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Designing my

Designing my

© A Muslim Homeschool 2020

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What is an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is someone who starts their own business.

I know what you're probably thinking. You're not even old
enough to go get a job, so how can you start a business all
by yourself?
Here's the thing, you can build a business at any age and it
is an awesome way to earn your own extra pocket money.
And who knows, one day you might even be able to buy a
house with it inshaAllah!
Business ideas
There are so many things you could try.
Baking cupcakes and cookies to sell to neighbors, family and
If you have an app like Procreate, design (non animate) vector
images to sell as clip art on Etsy.
Buy cheap items and resell on ebay. Look in charity stores or
buy wholesale.
 Make natural beauty products like lip balms and soap. They are
super easy to make, fun and perfect to sell onto friends.
Start as a Mother's Helper - perfect for teens who are not old
enough to babysit alone. A mother's helper is a young teen who
will help entertain younger children and keep them busy whilst
the mum is doing other things. Maybe she works from home, is
homeschooling older kids and needs the  little ones busy, or
perhaps she is just tired and wants a break to read a book or
cook dinner in peace! 
Design and print t-shirts. These are pretty cheap to buy plain;
just purchase some transfer paper to print
your design onto and iron on.
Make handmade gifts - have a look on
places like ebay and Etsy to see what
people are doing already that you can
probably do too. 
Handwash cars for neighbours
What skills do I have?
Let's think about what ideas you have. A good place to start is
asking yourself what your interests are and what are you good at.
Although it is not a must, starting a business based on something
you enjoy will help give you passion to sell onto others who are
searching for the very thing you're offering.

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D o p e o p le
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Business brainstorm
Here scribble down any possible business suggestions you have.
There are no silly ideas...write everything that comes to mind. A
bad idea might inspire an awesome one later!

Business ideas
My Business is
Ideas for my business name

Write a brief description about what your chosen business

will do inshaAllah:
Who are my customers?
Knowing who the people are who will buy your product or service will help you
to make sure you're offering something that will appeal to them inshaAllah.

Who are the people who will

buy my product or service
How can I reach them

Is my ideal customer already

looking to buy something like What is my ideal
this? customer's need that I
can try to fulfill?
Create a Mood Board

When designing a product it helps to have something to look at

to help inspire new ideas. One way to do this is by making a mood
board. All you need to do is get a large sheet of card (the bigger
the better) and collect pictures of anything related to a chosen
theme. Look at this board to help create your design ideas.
So for example, let's say you want to design t-shirts with a
printed design related to cars. Collect loads of images of cars
and stick them down. Include blow ups of wheels so you can see
all the details, car logos and car styles.
If you want to sell cupcakes, find loads of cupcake images and
decoration ideas.
Design my product
Use this space to design your chosen product or service.
Create a Branding Board

Something else that can help sell a product is having a super cool
brand. This makes your product easily identifiable as yours and
not a competitors. It also helps to build trust and reputation with
Have a look at similar products that are already on the market,
and pay attention to how they have been branded and packaged.
Create another board sticking down loads of pictures of similar
products that you want to sell. Along with any image themes and
colours you like and would like to design your branding with.
Use this to help you design your own product brand and
packaging....for example  design a sticker to place on a cupcake
box, or create a label for a sweet cone.
Design my brand
Use this space to design your brand / logo / packaging.
Are other businesses are
doing the same thing?
Find other businesses who are selling the same thing you are.
If there are many, will you still be able to make your way into
the same market? If no one else is selling the same thing, is
that because no one else has thought of doing your idea, or
have businesses closed down because no one wants to buy
this product or service?
What is my USP?
USP is a quick way to say "Unique Selling Points". These are
reasons why customers will want to choose to buy from you
rather than another business.
What are your Unique Selling Points for your business? What
will make what you offer different to others so that
customers will choose you inshaAllah?
What do I need?
What do you need to get your business started inshaAllah?
List out any materials, ingredients and resources along with
how much they cost.
Here record how much your product or service costs to
produce, and decide how much to charge your customer so
that you will be able to make a profit insha'Allah.
Print this page for each product or service you offer.
Product / service:________________________________________
Materials Cost

Total cost to produce

Cost to customer
Total profit (take away how much
it costs you to produce from how
much you will sell to your customer)
There is no point in offering an amazing product or service if
people don't know you have it! How can you inform people
about your business and how they can buy from you?
Brainstorm ideas here.

How can I tell people about

my business?
Advertising Examples
Go research how other businesses are advertising similar
products or services. Make notes here and design some ideas.
My Plan of Action
My business is:________________________________________________
My business name is: __________________________________________
My product / service: _________________________________________
What will make my business stand out from others? ____________
Who are my targeted customers? _____________________________
How can I advertise?_________________________________________
Where will I sell? ______________________________________________
How much will I sell my product or service for? _________________
What are my costs? __________________________________________
What is my profit: ____________________________________________

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