part of the pili (as well as
have different cell receptors and are structurally of flagella), and along with the somatic antigens
dissimilar. form the basis of a serologic classification of
Pro teases. Proteases are important extracellu- P. aeruginosa [23].
lar proteolytic enzymes produced by P. aerugino- Another important component, the slime layer,
sa; they liquefy gelatin, dissolve elastin and fibrin, is located in the outermost part of the cell and is
and destroy collagen. When injected into the skin composed of polysaccharide, nucleic acids (both
of animals, the proteases induce hemorrhagic le- RNA and DNA), hyaluronic acid, lipid, and pro-
sions and necrosis similar to the ecthyma gangre- tein [24]. The slime polysaccharide from strains of
nosum noted in human infection. In contrast, the P. aeruginosa recovered from children with cystic
inoculation of exotoxin A produces bland necrosis fibrosis has been shown to be similar to the alginic
and reactive erythema but not hemorrhage. Thus, acid usually found in brown seaweed [25]. The
the hemorrhagic component seems to be a feature polysaccharide of bacteria cultured from patients
of protease activity. Hemorrhages into internal with cystic fibrosis is a copolymer of mannuronic
organs, particularly the lungs, during pseudomo- acid and glucuronic acid [26]. Some components
nas infection are probably triggered by proteases of the slime, such as glycolipoprotein, have been
[17]. Using light and electron microscopy, a recent purified. The response to ip injection of the
study characterized the pulmonary lesions induced purified glycolipoprotein of P. aeruginosa was
in rabbits by the intratracheal administration of similar to that to lethal infection caused by viable
P. aeruginosa Infections 283

bacilli [27]. Type-specific protection was noted vated in patients with nonbacteremic infections
with passive and active immunization. The toxici- (17.1 jJg/ml) and in patients who were only col-
ty of slime varies greatly and probably reflects the onized (16.7 jJg/ml). Antibody levels were high in
presence of exotoxin [28]. Also, antiphagocytic septicemic patients who survived (25.8 ug/rnl),
activity in vitro can be detected in the alginic whereas levels were low in septicemic patients who
acid-like mucoid expolysaccharide [29]. A compo- died (4.6 IAg/m1); this observation indicates that
nent that may have structural importance in main- the antibody response to exotoxin A correlates
taining the integrity of the membrane as well as with the type and outcome of pseudomonas infec-
immunologic significance is the outer-membrane tion.
protein-LPS complex. The attribution of im- Phagocytic antibody to the polysaccharide side-
munologic significance to LPS derives from the chain serotype-specific determinant is also impor-
observation that opsonizing antibody LPS from a tant in host defense against P. aeruginosa. Pa-

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strain of a given immunotype aids in the tients with pseudomonas bacteremia have a good
phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa of that im- prognosis if they develop opsonizing antibodies,
munotype by neutrophils [30]. The endotoxic pro- whereas the outcome is poor in the absence of
perties of LPS are elicited by the lipid A compo- these antibodies [34].
nent. Because of differences in the composition of The resistance to phagocytosis conferred by
its lipid A moiety, the LPS of P. aeruginosa ap- heat-stable somatic antigens of P. aeruginosa is
pears to be a less potent endotoxin than the LPS neutralized by serum containing specific an-
of other gram-negative bacilli [31]. tibodies [30]. In one study heat-stable opsonic ac-
Humoral immunity. Once mechanical barriers tivity against P. aeruginosa was measured in the
have been breached, P. aeruginosa becomes in- sera of 33 children with acute lymphoblastic
vasive and causes severe damage to tissues and leukemia at various times during treatment of
blood vessels. The organism's proteolytic enzymes their disease [35]. Compared with that in adults,
contribute to its invasiveness. Some evidence in- opsonization was normal in children tested at the
dicates that the production of antibody to time of diagnosis and before chemotherapy. Im-
bacterial cell components and toxins in infection mediately .after the achievement of remission, the
correlates with survival. For instance, titers of level of opsonic activity decreased significantly
serum antibodies to type-specific polysaccharide compared with pretreatment levels. Activity usual-
and to exotoxin A were measured in 52 patients ly returned to normal and remained so during
with P. aeruginosa septicemia [32]. A high an- long-term remission maintenance therapy. The
titoxin titer correlated with survival; 76ltfo of 17 authors of this study concluded that the decline in
patients with high antitoxin titers survived, levels of specific anti pseudomonas factors in se-
whereas only 46% of 24 patients with low antitox- rum may contribute to the increased incidence of
in titers survived. A protective effect of antibody serious and fatal infection in children with acute
to the polysaccharide was also noted; 85ltfo of 13 lymphoblastic leukemia.
patients with high titers and 48ltfo of 29 patients Immunization against gram-negative infection,
with low titers survived. The protection afforded including that with P. aeruginosa, has been at-
by the two antibodies appears to be independent tempted by the use of "core" glycolipid antigens.
and additive. In the group of patients studied, a These antigens, consisting of 2-keto-3-deoxyocto-
significant antibody response occurred despite a nate linked to lipid A, are shared by Enterobac-
rapidly fatal underlying disease, leukopenia, teriaceae and non-lactose fermenters such as
steroid administration, or immunosuppressive P. aeruginosa [36]. Antibodies to the core glyco-
drug therapy. lipid have been associated with protection against
A later study confirmed that the production of the sequelae of gram-negative bacteremia. For in-
antibody to exotoxin A correlated with survival stance, immunization with core vaccine or passive
after infection [33]. Mean antibody concentra- immunization with core antiserum has consistent-
tions were low in normal individuals (2.6 jJg/ml) ly protected rabbits against infection by a wide
and in patients infected with strains of P. aerugi- range of heterologous gram-negative bacteria, in-
nosa that did not produce this toxin (0.67 jJg/ml). cluding P. aeruginosa. The rate of survival among
Antibody concentrations were moderately ele- experimental animals with pseudomonas bacte-
284 Bodeyet al.

remia rises from 130/0 to 920/0 (P < 0.0005) after in the phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa. The presence
vaccination with the core antigen [37]. The mecha- of serum factors may be critical for the mainte-
nism of protection against P. aeruginosa by anti- nance of natural resistance to pseudomonas infec-
sera to core antigens is not totally clear but ap- tion. For instance, low properdin levels have been
pears to be related largely to antitoxic properties reported in patients with burns and cancer [42,
that prevent the hemodynamic events associated 43], and both of these populations are especially
with bacteremia. In one study, for example, the susceptible to pseudomonas infection.
administration of J5 human antiserum (i.e., core Phagocytosis of P. aeruginosa by pulmonary
glycolipid antiserum derived from the J5 mutant alveolar macrophages also appears to be mediated
of Escherichia coli 0111) to severely ill bacteremic by the complement system. Extracellular bacterial
patients increased the recovery rate of patients in products may interfere with several host-defense
shock from 290/0 to 820/0 [38]. The protective ef- mechanisms by their action on the complement

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fect of J5 vaccine has not been observed by all in- system. For example, one of the proteases of
vestigators. In a recent study animals were immu- P. aeruginosa, elastase, is highly destructive to
nized with heptavalent P. aeruginosa vaccine or J5 several complement components and inhibits
vaccine prior to the induction of experimental phagocytosis of bacteria opsonized with C3 [44].
pseudomonas pneumonia [39]. The survival rate The activation of the terminal components of
was compared with that among control animals the complement system is critical for the
that received only saline. Survival rates were 15070 bactericidal function of serum. The importance of
among controls, 81% among animals receiving serum bactericidal activity in defense of the host
pseudomonas vaccine, and 42% among animals against P. aeruginosa is unclear. In one study 91 %
receiving the J5 vaccine. In this study it was also of isolates from blood cultures were serum resis-
determined that circulating opsonins against het- tant; however, the majority of saprophytic isolates
erologous (P. aeruginosa) or homologous (E. cob) were also serum resistant [34]. In a model of
bacteria were not present and that alveolar macro- bacteremia in neutropenic rats, the difference in
phages were not activated. Hence, only weak the virulence of various strains of P. aeruginosa
cross-protection was observed in the recipients of could not be correlated with the bactericidal ac-
the J5 vaccine. This study also suggested that hu- tivity of the animals' serum [45]. The different
moral mechanisms of protection against bactere- methods used in determining serum sensitivity,
mia due to heterologous bacteria may be less im- however, may give variable results, and this varia-
portant in pulmonary infections. tion could account for the lack of correlation
Complement. This complex system of serum with virulence [46].
proteins is fundamental in host defense against in- Cell-mediated immunity. The role of cell-
fection. Activation of complement is often in- mediated immunity to P. aeruginosa has been less
itiated by immunoglobulins and proceeds via the extensively studied than other immune functions.
sequential interaction of components of the classic Some observations suggest that cell-mediated im-
or alternative pathways. Both of these pathways munity may be an important host-defense
can be involved in the opsonization of P. aerugi- mechanism [47]. For instance, in patients with
nosa. Although some strains can be opsonized by cystic fibrosis, lymphocyte proliferation in re-
complement in the absence of antibodies, anti- sponse to P. aeruginosa but not in response to
bodies appear to initiate the complement-medi- other bacterial or T-cell mitogens was significantly
ated opsonization of most strains [40]. The factors depressed [48]. Since T-cell cooperation is essen-
in normal human serum that are required for pha- tial for many B-cell responses and T cells may thus
gocytosis and killing of P. aeruginosa by human be involved in continued humoral immunity, any
polymorphonuclear leukocytes have been identi- T-cell dysfunction could potentially compromise
fied; proactivator of the third component of com- the overall immune status of the host. In animals
plement, properdin, and "natural" IgG antibodies infected with cytomegalovirus, which causes
are essential [41]. The addition of "immune" IgG depression of cell-mediated immunity, the viru-
to the system eliminates the requirement for pro- lence of P. aeruginosa is enhanced [49]. Cell-medi-
perdin. These observations suggest that two mech- ated immunity to P. aeruginosa can be intrinsical-
anisms of complement activation can be involved ly impaired not only by a concomitant infection
P. aeruginosa Injections 285

but also by P. aeruginosa itself. When immunity recovered from patients with bacteremia. Ninety-
to Listeria and delayed-type hypersensitivity to one percent of these isolates were serum resistant
sheep erythrocytes were used as parameters to de- and were not killed by autologous convalescent-
termine the effects of P. aeruginosa on T-cell-me- phase serum containing high titers of antibody.
diated responses in mice [50], the results indicated However, when the serum was combined with nor-
that P. aeruginosa infection changes macrophage mal polymorphonuclear leukocytes, a 10- to
and T'-lymphocyte activities and results in the de- 100-fold increase in the killing of bacteria was pro-
velopment of suppressor cells, with depression of moted [34].
cell-mediated immunity as a consequence. Pa- The efficacy of the bactericidal activity of
tients with diseases characterized by impaired cell- granulocytes against P. aeruginosa varies with the
mediated immunity, such as Hodgkin's disease, strain. Studies in burned animals infected with dif-
are not highly susceptible to P. aeruginosa infec- ferent strains showed that mortality was lowest in

