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Prepared by: Enrica D. Escalicas

Mythology and Folklore

Direction: Encircle the correct answer of the following questions.

1. Echidna was half woman and half?

a. Bird c. Lion
b. Goat d. Snake

2. We helped Zeus overcome his father by forging his thunderbolts. Who are we?

a. Cercopes c. Hecatoncheires
b. Cyclopes d. Titans

3. Which god sent a bull to Minerva and grew angry when Minos failed to sacrifice it as

a. Ares c. Poseidon
b. Hades d. Zeus

4. I was turned into a bear by a jealous goddess. Who I am?

a. Calliope c. Calypso
b. Callisto d. Camilla

5. Silenus, a frequent companion of Dionysus, is best described as a

a. drunken maenad
b. fat satyr
c. fierce leopard
d. spry nymph
6. I coil like a snake and roar like a bull. I tried to attack Deianeira. Who am I?

a. Achelous c. Nereus
b. Alcaeon d. Nessus

7. According to Apollodorus, Hetacles “chased the beast from the thicket with loud cries;
and thrusting it exhausted into deep snow, he trapped it in a noose, and took it to
Mycenae.” Identify the beast.

a. Calydonian boar c. Marathonian bull

b. Erymanthian boar d. Nemean lion

8. Ovid calls me the “mother of the winged horse,” and says that I “knew Neptune when I
was a winged bird.” Who I am?

a. Celaeno c. Medusa
b. Euryale d. Thetis

9. Which of the following birds does NOT appear in the story of Procne and Philomela?
a. dove c. nigthtingale
b. hoopoe d. swallow

10. The giant Otus and Ephialtes, in an attempt to overthrow the gods,
a. Imprisoned the gods in Tartarus.
b. Piled Mt. ossa.
c. Stole nectar and ambrosia
d. Tricked the godsinto eating human flesh.
11. We are man-eating creatures infesting a region around Lake Stymphalus. What are

a. Birds c. Harpies
b. Griffins d. Horses

12. Arachne was turned into a spider because she boasted that she could better than

a. Fight c. Sing
b. Hunt d. Weave

13. The Myrmidons, a race sprung from ants on the island of Aegina, were followers of?

a. Achilles c. Hector
b. Diomedes d. Menelaus

14. Ixion fathered the first centaur with a?

a. Cloud shaped like Hera.
b. Mountain shaped like Athena.
c. Rock shaped like Demeter.
d. Tree shaped like Aphrodite.
15. Erechtheus was a king of a?

a. Athens. c. Mycenae.
b. Corinth. d. Thebes.

16.Which of the following is NOT a child of Echidna?

a. Cerberus c. Sphinx
b. Hydra d. Typhon

17. I was tamed by Athena, who gave me first to the Musses and later to Ballerophon.
Who am I?

a. Chimaera c. Ladon
b. Chiron d. Pegasus

18. What children of Gaea and Uranus guarded the Titans in Tartarus?
a. Centaurs c. Furies
b. Cyclopes d. Hecatoncheires

19. What did the dog Argus do when he saw his master after twenty year’s separation?

a. Attacked him c. Died

b. Barked d. Ran away

20. Actaeon was transformed into a stag and devoured by his own hunting dogs because

a. Challenge Ares to a duel c. Killed Apollo’s cattle

b. Courted Hera d. Saw Artemis bathing

21. The wisest and most famous of all the centaurs was?

a. Charon c. Chrysaor
b. Chiron d. Coeus

22.To pass safely through domain of the Sirens, what did Odysseys do?
a. Attack and dismembered them
b. Had himself bound to the mast of his ship
c. Jumped overboard with his men
d. Plugged his earwax
23.It is appropriate that the Furies avenge violence against kin because they were?
a. Attacked by their own sons for fighting on Titans’ side
b. Born from Uranus blood after Cronus mutilated him
c. Cut up by their uncle and served to their father
d. Illegitimate children of Zeus whom Hera tormented
24.How long did Heracles chase the stag with the golden horns before he was able to
capture it?

a. Five years c. Ten days

b. One year d. Two months

25.You can find the dragon Ladon guarding the apples of the Hesperides
a. Beside the Colossus of Rhodes
b. Beyond the pillars of Hercules
c. Down the Nile towards Ethiopia
d. Near the lighthouse of Alexandria
26.Perseus held our one eye ransom on the way to kill Medusa. Who are we?

