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If the history of war has taught us one thing it's that the weapons always get better. From
swords to guns to bombs to satellite-guided nuclear fusion weapons - all have been used
to perpetuate human suffering, torture, slavery, and death. For decades people lived and
still do live under the threat of complete nuclear annhilation – 80 years after a war that
killed millions with causes of death ranging from death by nuclear weapon to death by
systemic genocide. The barbarians involved in these atrocities used telephones, were
building a nuclear weapon, and they had enjoyed "The Wizard of Oz" and "Gone With
the Wind". Every major technology that has been invented that could be used for war has
seen use in the military and war, so why should we expect any differently from the
future? And yet we naively rush forward, constantly, towards the next weapon. AI,
nanotechnology, quantum computing - these technologies will be weapons before they
are anything else and we must think what are the consequences of such creations being in
the hands of mere humans.

"Big Brother" is a term from the book "1984" referring to a society where a
technologically-empowered government manages its population through constant
surveillance to the point where it is not feasible to fight back. The story is about how the
protagonist chooses to fight back against "Big Brother" and, in the end, after every risk
was taken and despite all progress being made, there was simply no escaping the system.
The book is highly successful even to this day, but for what reason? Is it that people find
the story outlandish, as if it could never happen? Or is it that the book is essentially a
preview of the future? I think that people connect to the novel and see the parallels to
modern society and find it to be a very plausible future.   

People in Canada, today, for the most part enjoy a high standard of living. We have
smartphones which people can use to catch a ride, order anything directly to their door,
manage their finances, and communicate with anyone else instantly. We can have
microphones on our TV's, internet-connected fridges, and nearly autonomous electric
vehicles. In today's society, we have given away intricate data for the purpose of
convenience, however it is hardly anybody's fault since these apps and websites make
everything so much easier, and they are nestled into the fabric of everyday living - even
the most private person would be willing to give some data away because the benefit at
the time seems so overwhelmingly high, what would it matter if some server somewhere
had my location data? I follow the rules anyway! We are all too willing to give out
information previously thought of as highly sensitive such as our location, our social
networks, our private correspondances, purchase histories, and so on, as long as the
immediate benefit remains high.

The United States is largely considered to be the most militarily-capable nation on the
planet, perhaps by a wide margin. This is logical; to protect your resources you need to be
able to physically defend them, and the United States, as the wealthiest country on Earth,
has a lot to protect! Being the wealthiest, it is able to produce most of the research and
talent in terms of scientific breakthroughs, and has a large base of consumers to purchase
new technologies. The U.S. spends about $750 billion per year on their military whereas
China only spends about $100 billion, and Russia less than $70 billion.    The US Armed
Forces also have training and experience: In my lifetime there has been the invasion and
occupation of Iraq (8 years+), invasion of Afghanistan (19 years+), intervention in the
Syrian "civil war" (5 years+), and Libyan "civil war" (9 years+). There are many other
conflicts not involving deployment of troops, where aid is provided by the Navy, Air
Forces or special/covert operations, such as the "civil war" in Yemen or operations in
Africa. (I put civil war in quotations not just because it is a funny oxymoron but because
when all these countries are involved with and tied to the outcomes of these wars, can it
really be called a civil war?) In comparison China rarely, if ever, undertakes any sort of
invasion or occupation, and although Russia has seen more conflicts than China it still
pales in comparison to the global dominance of the United States.

The NSA, or National Security Agency, is the arm of the U.S. Department of Defense
that is "responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of info and data for
intelligence and counterintelligence purposes" and is "tasked with the protection of U.S.
communication networks and information systems." The agency, much like the CIA, is
legally protected via the classification system, and it is impossible to know for certain
what is the NSA's budget, for instance, and anybody who gave away such information to
the public would face severe legal repercussions. In 2013, Edward Snowden, a high level
NSA employee, leaked slides and documents showcasing technology that the NSA used,
and many of the technologies shown were from 2008, meaning that even at the time of
the leak the technology was likely already out of date/out of use. The disclosures revealed
the stunning extent of the U.S.'s mass surveillance: in 2012 there were about 5 billion
phone location data points being stored per day, 100% of phone calls and emails made
within the U.S. had their metadata recorded, and the NSA was monitoring nearly 100,000
computers with software that allowed for full access to that system. NSA employees can
also make a targeted search of any recorded email, video chat, or instant message that
was stored in the past 5 years, and the NSA sees 29 million gigabytes of internet data per
day as of 2013.

In this report I hope to show that the government, specifically a faction within the United
States government as the originator, has in essence become "Big Brother" and not in any
small sense of the word, since I will argue that the government has developed a
combination of technologies that essentially allows them to control people. All of the
technology is possibly smaller than the eye can see, and includes potentially a camera, a
microphone, speaker, and an energy beam "weapon" device that can be used for lethal
purposes (like inducing a stroke or heart attack) or simply to communicate by “tapping”
objects. High-tech satellites are also a candidate. It is possible that a faction within the
United States government discovered this combination of technologies (and tactics) and
thought, originally, that this weapon could be used against the United States, and so to
prevent a potentially catastrophic outcome they decided to use the weapon first. At this
stage, where the government faction has been working on the “capture” phase of bringing
people into the group since potentially 2013 or earlier, there are many millions of people
who have been trapped by this group from all walks of life.    These millions of people
possibly have a tiny device in their ear that allows an operator to give them directions and
listen to the subject's environment. They have created an entire underground/secret
society based on their technology, and they essentially have total control over people and
therefore institutions and therefore the entire way of life, as nobody can go through life
without interacting with a bank, employer, school, etc.

In the system that they have created, there is one large difference from "1984". In the
novel the government bans sex of any kind, and maybe Orwell thought that a sexless
society was the end result, but in real life sex is used as a powerful motivator to keep
people happy. To join you must commit sexual acts on video and once you join you are
their subject, as the video is often illegal (pedophilia), so to dehumanize and dominate
their subjects into submission they use them as sexual objects, and it also keeps the
members of the group content and rewards them for loyalty and for their sacrifice (giving
up a part of their freedom/their privacy, or for sexual services provided to others). People
involved have no choice but to join if they want to keep their lives or their family alive,
and to continually do what they say – which may be as simple as doing everything
completely normally – and people are trained to act normally with the technology with
proven severe consequences for anyone who does acknowledge or reveal them. The
whole system is setup for total depravity, they want people to feel used, not in control,
defeated, however most people simply adapt to the new world and all its pains.

The amount of suffering caused by this group is enormous. Perhaps it was destined to
happen anyway by nature of how power works. But it seems to me everything has been
done for the wrong reasons. To me, as someone who has seen how many people are
effected, and how much power they really do have, it is saddening that it has come this
far. That is why I have written this, because not everyone had the option to speak out. I
know it sounds like something out of a science fiction book, but it is true that this group
exists and it cannot continue – people are supposed to matter, supposed to have a voice,
supposed to be able to exist freely. Consider that it is not just my experience, but millions
of people that you have the potential to help just by accepting the premise that I given
you. Few people in the world can tell you to listen, and just by listening you can help
millions of trapped souls who have done nothing wrong.

Statement of Sanity
I am willing to take any test under fair and proper conditions to verify that I am of sound
mind and am not hallucinating or otherwise imagining things.

Recount of Events
Part 1
Summary: For nearly my entire life I've been involved with video games and
computers. I was a good student in school, had a job, smoked weed, went to
university, dropped out, parents divorced, went to school again and dropped out,
kicked out by my single parent, moved to London apartment with a girl I met
online, had a bad break-up by my own fault, played a lot of video games, started
getting my life on track, went to college for Financial Planning, graduated in 2016,
felt lost after school finished, kept playing games.