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tions; this fact suggests that the most important animals infected with strains that were most
host-defense mechanism is antibody-mediated im- susceptible to the bactericidal activity of granulo-
munity. The data just presented suggest, however, cytes [54]. Also, defects in the chemotactic func-
that in specific disease entities such as advanced tion of granulocytes have been described in patients
cystic fibrosis, in which the antibody titer is who are prone to serious pseudomonas infections.
already high, one of the factors contributing to For instance, a decreased chemotactic index was
infection could be specifically defective cell-medi- shown in burned patients [55]; in this study, mor-
ated immunity to P. aeruginosa. Also, P. aerugi- tality was higher among patients with a low che-
nosa infections with secondary depression of cell- motactic index than among those with a high che-
mediated immunity may enhance the severity of motactic index.
the process by interfering with T- and B-cell inter- In addition to neutrophils, monocytes and
action. In general, cell-mediated immunity as a macrophages play an important role in host
factor in host resistance to P. aeruginosa has been defense against pseudomonas infection. Active
largely unexplored, and evidence for a potential immunization with LPS protects dogs after iv
role in host defense is limited. challenge with P. aeruginosa, even in the presence
Phagocytic cells. Granulocytopenia is one of of granulocytopenia; this protection has been at-
the most important factors predisposing patients tributed to type-specific immunity mediated by the
with malignancy to pseudomonas infection. The reticuloendothelial system [56]. Pulmonary mac-
role of granulocytes was evaluated in an experi- rophages are particularly important in pulmonary
mental model of pseudomonas pneumonia in host defense [47]. In vitro experiments have shown
granulocytopenic dogs [51]. Therapy with granu- that the rate of phagocytosis and intracellular kill-
locyte transfusions was associated with a 27070 rate ing of P. aeruginosa by alveolar macrophages
of long-term survival; the rate was even higher if from normal rabbits is reduced in the presence of
significant levels of antibody were present. In ad- serum from patients with cystic fibrosis [57]. Not
dition to a quantitative defect, granulocytes may only inhibitory factors from the host but also bac-
exhibit functional abnormalities such as that seen terial products can affect macrophages. For exam-
in patients with leukemia, or abnormalities may ple, human peripheral macrophages exposed to
result from interaction with bacterial products or exotoxin A show morphologic evidence of cell
serum factors. For instance, slime glycolipopro- death and inhibition of PH] thymidine uptake
tein is toxic to granulocytes, and this effect is re- [58]. The CPE of exotoxin on these cells may be a
versible by antibodies to its substance [27]. Also of significant factor in the pathogenesis of pseudo-
interest is a recent in vitro observation of abnor- monas infection.
mal phagocytosis and intracellular killing by pha- The complex structure of P. aeruginosa and the
gocytic cells from patients with cystic fibrosis [52]. presence of multiple virulence factors represent a
The blocking of bactericidal activity by IgG anti- challenge to the host's immune mechanisms. An
bodies has also been demonstrated in patients with effective defense against P. aeruginosa depends
chronic pseudomonas infections [53]. upon the integrated functions of the epithelial cell
The importance of phagocytic cells has been barrier, antibodies, the complement system,
established by the study of P. aeruginosa isolates phagocytic cells, and lymphocytes. These host fac-
286 Bodeyet 01.

neum. The use of topical antibiotics without an-

tipseudomonal activity may facilitate the
establishment of this infection. Pseudomonas
pyoderma is a purulent infection of the skin
characterized by a bluish-green exudate with a
characteristic grape odor. The border of the lesion
appears macerated and eroded. This infection
arises in patients with eczema, tinea pedis, and
bedsores. Pseudomonas cellulitis usually presents
as an erythematous area with a violaceous center.
It may be associated with fluctuant or nonfluc-
tuant subcutaneous nodules. The infection may be

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deep-seated, with large amounts of pus dissecting
into the muscle. Such extensive infection requires
surgical drainage in addition to antibiotic therapy.
Ecthyma gangrenosum is a characteristic skin
lesion that is nearly always caused by P. aerugino-
sa (figure 1). Rarely, other organisms such as
Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas hydrophila,
Serratia marcescens, Aspergillus species, or Mu-
cor species may cause ecthyma gangrenosum. The
lesion begins as an area of erythema and edema
and progresses to a hemorrhagic bluish bulla that
ruptures. The typical lesion consists of a bluish to
blackish central area of necrosis surrounded by an
Figure 1. Ecthyma gangrenosum caused by Pseudo- erythematous halo. This process evolves rapidly
monas aeruginosa in the groin of a patient with acute
leukemia. over 12-24 hr. The lesions are usually found in the
axilla, groin, or perianal areas but may occur any-
where, including on the lip and the tongue. Some
tors result in interference with bacterial growth, patients develop numerous large lesions, with ex-
promote phagocytosis and bacterial killing, and tensive tissue damage (figure 2). The pathological
inhibit the toxic properties of certain bacterial hallmark is a vasculitis without thrombosis; often
components. there is a paucity of neutrophils at the site of infec-
tion. Bacilli are found in the media and adventitia
but usually not in the intima of the vessel [60]. In
Important Sites of Pseudomonas Infection
general, this lesion is indicative of pseudomonas
Skin. Normal dry skin does not support the septicemia, but the organism is not always cul-
growth of P. aeruginosa, but the organism tured from the blood of infected patients. P. aeru-
flourishes on moist skin. Hence, superficial skin ginosa is cultured from the ecthyma. Experimental
infections occur more often in tropical and sub- evidence suggests that this lesion may arise from
tropical climates. Several dermatologic syndromes local invasion of the skin or from hematogenous
caused by this organism have been described [59]. dissemination.
The "green nail" syndrome occurs in individuals Several other skin lesions have been described in
whose hands are frequently submerged in water. association with pseudomonas septicemia. Painful
This condition is actually a paronychial infection; vesicular lesions that tend to occur in clusters have
pseudomonal pigments diffuse into the nail plate, been reported [61]. These small blebs or vesicles
causing discoloration. The color usually persists have an erythematous base and contain opalescent
for months after effective therapy. Toe web infec- fluid from which the organism is cultured. Small
tion occurs primarily in hot, humid climates. The pink maculopapular plaques or nodules arising on
toe web has a thick whitish or greenish exudation the trunk have also been described in patients with
due to scaling or maceration of the stratum cor- pseudomonas septicemia. Occasional patients
P. aeruginosa Infections 287

develop multiple small embolic-type lesions in the

absence of endocarditis. Multiple painful sub-
cutaneous nodules may arise in patients with sep-
ticemia. The overlying skin may appear
erythematous or unremarkable, but the infected
area is extremely tender. These lesions may require
surgical drainage in addition to antibiotic therapy.
Burn wounds. P. aeruginosa emerged as a ma-
jor cause of burn wound sepsis after the introduc-
tion of effective antistaphylococal therapy. The
organism is seldom recovered from the burn dur-
ing the first 24 hr after thermal injury, but
Figure 2. Multiple hemorrhagic lesions due to Pseu-

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thereafter the rate of colonization increases rapid-
domonas aeruginosa.
ly; P. aeruginosa is cultured from the wounds of
70070 of patients by the third week [62]. Prior to
the use of effective prophylactic measures, burns on <60070 of the body. The frequency with
60%-70070 of episodes of septicemia were caused which burn-wound sepsis causes death in burned
by P. aeruginosa and the fatality rate was (\)60070 patients has decreased from 59070 to 10070 since the
[63]. At the Brooke Army Medical Center (San introduction of these agents [64].
Antonio, TX), 75070 of deaths following thermal Eyes, ears, nose, and throat. P. aeruginosa is
injury were due to septicemia, and P. aeruginosa capable of causing both minor and serious infec-
was the infecting organism in 77070-90% of cases tions of the head and neck area. Rarely, this
[64]. organism causes primary conjunctivitis, dacryo-
Invasive burn-wound sepsis is defined as cystitis, or orbital cellulitis. Orbital cellulitis is pri-
bacterial proliferation of 105 organism/g of tissue, marily a disease of children and is often associated
with involvement of subjacent unburned tissue with ethmoid sinusitis. Blepharoconjunctivitis oc-
[65]. Important variables affecting prognosis in- curs occasionally in patients with cancer who are
clude the extent and severity of the burn, the experiencing myelosuppression due to chemother-
number of viable organisms in the eschar, the apy [66]. The infection may be unilateral or
amount of circulating antibody to Pseudomonas, bilateral, and the upper and lower eyelids and sur-
and the number and functional capacity of cir- rounding structures characteristically have a
culating neutrophils. Burned patients are also at purplish hemorrhagic appearance. The patient
risk of developing pseudomonas pneumonia, sup- usually has associated septicemia, and the orbital
purative thrombophlebitis, and eye infections. infection probably arises from hematogenous dis-
Pseudomonas burn-wound sepsis results in semination. This condition must be recognized
hypotension, oliguria, hypothermia, ileus, and promptly and treated appropriately if progression
leukopenia. The burn-wound granulation tissue to panophthalmitis (figure 3) is to be prevented.
degenerates, with focal hemorrhage and produc- Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most common
tion of greenish pyocyanine pigment. The wound gram-negative bacillus infecting corneal ulcers. By
margin is outlined with a violaceous to black dis- 1965, about 100 cases of such infection had been
coloration. Hemorrhage and necrosis occur below reported in the world literature [67]. Classically,
the wound surface as a result of vasculitis, and the the infection progresses rapidly, producing
lesions of ecthyma gangrenosum may appear else- greenish pus and a hypopyon. If not treated ap-
where on the body. propriately, it may progress rapidly to panop-
The prophylactic use of topical antimicrobial thalmitis. Topical antipseudomonal drugs are
agents has significantly reduced the frequency of usually effective if applied in the early stages [68].
burn-wound sepsis. Mafenide acetate, silver sulfa- Advanced infection may require the injection of
diazine cream, and 0.5070 silver nitrate soaks are aminoglycosides beneath Tenon's capsule. In the
effective in controlling bacterial proliferation. The past, contaminated ophthalmic preparations such
routine use of these topical agents has reduced as fluorescein and boric acid solutions served as
mortality from 38% to 19% among patients with the source of these infections, but this is infre-
288 Bodeyet at.

Figure 3. Eye of a patient with

pseudomonas panophthalmitis.

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quently the case at present. Also, contamination caused by this organism, but such an infection
of storage cases for contact lens with P. aeru- usually does not present as a unique entity.
ginosa can lead to corneal infections [69]. However, failure to recognize the infecting
Burned patients are susceptible to serious organism will result in chronic infection. P. aeru-
pseudomonas eye infections. These patients may ginosa is the most frequent cause of chronic otitis
suffer corneal damage from the burn injury. media [72]. The organism can spread to the mas-
Subsequent colonization of their skin lesions by toid and then through vascular channels to the lep-
P. aeruginosa can permit the organism to spread tomeninges, causing an extradural or intradural
to the eye, causing serious infection that may be abscess or meningitis.
overlooked. Failure to institute therapy promptly The most serious pseudomonas infection of the
can lead to panophthalmitis. The rapid develop- ear is malignant otitis externa. This infection oc-
ment of panophthalmitis has been attributed to curs predominantly in the elderly and especially in
the elaboration of proteolytic enzymes by the diabetics. The disease was first described by
organism. Patients receiving radiotherapy for Meltzer and Keloman in 1959 and was emphasized
malignant lesions near the eye may develop scleral by Chandler in several publications [73]. It begins
necrosis and pseudomonas infection, which also as ordinary otitis externa that fails to respond to
can progress to endophthalmitis [70]. appropriate topical therapy. The principal com-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa causes rv70OJo of cases plaints are persistent pain, severe edema and
of otitis externa [71]. Because the organism is rare- tenderness of the soft tissues of the ear, and
ly cultured from dry skin but flourishes in moist purulent drainage. The patient generally remains
environments, swimmers are especially prone to afebrile. The most important sign is the per-
pseudomonas otitis externa ("swimmer's ear"). sistence of granulation tissue on the floor of the
Other important predisposing factors include a external auditory canal near the junction of the
tropical climate ("hot-weather ear") and trauma. cartilaginous and bony portions. The infection
These infections can be treated easily with topical may spread anteriorly through the fissures of San-
antipseudomonal drugs. Otitis media may be torini to the parotid gland and temperoman-
P. aeruginosa Infections 289

dibular joint and progress to the stylomastoid common cause of this infection. Infection usually
foramen, causing necrosis of the facial nerve. It resolves following removal of all nasal tubes and
may spread posteriorly to involve the mastoid or treatment with antibiotics and decongestants.
inferiorly and medially to cause osteomyelitis of Brain and spinal cord. The first case of
the base of the skull. In advanced cases, the pseudomonas meningitis was reported in 1893.
jugular foramen may be involved in the infectious Only 43 cases had accumulated in the literature by
process, with paralysis of cranial nerves 10-12. 1936 [77]. By 1955, 230 cases of pseudomonas
About 10070 of patients have thrombosis of the meningitis had been described [78]. Sixty percent
sigmoid sinus or dome of the jugular bulb, which of cases were primary infections, and 40070 were
is nearly always a fatal complication [73]. Usually, secondary to a focus elsewhere in the body. The
the tympanic membrane remains intact. Men- fatality rate was 39070 among patients with prima-
ingitis is a rare complication of this infection [74]. ry infection and 66% among those with secondary

