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Kubernetes Cheatsheet

kubectl get all
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods -w // Watch for changes
kubectl get pods -A // All namespaces
kubectl get pods -o wide // Wide output
kubectl get services -n kube-system // Only for specific namespace
kubectl get replicasets
kubectl get deployments
kubectl delete deployments --all
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get secrets
kubectl get hpa
kubectl describe secrets/mysecret
kubectl get secret mysecret -o yaml // Output this secret in yaml
kubectl top pods // View the resource consumption for pods
(requires metrics-server)
kubectl top nodes // View the aggregated resource
consumption for nodes (requires metrics-server)
kubectl autoscale deployment api-gateway --cpu-percent 400 --min 1 --max 5 // HPA or
Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (cpu-percent is relevant to requested)
kubectl get hpa api-gateway -o yaml // Output this hpa in yaml so that you can save and reuse
kubectl get roles
kubectl get rolebindings
kubectl create ns playground
kubectl config view // View kubeconfig settings
kubectl get configmaps
kubectl get ingress

minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8Gi
minikube stop
minikube delete
minikube ip

minikube addons
minikube addons list // Get the list of minikube add-ons
minikube addons enable metrics-server // Enable metrics-server for kubectl metrics via
‘top’ command
minikube addons enable dashboard // Enable GUI dashboard
minikube dashboard // Run dashboard easily

brew install awscli // Install aws cli tool
brew install kops // Install k8s operations tool
aws configure // Use your new access and secret key here
aws iam list-users // You should see a list of all your IAM users here

// Because "aws configure" doesn't export these vars for kops to use, we export them now
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$(aws configure get aws_access_key_id)
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$(aws configure get aws_secret_access_key)

// Create bucket and enable versioning

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket k8s-test-state-store --region us-east-2 --create-bucket-
configuration LocationConstraint=us-east-2
aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket k8s-test-state-store --versioning-configuration

// Prepare local environment

export NAME=test.k8s.local
export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://test.k8s.local

// Discover which availability zones are available to us in the region

aws ec2 describe-availability-zones --region us-west-2

// Create SSH key pair for kops, if not already created

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/kops -v

// Create cluster files

kops create cluster --zones us-west-2a,us-west-2b,us-west-2c,us-west-2d --master-count=1
--master-size t2.medium --node-count=2 --node-size=t2.medium --name=${NAME}

// SSH public key must be specified when running with AWS

kops create secret --name ${NAME} sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/

// Get or customize cluster configuration (optional)

kops get cluster
kops edit cluster --name ${NAME}

// Get or customize InstanceGroup configuration (optional)

kops get ig --name ${NAME}
kops edit ig master-us-west-2a --name ${NAME}
kops edit ig nodes --name ${NAME}
kops update cluster --name ${NAME} --yes // Build the actual cluster
kops validate cluster // Validate cluster
kops delete cluster --name ${NAME} --yes // Delete cluster

brew install helm
helm repo add stable
helm repo update
helm install monitoring stable/prometheus-operator
kubectl service/monitoring-prometheus-oper-prometheus // change type to LoadBalancer

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