a. Cyclopes c. Graeae
b. Fates d. Harpies

27.Which of the following best describes the unique appearance of Geryon?

a. Eight legs b. Half man, half bull

c. One hundred eyes d. Three bodies

28.In the story of Odysseus, Polyphemus

a. Ate several Odysseus’ men
b. Destroyed Odysseus ship
c. Tried to marry Penelope
d. Was an ally of Trojans
29.Heracles and Iolaus prevented the Hydra’s heads by growing back by?

a. Causing an avalanche c. Striking with a club

b. Searing the stumps d. Using a magic sword

30.Zeus turned Lycaon into a wolf as a punishment for?

a. Kidnapping Ganymede
b. Serving Zeus human flesh
c. Stealing the apples of the Hesperides
d. Trying to attack Hera
31.What beast, sent by angry Diana is the passage by Ovid? “His neck was stiff and hairy;
his hide was covered with bristles that stuck straight out like spears. He squealed
harshly, hot foam streaming over his broad shoulders, and his tusks were as long as

a. Calydonian boar c. Minotaur

b. Cretan bull d. Ram with the golden fleece

32.What kind of creatures help Pscyhe sort a pile of mixed grains?

a. Ants c. Birds
b. Bees d. Mice

33.The Aragonauts successfully drove away the Harpies because Zetes and Calais

a. Could become invisible c. Had magic armor

b. Could fly d. Were immortal

34.What does Heracles do with the horses of Diomedes?

a. Feeds them their master flesh
b. Gives them to Amazons
c. Rides them into a battle
d. Sacrifices them to Poseidon
35.Who introduced the alphabet and established the customs of monogamy and funerals in

a. Cecrops c. Erectheus
b. Chiron d. Polyphemus

36.Who of the following was not threatened by a creature from the sea?
a. Andromeda c. Hippolytus
b. Cassandra d. Laoccon

37.To capture her prey, Scylla

a. Breathed fire on them
b. Snatched them with her many muths
c. Sucked them into vicious whirlpool
d. Wooden them with her song
38.The hunter Orion was punished when a deity

a. Fed him to dogs c. Sent a scorpion to sting him

b. Kill his children d. Turn him into a stag

39.When Oedipus met the Sphinz on his way to Thebes, the creature screeched and
demanded that he?

a. Answer a riddle c. pay his own weight in gold

b. kill his own father d. server her for ten years

40.What did Hera do when Heracles was born?

a. Ordered an eagle to kidnap him
b. Sent Argos to spy on him
c. Sent snakes to kill him
d. Turn him into grasshopper
41. Who met the misfortune described in this passage from Homer? “they had the head,
and voice, and bristles, and shape of swine, but their minds remained unchanged.”

a. Achilles’ comrades c. Odysseus men

b. Nestor’s sons d. Penelope’s suitor

42.Which princess was the half-sister of Minotaur?

a. Andromeda c. Arethusa
b. Arachne d. Ariadne

43. Armed with no weapon but his hand, Heracles overcome what thre-headed guardian?

a. Argos c. Hydra
b. Cerberus d. Python

44.When Arion jumped into the sea to escape sailors who wanted to kill him, he was?

a. Carried off by an eagle c. Swallowed by a sea monster

b. Rescued by a dolphin d. Turned into a fish

45. Why was Io turned into a cow?

a. Because she had angered Artemis
b. Because she was cursed by Apollo
c. To hide her from Hera
d. To provide a wife to Minotaur
46.Heracles used arrows tipped with which substance?

a. Hydra’s blood c. Tears of Niobe

b. Juice of a golden apple d. Waters of the Styx

47.Mars is to Ares as ___ is to Athena.

a. Diana c. Minerva
b. Juno d. Vesta

48.When Aeneas made his journey to the underworld, he met his father Anchises.
a. At the palace of Pluto
b. In the Elysian field
c. On the banks of Acheron
d. On the banks of the Cocytus
49. When the Olympian gods swore an oath by the ___, it was binding

a. Aegis of Zeus c. Summit of Mt. Olympus

b. River Styx d. Thread of the Fates

50.According to Ovid, when Orpheus “ sang and plucked his lyre … Ixion’s ___ stood
entranced and amazed.”

a. Boat c. Feet
b. Companion d. Wheel

51.I am the goddess of youthful beauty, the daughter of Zeus and Hera, and the wife of
Heracles. Who am I?

