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PLUM - Ordinal Regression

There are 180 (66.7%) cells (i.e., dependent variable levels by
observed combinations of predictor variable values) with zero

Case Processing Summary

N Percentage
Peringkat Obligasi BBB 6 6.7%
A 42 46.7%
AAA, AA 42 46.7%
Valid 90 100.0%
Missing 0
Total 90

Model Fitting Information

-2 Log
Model Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Intercept Only 160.536
Final 129.484 31.052 4 .000
Link function: Logit.

Chi-Square df Sig.
Pearson 158.568 174 .793
Deviance 129.484 174 .995
Link function: Logit.
Pseudo R-Square
Cox and Snell .292
Nagelkerke .351
McFadden .193
Link function: Logit.

Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Estimate Std. Error Wald df Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Threshold [PeringkatObligasi = 3] -3.865 .992 15.173 1 .000 -5.810 -1.920
[PeringkatObligasi = 4] -.404 .803 .252 1 .615 -1.978 1.171
Location X1ROA 33.393 10.106 10.918 1 .001 13.586 53.201
X2DER -.570 .271 4.425 1 .035 -1.102 -.039
X3TATO .259 .439 .349 1 .555 -.601 1.120
X4CR -.904 .320 7.981 1 .005 -1.531 -.277
Link function: Logit.

Test of Parallel Linesa

-2 Log
Model Likelihood Chi-Square df Sig.
Null Hypothesis 129.484
General 120.310 9.174 4 .057
The null hypothesis states that the location parameters (slope coefficients) are
the same across response categories.
a. Link function: Logit.
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Peringkat Obligasi 90 3 5 4.40 .614
X1 (ROA) 90 . . . .
0016592281776 1647538340621 0495343211600 0343482898004
42 91 61 61
X2 (DER) 90 . 5.07893083911 1.39438652149 .
4046445488635 5690 5941 9403991118144
92 82
X3 (TATO) 90 . 3.51873952597 . .
1126575933849 9169 6603600933582 6674318621930
18 28 80
X4 (CR) 90 . 5.98914874688 1.71057591324 .
3800931717895 4242 0960 9613616929880
20 38
Valid N (listwise) 90

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