In 1991 I was born - I am 28 years old almost 29 as I write this. I got my first video game
system, a Nintendo SNES, before I can remember. After that it was a Nintendo 64, which
I can remember. I lived in a house that had computer and internet from a young age; I
have distinct memories of games such as RuneScape and Diablo II during this time, and
from when I was in fifth grade onward, I spent a significant amount of time playing
games on the computer or console. In high school it was Xbox 360 (Halo 2) and World of
Warcraft on PC. At almost every stage of my life I was playing video games.

Starting in high school I started working at a neighbourhood grocery store. It was after
one of my shifts that I first smoked cannabis with coworkers. The first time had little
effect on me, besides making things "weirder". After that, though, I started smoking
cannabis on my own. This led to a period in my life where I was secretly smoking weed,
eventually leading to me getting caught. This, combined with school and family issues (I
was in and out of post-secondary and my parents divorced when I was 18) led to me
being kicked out of my mom's house. At the time I was talking to someone I met online,
and after a short stay with my dad, I moved in with this person in London after telling
them my situation. We lived together for 1 year, where I decided to break-up with her.
The break-up was bad and caused by me, but my girlfriend's sister by her admission
flushed q-tips and other items in the toilet in revenge in 2012-2013.

After this, I started playing a game, League of Legends, among others for nearly all hours
of the day.    I did this for years, until 2015 when I decided to go back to school. I
graduated in 2016 with a dipoma in Financial Planning, acquiring various licenses in the
process such as a Securities License. I graduated by chance- the teachers had pity for me,
because while I excelled at most parts requiring knowledge or analysis, many of my final
classes required presentations, sales pitches, etc. In one class I had to sell the teacher on
buying a mutual fund, and she even admitted that of the students who had picked this
option in previous years, none had succeeded. Needless to say I passed a few of my
classes thanks to the good will of the professors who realized the struggle I faced. Also
needless to say, I never did get a job in the field. Before I was gaming under the pretense
of going to school and after graduating I had no excuse or cover - I had to find a job and
enter the "real world". I never found a job, and other times wasn't sure I wanted one, I
just wanted to play video games, smoke weed, and relax.


Part 2
Summary: After graduating in 2016 I had a string of "bad" roommates. Most were
abusive or controlling, one had a warrant out for his arrest. The last roommate I
had was fine on the surface but in reality he was keeping a secret. Around 2015-16 a
plumbing issue developed causing noise to effect an entire section of the apartment
building that lasted until I moved out in 2019. The noise was loud and other tenants
were able to hear it but the noise never stopped.

Starting around this time (2015-2016), I began hearing fairly loud "plumbing" noises
from the floor above, it could have been earlier. Since the sound was from upstairs and
didn't occur when I used any of my facilities I made no complaint to the building
management. I was also afraid that I had done something and so I never reported it, even
though the noise was loud and in the hallway for many doors down, out of fear that I
would have to pay for damages. At this time I did not have insurance, which I should
have had as per the tenant agreement, but I did end up getting insurance shortly after
being reminded and had it for years. This noise persisted until nearly the day I left in
February 2019; many times it was very frequent, very loud, and very ominous sounding. I
was scared that I was responsible and insurance wouldn't cover    the damages due to the
damage occurring before the insured period, but I argued with myself - "management
must know, and if they don't I didn't cause it because it comes from the pipes upstairs."

Also starting around 2015-2016, I had a string of bad roommates that lasted until I moved
out in 2019. The first one was fine, the arguments we had were probably my fault but I
still found him to be abusive when angry. There was an instance, after he was already
going to move out, where I hid the cannabis-related paraphenilia in his room to show
prospective roommates. I did it because they asked, "is there smoking?" and I wrongly
interpreted it as a negative sign - in reality the they were asking because they smoked and
wanted to know if its allowed. After showing the place, he came home and I had
forgotten about the bong and he asked where it was, I tried to find it for him but I hid it so
well, and I couldn't remember immediately where I put it. This led to him getting angry
with me, thinking I've stolen it. He left and said when he comes back the paraphenilia
better be back in it's spot. I returned it after finding it, but it was too late. When he came
to move his stuff it was tense, and the new roommates that I had found were there as well
and verbally defended me after I explained the situation to them.

The next roommates, the ones who defended me, were a couple who were expecting a
baby soon, and they did have the baby while living at my place. They seemed like decent
people at first and I trusted them. Multiple times they weren't able to pay rent on time,
and when asked why they said because they had to buy things for the future baby, yet
they continually bought vape cartidges and other stuff they didn't need. I thought shelter
was important for a baby but they insisted that I wait to pay rent when I knew it could
result in a fee or eviction. Also as time went on I realized they weren't that good of
people, they were my age and possibly involved with gangs. I felt trapped with an
abusive person but I never had them on the lease so I decided to kick them out. My
parents came down to London and I expected them to come to the apartment and tell
them to leave. Instead they told me that they're calling police to have them removed. The
police came and took away the roommate because they had a warrant for his arrest, and
they said if there was not an outstanding warrant they would not have been able to do
anything. After that we helped them move out as they had another place to go, but I was
out hundreds of dollars, months of time and stress, and in the end had to worry about my
safety of going anywhere, in case I ran into this person.

The third roommate also seemed nice at first. He played the same videogame I did so we
played together pretty often. He had issues when I told him that he couldn't use my
cellphone. The closest payphone was about a 5 minute walk, and he needed to call his
boss in order to quit his job. I was angry because I thought if he quit he would be at the
apartment all the time and my life quality would diminish having to deal with an abuser
more often. So I tell him to use the payphone and he snaps and starts yelling and
threatening me. I had the locks changed later that day when I thought he wasn't there. But
he was in his room and after the maintenance person left he confronted me about
changing them but there was just a minor argument nothing worse. I let him stay for the
remainder of the month because he couldn't move until the first of next month. During
the time of the third roommate, construction noises started occuring in the apartment
above me. They were loud and frequent and went beyond normal business hours. The
noises lasted months and were annoying for multiple reasons, since after some time I was
suspicious that nobody had reported the noise.

The last roommate I had before moving away was a civil engineering graduate student
from Syria. He was a good roommate and didn't abuse me, and being a student meant he
was either out or studying. This roommate wasn't angry or abusive at all, liked the movie
"Braveheart" and the show "Friends" and said he was an excellent chess player. One time
he winked when I asked him what he is studying, and another time I used his laptop for
something, and I had to look in the filesystem and when I clicked the drive the laptop
powered off.

Sometime in the spring of 2018 I was awoken at 4AM by the building manager entering
my unit. The apartment was flooded, she told me, and was leaking all the way down to
first floor (from the 6th). Apparently the bidet my roommate had installed on the toilet
had been left turned on all night. There was hundreds of dollars of damage and the
apartment had to be cleaned and dried. There was a really bad smell after the flood and
continued for a long time, however neither my computer nor my bed were damaged and
my own damages and my roommate’s damages were minimal. The hundreds of dollars
came mostly from the other units. I was told to talk to my insurance, but when I called the
insurance they said it shouldn’t have anything to do with my insurance and they wouldn’t
pay. I didn’t understand, but eventually my family had to pay out of pocket because the
person above the property manager was extremely insistent that I pay them quickly. I
honestly forget why nobody’s insurance would cover the damages, I do not have
recordings or anything, but I was extremely overwhelmed and scared because according
to them, the bidet should not have been on the plumbing fixture. This was the extent of
my issues with my last roommate, other than what I talk about next, but I wasn’t angry
and chalked it up to either a mistake or some sort of scheme by the property managers to
have me move out. I remember thinking the property managers must have had something
to do with it, because right around the flood the huge plumbing noise stopped that was
plaguing me for years. It all stopped when the flood happened.