a. Deianeira c. Ione
b. Hebe d. Megara

52. Vergil describes ____ as “yawning steeply downwards in the dark, twice as far as is our
upward view to Olympus.”

a. Elysian fields c. River Styx

b. Fields of Asphodel d. Tartarus

53.Games were held in celebration of Apollo because he?

a. Defeated the python
b. Gave the horse to a man
c. Saved Delphi to a flood
d. Won the first discus contest
54.Sisyphus was force to roll a boulder forever because he?
a. Betrayed a secret
b. Tried to seduce Hestia
c. Tried to steal ambrosia
d. Wrestled with Morpheus
55.When this mortal tried to ride his steed to the top pf Mt. Olympus, Zeus sent a gadfly to
sting the horse, throwing the rider back to earth.

a. Bellerophon c. Icarus
b. Diomedes d. Phaethon

56.Aeneas left the underworld through the gate of?

a. Bronze c. Horn
b. Gold d. Ivory

57.Which of the following best describes the personality of the queen of Olympus?

a. Humble c. Joyful
b. Jealous d. Timid

58.Vergil is referring to ____ when he writes “ unaided, he poles the boat, tends the sails,
and in his murky craft conveys the dead”

a. Charon c. Coronis
b. Chiron d. Creon

59.Ganymede became cupbearer to the gods when?

a. Apollo rescued him
b. He gave Bacchus a gift of wine
c. He helped Mars in a battle
d. Jupiter kidnapped him
60.Orpheus went to plead with Pluto to regain Eurydice, but he made a grave mistake on
his return. What was it?

a. Forgot to sacrifice Pluto c. Lost his lyre

b. Looked back d. Tripped and fell

61.Because I was the greatest physician who ever lived, my father brought me to Mt.
Olympus and made me the god of medicine after my death. Who am i?

a. Apollo c. Astyanax
b. Asclepius d. Autolycus

62.When psyche returned from the underworld and opened the box supposedly containing
Proserpina’s beauty, she found a ?

a. Coiled snake c. False dream

b. Deathlike sleep d. Horde of evils
63.Because Hephaestus sided with Hera in an argument, Zeus
a. Hung him among the stars
b. Struck him with a lightning bolt
c. Tossed him down to Lemnos
d. Trapped him inside Mt. Etna
64.According to Vergil, Aeneas is addressing ____ in the underworld when he says, “O,
could I have been the cause of your death.. stay your steep and withdraw not from my

a. Anchises c. Dido
b. Creusa d. Palinurus

65.Hermes, the guide to the underworld, was also known as the god of?

a. Builders and craftsmen c. Soldiers and sailors

b. Singers and dancers d. Thieves and merchants

66.The Olympian goddess Athena wears an aegis decorated with?

a. An owl c. Argus’ eyes

b. An olive tree d. Medusa’s head

67.Which son of Europa served as a judge in the realm of Hades?

a. Aeacus c. Rhadamanthus
b. Midas d. Sarpedon

68.Which bird is most closely associated with Aphrodite?

a. Dove c. Owl
b. Eagle d. Peacock

69. When Odysseus meets the shade of Agamemnon, they discuss?

a. Faithless wives c. The fate of troy

b. Loving mothers d. the unfairness of gods

70.According to Ovid, this Olympian god says “ I am the lord of Delphi’s land.. Jove is my
father. Through me, all is revealed: what’s yet to be, what was, and what now is.”

a. Apollo c. Mercury
b. Cupid d. Neptune

71. I followed my best friend on a foolhardy quest to fetch Persephone from the
underworld. Who am I ?

a. Admetus c. Dionysus
b. Cupid d. Poseidon
72. I was sent to Tartarus for attacking Leto. Who am i?
a. Corynetes c. Sinis
b. Ixion d. Tityus

73.Although the Olympians were invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, Eris, the
goddess of discord, was not, she showed her anger by?
a. Cursing the bride and groom
b. Give the bride poison drink
c. Throwing a golden apple into the festivities
d. Vowing to steal the couple’s firstborn son
74. The Eleusinian Mysteries were celebrated in honor of?

a. Artemis c. Dionysus
b. Demeter d. Hermes

75.The Sibyl told Aeneas to find a ___ in order to gain entry to the underworld.

a. Brass goblet c. Golden bough

b. Bronze feather d. Silver sword

76.Venus instructed her son Cupid to deceive Dido by?

