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What’s In

1. The news is all about the deadly virus, which originated in Wuhan, China, that has killed lives of
many people – the Coronavirus or COVID-19.
2. The COVID-19 pandemic affected all people, so is the Filipino. Because of this pandemic, in the
Philippines, few businesses have stopped operating, and some have not but their income are
lesser than their income before this pandemic. Many Filipinos lost their jobs even though they
do not want it. By this, some Filipinos have difficulties in sufficing their daily basic needs. Local
Government Units (or LGUs) gave groceries, other essentials and financial support for Filipinos,
but those were never enough for the citizens. Sadly, the virus has put lives of many Filipinos at
stake and has killed few.
3. The source of income of our family decreased, so our purchasing power has decreased, too. We
cannot buy all our basic needs and wants because of our scarcity of money.
4. During this pandemic, the government – nationally and locally – gives help for its people. It has
given relief goods, financial support for few people, and other needs. Also, the government has
promulgated laws for the citizens to follow to prevent the increase of COVID-19 cases.
5. I am not totally contented with the measures taken by the government to mitigate health

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