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Prior to the availability of effective antibiotics infection. In one study covering a 10-year period,
and the capacity to recognize malignant otitis ex- only 1.4070 of 294 cases of bacterial meningitis
terna early in its course, mortality exceeded 50% were caused by P. aeruginosa [79]. This organism
[72]. Recently, with prompt administration of ap- causes rv5OJo of cases of meningitis in neonates and
propriate therapy, this figure has fallen to rv25%. 10% of cases in patients with cancer [80]. Men-
However, mortality depends upon the extent of in- ingitis following spinal anesthesia, chronic otitis
fection at the onset of therapy. The death rate media, and extensive head and neck surgery [81]
among patients with facial nerve paralysis is has been reported. Therapy should include an an-
rv52OJo, and half of the survivors fail to regain tipseudomonal penicillin plus an aminoglycoside.
nerve function [73]. If other nerves are involved at The latter drug should be administered in-
the time of presentation, mortality approaches trathecally since adequate concentrations in
60%-75% [75]. The introduction of the an- cerebrospinal fluid are not achieved with
tipseudomonal penicillins and aminoglycosides parenteral administration.
has improved the prognosis of this infection Heart. Until recently, P. aeruginosa was rare-
substantially. In one study done prior to the ly a cause of endocarditis. For example; this or-
availability of carbenicillin, radical mastoidec- ganism caused only one of 400 cases of endocardi-
tomy was required in all of 10 patients with facial tis seen at New York Hospital between 1944 and
nerve palsy; five patients died, and only one 1972 [82]. Of the 46 cases of P. aeruginosa endo-
regained nerve function [73]. The same in- carditis seen since 1897, 29 occurred in patients
vestigators later gave carbenicillin to 13 patients. with underlying heart disease. Eighteen patients
Six received the antibiotic only; of these, four had undergone cardiac surgery; other predispos-
recovered (two with facial nerve recovery). Seven ing factors were skin infection, other surgical pro-
patients required surgery as well as antibiotic cedures, and narcotic addiction. The infection was
therapy; of these, five recovered, (four with facial cured in only five patients. Among the 28 patients
nerve recovery) [73]. In another recent series, the without prior cardiac surgery, the mitral and aor-
overall cure rate among 20 patients was 85070 [75]. tic valves were involved most often. The recent in-
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is rarely cultured crease in narcotic addiction has been associated
from the normal mouth. Periodontal disease with an increase in the incidence of pseudomonas
which can progress to osteomyelitis, has occa- endocarditis, usually involving the tricuspid valve.
sionally been observed in leukemic patients. This infection is discussed extensively elsewhere
Ulceration of the pharynx, tonsils, and buccal [83].
mucosa, with formation of an extensive necrotic Gastrointestinal tract. Several types of pseu-
membrane simulating that of diphtheria, has been domonas infection in the gastrointestinal tract
described. Surviving patients may be left with have been described. Nonspecific ulcerations of
residual structural defects due to the extensive the gastrointestinal tract may become infected
necrosis. Nosocomial sinusitis has been identified with this organism, which can invade the
recently as an important infection in traumatized bloodstream. Epidemics of pseudomonas diarrhea
patients who require nasopharyngeal instrumenta- in nurseries for newborns have been caused by the
tion [76]. P. aeruginosa was identified as the most use of contaminated equipment [84]. This infec-
290 Bodeyet at.

tion may be either mild and self-limiting or severe, or tracheostomy. Of 36 patients with pseudo-
leading to an infant's death. An awareness of the monas pneumonia treated at the National In-
potential hazards of pseudomonas contamination stitutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, 22 had
and the institution of requirements for steriliza- hematologic diseases, seven had cancer, and five
tion have reduced the risk of this problem. had cystic fibrosis [89]. Mortality was 81 %. In
"Shanghai fever" is a pseudomonas enteritis another study P. aeruginosa caused 21070 of 217
with a presentation similar to that of typhoid cases of gram-negative bacillary pneumonia in pa-
fever. Patients complain of prostration, headache, tients with cancer [90].
fever, and diarrhea [1]. Physical findings include Signs and symptoms of pseudomonas pneu-
splenomegaly and roseola spots from which the monia include apprehension, severe toxicity, men-
organism can be recovered. P. aeruginosa may tal confusion, chills, fever, cough, severe dyspnea,
make up as much as 50070-75% of the stool flora and relative bradycardia [91]. Often, patients have

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of infected patients. The infection is prevalent associated pharyngitis, otitis, or tracheitis. The
where drinking water is contaminated with the characteristic x-ray pattern is a diffuse broncho-
organism. pneumonia - often bilateral- involving multiple
The most important gastrointestinal infection lobes. Some patients have distinctive nodular infil-
caused by P. aeruginosa is typhlitis. Typhlitis is a trates with small areas of radiolucency that pre-
necrotizing colitis that is frequently localized to sumably represent normal lung tissue between
the cecum, although it may involve the entire col- microabscesses. The posterior aspects are most in-
on [85]. It is primarily a disease of neutropenic pa- volved, and the apices are usually spared.
tients and occurs most often in children with acute Two types of lesion have been found at autopsy
leukemia. Typically, the patient presents with the examination [92] (figure 4). Some sites of involve-
sudden onset of fever, abdominal distention, and ment appear as poorly defined, hemorrhagic, nod-
pain that gradually increases. A variety of gram- ular, indurated areas, often located subpleurally.
negative bacilli may cause this infection, but The hemorrhagic lesions are located around small
P. aeruginosa is one of the most common patho- and medium-sized pulmonary arteries. Discrete
gens. If the infection is localized, the diseased seg- foci of intraalveolar hemorrhage, with many
ment of bowel can be surgically excised; other- gram-negative bacilli, can be identified. An in-
wise, the patient usually dies of this infection. flammatory reaction is usually minimal or absent.
Perirectal abscesses are a common and serious Infected areas also appear as firm, yellow-brown,
form of infection in patients with acute leukemia. necrotic, umbilicated nodules surrounded by
The abscesses are frequently the source of hemorrhagic parenchyma. Necrotic nodules con-
hematogenous dissemination. In one study 55070 sist of an amorphous coagulum of necrotic
of cases were caused by P. aeruginosa [86]. Over material, with many organisms invading vessel
half of these infections terminate fatally. Not in- walls. This situation results in marked vasculitis
frequently, the infecting organisms develop but seldom in thrombosis.
resistance during antibiotic therapy. The therapy for pseudomonas pneumonia is
Respiratory tract. P. aeruginosa is an uncom- suboptimal, and mortality varies from 50% to
mon cause of pneumonia. In a review of 801 cases 80070. In one series of 45 cases in patients with
of community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia, cancer, the cure rate was 64070 [90]. The poor pen-
only 19 cases were found to have been caused by etration of most antibiotics into bronchial secre-
this organism [87]. Only two of these 19 cases were tions probably accounts for the poor response
acquired outside of the hospital. Of 292 cases of rates. Recommended therapy in the past has been
community-acquired pneumonia treated at Grady the combination of an antipseudomonal penicillin
Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, only two were plus an aminoglycoside, but other options now ex-
caused by P. aeruginosa [88]. Hospital-acquired ist in the form of the third-generation cephalo-
pseudomonas pneumonia is most likely to occur in sporins. P. aeruginosa may persist in the sputum
patients with hematologic malignancies, cystic fi- despite clinical improvement and may develop
brosis, diabetes, chronic lung disease, or heart low-level resistance to the antipseudomonal peni-
disease, or in those who have undergone surgery cillins. This emergence of resistance does not ne-
P. aeruginosa Injections 291

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Figure 4. Section of pulmonary tissue obtained at autopsy from a patient who died of pseudomonas pneumonia.

cessarily portend the failure of antibiotic therapy mists, aerosols, and antibiotics; and had been hos-
and cannot be prevented by the concomitant ad- pitalized longer than uncolonized patients. Mu-
ministration of aminoglycosides [93]. coid strains of P. aeruginosa predominate in pa-
Pseudomonas pulmonary infection is especially tients who are chronically colonized and are found
prevalent among patients with cystic fibrosis. Re- with increasing frequency as the disease pro-
ported rates of colonization of the respiratory gresses. The reasons for colonization by P. aerugi-
tract by P. aeruginosa have varied from 18070 to nosa and the change to the mucoid form are not
80070 [94]. In a recent study 3,052 pulmonary spe- fully understood. Ninety percent of the mortality
cimens were obtained from 134 living patients and most of the morbidity in cystic fibrosis are
with cystic fibrosis, and P. aeruginosa was iso- due to pulmonary involvement. While pulmonary
lated from 26070 of cultures [95]. An additional infection is secondary, it is the principal cause of
834 specimens were obtained from 26 patients irreversible damage to the lungs. Control of the in-
who subsequently died, and P. aeruginosa was iso- fection decreases the deterioration of pulmonary
lated from 62070 of these cultures. Colonized pa- function and increases the rate of survival. Many
tients were older; had more extensive exposure to studies have evaluated the efficacy of aminoglyco-
292 Bodey et 0/.

sides and penicillins against pseudomonas infec- tion from other types of urinary tract infection.
tions in patients with cystic fibrosis. Although Good results can be achieved with a variety of an-
symptomatic improvement can be expected in tipseudomonal drugs, including orally adminis-
most patients, P. aeruginosa is seldom eradicated tered indanyl carbenicillin.
from the sputum. Combination therapy with an Bones and joints. Pseudomonas infections of
antipseudomonal penicillin and an aminoglyco- the bones and joints occur uncommonly, but have
side produces more favorable results than therapy increased in frequency in recent years. Only 31
with either drug alone [96]. A recent prospective cases of osteomyelitis and 17 cases of arthritis had
randomized trial compared ticarcillin plus tobra- been reported in the world literature by 1960;
mycin with gentamicin plus carbenicillin, primari- however, an additional 58 cases had been reported
ly in patients with cystic fibrosis who had pseudo- by 1972. Infection may arise from hematogenous
monas respiratory-tract infections [97]. When only dissemination or by extension from a contiguous

