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Proyecto Final Ingles

Inglés 4 (Universidad Tecnológica del Perú)

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Descargado por Arturo Huarcaya (

Lucero Aguirre and José Tasayco

Final Project
By phone
A: Hi? Who’s calling?
B: Hi Lucero/José, it’s Lucero/José. This is my new number.
A: Mm, it does not sound like you.
I’m not so sure if I should believe on you, but you are going to
demonstrate that you are who you say answering this question: When
were you born?
B: Ha-ha. Are you kidding?
A: No! Just answer.
B: Ha-ha. Ok, I was born on (birthdate of the person who is talking).
A: Oh, sorry for doing this show. You know, nowadays there are a lot of
B: That is true, we have to be cautious. But this is not the reason of my call.
I wanted to ask you for a favor.
A: Tell me
B: Well I have to make a presentation in my English class. And I need I
partner. Would you like to be my partner?
A: Yes, I’d like it. What is it about?
B: Is easy, we just have to talk about a remarkable person’s life.
A: Mm, it would be easy but nowadays there are just some people that is
“remarkable” and also them have committed banal actions.
B: Nevertheless, we have to select one.
A: What about Daniel Tammet?
B: He is the famous autistic savant. Right?
A: Yes, he is.
B: He is perfect for our presentation. Do you know something about him?
A: Sure, I made an article about him in high school. What about you?
B: I just know some details about his life. I’m going to search information
about it in some minutes.
A: Ok, I remember that there was a page that explains all his life
synthesizes. It is “A Savant life”
B: I will check it... Is it ok if we meet in an hour in order to practice?

Descargado por Arturo Huarcaya (


Lucero Aguirre and José Tasayco

A: I don’t think so. I’m helping my mom to clean the house now. And after
that I would like to go out with my boyfriend/girlfriend. But we can meet
in the night. Is it ok at 7:00 pm in the park next to your house?
B: Is ok for me.

At night
A: Hey Lucero/José
B: Hi. It is cold, and supposedly is spring.
A: Yeah, Lima’s weather is crazy. Let us enter to my house.
B: Ok

In the house
A: Do you want a piece of cake?
B: Sure, I’m hungry.
A: Ok, take it. Tell me, what did you found about him?
B: Well, he was born on January 31st in 1999. He is also a mathematical
genius. And as I said before, he is and autistic savant. So, it means that he
is a genius in all aspects.
A: That is amazing, I also investigated that he recalled pi to 22,514 pieces in
five hours and also, he created his own language.
B: Those are interesting points. They will be fantastic in the presentation.
A: Yeah. Did you find something about his future plans?
B: I read that he wanted to donate all the money he won in the competitions
where he participates and also, he wanted to write more books.
A: He does a lot of things; He probably feels proud of his acts. Talking about
proud acts, I also read that he traveled to different countries in order to help
people with his disability. In an interview he said that a disability is not a
barrier to succeed. That is a smart phrase.
B: Oh, you know more about him that he. We can add what you have
already said. I believe that miss Mappi will love it. And also, we can add that
he traveled to New York by helicopter in order to draw the entire city.
A: That is amazing. I just know to draw trees.
B. Hahaha. That is so sad.
A: Yes☹. OMG! It’s too late, I have to go home. Mom will punish me not
permitting me to go to the safari, with my friends.
B: Good luck. Don’t forget that tomorrow we have to take photos of the old
town for geography classes.

Descargado por Arturo Huarcaya (


Lucero Aguirre and José Tasayco

A: Weren’t them about the cathedral?

B: Um, I don’t remember it well.
A: Well, we ask to the professor tomorrow.
B: He sent an e-mail two hours ago saying that he had a headache and he
will go to the doctor tomorrow so he is going to be absent.
A: Oh, well it does not matter. I will send hi an e-mail and I tell you later.
B: Ok, thanks you.
A: Ok, bye.
B: See you.

Descargado por Arturo Huarcaya (

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