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There are 309 (75.0%) cells (i.e., dependent variable levels by

observed combinations of predictor variable values) with zero

Case Processing Summary

N Percentage
TKS1 1 34 32.7%
2 17 16.3%
3 24 23.1%
4 29 27.9%
Valid 104 100.0%
Missing 0
Total 104

Model Fitting Information

-2 Log
Model Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Intercept Only 282.062
Final 190.787 91.275 8 .000
Link function: Logit.

Chi-Square df Sig.
Pearson 3019.894 298 .000
Deviance 190.787 298 1.000
Link function: Logit.

Pseudo R-Square
Cox and Snell .584
Nagelkerke .626
McFadden .324
Link function: Logit.

Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Estimate Std. Error Wald df Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Threshold [TKS1 = 1] -7.627 2.217 11.836 1 .001 -11.973 -3.282
[TKS1 = 2] -6.234 2.175 8.216 1 .004 -10.497 -1.971
[TKS1 = 3] -4.547 2.127 4.572 1 .033 -8.716 -.379
Location X1 28.767 19.814 2.108 1 .147 -10.069 67.602
X2 -23.615 19.616 1.449 1 .229 -62.062 14.832
X3 -38.787 17.102 5.144 1 .023 -72.306 -5.269
X4 -7.007 2.594 7.298 1 .007 -12.091 -1.923
X5 2.811 2.700 1.083 1 .298 -2.482 8.104
X6 -1.548 2.038 .576 1 .448 -5.543 2.448
X7 -.197 .306 .415 1 .519 -.796 .402
X8 .582 5.947 .010 1 .922 -11.074 12.238
Link function: Logit.
Test of Parallel Linesa
-2 Log
Model Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Null Hypothesis 190.787
General 258.739b .c 16 .
The null hypothesis states that the location parameters (slope coefficients) are
the same across response categories.
a. Link function: Logit.
b. The log-likelihood value cannot be further increased after maximum number
of step-halving.
c. The log-likelihood value of the general model is smaller than that of the null
model. This is because convergence cannot be attained or ascertained in
estimating the general model. Therefore, the test of parallel lines cannot be

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