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

pulmonary infections were considered, the site of infection. In one review of osteomyelitis,
response rate was 93070 for the former regimen and none of 62 cases arising from hematogenous dis-
68070 for the latter regimen (P< 0.05). These inves- semination was caused by P. aeruginosa; in con-
tigators found that the combination of ticarcillin trast, 13 of 155 cases arising from a contiguous
plus tobramycin was more predictably synergistic focus were caused by this organism [100]. In
against isolates of P. aeruginosa.. another early study, only 2 % of 584 joint infec-
Several studies have indicated that endotracheal tions were caused by P. aeruginosa [101]. The ma-
instillation of aminoglycoside antibiotics improves jor factors predisposing to these infections are sur-
the response rate among patients with gram-nega- gery, compound fractures, penetrating wounds,
tive bacillary pneumonia. A group of 38 uncon- and drug addiction. Occasionally, patients with
scious patients with tracheostomies or endotracheal extensive burns or patients undergoing genitour-
tubes received systemic therapy with sisomicin and inary manipulation develop this type of infection.
carbenicillin [98]. Eighteen patients were random- A major cause of the increased frequency of
ly assigned to receive endotracheal sisomicin as pseudomonas osteomyelitis and osteoarthritis has
well. A favorable clinical response was observed in been the increased use of iv narcotics. Several in-
77% of the 18 patients who received endotracheal stitutions have reported a series of these infections
sisomicin but in only 45070 of the 20 patients who in drug addicts [102-104]. The most frequent sites
received no endotracheal therapy (P < 0.05). The of involvement in these patients are the vertebral
majority of patients in both groups were infected column, pelvis, and sternoclavicular joint, with an
by P. aeruginosa. More recently, a similar group apparent predilection for the last site. Why drug
of 20 patients received systemic therapy with mez- addicts are predisposed to pseudomonas infec-
locillin plus endotracheal sisomicin [99]. Ten tions is uncertain, but the high incidence is prob-
patients also received systemic sisomicin. A sub- ably related to the use of contaminated iv devices.
stantial number of these patients were infected The observation that morphine inhibits migration
with P. aeruginosa. The similarity of the response of neutrophils and decreases phagocytosis in
rates in the two groups suggested that, if given in experimental animals may explain the increased
combination with a systemically administered an- susceptibility to infection in persons addicted to
tipseudomonal penicillin, endotracheal therapy this drug.
with aminoglycosides may be more important At least 24 cases of pseudomonas osteoarthritis
than systemic therapy with these antibiotics. Fur- have been reported in children who have had
ther studies are needed to confirm these interesting puncture wounds of the foot [105-107]. The usual
observations. course is initial improvement followed by swelling
Urinary tract. P. aeruginosa seldom causes and tenderness. The patients characteristically
uncomplicated urinary-tract infections. The ma- complain of pain but have no systemic symptoms.
jority of pseudomonas infections of the urinary The infection begins in the cartilage and sub-
tract are acquired during hospitalization and oc- sequently causes bone destruction. Most infec-
cur after genitourinary manipulation, insertion of tions arise in patients who have received antibi-
catheters, or treatment with antibiotics. No speci- otics for their initial injury. Physicians should be
fic characteristic distinguishes pseudomonas infec- alert to the possibility of this infection so that
P. aeruginosa Infections 293

Table 4. Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a cause of gram- joint rigidity, j oint degeneration, and premature
negative bacillary septicemia: summary of 12 reports on closing of cartilaginous growth plates.
experience between 1934 and 1975.
Blood. P. aeruginosa was not an important
Percentage cause of septicemia until the last three decades.
Total no. of due to Only 1070 of cases of septicemia occurring before
episodes P. aeruginosa Reference
1950 were caused by this organism. Only 91 cases
Years (mortality) (mortality) no.
had been reported in the literature by 1947. Table
1934-1939 59 (...) 1 (...) 108 4 summarizes 12 reports on the experience with
1951-1958 173 (42) 18 (69) 109
gram-negative bacillary septicemia between 1934
1955-1959 113 (31) 17 (68) 110
1955-1967 398 (52) 14 (77) 111 and 1975. Since 1950, P. aeruginosa has caused
1958-1966 860 (51) 12 (66) 112 7070-18 % of all episodes of gram-negative bacil-
1961-1962 100 (55) 10 (40) 113 lary septicemia. The fatality rate from pseudomo-
1962-1968 218 (33) 13 (43) 114 nas septicemia has varied from 37% to 77070,

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

1963-1964 100 (45) 7 (57) 115
whereas that from all episodes of gram-negative
1965-1974 612 (25) 10 (37) 116
1967-1969 149 (25) 14 (57) 117 bacillary septicemia has varied from 25% to 55070.
1968-1974 629 (38) 12 (69) 118 In all but one of these series of patients described,
1974-1975 82 (29) 15 (42) 119 the fatality rate from pseudomonas septicemia has
NOTE. Mortality is expressed as a percentage. exceeded that from all gram-negative bacillary
septicemia by 10%-37%.
The frequency and prognosis of pseudomonas
therapy can be administerd before extensive bone septicemia are determined by the patient's under-
destruction occurs. lying disease; this point is illustrated by four ma-
Therapy for bone and joint infections with an jor studies of gram-negative bacillary septicemia
antipseudomonal penicillin and an aminoglyco- (table 5). P. aeruginosa caused 9070 of the episodes
side has been successful, but the antibiotics must of gram-negative bacillary septicemia among pa-
be administerd for three to six weeks. Prosthetic tients whose underlying disease had a good prog-
devices at the site of infection must be removed. nosis, whereas it caused 14% among patients with
Usually, these infections require debridement of an intermediate prognosis and 23070 among pa-
devitalized tissue, but extensive surgery can usual- tients with a poor prognosis. The fatality rate
ly be avoided if an infection is recognized in its from septicemia correlated with the severity of the
early stages and treated appropriately. Significant underlying disease. The fatality rate from pseudo-
sequelae have been observed in children with os- monas septicemia was similar to that from other
teoarthritis of the foot, including cyst formation, types of gram-negative bacillary septicemia except

Table 5. Relation of mortality from gram-negative bacillary (GNB) septicemia to prognosis of underlying disease.
No. of patients (mortality) with indicated prognosis of underlying disease*
Years, type of infection Good Intermediate Poor Reference no.
Pseudomonas 8 (13) 14 (70) 10 (100) 112
Other GNB 77 (10) 51 (63) 13 (85)
Pseudomonas 25 (24) 44 (80) 31 (81) 109
Other GNB 298 (23) 311 (59) 118 (89)
Pseudomonas 14 (50) 22 (77) 7 (88) 120
Other GNB 116 (14) 45 (33) 12 (83)
Pseudomonas 21 (19) 33 (45) 6 (50) 116
Other GNB 241 (15) 274 (30) 37 (38)

* Mortality is expressed as a percentage.

294 Bodeyet al.

among patients whose underlying disease had an Between 1970 and 1972, P. aeruginosa caused
intermediate prognosis. Patients with a serious 28070 of all cases of septicemia at the Baltimore
underlying disease had a high fatality rate regard- Cancer Research Center [121]. This organism
less of the infecting organism, and patients with- caused 36070 of the cases of septicemia in patients
out a serious underlying disease had a low fatality with acute leukemia, 28070 in patients with lym-
rate regardless of the infecting organism. phoma, and only 13070 in patients with solid
One of the earliest studies of pseudomonas sep- tumors. Twenty-eight of 48 patients with acute
ticemia involved 23 patients whose illness was myelogenous leukemia were colonized by P. aeru-
treated at the National Institutes of Health from gin osa, and 19 (68070) of these 28 patients
1954 to 1957 [61]. This study does not represent developed septicemia. In contrast, 42 patients
experience with a general hospital population be- were colonized by Klebsiella species, but only six
cause 21 patients had cancer and 13 of these 21 had (14%) developed septicemia. Among colonized

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acute leukemia. Skin lesions, including ecthyma patients, the major factor predisposing to pseudo-
gangrenosum, vesicular lesions, and hemorrhagic monas septicemia was neutropenia; no patient
cellulitis, were observed in 39% of patients. with a neutrophil count of>1,000/mm3 developed
Seventy-seven percent of the patients were already septicemia, whereas 44% of patients with neutro-
receiving antibiotics when they developed pseudo- penia became septicemic.
monas septicemia. The median period of survival Investigators at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
from the time when the first positive blood Cancer Center (New York) reported on their ex-
specimen was collected was only four days, and perience with 50 episodes of pseudomonas septice-
only one patient recovered. mia in patients with malignant disease during
Since that study, several reviews of pseudo- 1967-1968 and with 52 such episodes during
monas septicemia in patients with cancer have 1971-1972 [122, 123]. Thirty-five patients had
been published. Between 1965 and 1968, 67 epi- acute leukemia and 30 had lymphoma. Ninety-two
sodes of pseudomonas septicemia occurred in pa- of the 102 infections were acquired in the hospital.
tients with cancer at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Only two of the 50 patients in the first series had
Houston [12]. Fifteen patients had metastatic ecthyma gangrenosum. Mortality was 78070 during
cancer, 34 patients had acute leukemia, and the re- 1967 and 1968 and 69070 during 1971 and 1972. In
mainder had other hematologic malignancies. the first series, 21 patients (42070) died within 24 hr
The organism was cultured from the blood of 49070 after onset of their infection. In both series, survi-
of the patients within 24 hr after the onset of fever val was dependent upon the patient's white blood
and from 75% within the first three days. The cell count. Only 15070 of the 39 patients with
maximal temperature exceeded 101 F in 97070 of <1,000 white blood cells/mm' survived; in con-
the patients. The majority of patients had neutro- trast, 22% of the 37 patients with 1,000-10,000
penia; 70070 had a neutrophil count of <500/mm 3 , white blood cells/rnm" and 50070 of the 26 patients
and 37070 had a neutrophil count of <100/mm 3 • with>10,000 white blood cells/rnm" survived. In
The infection was rapidly fatal, with 16070 of pa- the first series, 33% of the 30 patients who re-
tients dying within 12 hr and 33070 dying within 24 ceived appropriate antibiotics survived, whereas
hr after P. aeruginosa was cultured from their only 5070 of the 20 patients who received inappro-
blood for the first time. The overall recovery rate priate or no antibiotics survived. In the second
was only 21%. Of the 46 patients who were given a series 24% of the 42 patients who received antibi-
polymyxin, 24% survived; only 14% of the 21 pa- otics, and 60% of the 10 patients who did not, sur-
tients who received no antipseudomonal drug sur- vived. Six of 22 patients who received gentamicin
vived. Adrenal corticosteroids appeared to have and seven of 20 patients who received gentamicin
an adverse effect on outcome. Only 8070 of the 37 plus carbenicillin survived. Only 15070 of the 26 pa-
patients who received these drugs survived, where- tients who received adrenal corticosteroids sur-
as 37070 of the 30 patients who did not receive these vived; 45070 of the 26 patients who received no
drugs survived. Only 15070 of the patients who steroids survived. In the second series, survival
received steroids as ancillary therapy for their in- was correlated with the patient's serum immuno-
fection survived. globulin concentrations. None of the eight pa-
P. aeruginosa Injections 295

tients with IgG levels of <500 mg/dl, 38% of the tality was related to the patients' underlying dis-
29 patients with levels of 500-1,500 mg/dl, and eases. The fatality rate was 67070 among 12 in-
50070 of the 10 patients with levels of>1,500 mg/dl fants, 92070 among 14 patients with solid tumors,
survived. Twenty-two percent of the 23 patients 68070 among 21 patients with hematologic malig-
with IgM levels of <50 mg/dl and 46070 of the 24 nancies, 71070 among 21 patients with chronic dis-
patients with levels of >50 mg/dl survived. The eases, and 66070 among 32 patients with acute, cur-
serum immunoglobulin levels of five patients were able underlying diseases. Mortality was 42070 and
unknown. 45070 among patients whose septicemia originated
The first large review of pseudomonas septice- from infections of the skin and the urinary tract,
mia in a general hospital population was reported respectively; it was 91070 among patients whose
from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore [124], septicemia originated in the respiratory tract.
where 91 cases occurred between 1940 and 1959. These authors concluded that appropriate antibi-