a. Impersonating Ascanius
b. Impersonating Sychaeus
c. Shooting an arrow at Achates
d. Shooting an arrow to Aeneas
77.Every time I reach for an apple or stop for a drink from a stream, the apple bough
draws away and the water recedes from my lips. Who am I?

a. Tentalus c. Thyestes
b. Teiresias d. Titysus

78.Although I am the son of a Titan Iapetus, I fought on the side of Olympians in their war
with the Titans. Who am I?

a. Ephialtes c. Prometheus
b. Menoetius d. Themis

79.According to Homer, ____ said “I’d rather be another’s hired hand, working for some
poor man who owns no land than to rule over all whom death has crushed.”

a. Achilles c. Ajax
b. Agamemnon d. Atreus

80. Diana, goddess of the moon, was also associated with?

a. Crops and farming
b. Medicine and healing
c. Poetry and lyre-playing
d. Wild animals and hunting
81.Which of the following is NOT a name of the god of underworld?

a. Dis c. Liber
b. Hades d. Pluto

82. What mortal went to the underworld alive and never returned to Earth?

a. Aeneas c. Jason
b. Heracles d. Pirithous

83.Eating from which fruit ensured that Persephone would return to the underworld?

a. Apple c. Grape
b. Fig d. Pomegranate

84.Who was the father of Hades three headed dog?

a. Echidna c. Poseidon
b. Orthrus d. Typhon

85.The cave through which Aeneas and Sibyl descended into the underworld is located

a. Carthage c. Crete
b. Corinth d. Cumae

86. The love affair between Aphrodite and Ares was revealed to all when her husband,
a. Found them in a cave
b. Had the cyclopes spy on them
c. Intercepted their love letters
d. Trapped them in a net
87. What body of water in the border of the underworld produced such foul-smelling
vapors that no birds could fly over it?

a. Arethusa spring c. Lake Avernus

b. Euxine sea d. River Pactolus

88.Which of the following is NOT an epithet of Zeus?

a. All-father c. Earth-shaker
b. Cloud-gatherer d. Loud-thunderer

89.The murderer ___ ascended to Mt. Olympus to be purified, but once there he
attempted to seduce Hera.

a. Alcmaeon c. Ixion
b. Atreus d. Pelops
90.Heracles went to Olympus as a god after he?

a. Ate a poisoned apple c. Was offered ambrosia

b. Was burned on a pyre d. Was shot in an arrow

91. Which of these Olympian deities never left Mt. Olympus?

a. Ares c. Hestia
b. Athena d. Zeus

92. Which Olympian deity competed with Athena to become protectors of Athens?

a. Apollo c. Dionysus
b. Cupid d. Poseidon

93.Who was the God of War?

a. Eros c. Helios
b. Ares d. Hades

94.Who was the Goddess of Love?

a. Athena c. Artemis
b. Demeter d. Aphrodite

95. Zeus had many love-affairs, but whom was he married to?

a. Persephone c. Helen
b. Hera d. Hebe

96.Persephone was the Goddess of?

a. the Underworld c. the Sun

b. Hatred d. Sleep

97.Poseidon was the God of?

a. Love c. Athens
b. the Sea d. the Forest

98.Who was NOT an offspring of Zeus?

a. Melpomene c. Hephaestos
b. Minos d. Demete

99.Who was NOT one of the Muses?

a. Erato c. Urania
b. Thallia d. Dione

100. Who abducted Helen and led her to Troy?

a. Paris c. Menelaos
b. Iason d. Priamos


1. D 39.A 77.C
2. B 40.C 78.A
3. C 41.C 79.D
4. B 42.D 80.C
5. B 43.B 81.D
6. A 44.B 82.D
7. B 45.C 83.D
8. C 46.A 84.D
9. A 47.C 85.D
10.B 48.B 86.C
11.A 49.B 87.C
12.D 50.D 88.C
13.A 51.B 89.B
14.A 52.D 90.B
15.A 53.A 91.C
16.D 54.A 92.D
17.D 55.A 93.B
18.D 56.D 94.D
19.C 57.B 95.C
20.D 58.A 96.A
21.B 59.D 97.B
22.B 60.B 98.D
23.B 61.B 99.D
24.B 62.B 100. A
25.B 63.C
26.C 64.C
27.D 65.D
28.A 66.D
29.B 67.C
30.B 68.A
31.A 69.A
32.A 70.A
33.B 71.D
34.A 72.D
35.A 73.C
36.B 74.B
37.B 75.A
38.C 76.A

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