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Book of Shadows

Click fingers after spells for light.

Snap fingers for dark.

You can use thumb and pinky held together for apply or widdershins to cancel or your spell activator/s
and cancelers.

For all hand movement spells click or snap is not needed.

All spells in Italics are said out loud activator.

Christian Witches

Absorb Magics (Obvious)

Purify Magics (Purifies to your own)

Click then say “Create Ah Psi” / “Create Monkey" / “Create Little Helper" and then

Say “Clean Room" (Same for all classes)

(Should return all magics in room and purify your own at the same time.)

Full Auto Awids (Christian return of magics and shielding.)

Disbelieve Illusion for light Dissillusion for dark. (Nullifies enemy caster magics in room)

May you go in Peace for light (forget past ten hours chat)

Shushwanywaniu (Dark forget 10 hours audio)

Field Gope (Forget 10 hours visual, same for all classes)

Draw Curtains (Silences a wall or floor 10 hours)

N Silence Room (Silence Room 10 hours)

Quiet (Turns witch voice to quiet)

Teleport me to me: with hand upside down (So many uses)

Wake up with hands not touching in a upwards direction of head. (Obvious)

Nullify magics (Obvious)

Identify with hand cupped hand to ear push and return to ear from object. (Identifies)

Learn Ultimate Truth with magnet 50/50 from target object or person to indicate towards for truth and
away for lie. (Detects truth)
Clean Dog with hands running up and down the the body. (Removes entities)

Clean Internal Tech / Magic

Logic Bomb (Does internal clean of Entities / Attachments.)

N Standard Reversal.

Catholic Witches / Chaos magic )

Chaos Deny for light Deny Chaos for dark (Nullifies enemy caster magics in room.)

Chaos Awids (Catholic return of magics and shielding for light and dark.)

Paint Silence (Silences a wall or bubble around your head)

Shushwanywaniu (Dark forget 10 hours audio)

Chaos Logic Bomb (Does internal clean of entities.)

Cat Wash with hands running up and down the the body. (Removes entities)

N Silence Room (Silence Room 10 hours)

N Standard Reversal.

Pure Wiccan

Same as above for each except

Well whatever (Forget past 10 hours except witches)

Witch Clean (with hands running up and down the the body. (Removes entities)

Teleport me to me (Returns all your stuff)

Tardis Controls / Spells

T Sheilds up Instantaneously / Instantly

(Provides room wide sheilds and transport.)

Purify / Impurity Tardis to King or Queen you support up or down.

1st layer three shields below level.

(0.100 Billion 01 but 0.100 Science level)

2nd layer Magic level.

(0.100 Billion 01 but 0.100 Magic level)

3rd layer Dream level Adjustable

(0.0) 100 Billion 0s no 0.anything but

4Th layer Astral Adjustable same as above 0. 100 Billion 0s no 0.anything but 0)

5th layer Lucid 100% adjustable set same as above two)

6th layer reciprocal 2 shield below level

(Max level 15% magic max level) Or it goes haywire)

7th layer 1 shield below 50% lock for power level.

8th layer power level remember set levelmax 50% for micro jump dimemsion)

9th layer 50% Science magic and arts like TV, theatre etc.

10th layer 69.4% Rational Earth / Universe

(You have to allow choice for rational or creative thought)

11th layer 70% Zero Room energy (healing)

12th layer 80% Artron energy Time lord power.

13th layer 90% Psionic energy.

14th layer 100% Planet Earth. Non adjustable.

15th layer 117.3% Absolute light and love

Learn Create T Shields up Instantaneously / instantly round my house lost extradimensionally

Think teleport me to my house.

Aka Bingo lol gone extradimensional worries reconstituted ghost or spirit into human in house. AND
Kaboom goes their messing with us.


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