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The frequency of pseudomonas septicemia doubled otic therapy was not more effective than inappro-
during the second decade of the study. A substan- priate therapy.
tial proportion of the patients in this series were Seventy-five cases of pseudomonas septicemia
children, including 18 premature infants and 27 occurring between 1972 and 1975 were reported
children with severe congenital or acquired dis- from two hospitals in Albany, New York [126].
eases. Twenty-eight patients had lymphoma or There were 15 cases of polymicrobial septicemia.
leukemia, and 18 were adults with chronic dis- Seventy-three of the 75 cases were nosocomial.
eases. P. aeruginosa was cultured from the blood The most common source of infection was the
of 68 patients during life. The overall mortality in urinary tract. Hypotension occurred in 52070 of the
this series was 80070. Twenty-seven of the 28 epi- patients but was not always due to their infection.
sodes in patients with acute leukemia terminated Only two patients had disseminated intravascular
in death. Eleven of the 18 premature infants and coagulation, and one had ecthyma gangrenosum.
eight of the 18 adults recovered. Of the 59 patients The overall fatality rate was 63070, but not all pa-
who were already receiving antibiotics when they tients died of their infection. The fatality rate was
developed pseudomonas septicemia, only 14 31% within the first 36 hr after the onset of infec-
recovered. Infection was cured in only five of 14 tion. Several factors (on which information was
patients given polymyxin B. Four patients had not available for all patients) were examined for
transient bacteremia and recovered without any their prognostic implications. The fatality rate was
antibiotic therapy. 84070 among the 25 patients with cancer, and all
Between 1972and 1974, 108episodes of pseudo- eight patients with leukemia died of their infec-
monas septicemia occurred in 97 patients at the tion. Mortality was 57070 when septicemia
Shands Teaching Hospital (Gainesville, FL) [125]. originated in the urinary tract, but it was 87070
Eighty-four percent of the infections were ac- when septicemia originated in the respiratory
quired in the hospital, and 85070 occurred in pa- tract. Nine of the 10 leukopenic patients died,
tients who had received prior antibiotic therapy. whereas only about 60070 of the remaining patients
Seventeen percent of the patients were afebrile at died. The fatality rate was 80070 among the 36 pa-
the onset of their infection, 26070 were jaundiced, tients with abnormal levels of serum creatinine
10070 had disseminated intravascular coagulation, (> 1.2 mg/dl) but only 40070 among patients with
and 3070 had ecthyma gangrenosum. More than normal renal function. Of the 19 patients whose
one organism was cultured from the blood of 32 chest x rays were normal, 26070 died; of the 46 pa-
patients. Septic shock occurred in 30 patients and tients whose chest x rays were abnormal 74070 died.
was associated with an exceptionally poor progno- Of the 51 patients who received appropriate anti-
sis. The overall mortality was 70070. Pseudomonas biotics, 62070 died; of the 24 patients who received
septicemia was the immediate cause of the deaths inappropriate or no antibiotics, 38070 died. The
of 49070 of the patients; these patients died of over- higher fatality rate among patients who received
whelming sepsis or shock shortly after the organ- appropriate treatment reflects the greater severity
ism was cultured. Sixty-one percent of the deaths of their underlying illness.
occurred on the day septicemia was detected. Mor- It is difficult to draw many general conclusions
296 Bodey et at.

from these studies because of the diversity of the Therefore, this model is specific, reliable, and
populations of patients, different approaches to useful for the evaluation of antibiotic therapy.
therapy, and different methods of presenting Pseudomonas infection has been studied in other
data. Clearly, pseudomonas septicemia is rapidly animals with drug-induced neutropenia, including
fatal if not treated promptly with appropriate an- dogs, monkeys, mice, and rats [127, 129, 132].
tibiotics. The only finding characteristic of this in- The benefit of granulocyte transfusions has
fection is ecthyma gangrenosum, which occurs been shown in neutropenic beagles. For example,
infrequently in most series of patients. Jaundice in one study [133] increasing numbers of P. aeru-
and disseminated intravascular coagulation are ginosa were administered iv, and after 4 hr antibi-
not regular features of this infection. Pseudo- otics - with or without granulocyte transfusions-
monas septicemia is primarily an infection of were given. The survival of animals not given
infants and debilitated and immunocompromised granulocytes was related to the dose of P. aerugi-
patients. It is usually acquired in the hospi- nosa injected; 108 bacteria/kg were lethal in >95070

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tal, often by patients who are already receiving of animals. The survival of animals given daily
antibiotic therapy. Not infrequently, other or- granulocyte transfusions was dependent on the
ganisms are cultured from the blood concomitant- dose of cells transfused and the collection tech-
ly. The fatality rate correlates with the seriousness nique employed. When continuous-flow centrifu-
of the patients' underlying diseases. In patients gation was used, none of five animals receiving 108
with leukopenia, immunoglobulin deficiency, and neutrophils/kg daily survived the infectious epi-
renal impairment, pseudomonas septicemia has a sode, while four of five receiving 1.5 X 108 and all
poor prognosis. The fatality rate is especially high of five receiving 2.0 X 108 neutrophils/kg sur-
when this infection is associated with respiratory vived. When cells collected by filtration leukaphe-
tract infection or is accompanied by shock. resis were used, 2.5 to 3 times more neutrophils
Adrenal corticosteroids appear to have no were necessary for the same protection; none of
beneficial effect and may actually be detrimental five animals survived after receiving 2.0 X 108
to the patient. The role of antibiotic therapy will neutrophils/kg, one of five survived after receiv-
be discussed in detail later. ing 3.0 x 108 , three of five survived after receiving
4.0 x 108 , and all of five survived after receiving
5.0 x 108 • In a model of pneumonia in leukopenic
Experimental Pseudomonas Infections
dogs, daily granulocyte transfusions (a minimum
The results obtained from studies with animals of 5 x 109 cells per day) and therapy with gen-
cannot be completely extrapolated to the human tamicin (5 mg/kg per day) were superior to treat-
situation; however, these studies have provided ment with gentamicin alone, carbenicillin alone
information on the pathogenesis and treatment of (500 mg/kg per day), a combination of the two
pseudomonas infections. Since P. aeruginosa is a antibiotics at the same doses, or no antibiotics or
common cause of morbidity and death among granulocytes [134].
neutropenic patients, many experiments have been In rats that were given saline, carbenicillin, or
conducted in neutropenic animals [127-129]. The gentamicin, P. aeruginosa multiplied rapidly after
majority of these studies have focused on the being injected ip and was associated with
therapeutic efficacy of antibiotics and granulocyte bacteremia and death. Early therapy (~2 hr) with
transfusions [130]. carbenicillin plus gentamicin cured infection in
A realistic model of fatal bacteremia during im- these animals [135]. Subsequently, the combina-
munosuppression has been developed by the instil- tion of carbenicillin with either tobramycin or gen-
lation of 108 cfu of P. aeruginosa into the intact tamicin was shown to be synergistic in vivo in this
conjunctival sac of agranulocytic rabbits [131]. animal model. Early combined therapy with car-
Conjunctivitis and necrotizing vasculitis are noted benicillin and either tobramycin or gentamicin in
within 48 hr after challenge. This result cannot be doses equivalent (on a milligram-per-kilogram
reproduced in nonneutropenic animals or in gran- basis) to those used in clinical practice cleared the
ulocytopenic rabbits challenged with other gram- bloodstream of P. aeruginosa within 24-48 hr,
negative bacteria or other Pseudomonas species. eliminated the infecting bacteria from the site of
P. aeruginosa Infections 297

challenge within 54 hr, and resulted in the survival the rapid death that follows a challenge with live
of animals challenged with seven times the LDso of cells, it is definitely useful for study of the efficacy
that pseudomonas strain. In contrast, animals of different antibiotics in the treatment of this
given similar doses of carbenicillin, tobramycin, clinical entity.
or gentamicin alone and those given no therapy The rabbit model of endocarditis has become an
experienced rapid multiplication of the organism accepted method for the study of this disease pro-
at the challenge site, severe bacteremia, and death cess. Archer and Fekety [138] examined various
within 72 hr. The in vivo synergy was of no benefit therapeutic regimens for left-sided pseudomonas
when therapy was given only twice during the first endocarditis. Sterilization of cardiac vegetations
day of infection [136]. This model provides useful was accomplished more effectively when the ani-
information with respect to the therapeutic ef- mals were given high-dose gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg)
ficacy of antibiotics even if it does not truly or the combination of gentamicin (7.5 mg/kg)

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

simulate the pathogenesis of pseudomonas infec- plus carbenicillin (400 mg/kg). Low-dose gentami-
tion in humans. cin (5 mg/kg) or carbenicillin (400 mg/kg) alone
In another study, 100 or 1,000 times the LDso of was less effective. These investigators also showed
a strain of P. aeruginosa was injected into that combination therapy for two weeks prevented
neutropenic rats. For 24, 48, or 72 hr the animals relapse in all animals studied and that therapeutic
were given twice-daily im injections of car- success was associated with the use of a synergistic
benicillin (400 mg/kg), gentamicin (10 mg/kg), combination, with peak serum bactericidal titers
both drugs or saline. One hour after administra- of ~ 1:6, and with high serum concentrations of
tion of carbenicillion, gentamicin, or both drugs, gentamicin.
the mean bactericidal titers in serum were 1:4, 1:2, Van Wingerden et al. [139] have developed a
and 1:8, respectively. When two inoculum sizes rabbit model of pseudomonas osteomyelitis in
and three durations of therapy were used, com- which normal, healthy animals are used. The
bination therapy was superior to treatment with infection is not as severe as pseudomonas infec-
either agent alone in reducing mortality. Fourfold tions induced in neutropenic animals. Combina-
or greater increases in drug MICs for P. aerugino- tion therapy with carbenicillin and sisomicin for
sa were detected in postmortem blood cultures four weeks is significantly more effective than
from 54070 of animals that died during treatment treatment with either drug alone in eradicating
with carbenicillin, 15070 of those that died during viable bacteria from diseased bone and in preven-
treatment with gentamicin, and none of those that ting sequestrum formation.
died during treatment with both drugs. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of
The pathogenesis of and mortality caused by bacterial keratitis, and several animal models have
pseudomonas pneumonia in guinea pigs are close- been used for the study of this problem [140, 141].
ly related to the number and function of circulat- In the guinea pig, tobramycin or gentamicin ap-
ing neutrophils [137]. When guinea pigs received plied locally was superior to polymyxin B, and the
an intratracheal challenge of 108 cfu of P. aerugi- combination of carbenicillin and tobramycin
nosa and were then given saline, they all died with- reduced the number of bacteria to a greater extent
in 3-4 hr. Therapy with a {J-Iactam antibiotic did than did either drug alone. However, the dif-
not affect the outcome. However, groups given ference between the effect of an aminoglycoside
gentamicin or tobramycin had survival rates of alone and that of an aminoglycoside-carbenicillin
39% and 67%, respectively. The addition of car- combination was not statistically significant.
benicillin or ticarcillin to either regimen failed to Another study showed that early therapy is essen-
enhance the survival rates. The rate of clearance tial and that the administration of systemic or sub-
of the organisms from lung sections from animals conjunctival antibiotics is ineffective if the infec-
sacrificed 3 hr after challenge was higher in the tion is already established [141].
aminoglycoside-treated group than in the carbeni- In summary, the following gl neral principles
cillin-treated group or in controls. Even though can be derived from the experience obtained with
this model may not accurately reflect the patho- experimental pseudomonas infections. In neutro-
genesis of P. aeruginosa pneumonia because of penic animals, the early institution of antibiotic
298 Bodeyet al.

therapy is critical for optimal survival rates. pseudomonal therapy recovered [12]. One-third of
Granulocyte transfusion are helpful in the treat- the patients in this series were already receiving a
ment of pseudomonas infections if they are ad- polymyxin when P. aeruginosa was cultured from
ministered with appropriate antibiotic therapy and their blood for the first time. Among severely
if adequate numbers of granulocytes are trans- burned patients, mortality from pseudomonas
fused. Survival rates are higher when combination wound sepsis ranged from 62 % to 93070 during the
therapy with a ~-lactam antibiotic and an amino- time when polymyxins were the only available
glycoside is utilized rather than either drug alone. therapy [142].
Antibiotic synergy may be important for optimal Gentamicin was the first antibiotic with impor-
therapy, but this benefit is lost if therapy is tant activity against P. aeruginosa, When it was
delayed. Therapy with a single drug may lead to first introduced, the majority of clinical isolates
the development of drug resistance. In endocar- were inhibited by ~5 ug/rnl [143]. Many articles
ditis, high-dose therapy with an aminoglycoside

