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Every firm have different policies to support their international assignees and are designed to address

various aspects of compensation and benefits for those undertaking expatriation. The package i would
like to offer is likely to comprise a mix of financial and practical support for their safety and comfortable

For example;

>Raising awareness: medical check-ups and vaccination verification.

>provision of safety guides to different countries or territories through an intranet

>Implementing security procedures

>To ensure employees’ security abroad on a daily basis, companies must take adequate measures

>set up a 24/7 hotline for the employees,

>impose strict travel rules

>provision of training sessions or e-learning modules containing a health unit and a safety unit

>pre-departure programs for the employees and their family.

>providing immigration and travel details

providing housing, shopping, medical care, recreation and schooling information

>Budget allocation:

All benefits will be allocated to the host country budget.

>Cross-Cultural Orientation

>Pre-departure training: it may be useful to have some general guides to:



>Written material containing informative details relevant to the country of destination will be delivered
to the employee by the HR Department.

>Ongoing support

Even when an expat may appear to be settled in their new role and home, it is important to maintain
contact. Regular check-ins are a good idea to discuss any issues

>Create a crisis team and a crisis plan

The team consists of senior managers, including HR, legal, security, PR, but not the CEO or president
because in a crisis, the team needs to be making decisions about expats and not be distracted by other
strategic issues.

>Make the, to research and read safety guides of destination countries, especially those risk areas when
looking for accommodation, consider neighbourhood security

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