Part 3
Summary: I started playing - sometimes for many hours a day, every day - a
competitive online game in 2017 called "TrenchWars", which I originally started
playing when I was 13. In October 2018 I made two racist comments publicly within
the game against someone who cheated against me. The game had been plagued by
cheaters and every day I would be cheated against many times with no
repercussions. I started to received death threats and packages in the mail, my
computer and accounts were completely hacked, and more. They could see my
screen, would communicate subtly (and once, directly) on games that I played, and I
thought they could hear me if I plugged my microphone into the computer.

One time in early February they suggested I perform sexual favours on my

roommate. It was implied that doing this would open up opportunities or pay large
amounts of money.    I said to knock on the wall if they're serious and there was a
thud a few moments later. Nothing happened from that, but the next day my
roommate invited me for breakfast, and asked what some idioms mean such as
"chopped liver" and "let sleeping dogs lie". The next day, after a night where I
didn't sleep, I called my mom saying that my roommate was going to kill me and
that I need to move back. She said that it's fine, and I went to get the bus and ended
up being harassed all the way to my house.

In 2017, perhaps earlier, I started playing an online game again called Trenchwars. I
started playing this game when I was 13 and played on and off since then. When I was
there it felt like a sense of community for me, because there weren't many players now
and all the same people would be there. A big part of the reason why the game declined
over the years, in my opinion, was the cheating that would happen even in the
competitive leagues where cheats should be clearly disallowed. When I started playing
again in 2017 it was nothing like before. I would constantly be the victim of blatant
cheating for no reason that I know of. I brushed it aside mostly, except in some instances
where it wasn't warranted or in a competitive setting. Despite this I continued playing
because it was still fun and most of the instances of cheating didn't harm anyone and
were done in good spirit. But it is a fact that I suffered from blatant and constant cheating
and was the victim of these cheats countless times, and the people in charge did nothing
about it even though it violated the rules.

In October 2018 I made a comment publicly on the game after losing to somebody using
illegal cheating software. I said, "If you're from here you can't do that" referencing the
fact that if the player who cheated where the servers are located in America, he couldn't
fake his internet latency like he did. He couldn't use the perception of his country - that
people from this country have a bad connection because of poor infrastructure or distance
from the server - to try and hide his use of cheats. The way he moved his character, it
would be highly unlikely for him not to know he has the latency. The game is actually run
by these people who do the cheating and that's why it's never dealt with. There is also the
issue that cheaters may avoid the ban system, and that they are probably keeping the
game alive despite the fact.

The day after I said the comment above publicly, I was online and someone called me out
in the chat for what I said. This person I knew and we had good interactions I thought at
the time, but he was from the same country, Brazil, and he was possibly just asking to
understand, so I possibly reacted poorly. But I was called out in the chat and he said
something to the effect of, "Why did you say that yesterday, do you know it is wrong?"
and I was now scared I had done something wrong, so I tried to just play it off, and I said,
"This guy is loco." Well, the main language spoken in Brazil isn't Spanish it's Portuguese.
After saying this and realizing what I'd done I started to feel really bad, that I had hurt
somebody or community of people who liked me (so I thought) and basically ruined
everything I had worked for including being respected by this group of people. To this
day I still argue that at the very least, it was pixels on a screen - people recover from that
I suppose. But it was the fact that I was respected among these people that made what I
did so wrong.
After I made the comments I started receiving death threats almost immediately while on
the Trenchwars game. My apartment building had graffiti put on it that said, "Be Humble
- EM" in blue. I had a package delivered to my door addressed to "Gary Crosby". There
was a guy I'd see, the first time I saw him after the comments I made I just had a hunch
this guy was part of their gang. At the time I thought they were just like a regular gang,
nothing like what I learned later. This guy lived in the building and also leased the white
car that was set on fire at a rec center in Toronto around the end of February, 2019. I
know this because I saw him on the news and he was on there. Around the time of
November I made a post on Facebook, later deleted, that basically told people to be
aware of hackers who, from what I saw, had no boundaries in the sense of what they
could or couldn't hack. I'm not sure of the exact timeline of the events for this period. At
one point I learned that this group could see my computer monitor, so from that point on I
would interact with them on the computer, either talking to them through the microphone
or typing a message on screen and then erasing it. Some time after, apparently, there was
an instance where I said some sort of rant on New Years and the "operator" failed to press
the mute button, and apparently I was being streamed to a website, TwitchTV, without my
knowledge when I went on a rant and a lot of people heard what I had said.

On December 15, 2018 at around 2:00AM, I went onto my balcony because someone had
been in the hallway spraying a strong perfume that entered my apartment. When I went
out I saw a running car and I decided to watch, because it was fairly odd and I wanted to
see if I could spot a person. At around 2:30AM, a taxi went behind the building and then
came back around fairly quickly, so that a person probably didn't get in. It's my belief that
either the person refused the taxi or there was a team and one person decided to go in the
taxi. I kept watching but got cold and I went inside for maybe a minute to put on more
clothing and in that small window the person had ran to their car and left.

In early February of 2019, the people online started implying that I could perform sexual
favours for my roommate in exchange for money or opportunities. I said to knock if
they're serious. After a decent amount of time (10 seconds) the knock came. I said to
come to my room but he would not. They wanted me to go into his room. Since neither of
us went to the other's room, nothing happened. I determined that they wanted to record
the encounter, if it happened, for reasons of blackmail, and that was the reason he did not
leave his room.

The next day he made something for breakfast and asked me to eat with him. As we were
eating he asked me to help him with the meanings of certain idioms. He asks what does
"chopped liver" mean, what does "let sleeping dogs lie" mean, what does "high and dry"
mean. And more things like that. At this point I started thinking that my life was in
imminent danger and that I had to get out. The next morning, after a night where I didn't
sleep, I called my mom in Brampton and told her that I have to move back, my life is in
danger here, I just have to get out. I decided to take a Greyhound bus to Toronto. On the
bus ride, the person next to me and the person in front were uttering threats under their
breath, sniffing loudly, and going to the bathroom to spray lots of perfume. Once we
entered into Toronto there was a large graffiti in my view that said "ALEKS CAGE". I
got off the bus and there were people giving me looks, I tried to stop a security guard on
his break but he wouldn't hear me out. At the time I felt like my life was constantly at
risk, but I always thought it was just a large gang and never anything more.


Part 4
Summary: Once I was at my mom's house I realized that "they" had been there
already and I thought they threatened my mom to use a social media app to
coordinate plans and I thought neighbours were using x-ray machines in their
houses to zap things in my house. I went to the hospital twice in the first month the
first time to address my comments on the phone. I was diagnosed with drug
(cannabis) induced schizophrenia, a condition that I do not have. I went along with
the plan for months in the hopes that if I created a good enough "paper trail" that
these people would leave me alone. They had convinced me that I revealed
information to a large amount of people on my computer and that the police may
come to interview me. Then later in February I expressed suicidal thoughts, they
were just a passing comment but I stayed overnight in the hospital. In March or
April I was driven to the hospital because I started speaking openly about the
group. My mom took me to the hospital where I stayed for about two weeks. I was
sent to the hospital again after but I fought for an early release and only stayed a
couple days. Both times I fabricated the excuse that I had smoked cannabis when I
hadn't, so that I would not receive a more severe diagnosis.   