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

attested to the efficacy of gentamicin against sim-
plus a ~-lactam drug for at least two weeks is best ple and complex pseudomonas infections. How-
for sterilization of cardiac vegetations and preven- ever, certain limitations were recognized as greater
tion of relapse. Combination therapy for pro- experience was gained. Jackson and Riff reported
longed periods is best for osteomyelitis. Local and a cure rate of only 29070 among 21 patients with
systemic adminstration of aminoglycosides is opti- pseudomonas bacteremia [144]. Eradication of
mal for keratitis and endophthalmitis. Whether all P. aeruginosa from the blood and cure of infec-
of these principles are totally applicable to the tion depended upon the peak serum concentration
treatment of pseudomonas infections in humans of gentamicin. However, even with adequate peak
remains to be determined. serum concentrations, septicemia could not be
cured in patients with "rapidly fatal" underlying
diseases. Bodey et al. demonstrated in patients
Treatment of Pseudomonas Infections
with cancer that the rate of cure of infection with
Antibiotic therapy. For many years, there was gentamicin was inversely correlated with the neu-
no effective therapy for pseudomonas infections.. trophil count at the onset of infection [145]; the
Occasional strains were susceptible to oxytetracy- cure rate for gram-negative bacillary infections
cline and kanamycin in vitro, but these drugs had was 79% among patients with an adequate neutro-
minimal impact on serious infections. Sporadic phil count (> 1,OOO/mm3 ) but only 23% among pa-
cases of serious pseudomonas infection, includ- tients with severe neutropenia « 1DO/mm 3 •
ing bacteremia and meningitis, resolved without Response was also related to changes in the neu-
specific therapy, but in most instances death was trophil count during the course of infection; the
the inevitable outcome. In 1947 Stanley reported a cure rate was 74070 among patients whose neutro-
45070 rate of recovery from pseudomonas meningi- phil count increased during infection but only
tis treated only with sulfonamides [77]. 31070 among those patients whose neutrophil count
Polymyxin B and colistin were the first antibiot- decreased.
ics introduced into clinical practice that had sub- Several properties of gentamicin have limited its
stantial antipseudomonal activity. Most isolates of usefulness as a single agent for the treatment of
P. aeruginosa were inhibited in vitro by very low pseudomonas infections. Some isolates of P. aeru-
concentrations (median, 0.78 IAg/ml) of these an- ginosa are only marginally sensitive to this antibi-
tibiotics [12]. Unfortunately, their therapeutic ef- otic, and resistance has emerged as a problem in
ficacy did not match their in vitro activity. In a several institutions. The results of in vitro suscep-
review of 91 cases of pseudomonas bacteremia, tibility testing can vary considerably depending
Curtin et al. reported that infection was cured in upon the concentration of calcium and magne-
only five of 12 patients given polymyxins [124]. sium in the medium. These cations interfere with
The polymyxins were of little benefit in the treat- the activity of gentamicin, but the clinical rele-
ment of pseudomonas bacteremia in patients with vance of this observation is uncertain. Gentamicin
cancer. Only 24070 of 46 such patients who re- penetrates poorly into some tissues. The fact that
ceived a polymyxin recovered from their infection, minimal concentrations are detected in sputum
whereas 14070 of 21 patients who received no anti- probably explains the marginal efficacy of this
P. aeruginosa Infections 299

drug in the treatment of pseudomonas pneumo- Table 6. In vitro activity of aminoglycoside antibiotics
nia. Pus inactivates gentamicin in vitro; therefore, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
drainage remains important in the management of No. of
abscesses. In recent years, the recommended Drug strains MIC 9 0 t
dosage of gentamicin for serious infections has Gentamicin 899 2 32
been increased to 5 mg/kg per day. Even higher Tobramycin 934 1 6
doses have improved the rate of cure of pseudo- Amikacin 1,542 2 32
monas endocarditis [146]. However, the potential Sisomicin 231 6 128
Netilmicin 124 4 64
for irreversible auditory toxicity and nephrotoxici-
Fortimicin 983 16 128
ty prevents the administration of gentamicin at Kanamycin 325 50 100
doses that would provide optimal bactericidal ac- Dibekacin 247 2 4
tivity against some isolates of P. aeruginosa. Fosfomycin 71 12.5 100

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Many new aminoglycosides with substantial an- NOTE. Data are from [147-152].
tipseudomonal activity have been discovered during * The MIC so is the lowest concentration (in /-lg/ml) inhibit-
the past decade. The results of published in vitro ing the growth of 50010 of all strains tested.
studies are summarized in table 6. Of the drugs t The MIC 9 0 is the lowest concentration (in ug/ml) inhibit-
ing the growth of 90% of all strains tested.
listed, only tobramycin, amikacin, and gentamicin
are currently available for clinical use in the
United States. In most in vitro studies, tobramycin cin-resistant strains of P. aeruginosa was gained
was more active against P. aeruginosa than was on the burn service at Grady Memoral Hospital in
gentamicin. However, most isolates that are resis- 1968 and 1969 [155]. Topical gentamicin prepara-
tant to gentamicin are also resistant to tobramycin. tions had been utilized effectively from 1964 to
In one general hospital, only 19070 of gentamicin- 1968 for prophylaxis of pseudomonas burn-
resistant strains of P. aeruginosa were sensitive to wound sepsis, and 80070-90% of pseudomonas
tobramycin [153]. Most strains are less susceptible isolates recovered from patients had been suscepti-
to amikacin in vitro than to tobramycin or genta- ble to gentamicin in vitro. The incorporation of
micin, but the use of higher doses of amikacin hydrotherapy into the management of patients on
eliminates this disadvantage. this service was associated with an increase in the
Several prospective randomized clinical trials frequency of isolation of strains of gentamicin-
have failed to demonstate the superiority of one resistant P. aeruginosa. Only 20070 of all strains of
aminoglycoside over the others for the treatment P. aeruginosa cultured from burned patients in
of pseudomonas infections. Most large studies of 1968 and only 9070 of those cultured in 1969 were
serious infections have involved neutropenic pa- susceptible to gentamicin. Resistant strains were
tients with cancer, and the number of pseudomon- cultured from the whirlpool tanks, sinks, soap,
as infections in each group has been too small to towel racks, and hands of personnel, but only on
permit detection of even major differences [154]. the burn service. When the use of topical gentami-
The greater antipseudomonal activity of tobramy- cin was discontinued, the incidence of gentamicin-
cin would be of importance in the treatment of resistant isolates fell promptly to 5070.
infections caused by isolates that were only mar- Gentamicin resistance among isolates of P. aer-
ginally sensitive or marginally resistant to genta- uginosa varies considerably from hospital to hos-
micin. Amikacin is active against many isolates of pital. Despite the extensive use of this drug at the
P. aeruginosa that are resistant to other aminogly- M.D. Anderson Hospital, only 6070 of isolates are
cosides. In one general hospital population, 79070 resistant. At the Baltimore Cancer Research Cen-
of gentamicin-resistant isolates were susceptible to ter, none of 197 isolates of P. aeruginosa cultured
amikacin [153]. Hence, amikacin should be used between October 1969 and March 1971 was resis-
routinely in those institutions where gentamicin tant to gentamicin [156]. Oral prophylaxis with
resistance is common. antibiotics, including gentamicin, was initiated at
During the early years after the introduction of this institution in July 1970. Between April 1971
gentamicin, many investigators believed that and December 1971, 8070 of 145 isolates of P. aeru-
resistance to this antibiotic would not be a prob- ginosa were resistant to gentamicin; during the six
lem. The first large-scale experience with gentami- months beginning in January 1972, 14070 of 142
300 Bodeyet al.

isolates were resistant. Colonization by resistant cillin [160-163]. Twenty-eight (85%) of 33 epi-
strains occurred primarily while patients were sodes of septicemia were cured. Some of these
receiving the antibiotic. In a community hospital patients also received gentamicin, but usually their
surveyed between 1974 and 1975, 19070 of isolates infection had failed to respond to this antibiotic
of P. aeruginosa were resistant to ~161Ag of genta- before carbenicillin was used. It is difficult to
micin/ml [153]. Topical or oral preparations of assess fully the impact of carbenicillin from the lit-
this antibiotic were not being used at the time of erature because of the diversity of the populations
this survey. Most aminoglycoside-resistant strains studied, types of infections, dosage schedules, and
of P. aeruginosa have been cultured from patients methods of evaluation and the use by some inves-
with urinary tract or burn wound infections. Gen- tigators of antibiotic combinations rather than
tamicin resistance has become so common at some carbenicillin alone. Most reports include data on
institutions that amikacin is used routinely [157]. only a small number of serious infections.

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Most resistance to aminoglycosides is due to en- Shortly after the introduction of carbenicillin,
zymatic modification of the drugs by acetylation, reports began to appear of rapidly emerging resis-
adenylation, or phosphorylation. These enzymes tance among isolates of P. aeruginosa from pa-
can be transmitted to other organisms via plas- tients receiving this drug. Lowbury et al. reported
mids. Most enzymes that inactivate gentamicin isolates of P. aeruginosa that were highly resistant
also inactivate tobramycin; thus, cross-resistance to carbenicillin on a burn unit where this drug had
usually is demonstrated between these two amino- been used extensively [164]. Resistance was due to
glycosides. Because amikacin is effectively modi- a penicillinase that was transferable in vitro to
fied by only one enzyme found in P. aeruginosa, other strains of P. aeruginosa and Enterobac-
many isolates resistant to other aminoglycosides teriaceae. This problem was localized to the burn
are sensitive to amikacin. Resistance to aminogly- service and disappeared when carbenicillin usage
cosides also can be caused by decreased membrane was curtailed. Several other investigators reported
permeability, which would affect all of these anti- a stepwise increase in resistance to carbenicillin
biotics. among organisms that persisted during therapy
The discovery of the antipseudomonal activity [165]. In most instances, the MIC increased by
of carbenicillin represented a major advance in the about fourfold but the increase did not result in
treatment of pseudomonas infections. Initial re- failure of therapy. Often, the resistant isolate dis-
ports provided somewhat conflicting data regard- appeared when therapy was discontinued. The
ing the efficacy of this antibiotic because some in- rapid emergence of highly resistant organisms dur-
vestigators utilized marginal doses. Also, because ing treatment was an infrequent cause of thera-
of the relatively short half-life of carbenicillin, op- peutic failure. Another factor contributing to con-
timal therapy requires frequent dosing, especially cern about the rapid emergence of resistance
in neutropenic patients. In a study of 59 pseudo- resulted from errors in disk sensitivity testing.
monas infections in patients with cancer, the rate Some laboratories did not use standardized proce-
of response to carbenicillin was 750/0 overall and dures and erroneously reported increased resis-
71% among patients with septicemia [158]. The tance to carbenicillin. In one study of 234 "resis-
rate of cure was independent of the patient's neu- tant" isolates of P. aeruginosa, 690/0 were found to
trophil counts-Le., 750/0 among patients with se- be sensitive on retesting [166]. In 1967 and 1968,
vere neutropenia and 560/0 among patients with 89070 of 643 strains of P. aeruginosa were sensitive
adequate neutrophil counts. Also, the cure rate in to carbenicillin; in 1974, 88070 of 152 strains were
this study was similar whether the patients' neutro- sensitive [166].
phil counts increased or decreased during infec- Ticarcillin is a relatively new antipseudomonal
tion (82070 vs. 76%). Subsequently, pseudomonas penicillin that is twice as active as carbenicillin
infections in an additional 53 patients with cancer against P. aeruginosa in vitro (table 7). However,
were treated with combination antibiotic regimens most isolates that are resistant to carbenicillin are
in which carbenicillin was the only antipseudomo- also resistant to ticarcillin. Although ticarcillin has
nal agent; infection was cured in 800/0 of these been used extensively for the treatment of pseudo-
patients [159]. In a collated series of 114 pseudo- monas infections, it has usually been administered
monas infections, 94 (820/0) responded to carbeni- in combination with an aminoglycoside. Hence,
P. aeruginosa Infections 301

large-scale studies evaluating ticarcillin alone have Table 7. In vitro activity of (J-Iactam antibiotics
not been published. According to the material against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
submitted to the manufacturer, 10 of 12 cases of No. of
septicemia, 24 of 35 evaluable skin and soft-tissue Drug strains MIC so*
infections, and 26 of 52 evaluable respiratory tract Carbenicillin 1,956 85 180
infections caused by P. aeruginosa were cured Ticarcillin 1,834 32 100
with ticarcillin (R. Vann, personal communica- Azlocillin 1,070 16 64
tion). Of a series of 43 pseudomonas infections in Piperacillin 1,008 6 54
Mezlocillin 1,180 34 128
patients with cancer, ticarcillin cured 84070, in-
Furazlocillin 164 4 24
cluding seven of 11 episodes of septicemia [159]. Cefotaxime 1,392 16 64
The overall rate of response to ticarcillin was 74070 Cefoperazone 1,267 6 25
in a study of 94 pseudomonas infections, in- Moxalactam 596 25 100
Ceftazidime 374 1 4

