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docker build -t ritu888/mytestingapps:03 .

docker images
docker login
docker push imagename
minikube status
minikube start
kubectl create deployment app-name --image=image-name
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get pods
kubectl delete deployment imagename
minikube dashboard
kubectl logs pods-name
kubectl describe pods
kubectl expose deployment my-webapp --type=LoadBalancer --port=3000
kubectl get services
minikube service my-webapp (to run the app on local server)

if i do any changes in source code then:

build a new image
push image
kubectl set image deployment image-name container-name=new-image-name (to replace
the image)
kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
minikube services my-webapp

Rollout and Rollback:

if we provide any wrong version then rollback will be take place and run the
previous version image only
kubectl rollout undo deployment my-webapp

Scaling our app for balancing the large number of users:

kubectl scale deployment my-webapp --replicas=4
kubectl get pods

Overview of Multi-Container APP

Deployment of Multi-Container App
Multiple containers in a single POD
Single K8 Config File
Multiple Containers in Seperate POD

Volumes and Data: Volume is a directory that contains data that is accessible
accros multiple containers in a pod. A smallest deployable unit in a kuberenetes
cluster. Volume provides a plugin mechanism that connects ephemeral containers with
persistent data storage.

mountPath: /data/db

kubectl apply -f host-pv.yml

kubectl get pv
kubectl apply -f host-pvc.yml
kubectl get pvc

kubectl apply -f mongo-db.yml

PV Testing:
minikube status
minikube stop
minikube start
minikube dashboard
minikube service service_name(for frontend)

HostPath Volume:

Ingress In Kuberenetes:
- Path Based Routing: different pages different deployment
- Host Based Routing: subdomains
- SSL termination

- API object in Kubernetes

- Expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster
- Path-based and Host-based Routing
- Load Balancing and SSL Termination

- Deploy Ingress Controllers: Nginx, Istio, Apache, Citrix, Contour, HAProxy,

Voyager, Traefik, Wallarm
- Ingress Resource -->> Routing Rules written in YAML config files

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