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Bibliografía correspondiente a Argos número 114 (diciembre 2009)

Título del artículo: Tricomoniasis oral en un Cernícalo Común (Falco tinnunculus)

Autor: Rafael Molina López
Sección: N.A.C.

1. Clipsham R: Avian Pathogenic flagellated enteric protozoa. Seminars in Avian and

Exotic Pet Medicine 1995; 4 (3):112-125.
2. Greiner E, Ritchie. En: Harrison G, Harrison L, Ritchie B (eds): Avian Medicine:
Principles and Application. Lake Worth, FL, Wingers, 1994, pp 1007-1029.
3. Huckhabe JR: Raptors therapeutics. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal
Practice 2000;3; 91-116.
4. Jones MP. Selected diseases of birds of prey. En: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners 2001;31-39.
5. Joseph V: Preventive health programs for falconry birds of prey. En: Proceedings of the
Annual Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians. 1996; 261-266.
6. Murphy J: Psittacine Trichomoniasis, En: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the
Association of Avian Veterinarians. New Orleans, 1992, pp 21-24.
7. Redig PT: Health management of raptors trained for falconry. En: Proceedings of the
Annual Conference of the Association of Avian Veterinarians Proceedings of the
Association of Avian Veterinarians. New Orleans, 1992; 258-264.
8. Rodríguez de la Fuente, F: El arte de la cetrería. México, Librería Noriega, 1986; 284
9. Samour JH, Bailey TA, Cooper JE: Trichomoniasis in birds of prey (Order
Falconiformes in Bahrain. Veterinary Record 1995; 136:358-362.
10. Samour JH, Naldo JL: Diagnosis and therapeutic management of trichomoniasis in
Falcons in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 2003;17(3):136-143.
11. Zucca P: Infectious diseases. En: Samour JH (ed) Avian Medicine. Mosby. London
2000, 219-291.

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