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Organic Agriculture: Strengths and Weaknesses in Farming

2.Innovation of reliable and effective method in pest control.

3.The impacts of Organic agriculture as the method in farming

4.The cause and effects of organic farming to the human

5.Organic Agriculture : The Effectiveness of a soil as the primary

Need in organic farming.



a. To have an effective crops ,how it will be to help the farmers or agriculturists to make their crops fine.

b. How to manipulate the strengths and weaknesses of cropping to maintain the goodness of a crop.

c. strength as the key for more healthy crops .

d. How the use of organic products maintain the crops grow healthier

e. What will happen if the crop use only organic and not use any kind of synthetic products or chemicals.


a. The budget for pest control

b. Distribution of a pest control especially in wide vast area under the budget.

c. Proper method of pest control in the area where near human live as it can effect to their health

d. Effectiveness of the product use as a pest control.

e. How to save pest control


a. How it helps to the human if they eat crops came from organic plants

b. It is much healthier than the crops contains with chemicals.

c. The market , allowed organic plants ,vegetables ,fruits to sell in their market.

d. How the organic farming help the environment.

e. Also how it helps the society.


a. The organic products are much healthier to the human.

b. It is less calories , and less treat to health.

c. The causes of organic farming in the field of agriculture .

d The effects in the human health of a person since it is came from organic products.

e. The planting and eating of organic plants as the best way to avoid serious health issue.


a. Choosing a place where the organic production start

b Finding a kind of soil where the crops grow healthier and fine.

c. Soil is a critical part of successful agriculture and is the original source of the nutrients that we use to
grow crops.

d. Nutrients are also a part of the food animals (like cows) eat. ... This allowed farmers to use the
same soils for a very long time.

e. Advances in watershed, natural resource, and environmental sciences have shown that soil is the
foundation of basic ecosystem function. Soil filters our water, provides essential nutrients to our forests
and crops,

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