As time went on, I started learning things about the group. I learned they had tiny
cameras and a tiny device to "tap" things invisibly and make a noise. Around
March or April I discovered they were using a two-way ear piece of some kind,
possibly very small just like the other devices, that allowed them to communicate
with each other. I also learned that to get this ear piece I had to do a video to be used
as blackmail against me. At first, the requirement for this blackmail was
homosexuality or incest. Eventually the requirement became pedophilia. All videos
would be highly embarassing and might be combined with serious threats off screen.
After you do the video and go through their torture, you are given the ear piece and
from there you basically do what the 'operator' tells you to do.

Once I was at my mom's house I realized quickly when I knew I should that almost
nothing had changed from my siutation at the apartment. The neighbours banged on the
wall, objects in the room would make cracking or popping sounds as if someone had
physically hit the object, and I had an overall sense of being watched or tracked. I went to
Brampton Civic hospital twice within my first month of arrival here in Brampton I
believe. The first visit occurred near the day I arrived, as one of the first things we had to
address were my comments on the phone. I was scared to say anything different from
their narrative and went along with anything they said, and if I disagreed and fought back
I'd probably just receive a more severe diagnosis. I was sent back to the hospital in March
because I decided to speak openly about what was happening and wouldn't budge. I did
this a second time after being released, but I said that because it was substance induced, I
should be clear after a few days. Both times I said that I had smoked cannabis but I had
not, and each time I filled out the paperwork in the group's favour, despite having done

I determined in March 2019 that the group used some sort of ear piece for
communication, and not social media apps. I had known since arrival in Brampton that
they were using cameras (either hidden or very small) and some sort of "energy weapon"
that the group can use to make objects in the room make popping noises, can feel like
someone tapped you on the shoulder, can make stairs/furniture creek, can give you a
headache, it can even be fatal. And I knew there were cameras watching me because my
every movement even the slightest twitch was noticed and subject to "punishment" or
"training" because they condition your reaction so you act normally despite knowing an
important secret. I determined there was an ear piece because my mom said something
very uncharacteristic, which basically gave the secret away because I knew my mom not
to speak like she did, and it couldn't possibly have been planned.

Starting around this time, perhaps earlier, I began to know what the group wanted from
me. I learned that they wanted to get me on the ear piece, but to do this the group needed
something from me. The deal has always been that if you do sexual acts on video they
will give you the ear piece and generally make your life better. At first they wanted a
video of homosexuality or incest and then later it turned into pedophilia being the only
option. For some people they will show up in the middle of the night, after they've rigged
your house so they can surveil you, and give the offer of doing the video right now or
have them "commit suicide". Since this all started, one of the most common threats I've
received from them is that they're going to come in the middle of the night and give me
the choice of doing the video or “hanging myself”. So they do all the setting up of the
video and the person just has to do the video once, but once they have the video they can
essentially do what they want (as they basically could without it) and they may also make
other stipulations before you receive the money such as multiple acts over a course of
time or training somebody not to do something using sexual acts as punishment.
Part 5
Since the summer of 2019, I have lived with my mom except for a brief period in
December-January where I moved out and within a month went back. My mom wanted
me to look for work and I didn’t want to, but I changed my mind so I moved back. I
mainly just wanted to be there for my mom so that she doesn’t go through this alone.

Every day is the same for me. I am under complete surveillance and I am constantly told
to just do the blackmail video. We communicate constantly through taps and noises. I can
say whatever I want, but they are limited to communicating through these taps or noises.
The tap feels like a poke or if someone pushed on your skin, and the noises can be
anything from a neighbour banging the wall to a crackle or fizzle in your carbonated
drink to tinnitus in your ear. If I go somewhere in the car with my mom, the drivers are
completely acting just to annoy you or cause an accident. I have seen car crashes and way
too many close calls. They do not actually try to cause an accident to me, but to others
they will turn without signaling, do a u-turn, speed past, etc.

I say that they don’t cause an accident to me because they won’t, until they decide to, do
anything to me. It could be false but if I listen to the group, they say that ‘my story’ was
visible to a lot of people somehow, and it caused a divide in the group 50/50 of people
who support me and people who just want me to join. This is according to them. They
also said one time that they did a vote among seven leaders, and the vote was 6-1 in
favour of killing me but it needed to be unanimous apparently. That is why I can talk
directly to them about anything, and it’s why they let me go to the police station – they
can control the outcome anyway because they control the ‘strings of the society’, and
they don’t have to deal with the political backlash of killing me.

They say that if I join I will have very special privileges that not a lot of members
receive. They have made every promise in the world to have me give up my freedom:
fame, money, beautiful women, social connections (getting to meet famous people), they
have even promised to free me if I do the video which I do not trust. I tried negotiating
but they are completely insistent that I do the blackmail, despite me not having the desire
to either live that lifestyle or to give up my freedom.

My daily life is a struggle to deal with the group annoying me. In order to persuade me
into doing the blackmail, they have made every effort to annoy me and insert themselves
into my focus. They will have my mom talk constantly, they will subtly mock me and
insult me (they’ll call me ‘honey’ or call me theirs), act weird or ‘cringe’ and have her
bend over. The commercials will show babies to mock me, the sports announcers will say
things about how I’m going to die (slice up the middle, cut across, etc.) The camera will
pan on a player’s butt, or they will show a name that’s funny when you use a bit of word
play, etc. They will have professional players do bad plays intentionally, or do things they
otherwise might not.

This isn’t the normal experience of people, however. It’s made clear to me, from both
experience and what they’ve told me, that there is only one person who has information
like me and yet has not left the group. That is why I receive special treatment like being
referred to on a sports broadcast, or why they have the athletes act differently when I
watch. Nobody else has the privilege to say the things I say out loud either, as I will talk
to them directly about whatever, whenever. This is exactly why they structure their
operations the way they do (strict obedience) – so that in the case that somebody like me
exists (someone who decides to resist) they can throw the full force of their system at me
to break down my will to resist, thus enhancing their power further.

Around July/August of 2020, I came to the conclusion that the group doing this
wasn’t Russian or some underground criminal group, but the United States
government. The only country that would be capable of doing something like this, or
at least the most likely candidate to take over the world, is the U.S.. I believe that
they did this because they developed the technology first and believed that an enemy
could potentially take over their country this way, so they decided to do it first: the
best way to protect your country from the threat of such technology is to monitor
your own people, therefore you will have knowledge of an enemy trying such a
tactic. I believe that they use this reason to get people to do what they want, because
it could have been much worse if an enemy decided to use these technologies and

The four pillars of the group's use of technology are the camera, "energy weapon", ear
piece, and hacking. Each technology provides support for the rest and supplements the
benefits of the other technologies. All devices have access to Wi-Fi or some other
connection, are possibly an example of nanotechnology/microtechnology, and can be
wirelessly powered.    Everything I know about these devices is based on an educated
guess – perhaps I am way off -    because they have not said how they do it. I can only
judge what is happening based on my own experience which may be crafted, however I
am fairly sure of the capabilities that they have, but not how they do it if that makes any

"Directed Energy Weapon"

Energy, as it's referred to here, is just the encompassing word for electromagnetic
radiation which ranges from X-rays to microwaves to radio waves. Energy comes in
different forms, but the energy they use is limited to the EM spectrum which is otherwise
invisible yet capable of producing devastating effects when applied to a human subject.
Radio waves are well known to be relatively harmless, but X-rays or microwaves are
capable of producing lethal effects.

The energy weapon or device can be used with both useful communicative purpose or
destructive purposes. The device shoots out some particles invisible to the eye but with
the same effect as hitting an object. The beam can be aimed at objects at any depth and it
will be like something knocked at that exact depth and location. The beam can be very
precise and uses xyz coordinates to effect objects on the surface or on their inside. For
communication purposes, the weapon is inferior to direct communication via the ear
piece. However, in my experience where I don't have an ear piece, the energy weapon is
one of the key tools used for communicating.

