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Cohesion and Coherence

 What makes a piece of writing effective is by having a purpose , clarity and being able to
accomplish the unity of both structure and ideas.
 Honestly, lack of practise urges me to say no.
 Shell nouns abstracts nous that can not be touched such as problem,lie,day and beauty.
 Thematic development is the most significant idea that the author is trying to convey


In the article entilted Literature review as a research methodology : An overview and

guidlines.Hanna Snyder ,provides an overview as far as the importance of literature review.She
highlits a question concerning writing literature .She exhibits various argumets that literature review
is the most useful and favorable methodological tool to provide answers for numbers of reseach
questions.Additionally,reviews are useful when researchers want to evaluate theory or evidence in a
certain area.Besides, when it comes to conducting literature reviews ;there are different types of
methods that facilitate the process .Firstly , the systematic-literature review that focuses on
analysing data that would be included in research study.It identifies the taypes of information that
would include in the review.Besides, it is helpful mainly for narrow topics .Secondly, semi-systematic
review that tries to identify and understand a particular research and how it is developed over
time.It Is helpful for broad topic.Finally, Intergative review aims to answer and critique literature
review in research in a way that serves the current topics that emerg .

After selecting the appropraite method comes next the process of conducting literature review ;that
includes four phases. Designing the review , reviews are highly significant to help,formulate and
clearly define the purpose,scope and specific the research quuestion the review will
adress.Furthermore , conducting the review  this phase is for the selection of the samples only ,thus ,
analysis comes after the selection of the sample in which data should be analysed appropriately ,that
can be abstracted in form of descriptive information .Finally,writing review is the final stage before
the publication can be structred in different ways and require various types of information.

In summary , Literature review is truly significant for all different types of research.It provies ideas
and diretions for scholars and new researchers in a peculiar field.
Features of cohesion and coherent as far as the summary is concerned .

Thesise statement : In the article entilted

Coherent Literature review as a research methodology :
An overview and guidlines.Hanna Snyder
,provides an overview as far as the importance
of literature review

Arguments : . Different approaches to conduct

literature review.

The process of conducting literature review

Assessing the quality of litarature review

Conclusion : clarify in general the importance of

lit reviews.
Repeated words and ideas : like lit reviews ,
used methods
References words : they ,these ,which

Transition signals :however , besides,such as

Accuracy in writing

 Accuracy is the state of being concise and precise and to directly convey the message .
 NO, because as i said earlier.I lack practise .
 As is has been said that practise makes perfection.So, practicing writing like wtiting essays
and paragraphs would enhance the writing skill.


Learning a new language is one of the basic element in our lives.It helps express our feelings, desires,
and queries to the world around us.Besides ,making a clear way to know about the culture of other
societies and prevent misunderstanding.Without forther ado , the secrect behind learnig any
language is to master the four skills reading ,writing ,listening and speaking .Furhermore, writing is
considered another way to convey a messge ,that is why it ought to be both accurate and
fleunt.What is the importance of writing ? and what are the similarities and diffrences between
accuracy and fleuncy ?

Firstly, Learning how to write brief paragraphs and essays is one of the terrible experiences for
students in school, but it is also one of the essential skills. If kids do not attempt to learn the skill of
writing at a young age, they will face difficulties in mastering the skill in their later life. However, it is
true that a student should be proficient enough to write a sentence together
accurately.Nevertheless, writing is a great way to teach, inform, entertain one’s behavior and
educate oneself. Some children are natural in writing, while others learn to write. One requires a
good sort of knowledge & appropriate experience about the topic which he or she is writing,
required to be natural in this skill.

Secondly,fleuncy and accuracy are two crucial element that have many differences. Fluency is
the flow and efficiency with which you express your ideas, particularly when speaking. A few
grammar mistakes may appear here and there in the explanation, but it should be delivered in a way
that is easy to understand and shows how comfortable you are with the language. Accuracy, on the
other hand, demonstrates your ability to use the necessary vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
correctly, such as verb forms (past tense, present tense, and so on), articles (a, an, the) and
prepositions (in, on, from, at). Furthermore, In an academic or even professional setting, fleuncy is
one of the skills to focus on for an oral presentation or debate. The way you explain your topic or
prove your point – smooth, clear and concise without too many pauses or hesitations – is as
important as the content of your presentation.However, accuracy is particularly important for
written assignments at university, such as essays and lab reports. It is also an absolute necessity in
the work place, where an email or report that is riddled with grammar or punctuation mistakes may
be viewed as unprofessional. 

Finally ,eventhought fleuncy and accuracy have many differences ,but still they share some
aspects .While reading for example, you may come across a certain accurate expressions that you
are used in writing , but still you want to add and use them in your writing skills .Addtionally ,let us
take the example of English ,both a person who is accurate or fleunt can convey any message .

In summary, fluency and accuracy. These two things have victoriously won many teachers’
attention at tertiary level. In the case of writing, these two remain debatable, and have always
attracted many people, both lecturers’ and students’ attention .

Bettir Mohamed El Amine

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