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1. 1,300 dlls
2. 200 dlls
3. Athlete people especially, but also any kind of people
4. Drinkware, soft coolers, and related accessories
5. Los vasos Yeti están hechos de acero inoxidable sellado al vacío. Esto hace
que el vacío mantenga el calor afuera, manteniendo el frío adentro(me
imagino que tambien debe funcionar al revés)
6. With hunters, fishermen, snowboarders and more
7. Reese Witherpoon, Jimmy Kimmel and Sandra Bullock
8. Some people buy it because of the quality, because the ice lasts longer and is
more resistant. But many buy it by the brand
9. 913,734,000
10. I think it is a very good quality brand, in my opinion they became a trend for
the brand, for the quality and for the positioning they gave it. The resistance
they show is verified, how well it works and which artists use their brands also
helps a lot

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