Benign Effects: pulsing, pinging, throbbing, light pain, tingling/numbness, on any body

Medical Effects: Headache, toothache, tinnitus, nausea, diabetes (possibly), seizure,

ocular trauma/blindness, cancer, heart attack, stroke.

Examples of the Weapon Used for Communication:

- Hitting the right or left hand or leg to tell someone where to go.

- Hitting the head, to tell someone to think.

- Pinging an object in the room multiple times, corresponding to yes or no.

In August of 2017, it was revealed that US and Canadian embassy personnel in Cuba had
suffered from “a variety of health problems” dating back to late 2016. Hearing loss,
nausea, and memory were some of the symptoms, with one individual requiring a hearing
aid. The ultimate list of symptoms is: “problems with sleep, cognition, vision, balance,
speech, headaches; sensations of pressure or vibration; nosebleeds; brain injury and brain
swelling”. Diplomats received “sustained injury to widespread brain networks” according
to a government study. The most believed cause of this is microwaves, i.e. EMF pulses. I
believe that the symptoms experienced by these diplomats – termed 'Havana Syndrome' -
is actually the result of this same “energy weapon” that I have explained here.

2-Way Ear Piece

The ear piece is a 2-way (microphone and speaker) constant, open communication
channel. There is an operator on the other end, supported with software, who is literally
listening and watching everything you do. It's possible that some people have good
experiences with this technology in their lives, but from my life and other possible
accounts it seems more likely that most people are treated cruelly for no reason
whatsoever. People are conditioned to accept the noise in their ears, so it is rare to see
professional broadcasters slip up and if they did the viewer will see it as nothing
basically. Regular people do fine with the ear piece as well as they are trained like
anybody else to ignore it.

There is the possibility that the group uses a technology called V2K or voice-to-skull.
There is a proven effect that occurs due to pulsed microwave emissions where people can
hear clicks or even voices if they are within sufficient range of the source. I have never
experienced it personally, but there are many people who swear that it has been used
against them. It would explain how the group can first contact the intended victim and the
technology required is similar to what they already use, in my belief. The idea that the
group entirely uses V2K and that there is no ear piece is flawed, however, because V2K
could only be used in one-way communication (sending, not receiving) and I know they
are capable of receiving audio in a variety of environments.


There is only a low chance that there is a satellite doing the surveilling, because the group
can see very minute details, such as eye movement, what's in my line of vision, the
sentence I just read on either a smartphone or a book - and they can view inside or
outside. In my experience, the camera is monitored and the person is tracked 24/7. The
cameras can be viewed in colour, in high resolution, and in night-vision.


The organized crime group commits many criminal activities on a large scale and have
access to funding that would    be out of reach for smaller hackers. The group uses these
funds to pay for top level talent in a lot of fields but in particular computing. In essence,
because it was required, in their scheme, to have control over technology, they are experts
on many technical subjects because they have the funding. But of all the technical things
that the group learned, hacking and software was the first because it enabled all other

The group uses wide ranging tactics from phishing to social engineering to direct control
and to subtle monitoring. Every tactic written about and then some is within their
capability. They have access to the actual hardware of many important systems in
addition to many zero-day exploits. They can access a system professionally and may use
tactics to make the system intrusion look a certain way, like a murderer crafting a crime
scene freely. They have viruses/malware that will not show up on any anti-virus, and if
you notice any discrepancy on your electronics then they already have full access. They
can do all sorts of monitoring and the virus could be picked up any number of places
without warning, so that they then have full access to what you browse, what you type,
what your webcam records if you have one, etc.
On the other end, the group has software on their end that allows them to interact with the
environment basically as if it were a computer game. They likely have an entire software
that would sick and disgusting if you saw it, allowing people to inflict cruelty with zero
consequence just from using a computer interface. Everything is done through their
software. The operator may have many keybindings, foot pedals, and is probably assisted
by AI* (*if it doesn't do the majority of the work by itself).

Nanotechnology vs Satellites

I believe that the technology the group uses is probably micro/nanotechnology. But there
is an interesting circumstance that I have discovered: without knowing which is being
used to begin with, there is hardly any way to tell if you are being harassed by a satellite
or by a very small electronic device. There are some flaws to the theory: satellites have a
naturally longer response time, and it seems impossible for even an advanced satellite to
plainly see through objects like Superman, or hear through walls.

o Saying what you want: using subtext, shared language and dog-whistling to express
the correct idea.

o Hidden messages are common! TV ads, newspapers, even songs can be used to
convey information to groups or individuals. Every medium can be manipulated.

o Many people in the group will be able to associate a tapping noise, “the sun”, certain
animals, etc. with a meaning because these are part of the lexicon of a shared

o The operators that I deal with are extremely capable and work in a team when
needed, playing off of each other. They can adapt to almost any conversation, as that is
their jobs, and they use a lot of humour, call-backs, make excellent use of idioms and
wordplay, and they can lie extremely well.

Outside of using the ear piece to directly communicate with members, there are other
ways for them to communicate if for instance the person doesn't have the ear piece. In
almost all cases the communications are subtle and nobody would think a message is
being conveyed (e.g. dog-whistling). The message's success depends on the ability of the
recipient to find the code or context of the message. A language is eventually created
where the meaning can be understood by knowing the words of the language. Language
is dynamic and evolves over time to be more and more complex. I am not sure about
others, but I have a fairly complicated language with my operators, especially for not
being able to have a proper conversation.
In our shared language we have words that are essentially a 'call-back' to an earlier
concept. For example, one time my mom said, "you just say 'yeah' so that I'll shut up".
From that point on, including in that same conversation, I said "yeah" many, many times,
and we both understood that it meant for the other person to shut up. Any sort of
comment or behavior can be used as a vehicle for the subtext. Some common call-backs
that many members will understand are things such as sniffing loudly, coughing, wearing
a hat dipped low, and 'coffee' (the term they use for their sexual rewards system - getting
coffee), and 'dancing'.

Other usual ways of communicating include using common sayings in a different context,
projection (my mom saying "I need to floss my teeth" to point out that I should floss my
teeth), using double meanings or literal meanings, in addition to the call-backs that make
up a strong portion of the language. When communicating they may use long-winded
stories or situations just to make the right point or idea with the right

Examples of our Language

1 Knock/'tap'/noise: Means death, or that I die.

2: Means do the blackmail video. They tell me to do this a lot.

3: Means keep going, nobody does anything. They also tell me to do this.

4: Means that I want to "run" or try to escape the group somehow. They tell me not to do

5: Means "freedom" i.e. they grant me my freedom and I stop being the victim of their
surveillance and harassment. I ask for this often. They say I'll have my freedom if I do the

6: Means I report them to significant authorities (FBI, RCMP, or police).

Yes: two taps, No: one tap.

This is the number game that we play. It was created so that everyone can express
themselves. The game is played using any noise to create the number that you want to
express. I might cough twice before the door shuts, which makes two noises, to express
my intent to escape the group(4). I might cough five times and they will make one noise
for no. Some other common words:

- "The Sun" which is what they call their threat of using nuclear weapons. Related words
such as sunshine, sunrise and dawn are used sometimes, or “Ra”.

- Crazy, which is related to what I said on the game ("loco"). They say this to mock me.
Related to this is 'weird' which they say often because it has a similar usage as crazy.

- Assault Rifle (AR) used to imply they're going to shoot me. Example of this is Clintar,
the company, whose trucks they show me often, as if to say Clint (common name they
use to dehumanize the target, as if you're just a nobody), Assault Rifle (as in they are
going to shoot you).