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

cluding 12 cases of septicemia, 66 of respiratory
Ceftizoxime 370 50 100
tract infection, 10 of urinary tract infection, and
Ceftriaxone 182 50 100
six of soft-tissue infection [167]. Eleven of the 12 Cefsulodin 865 2 16
cases of septicemia responded. Although some pa- Cefmenoxime 158 16 64
tients also received an aminoglycoside, the authors Azthreonam 161 3.12 12.5
concluded that ticarcillin alone was equally effec- N-formimidoyl thienamycin 192 2 8
tive. Hypokalemia occurred in only 3070 of these NOTE. Data are from [163-174].
patients. Ticarcillin plus tobramycin was com- * The MIC so is the lowest concentration (in IAg/ml) inhibit-
pared with carbenicillin plus gentamicin in a ran- ing the growth of 50010 of all strains tested.
t The MIC 9 0 is the lowest concentration (in ug/rnl) inhibit-
domized trial involving mostly patients with cystic ing the growth of 90% of all strains tested.
fibrosis [97]. The former regimen was found to be
more effective than the latter. Although few com-
parative studies of ticarcillin and carbenicillin The in vitro activity of several important anti-
have been conducted, ticarcillin has replaced car- pseudomonal drugs is illustrated in table 8. All
benicillin at many institutions because it can be isolates of P. aeruginosa cultured from the blood
administered at a lower dosage that probably of patients with cancer at our institution during
causes less frequent and severe hypokalemia and the past five years were tested simultaneously.
hyponatremia. However, some isolates from earlier years were no
The discovery of a penicillin with antipseudo- longer available. Despite extensive use of carbeni-
monal activity provided an impetus for the synthe- cillin, ticarcillin, and tobramycin, no substantial
sis of many new penicillins and, subsequently, changes in susceptibility have occurred. Cef-
cephalosporins and other {3-lactam antibiotics. tazidime was the {3-lactam antibiotic most active
Several early penicillins such as BL-P1654 and pir- against P. aeruginosa in this study.
benicillin were abandoned after early clinical trials Several of the new {3-lactam antibiotics have
[168, 169]. Penicillins recently introduced into the been introduced into clinical practice, but experi-
United States, Europe, or Japan include mezlocil- ence with their use as antipseudomonal agents is
lin, azlocillin, piperacillin, and apalcillin. All of somewhat limited. It has become rare for large
these agents are as active as or more active than numbers of cases of pseudomonas infection to ac-
carbenicillin or ticarcillin in vitro (table 7). The cumulate at a single institution in recent years. For
third-generation cephalosporins also have sub- example, a total of 1,026 febrile episodes were
stantial in vitro activity against P. aeruginosa. studied in three large prospective trials of different
Among these newer cephalosporins, ceftazidime antibiotic regimens, and only 50 infections were
has the greatest antipseudomonal activity in vitro. caused by P. aeruginosa [170-172]. Hence, a max-
Cefsulodin is an interesting analog because its ac- imum of 10 cases of pseudomonas infection were
tivity against gram-negative bacilli is limited to treated with any of the antibiotic regimens. This
P. aeruginosa. In addition, new {3-lactam struc- small number of cases makes it impossible to draw
tures such as azthreonam and thienamycin have definite conclusions regarding the relative efficacy
been found to have impressive antipseudomonal of different regimens. The decreased frequency of
activity in vitro. pseudomonas infections reflects changes in thera-
302 Bodeyet al.

Table 8. In vitro activity of severalantibiotics against Pseudomonas aeruginosa at M. D. Anderson Hospital (Hous-
ton, TX) during a five-year period.
MIC so/MIC9 0 for isolates in indicated year*
Drug 1977 (48) 1978 (43) 1979 (64) 1980 (122) 1981 (146)

Carbenicillin 50/200 50/100 50/200 50/200 100/>200

Ticarcillin 25/100 25/50 25/100 25/100 25/200
Piperacillin 3.12/12.5 3.12/12.5 3.12125 3.12/12.5 6.25/50
Azlocillin 6.25/25 6.25/25 6.25/25 6.25/25 12.5/100
Moxalactam 25/50 25/25 25/50 25/50 25/100
Cefoperazone 3.12/12.5 6.25/12.5 6.25/25 6.25/12.5 6.25/50
Ceftazidime 1.56/6.25 1.56/3.12 1.56/6.25 1.56/6.25 3.12/6.25
Tobramycin 0.20/0.39 0.39/0.78 0.39/0.78 0.39/0.78 0.39/0.78

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

* Numbers in parentheses after years represent numbers of isolates tested. The MIC so and MIC 9 0 are the lowest concentrations
(in jJg/ml) inhibiting the growth of 50% and 90% of all strains tested, respectively.

peutic practices and improvement in antipseu- of these new agents. All of the drugs have sub-
domonal therapy. At our institution, P. aerugino- stantial antipseudomonal activity, but the data on
sa caused 490/0 of all episodes of gram-negative most of these antibiotics have been obtained
bacillary septicemia during 1966-1968 (before primarily from cases of urinary tract infection.
carbenicillin became available) but only 18070 of Most of the lower respiratory-tract infections were
the episodes during 1969-1972 (after carbenicillin cases of pneumonia. Even with this very large data
was used routinely) [173]. base, only a few cases of pseudomonas septicemia
Table 9 summarizes the results obtained with could be evaluated, the largest number of which
several of the new fJ-Iactam antibiotics in the treat- were treated with moxalactam. With this limited
ment of pseudomonas infections. These data were experience, it is not possible to ascribe superior ef-
obtained from the files of the relevant pharma- ficacy to any of these antibiotics.
ceutical companies and represent the collated ex- The potential for emergence of resistant orga-
perience of all clinical investigators involved in the nisms during therapy with the newer fJ-Iactam
initial clinical trials. This information has certain antibiotics has been of some concern. For ex-
limitations, such as differences in the populations ample, in one study of moxalactam, six of 30 in-
studied and the dosage schedules used, but it pro- fections caused by P. aeruginosa failed to respond
vides some indication of the therapeutic efficacy to therapy and 11 isolates developed resistance
during therapy [174]. In another study of this anti-
Table 9. Therapeutic results with new antipseudo- biotic, most organisms that persisted during ther-
monal penicillins. apy became resistant [175]. However, the manu-
No. of episodes of infection at indicated facturer's data indicate that only 43 of 4,400
site (070 responding to therapy*) strains cultured from patients receiving moxalac-
tam developed resistance during therapy [154].
Antibiotic All sites respiratory tract Bloodstream Thirty of the 43 strains were P. aeruginosa, and
these 30 strains represented only 5.3070 of the total
Mezlocillin 80 (85) 13 (85) 4 (100)
Azlocillin 231 (90) 78 (90) 11 (73)
number of strains of P. aeruginosa cultured. Re-
PiperaciIIin 155 (70) 61 (75) 6 (67) sistance occurred primarily in strains from patients
Moxalactam 395 (71) 57 (67) 30 (80) with urinary tract infections (which were usually
Cefoperazone 76 (79) 23 (87) 8 (100) treated with <1 g of moxalactam per day) and in
Note. Data were obtained from the files of pharmaceutical those from patients with lower respiratory-tract
companies by means of personal communications from the fol- infections, usually complicating cystic fibrosis.
lowing: E. Griffith, Miles Pharmaceuticals; West Haven, CT; It is a generally accepted practice to treat serious
M. Gannt, Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, NY; D. Fay, pseudomonas infections with the combination of
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, New York, NY; and R. Kammer, Eli
Lilly and Co., Indianapolis, IN.
an antipseudomonal penicillin and an aminoglyco-
* Response is defined as bacteriologic and clinical cure plus side. This practice is based upon the results of
clinical improvement. studies in vitro and in animals, which indicate that
P. aeruginosa Infections 303

these agents act synergistically. An antipseudo- Table 10. Summary of results of treatment of pseudo-
monal penicillin plus an aminoglycoside act syner- monas and proteus infections with carbenicillin, an
aminoglycoside, or carbenicillin plus aminoglycoside.
gistically against 30070-50070 of isolates of P. aeru-
ginosa. The mortality from experimental pseu- Regimen No. of cases (010 cured)
domonas infection approaches 90070 when such Carbenicillin 73 (71)
infection is treated with carbenicillin or gen- Aminoglycoside 64 (48)
tamicin but is only 5070 when these drugs are used Carbenicillin plus aminoglycoside 171 (74)
in combination [135]. Klastersky et al. [176] and
Anderson et al. [178] reported that synergistic an-
tibiotic combinations are more effective than non- nasa against which it did and did not have syner-
synergistic combinations. However, in the study gistic activity.
of Anderson et al., synergism benefited only those Another reason for using the combination of a

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

patients who had "rapidly fatal" underlying dis- penicillin plus an aminoglycoside is that it may re-
eases, neutropenia, shock, and pseudomonas in- duce the likelihood of emergence of resistant
fection. Our experience has not indicated a signifi- P. aeruginosa. In several studies where this possi-
cantly higher rate of response to a combination bility was examined, the use of an aminoglycoside
regimen than to an antipseudomonal penicillin with an antipseudomonal penicillin did not pre-
alone. Table 10 shows the results of treatment of a vent colonization with penicillin-resistant orga-
large number of pseudomonas (and a few proteus) nisms [180, 181]. The availability of third-genera-
infections collated from the literature [154]. Car- tion cephalosporins requires a critical reappraisal
benicillin plus gentamicin was not superior to car- of this question. The combination of an antipseu-
benicillin alone. The only important difference domonal penicillin plus an antipseudomonal
was the superiority of carbenicillin alone over gen- cephalosporin may be as effective as the combina-
tamicin alone. Only one prospective randomized tion of either of these drugs plus an aminoglyco-
trial has evaluated single-agent vs. combination side. One study already suggests that this hypothe-
therapy for pseudomonas infections [177]. The sis holds true for general therapy, although too
cure rates were 57070 for gentamicin alone, 50070 few pseudomonas infections were included for the
for carbenicillin alone, and 83070 for the combina- comparison to be meaningful [182]. If the penicil-
tion. A major problem with this study was the lin-cephalosporin combination should turn out to
dosage schedule of carbenicillin (10 g every 8 hr). be effective, patients with pseudomonas infections
Because of the short half-life of carbenicillin, this could avoid the risk of nephrotoxicity from
regimen was probably inappropriate and may aminoglycosides-an important consideration for
have accounted for the poorer results with this patients with cancer who are receiving other neph-
drug. rotoxic drugs and for patients with impaired renal
Why does a synergistic combination appear to function.
be superior to a nonsynergistic combination? The The introduction of the antipseudomonal
difference in results probably reflects the dif- penicillins and aminoglycosides has had a pro-
ference in efficacy of the antipseudomonal peni- found impact on the treatment of pseudomonas
cillins and aminoglycosides in neutropenic pa- infections. Figure 5 illustrates the different rates
tients. The only type of synergistic combination of survival after onset of pseudomonas septicemia
included in the studies reviewed was an amino- in patients with cancer before and after the intro-
glycoside plus a penicillin. Nonsynergistic com- duction of carbenicillin [7]. Despite this impres-
binations generally included an aminoglycoside sive difference, several recent papers have ques-
plus an antibiotic without antipseudomonal activi- tioned the efficacy of current antipseudomonal
ty, such as a cephalosporin. Hence, what was real- therapy [125, 183]. What accounts for this differ-
ly being compared in the treatment of pseudomo- ence in perspective? First, different studies use dif-
nas infections was an aminoglycoside alone vs. a ferent criteria for failure. Since serious pseudomo-
combination containing an antipseudomonal peni- nas infection occurs primarily in patients with
cillin. The only valid comparison would involve serious underlying diseases, some patients die of
testing of a combination with strains of P. aerugi- causes other than their infection. Often this fact is
304 Bodey et at.

