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This chapter presents the results that have been carried as part of the study’s statistical
analysis. Firstly, it presents descriptive statistics that provide an overview of the sample
studied including demographics. Subsequently, it states the correlation results followed
by its analysis on how certain variables have linked to each other. It comments upon
two factors; the strength of the correlation and the movement of the variable. Lastly, it
comprehensively presents a regression analysis and states the accepted/rejected
hypotheses. All analysis was conducted by the software of Statistical Product and
Service Solutions (SPSS Version 20).

Descriptive Statistics:

4.1 Gender:

Frequenc Perce Valid Cumulative
y nt Percent Percent
Val 15 5.1 5.1 5.1
id Femal
137 46.9 46.9 52.1
Male 139 47.6 47.6 99.7
Other 1 .3 .3 100.0
Total 292 100.0 100.0
Figure 1: Gender Statistics

According to the data collected, a frequency analysis was conducted. A total of 292
responses were collected through questionnaires and the results were plotted on a
frequency table using SPSS. Among the sample surveyed, 46.9% of the respondents
were female and 47.6% of the respondents were male. An even distribution among
male and female participants reveals that the results do not depict a gender bias.
4.2 Age Bracket:

Age Bracket
Frequenc Perce Valid Cumulative
y nt Percent Percent
Val 14 4.8 4.8 4.8
id 18-24 115 39.4 39.4 44.2
25-34 115 39.4 39.4 83.6
35-44 23 7.9 7.9 91.4
45-54 11 3.8 3.8 95.2
55 and
14 4.8 4.8 100.0
Total 292 100.0 100.0
Figure 2: Age Groups

A specific age group was surveyed as 39.4% of the respondents resided in the age
bracket of 18-24 years, whereas a similar proportion was found within the 25-34 age
group. Only 7.9% of the respondent age ranged from 35-44 years while 3.8% of the
surveyed population was between 45-54 years old. Lastly, 4.8% of the population was
55 years old and above totaling 292 responses in total. This depicts that the population
to whom the questionnaire was distributed were majorly university students who
recognized the Nike campaigns.

4.3 Correlation Analysis

The correlation matrix shows the degree of co-movement and the direction of the
movement between variables. It is used to assess how closely responses are linked
together and in what direction the movement of the responses from the sample is
surveyed [ CITATION Sam19 \l 1033 ].

H1: There will be a

positive relationship
between Nike’s use of
E-WOM Pearson
1 .403**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 278 275
BRAND Pearson
.403** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 275 275
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Figure 3: Correlation Matrix Between E-WOM & Ambassadors

According to the correlation analysis conducted it was found that brand ambassadors
and eWOM have a strong positive correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.403,
which states that 40.3% of the responses of eWOM and Brand Ambassadors move
together in the same direction and that the correlation is significant at 1% level of
significance, indicating that 99% of the data is in line with the correlation result. The
hypothesis under investigation is approved and it is statistically proven that eWOM and
Brand Ambassadors have a strong positive correlation.

This result is in accordance and in line with the study conducted by McCracken (1989)
who suggested that brand ambassadors aid in developing a positive brand image of the
company and increase brand awareness.

H2: There is a positive

relationship between
Nike’s use of brand
ambassadors and its
brand awareness.

BRAND Pearson
AMBASSADORS Correlation 1 .454**

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 275 274
ESS Correlation .454** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

N 274 278
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Figure 4: Correlation Matrix between Awareness & Ambassadors

Brand Ambassadors and Brand awareness revealed a statistically strong positive

correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.454, indicating that brand ambassadors had
a positive and highly significant impact on the brand awareness created. The calculated
correlation was significant at a 1% level of significance. These results were in
conformance with the results of Goutam (2013) who argued that brand ambassadors
provide customers with confirmation about products they may not obtain from other
advertising sources, thus indicating that a brand ambassador has a positive and
significant impact on the brand awareness created. The extent to which the awareness
is created of the brand is greater and much more effective than the conventional
advertising media and platforms.

H3: There is a positive relationship between a company’s brand awareness and

its eWOM.

BRANDAWARENES Pearson 1 .279**
S Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 278 277
E-WOM Pearson
.279** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 277 278
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Figure 5: Correlation Matrix between Awareness & E-WOM

There was a significant positive correlation observed and calculated between the
proxies of brand awareness and eWOM, the coefficient was significant at a 1% level of
significance and the coefficient was valued at a 0.279 which was moderate and positive
correlation between the variables. The results were complementary to the research
conducted by Farjam & Hongyi (2015) who stated that brands and companies intending
to build long-lasting, meaningful relationships with their customers focus on creating
strong brand awareness and brand recognition. This helps customers relate to their
products and services. The positive significant relationship between brand awareness
and eWOM in the study is proof of the hypothesis proposed that brand awareness and
eWOM move in the same direction and have a positive impact on each other.

H4: There is a positive relationship between Nike’s brand awareness and its brand


SS Correlation 1 .597**
Sig. (2-tailed)
278 278
Correlation .597** 1

Sig. (2-tailed)
278 279
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Figure 6: Correlation Matrix between Awareness & Image

The coefficients of correlation of brand image and brand awareness were statistically
calculated to be significant at a 1% level of significance and had a strong positive co-
movement among themselves. The coefficient of correlation was 0.597 indicating a
strong positive relationship. 59.7% of the data of brand image and brand awareness
move in the same direction. The results calculated were similar to prior research
conducted by Kaputa (2012) who proposed that brands that develop a strong brand
image gain an advantage over new brands in relation to advertising their products .
Therefore, the stronger the brand image of a company, the stronger is its awareness
among the target population, and the greater it can successfully market itself in the
competitive marketplace. The results calculated from the correlation analysis further
solidify and substantiate that claim. Singh (2010) stated that organizations regard their
brands as valuable assets; consequently, the organizations rely on brand ambassadors
to promote and convey a positive image, another hypothesis which was confirmed by
the statistical correlation analysis conducted above.