- "Dancing" which is what they call doing the blackmail video or doing sexual favours.
Having someone physically bend over is also referring to doing the video.

- I, 11, true, one, 99, A, Jay (as in, a marijuana joint), Blue, CJ/AJ, Al, Batman. I and 11
are all from the game, the rest came after I made the comments and are used as a covert
way to refer to me.

- Dog/cat/fish/buffalo/lion/bee/unicorn/leash/running away. People caught by the group

are seen as animals or pets that the group has, so they call the mass of caught people fish
or buffalo. They call me a bee, and I determined it was because, "they sting you once then
die". People who fight back are called 'unicorns' because they don't exist.

- Cookies/tacos/ice cream/books means money or cash.

- Mountain/Restaurant/Car/House: they view themselves as a rock mountain because it's

really difficult to climb or because they are immovable, permanent, as a mountain is.
Because the group has so much control, but doesn't have a physical presence, they will
sometimes call themselves the car, or the house, as if they are an inanimate object with
familiarity and permanence.

- “Easy” or “EZ” which is an insult in gaming in particular and actually the game that is
involved is possibly the origin of this term on gaming – it was one of the first PC online
multiplayer games after all. They say this to mock me because it is such a common
saying on that game and I have said it many times (I always said it “ez” because why
would you spend the extra effort to capitalize, that's not easier!)

- Milk, yogurt. This is how they describe their sexual rewards system it is called this for
two reasons. The first is to put it in the minds of people that this system is natural,
essential, etc. and the second is the reference to semen.

- Drink, cliff, bridge. These are all words that refer to me killing myself. They tell me to
do this because they believe it is not possible to beat them.

- Right, left. From my house I would take a left to get to the courthouse and a right to go
to the police station. This group of words allows for more creativity because you can do
more things, such as pointing in a direction while saying something, or moving my legs
up a wall in front of me while sitting, raising my right foot and then my left, to signify
that I will go to the police station first, and then the courthouse.

- Trigger. This is just a common word they use to scare me because you can use it in
regular conversation and it will sound completely fine. It essentially defines the way they
speak: say exactly what you want, in a different context.

- Fuck, balls. This is another common saying they use. Fuck can be used as an expression
of frustration or as a verb or even as a command. So my mom will say fuck a lot and to
any outside observer it would seem completely harmless. But she only rarely used to
swear, and I don't think she would swear like she does. It is one of the most noticeable
changes for me.

- Girl, baby, pregnant. They call me a girl, maybe because a girl might react even worse
than a guy to being monitored. They also call me a baby because I won't do what
everyone else had to do and want my way. I call them a baby because I accuse them of
the same thing – wanting it their way only, not being flexible, etc. I said that I am
“pregnant” because I am apparently a girl, and because “this thing is coming out in 9
months whether anyone likes it or not”.

- Cross/snitch/run/turn/switch/flip/changing teams. These are words they use to describe

people who “go against them” usually just by disregarding what they say to do, as this
alone will have a highly negative impact on their feeling of you.

- Big/small (and other synonyms of these words). They call themselves “big” and call me
small as a way to intimidate. It describes just our relative capabilities, someone could be
considered large for multiple reasons such as wealth, social connection, power, etc.
whereas someone like me has none of that.

- Alright. This word is used a lot because if you read it it says “Al right” as in 'Alex is
right' , but if you say it out loud it sounds like “all right” as in everybody in the situation
is correct. Phrasing it like that is just one way they try to control how I think, by building
a narrative that I am somehow deserving of what's happened.   


The group also uses world events, or everyday situations, to convey how they are feeling.
Examples include marriage/love, sports championships, and world events. These
'scenarios' will have words that apply in those situations and convey an extra level of
meaning. They range from very common (marriage/love) to situational (sports
championship) to rare (political/celebrity scandal).    The following describes each
scenario in more detail.

- Marriage/love. This is a common scenario where they claim to love me and want my
love in return. They claim that my actions are “breaking their heart”. They say they want
to marry me or bring me into their 'family', which just means doing the blackmail video.

- Sports championship. The situation where there are two teams facing off in a
competition is a fairly common scenario they use to describe our 'fight' with each other.
They will talk highly of themselves. They might call themselves the defending
champions or something, but they will talk highly about me as well, calling me a star
player with a shot at the championship, so to speak.

- Political scandal. This scenario is used as a way to remind me of what I did. They will
use a current political/celebrity scandal to speak about the situation that happened with

Using Songs to Communicate

Both parties use song lyrics to communicate how we feel. Sometimes the song is played
just for a single line, where others have a more involved feeling associated. The
following are examples of how exactly they're used and their meaning.

B-44 – Get Down. “If you get down on me, I'll get down on you” - if you continue
monitoring me and harassing me, I will reciprocate in my own way. “I will do anything
that you want me to (to)” - I will go through with running away (2 + 2 = 4) as they
probably planned anyway. But I will do it regardless, because it's the only way to fight
back. “I'm going to make you come tonight (over to my house)” - I am going to act in a
way that forces the group to come attack me in the middle of the night.   

Jackson 5 – ABC. Using A as 1, B as 2, C as 3 and using an assumption of additive rather

than multiplicative operation as would be the case in regular math, A(1) + B(2) + C(3) =
6 . Which also holds true for when they say “123”. On the video that I play, there is an
announcer who says, “I think this is probably the first time this record has been played on
the air, and it's about to be released.” - I play the song every day so the first part is ironic,
and the thing being released is this document. “1,2,3, Baby you and me girl” - Baby: you,
and me: girl.

Phil Collins (and Philip Bailey) – Easy Lover. On the music video for the song it says,
“So we're here doing a video, which is kind of interesting, because we're doing a video of
making a video, of making a video. You know, there's lots of things going on at the same
time. It's not like the normal kind of promo.” which is a reference to how there are
multiple layers of what's happening going on at any one time. I said to them that I am an
autistic person, playing a normal person, playing Dustin Hoffman, who's playing the Rain
Man. There are so many layers to understand if you were blind coming in, but the song is
a call to the listener.. as if to say – look beyond the surface!
Huey Lewis & the News – Hip to be Square. This is the song that Patrick Bateman of
“American Psycho” puts on before he murders his drunk coworker with an ax. He says
about the song, “...A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics, but
they should! Because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance
of trend, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.” and then he murders him. So
it is another joke about listening to the lyrics and how they're used to say how we feel.
I/They call me a band, because I am usually playing classic rock and its so important to
expressing myself - just another joke! And 2 + b = 4, which is the same amount of sides a
square would have. Someone who understands this would be 'hip' to the meaning.

Honourable Mentions

Most of these songs have involved meanings associated with them but there is not enough
room to explain all of them. The song title may give a hint, for example “Can't C Me” or
“4 Non Blondes” but there are deeper meanings within the lyrics that I could explain.

Protest Songs

4 Non Blondes – What's Going On

Rage Against the Machine – Renegades of Funk, Bulls on Parade

Alphaville – Forever Young.

Michael Jackson – Man in the Mirror

Assorted Artists – We Are the World

Midnight Oil – Beds are Burning

Megadeth – Peace Sells, Youthanasia, Countdown to Extinction, Hangar 18

Wilson Philips – Hold On

Lynyrd Skynyrd – Free Bird

Black Sabbath – Children of the Grave

Other Songs

Belinda Carlisle – Heaven is a Place on Earth

2Pac – All Eyez on Me

2Pac – Can't C Me

NENA – 99 Luftballons
Bob Marley – One Love

Billy Joel – For the Longest Time

Metallica – One

Green Day – 21 Guns

Paula Abdul – Opposites Attract

Smash Mouth – Walking on the Sun

Girl's Generation – Gee

Global Impact
One of the keys to understanding the group and what they do is that their prime motivator
is secrecy. This doesn't mean that they silence anybody with an opposing or critical
viewpoint – that's difficult to do secretly. Instead they might actually promote that
opinion because it creates the picture that nobody is in control – if you ban people from
talking about a certain subject, you naturally look like the culprit. But if you allow the
information to exist freely you can create that image like I said and also control the
outcome, where sometimes the pawn must be sacrificed so that the chess match can be
won. What this means is due to freedom of information, it is possible that even doing
everything right can still pose an operational risk, and so you must have people who will
be willing to suffer consequences if they are caught or exposed for the benefit of the team
and not themselves.