e - e_ _e
~ Vodey, 19l1+
observations, additional studies have been con-
ducted with purified products and multiple an-
eo ~ ~hlmPff;1971' tigens in different experimental models.
The protective role of serotype-specific and non-
~ 60 type-specific active immunity against P. aerugino-
40 ~~. ~.~~mPff'1971
sa infection was evaluated in neutropenic dogs
[56]. Dogs were immunized with either specific


+ Rx incl Carbenicillin
serotype 6 vaccine or nonspecific serotype 3 vac-
cine and then challenged iv with viable serotype 6
P. aeruginosa. A control group was challenged
but not immunized. Animals that received the
serotype-specific vaccine had less fever, markedly
Survival, days
less severe bacteremia, and a significantly higher

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

Figure 5. Effect of therapy on survival after onset of survival rate than did the other two groups. This
pseudomonas septicemia: comparison in patients with
cancer before and after the introduction of carbenicillin study demonstrated that type-specific immunity
(for details, see [7].) induced by active immunization offers effective
protection against pseudomonas infection during
not taken into account in assessing the efficacy of Recently, a new polyvalent vaccine (PEV-Ol)
antibiotic therapy. Second, the population of pa- has been developed [186]. This vaccine is made
tients developing pseudomonas infections is from single components of 16 selected strains of
changing. More intensive antitumor chemother- P. aeruginosa. The method of preparation of the
apy is being given to patients with cancer, bone vaccine suggests that LPS is the serologically ac-
marrow transplants are being performed more fre- tive component; however, the vaccine has not
quently, and prosthetic devices are being used been chemically characterized, and the active im-
more extensively than in the past. These and other munogenic entity has yet to be identified. Studies
factors influence the outcome of pseudomonas in- in animals and in human volunteers have shown
fection. Third, and most important, clinicians that this new polyvalent vaccine can increase titers
may fail to administer appropriate antibiotic of protective antibody and enhance the bacterici-
therapy at the onset of pseudomonas infection. dal function of leukocytes within a week after in-
Antipseudomonal agents are often administered jection [187, 188].
only after the diagnosis has been established. Mor- Animal models of respiratory tract infection
tality in the first 24 hr approaches 35070 if ap- have been used for evaluation of the PEV -01 vac-
propriate therapy is not instituted immediately. cine. The effects of intratracheal instillation of
Those studies showing major improvement in the P. aeruginosa were determined in a guinea pig
results of treatment were conducted in closely con- model [188]. Guinea pigs routinely developed
trolled units where antipseudomonal therapy was fourfold rises in HA antibodies to P. aeruginosa
administered at the onset of fever, not after the after the administration of vaccine in four injec-
establishment of the diagnosis. tions over two weeks. The survival rate among
Pseudomonas vaccines. The development of vaccinated animals was significantly higher (13 of
antipseudomonal vaccines for use in humans was 14, or 930/0) than that among control animals (five
triggered by observations of the protective role of of 14, or 360/0). Also, the rate of clearance of
antibody to P. aeruginosa in animals. For in- viable P. aeruginosa from the lung was higher and
stance, 800/0 of rabbits immunized with whole-cell the amount of tissue damage was smaller in the
vaccine and then challenged with P. aeruginosa vaccinated animals. This type of vaccine is capable
survived; in contrast, <200/0 of the control group of eliciting a specific protective response in the res-
survived [184]. In another study, burned mice piratory tract. A recent study found a high level of
were immunized with extracellular fractions of pseudomonas opsonins in the bronchial fluid of
P. aeruginosa. The survival rate among the 60 vac- vaccinated animals after establishment of experi-
cinated animals was 930/0, whereas that among the mental pseudomonas pneumonia; this develop-
15 controls was only 33% [185]. Since these early ment was presumably secondary to diffusion of
P. aeruginosa Infections 305

serum proteins into local inflammatory fluids deaths of 3.1070 ofvaccinees and 14.1% of controls.
[189]. This opsonic antibody appears to be Again, concurrent study of a control group would
necessary for the augmentation of phagocytosis by have been advantageous.
alveolar macrophages. Since pseudomonas infections are a serious
In humans, numerous immunization trials have problem in immunocompromised patients, deter-
been conducted; some of these studies are sum- mination of the effect of the vaccine in this popu-
marized in table 11. Initially, whole-cell vaccines lation was of great importance. In a large study,
were used. In one study, both vaccines and hyper- 176 patients with leukemia and solid tumors were
immune plasma were given to 100 burned patients, vaccinated, and the outcome of their infections
and the results were compared with those for 41 was compared with that in 185 control patients
historical controls. In the control groups, 51070 of [193]. Fatal pseudomonas septicemia occurred in
patients had pseudomonas septicemia and 32070 19 controls and in 10 vaccinees. Thus, the vaccine

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

died; in the immunized group, 5070 of patients had did not provide significant protection against fatal
pseudomonas septicemia and 4070 died [190]. septicemia. However, mortality associated with
Although this difference is impressive, it may be pseudomonas infection was 7070 for the vaccinated
accounted for by improvements in patient care group and 17% for the control groups, and this
during the intervening period. A whole-cell prep- difference was statistically significant. A major
aration also was used in burned patients. The problem with the vaccine was the occurrence of
percentage of survivors was higher in the group adverse reactions. Ninety-two percent of the vac-
that received more than three doses than in the cinated patients developed local tenderness at the
group that received three doses [191]. injection site or had fever. More severe reactions,
In later studies, the vaccine most widely used such as hypotension, bronchospasm, and exten-
was the heptavalent preparation described by sive skin rash, occurred in a few patients.
Hanessian et al. [197]. This vaccine contains seven Although the majority of patients (even those with
LPS antigens found in more than 90% of the acute leukemia and Hodgkin's disease) developed
pseudomonas infections encountered in many in- augmented titers of circulating antibody to one or
stitutions. The early clinical trials with this vaccine more of the antigens used for immunization, these
were carried out in burned patients [192]. The out- elevated titers were short-lived.
come of infection in 96 patients who had burns Two other studies have been conducted in pa-
over >20070 of their bodies and who were vac- tients with leukemia. In one study, 28 patients
cinated was compared with that in 75 historical were immunized, and the outcome of their infec-
controls. Pseudomonas septicemia resulted in the tions was compared with that in appropriate con-

Table 11. Summary of results of immunization trials with pseudomonas vaccines.

No. of patients Mortality/sepsis (070)*
Risk factor in Vac- Con- Vac- Con- ence
Vaccine population immunized cinees trols cinees trols no.

Whole-cell plus hyperimmune sera Burn wounds 100 41 4/5 32/51 190
Whole-cell Burn wounds 39 0 .. .t ...t 191
Heptavalent (Parke-Davis) Burn wounds 96 75 3.118 14.1118 192
Heptavalent Neoplasia (intensive-care unit) 176 185 7.3/7.8 16.7/10.2 193
Heptavalent Acute leukemia 28 30 10.7/... 16.6/... 194
Heptavalent Acute leukemia 22 20 0/4.5 5/10 195
Polyvalent (16 antigens) Burn wounds 18 20 0/ ... 15/ ... 187
(Burroughs Wellcome)
Polyvalent Burn wounds SIt 56§ 0/0 18.7/12.5 196

* Percentages reflect all instances of mortality and sepsis that were related to pseudomonas infection.
t The proportion of patients that survived was higher among those given more than three doses of vaccine than among those
given three doses.
:\: This group included 30 adults and 21 children.
§ This group included 32 adults and 24 children.
306 Bodeyetal.

troIs [194]. Mortality was 10.7070 in the vaccinated from the clinical trials that have been reported so
group and 16.6070 in the control group. In another far, and no comparative studies with heptavalent
study, heptavalent vaccine was evaluated in 22 pa- vaccine have been carried out.
tients with acute leukemia, and the results were Efforts to improve outcome among patients at
compared with those in 20 controls [195]. Twelve high risk of pseudomonas infection have involved
patients with cystic fibrosis were also immunized. the administration of hyperimmune globulin alone
Serum titers of HA antibodies to P. aeruginosa and in combination with vaccine. Table 12 sum-
were determined at regular intervals in vaccines marizes the results of two studies of immunother-
and controls. Compared with the patients with apy in burned patients. In one study of 96 patients
cystic fibrosis, the patients with acute leukemia who received the vaccine, 3.1070 died. In contrast,
had a lower and shorter-lived antibody response none of the 186 patients who received the vaccine
and experienced greater toxicity from the vaccine. plus hyperimmune globulin died [198]. In the

Downloaded from at University of Sussex on December 14, 2012

Adverse reactions occurred in 100% of patients other study, the PEV-Ol vaccine and/or hyper-
with leukemia and 92 % of patients with cystic immune globulin derived from volunteers immun-
fibrosis. The mixing of steroids with the vaccine ized with the vaccine were administered to burned
greatly decreased the incidence of adverse reac- patients [199]. Ninety-one patients received the
tions without significantly inhibiting antibody vaccine, 48 the hyperimmune globulin, and 37
production. Pseudomonas septicemia occurred in both; 103 patients served as controls. Gram-
4.5070 of patients with leukemia and in 10% of negative septicemia occurred in 27 (45070) of 60
controls. No vaccinees with leukemia died of pseu- control patients from whom blood specimens were
domonas infection, but 5% of controls did. obtained and in 18 (21 %) of 84 immunologically
Although this vaccine has been shown to have a treated patients. Only 2070 of immunologically
protective effect in patients with burns and treated patients had pseudomonas septicemia;
neoplasia, no significant clinical benefit has been 20070 of controls developed this condition. The
demonstrated in patients with cystic fibrosis overall mortality was 5 % among patients who re-
despite adequate antibody levels [195]. For in- ceived the vaccine, 10% among patients who re-
stance, 77% of patients with cystic fibrosis har- ceived both vaccine and hyperimmune globulin,
bored P. aeruginosa, and an antibody response and 29% among controls. In this study, the rate of
occurred in 71% of this group. However, despite colonization of burns with P. aeruginosa was
high antibody titers, the organism was not lower three weeks after immunization in the
eradicted from the respiratory tract. Since such groups that received hyperimmune globulin than
patients are frequently colonized with mucoid in those that did not.
strains, the mucoid polysaccharide may mask cell-
wall LPS and limit enhanced opsonization by anti-
Table 12. Results of immunotherapy for pseudomon-
bodies to LPS. as infections in burned patients.
Jones et aI. conducted several trials with the
Study [reference], group, No. of Mortal-
PEV-01 vaccine in burned patients and found that
type of treatment* vaccinees ity (070)
it prevented pseudomonas septicemia and reduced
the frequency of septicemia caused by other gram- Alexander and Fisher [198], all patients
negative bacteria [187, 196]. The protection Heptavalent vaccine 96 3.1
Heptavalent vaccine and HIS 186
associated with nonpseudomonal infections and Jones et al. [199]
the early occurrence of death secondary to burn Adult
wound sepsis suggest that some of the protection Polyvalent vaccine 60 8.3
was nonspecific. In patients with burns, studies of Polyvalent vaccine and HIS 22 13.6
both heptavalent and PEV-Ol vaccine suggest that Hffi m 10
None (control) 61 36
protection is conferred by active immunization. Children
However, definitive, randomized, controlled Polyvalent vaccine 31 6.4
studies to support this conclusion are lacking. The Polyvalent vaccine and HIS 15 6.6
PEV-OI vaccine is believed to be less toxic than the HIS 18
None (control) 42 21
heptavalent preparations; however, no quan-
titative data on human reactivity are available * HIS = hyperimmune sera.
P. aeruginosa Infections 307

Although the major impact of immunotherapy nas vaccines will lead to the discovery of effective
has been in burned patients, such treatment has prophylaxis for highly susceptible patients.
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