The geopolitical sphere is currently dominated by this one rule: total secrecy.    The
majority of world leaders are potentially compromised by this group, but the amount of
people not yet in the group is also potentially high, so it is hard to say which geopolitical
events are legitimate/accidental and which ones are essentially pre-planned. It's not like
Once most of the people are in the group they will potentially reveal themselves and their
plan for the future. Until then, people must act totally secretive under punishment of
death, and to do this requires changing nothing. In fact that is what they train you to do:
nothing at all. You're supposed to act totally naturally knowing the world is being taken
over and that someone in your ear is constantly talking. Reacting in a way that exposes
the group, even with perfectly innocent intent, can be extremely punishing because that is
how badly they need people to perform.

Another key to dominating what would appear to be free people is to control their access
to information. Media control or media manipulation is used keenly by this group, tactics
include bias in choosing which stories are reported on, using group members to report
stories, creating false flags where both parties involved are in on the plan or otherwise
ordering people to do things even if they do not know the reasons for it. The widespread
acceptance of social media has made the group's job more difficult but not impossible.
Internet forums are easily infiltrated by bad actors and likes and shares can be
manipulated. News often contains a narrative, both perceived narrative and actual, and
anybody not in the group yet only has outside knowledge of the world through this outlet
– therefore they tend to believe what is on the news. Traditional media such as TV news,
newspapers, celebrity gossip, advertisements, and more, often serve as people's
touchpoints to the greater community; thus the large-scale control of otherwise free
people must involve control of the media. Almost any large media outlet, such as CNN or
the Toronto Star, can and do have their messages manipulated actively. Newspaper
headlines may make reference to your situation, advertisements may be designed for your
circumstance, but this all depends because I don't think everybody has the media
manipulated around them exactly like I have because they didn't become the squeaky

The other contact that people have to the outside world is digital – digital media, social
media, email, FaceTime, and so on. People may regularly interact with friends/family,
strangers or with increasingly sophisticated AI. These digital touchpoints are also
important for the group to control. Before you ever know you are a target, the group has
already monitored and analyzed your digital data for any information they can use,
including passwords, personal routines/habits, compromising photos, etc. Once they have
access to a computer network they can communicate in many different ways, such as
controlling the ads the target sees or acting as a man-in-the-middle to prevent the target
from communicating with the outside world. The group places these barriers around
people all while watching them 24/7 with essentially a gun pointed at their head, which is
how you end up in the situation where people are compliant and secretive about this evil
to an unforeseeable level.

Lastly people have access to relevant information through people and word of mouth.
This is why it is important even for the average member to have great acting skill – and
average people surprisingly do when the consequences are severe enough. It's not just a
person, it is a potential source of revelation and a contact point: people tend to trust what
certain people tell them. If your parent or spouse starts saying things even slightly
differently the first thing to your mind probably wouldn't be, “government conspiracy
involving possible nanotechnology” - if you even noticed to begin with.

Criminal Enterprise
There are many possibilities of how crime originates, if people are incentivized to
commit crimes, or if they have no choice in the matter, and if non-criminals are more
likely to commit crime under this system. Crime is a major tool that the group uses to
create fear in people and plant the idea that if you go against the group, there is no
shortage of people and tactics available to fulfill your murder.

Crime can possibly originate in a few ways: centralized, decentralized with higher
ranking members making plans, and originating with any member if they propose the
idea. In a centralized system, crime is planned by a head group and handed down to the
person(s) they intend to have do the crime. In a decentralized system, cells are given
guidelines and are free to commit crimes within that framework. Lastly, crime may
originate from an individual level where every individual knows the guidelines, and is
free to work within those guidelines.   

It's unknown to me how the group convinces people to do crimes or if they do the crime
for some reward. The group will help as best they can to have the criminal avoid penalty
or jail time. Some people may have their blackmail used against them so that if they don't
do the crime they will have their video released. It is also unknown how many non-
criminals become criminals upon joining. It is possible that the nature of the situation
drives people to become more hateful of others, or they're otherwise driven to commit
crimes due to rewards.   

The hidden ear piece and cameras allow for many opportunities to plan and commit
crimes. At every    point in time, though, the group and perpetrator of the crime must be
careful so that their training is not obvious, which means their tactics are usually subtle
yet highly effective. The group may plan routes, timings, escapes, in addition to doing all
the surveillance and monitoring. The group is capable of multiple levels of crime (from
street crime to white collar) and has access to experts in any given field. There is hardly a
crime that this group will not or cannot commit.

List of Known Crimes or Criminal Capabilities

- Fake allegations including fake sexual assault allegations, planted child pornography
on a computer, other fake and unprovable allegations such as domestic abuse. This is
problematic because there are plenty of people with real allegations who are discredited   
because this group organized the fake allegations for their own purposes. This is why
extreme precaution must be taken so that the group has no chance to tamper with
evidence, forge evidence, or create false allegations.   

- Sports rigging. The outcomes of any significant sport event over the past 7 years is
suspect. The ear piece technology allows the operators to control an outcome so that the
victor is predetermined. Because the athletes are professionals used to being in the
camera and sometimes already used to acting, it is not difficult for them to fool the
uninitiated into thinking they made a bad play. The referees and officials can also call
more fouls or penalties for a certain team.

- Fraud of all conceivable types. Car accident fraud, stolen item fraud, credit card fraud,
insurance fraud, contract bidding fraud, even lottery fraud.

- Mass murder/terrorism ranging in motives but in all cases the murders are made to
look like the acts of a lone offender. The group enables people who want to commit
crimes and there may be a reward given to the family of the perpetrator. Examples of this
include the recent mass shooting in Nova Scotia, the Las Vegas shooter, the New Zealand
mosque attack, the Toronto van attack and many more. It's possible that people who
discover the group and realize it's so difficult to escape, are encouraged to take their
anger out on others which in turn scares the rest of the group. The "List of Mass
Shootings in the US" wikipedia article states that most years before 2012 have only 4-6
mass shootings and in 2012 increase to 12, eventually declining back to normal levels in
2013 (6 shootings) and 2014 (7 shootings). In 2015 there were 11, in 2016 there were 14,
22 in 2017, 19 in 2018, and 17 in 2019. On a different list that lists every mass shooting
for the year, the US in 2019 had a shooting that injured multiple(4) people at least once
every day and then some.

- Targeted murders/serial killing. Bruce McArthur drove a red van and killed people he
was "in a relationship" with apparently, but the relationship was possibly a cover for
high-ranking gang members so they can operate covertly under the pretense of being
romantically involved. Jamal Khashoggi is a victim of this group and he might have
thought that the problem was limited to Saudi Arabia. It's possible he did not know about
the technology. However, he mentions an "Army of the Bees" which is what they have
called me, because a bee stings you once then it dies. It's no doubt that Jamal Khashoggi
was a victim of the group, the only question is how much did Khashoggi know.

- Plane crashes ranging from small craft to airliners. Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, Lion
Air Flight 610, Ukraine I.A. Flight 752 are some examples of planned aircraft crashes. In
flight 302, the crash was hinted to me a week in advance. Flight 610 is probably a
symbolic crash because it is around the time I made the comment. Flight 752 is an
example of how they create false flags and large geopolitical events but I do not know
how much in advance the event was planned. Kobe Bryant possibly knew about the
group and possibly said something, because he was labeled and called "Black Mamba"
far more often after he died, which they used as a way to mock him and anyone else who
would say something against them.
- Kidnapping. It's heavily implied that you, the target, can be immobilized somehow
(such as with tazers or knocked out with the energy weapon) and taken against your will
to a torture site. They also imply that they have vans or trucks where they can store
people or perform torture/murder on the go while not looking suspicious.

- Child Sexual Abuse/Pornography. Despite possibly framing others with 'CP', the
group is actually one of the biggest enablers of this crime. It's important to note that
everything is done locally – there is not a single individual or even group of people
responsible    – with the aid and support of the group. The group can't physically go into
everybody's house, but they can create the circumstances that allow members to have
their own rings and operations or simply random acts. To join the group, people may have
to do CP on video, thus it is fairly safe to say that this act is rampant within effected

- Rape. There are other options available for joining the group if the group does not think
you will be a risk – and you show that you won't be. The easiest option is simply sex with
members of the group, usually involving embarassing acts. This encounter is recorded
and is potentially released when or if you decide to, in any way, go against the group.
They use that deterrent to keep people in line because after all, they could just kill you if
you disobey badly enough. The same locality principle applies where it is members of the
community you have most access to that will determine who the act is done with: friends,
family, or people you would recognize or see daily. Not only does this serve to further
embarass people and keep them in line, but it can be done easier, quicker, and subtler than
the other options. They have implied that they can move people around for the purpose of
the blackmail video, but I believe the average person is inducted using the community

- Arson. Many fires are made to look like accidents but are actually caused by the group,
including the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral, the Nantes cathedral fire, the wildfires in
Australia and California, and many residential/apartment fires in scores of cities around
the world.   

- Torture. Physical torture probably doesn't need a description but the group can also
commit more sophisticated or psychological forms of torture. For example, if you are
elderly you are probably relying on someone else so they could prey on these people and
they would have no idea, and once they did they would be too scared and helpless to
resist because they're not autonomous. It's entirely possible that once you perform the
blackmail that they do not stop harassing you, so it is possible that millions of people are
being harassed and psychologically tortured daily.   

- Police Intimidation. My uncle was a member of Peel Regional Police for many years
and around the time I made the comments on the game he retired from his job due to
psychological pressures of the job. However I believe due to the timing that he was
threatened or worse, and told to retire using that reason.

- Control of institutions such as hospitals, prisons and police stations. Even if a member
must go to prison, they are extremely rewarded either financially after they get out or
special privileges in prison. That is if they get caught and if they receive a sentence.
Prison can also serve as a "safe place" for the leaders of the group where they can't be
easily reached by someone who isn't in prison themselves. Because they control the
prisons there is a huge deterrent to speak out against the group because anyone can easily
be framed.   

- Controlling elections. By controlling people they also control the outcome of elections
wherever they are presently operating. Since if you have a roughly $100 micro-sized
energy beam weapon pointed at your head you would happily vote for whoever they said.
The Russian hacking of the American election was possibly real yet they didn't do it on
their own volition – it was a cover to get “their guy” in who is ultimately a big distraction
and a pawn for this secret group. Donald plays up the idea that America is failing, that it
is a shadow of its former self, which keeps people off-guard about the crushing power of
the American military/government.

- Drug Overdoses. If somebody is an addict to certain drugs then the group can easily
tamper with a victim's supply of drugs, since the dealer usually remains anonymous.
There are many high profile cases such as Mac Miller, Prince, and Tom Petty who all had
fentanyl in their systems at time of death. Fentanyl pills are cheap and are often
mislabeled as other drugs despite being “100 times stronger than morphine”. It seems
difficult to imagine that in a world where the NSA records and monitors nearly every
communication, there are still large or strong criminal organizations operating under the
radar. If these people were using a code to communicate then surely the NSA could figure
it out.

- Suicide. The group has people who can kill in a way that makes it “look” like the victim
intentionally killed themselves. How much it looks like a suicide probably depends
because most bodies are seen by relatively few people, maybe the police, a coroner, and a
witness. They are likely able to make it look very real regardless. The most notable case
is Jeffrey Epstein, who apparently killed himself when the cameras were down and
miraculously the guards fell asleep when it happened! What's even stranger is that weeks
before his death he was found injured in his cell and alleged that his cellmate had
attacked him – the correctional staff said it was a suicide attempt. While Epstein likely
was not going to say anything about the technology, if he knew, the fact that this insider
was about to ruin powerful people's lives is likely what ended his life. I think it is
possible but not very likely that Epstein played a part in a larger motive, and that he may
have known what would happen to him.
- Sometimes, many times, the crime does not fit a category but the real crime committed
may actually be that someone created these false crimes - they were not natural - and that
these incidents are further used to manipulate the public. Incidents such as the Masai
Ujiri altercation, Jussie Smollett,     

Reducing Crime

One possible way to reduce the crime in society and that this group produces is to have
more public cameras. When public areas are recorded, there will be far less crime on the
street because crimes would be much harder to commit if the perpetrator is likely to be
caught. It also allows for far less leniency when planning a crime, because the actor
would have to appear normal for a longer amount of time. And using this abundance of
evidence to sentence people, in cases where it is impossible that somebody else
committed the crime, for long enough that it suitably deters other people from
committing similar crimes.

Collection, Organization, and Presentation (COP) of Evidence

The collection of evidence is made difficult but not impossible due to the way that the
group operates. Almost none of the evidence I've collected is directly incriminating or
otherwise revealing of conspiracy. Yet they are constantly dog-whistling through media
and social media, and it's totally up to the discretion of the operators how much they
choose to reveal. Their key operational procedure is that secrecy must be maintained at
all times so they take care not to (of course) reveal anything outright. This is why the
evidence will always be ambiguous or open for the them to reveal things – the source of
information is controlled whether it be mass media or word of mouth. They are good at
revealing only things they want revealed, but not perfect.

It is my goal with this section to paint a picture that allows you to see into my world and
my perspective on what I see. I see myself as a sort of translator, guiding my experience
into your own and it's my hope to display the evidence I've collected in the way that best
illuminates not necessarily the total truth but the element of something being suspicious.
There is something suspicious about Russia, at a fraction of the capability and budget,
having influenced or taken over the US in any form. Yet this is the exact message we are
given every day! And because it is the message put right in front of our noses we devour
it, never once questioning any of it – BECAUSE WHY WOULD YOU?! The most
trusted name in news would never lie to you, just like the government would never want
to control you – just ask everyone who read 1984! It doesn't mean government is bad it's
simply that power that is corrupting. Like in the Roman times or Medieval ages where
kings and emperors held power over everybody else and if you didn't like it you could
take it up with the executioner, yet these people had no reference of what the future might
be like, and so every person that has been alive has been the most chronologically
modern human being from their own perspective. This suggests that people should
fundamentally distrust the people governing them – not because government is itself bad
but because the world is ultimately governed by people and there will always be
somebody willing to do anything to get more power: these are the people who ultimately
end up in the inner sanctum of a permanent power structure.

In total I have collected maybe 8 pieces (pictures) of real evidence – the rest lacks any
conspiratorial detail unless you knew the story. I have collected more than 1,000 pictures
in total, a few videos, and 106 audio recordings dating to Sept. 2018 of things that
confirm parts of my story, like the loud plumbing noise, and conversations with my mom.


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