H5: There is a positive

relationship between
Nike’s use of brand BRANDIMAG E-
BRANDIMAG Pearson 1 .096
E Correlation
Sig. (2-
N 279 278
E-WOM Pearson
.096 1
Sig. (2-
N 278 278
Figure 7: Correlation Matrix between Image & E-WOM

Correlation between a company’s use of its brand image and its eWOM was found to
have a statistically insignificant relationship with each other. The coefficient of
correlation was 0.096 which was insignificant and negligible. This statistical research
differed from empirical and theoretical literature conducted by Chevalier and Mayzlin
(2006) who state that eWOM messages also communicate information about a
particular brand or product. Consequently, the statistical analysis conducted in this
study is contrary to the claims made by the former research studies. This anomalous
relationship between brand image and eWOM may be a research gap within this study.
4.4 Regression Analysis:

Brand Ambassador and eWOM (Mediating Variable)

Unstandardized Coefficient
Coefficients s
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 15.48
2.859 .185 .000
.344 .047 .403 7.278 .000
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
Figure 8: Regression Equation E-WOM & Ambassadors (Mediating Variable)

The following linear regression analysis between eWOM and Brand Ambassadors to
determine the significance of the mediating variable was conducted. Brand
Ambassadors is the independent variable as well as the mediating variable whereas
eWOM is the dependent variable. The statistical regression analysis indicated that
Brand Ambassador was a significant variable in determining eWOM at 1% level of
significance. According to the statistical equation brand ambassadors positively
impacted eWOM of an organization with a beta value of 0.344 and high significance.
Therefore, Brand Ambassador is a relevant mediating variable.
4.5 ANOVA:

Model Summary
R Std. Error
Mo Squar Adjusted of the
del R e R Square Estimate
1 .403 .162 .159 .6915
a. Predictors: (Constant), BRAND AMBASSADORS
Figure 9: Model Summary Regression 1

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regressi 52.96
25.326 1 25.326 .000b
on 7
Residual 130.535 273 .478
Total 155.861 274
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
b. Predictors: (Constant), BRAND AMBASSADORS
Figure 10: ANOVA Regression 1

The coefficient of determination or R-Squared value tells us the degree of explanation of

the dependent variable due to the independent variable. The Model R2 value of 0.162
or 16.2% indicates that 16.2% of the variation in eWOM is explained by brand
ambassadors, which is considered a nominal and significant variation or explanation.
The following analysis of variance indicates that the regression sum of squares has an
F value of 52.967 which indicates the high significance of the predictor variable brand
ambassadors and states the variable is a reliable and valid variable and an effective
determinant of brand eWOM.

Brand Ambassadors & Brand Awareness on eWOM (2 Mediating Variables)

Model Unstandardized Standardi t Sig.
Coefficients zed
B Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.465 .276 8.935 .000
.299 .053 .349 5.636 .000
.127 .067 .118 1.906 .058
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
Figure 11: Regression Equation E-WOM, Awareness & Ambassadors (Mediating Variable)

The following linear regression involves the use of 2 mediating independent variables
Brand Awareness and Brand Ambassadors. Brand Ambassadors were already found to
have a positive and significant impact on eWOM. However, Brand Awareness also had
a nominal and somewhat significant impact on eWOM of an organization with a positive
beta value of 0.127 at a 6% level of significance. Therefore, Brand Awareness had a
comparatively lower and less potent impact on eWOM as compared to Brand
Ambassadors in the prior regression analysis.


Model Summary
R Std. Error
Mo Squar Adjusted of the
del R e R Square Estimate
1 .417 .174 .167 .6894
a. Predictors: (Constant), BRANDAWARENESS,
Figure 12: Model Summary Regression 2

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regressi 28.45
27.045 2 13.523 .000b
on 5
Residual 128.788 271 .475
Total 155.833 273
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
b. Predictors: (Constant), BRANDAWARENESS, BRAND
Figure 13: ANOVA Regression 2

The following regression model has an R-squared value of 0.174, which indicates that
17.4% of the variation in eWOM is explained by the independent variables of the model.
The ANOVA indicates the aforementioned regression equation has a high F value of
28.455 indicating high significance and reliability of the linear regression equation. The
model has a high regression sum of squares indicating an effective fit of the regression

Brand Ambassadors & Brand Image on eWOM (2 Mediating Variables)

H6: There is a positive relationship between Nike’s brand image and

its eWOM. 

Unstandardized Coefficient
Coefficients s
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.815 .367 7.669 .000
.342 .049 .401 7.057 .000
BRANDIMAGE .010 .077 .008 .136 .892
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
Figure 14: Regression Equation E-WOM & Image
The linear regression between 2 mediating independent variables Brand Image and
Brand Ambassadors was conducted. Brand Ambassadors had a positive and significant
impact on eWOM as calculated and proven before. However, Brand Image had a
negligible and insignificant impact on eWOM and was proven statistically insignificant.
The variable had a negligible beta value and a high level of significance hence
rendering the variable statistically insignificant in determining eWOM.

Brand Ambassador, Image and Awareness on eWOM (Moderated Mediation)

Unstandardized Coefficient
Coefficients s
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 2.747 .368 7.474 .000
.294 .053 .344 5.532 .000
BRNDIMG -.109 .094 -.080 -1.160 .247
BRNGAWR .181 .081 .169 2.227 .027
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
Figure 15: Regression Equation E-WOM, Image, Awareness & Ambassadors (Moderating
Mediating Variable)

The following moderating mediation regression analysis with three independent

variables indicates that both brand ambassadors and brand awareness have a
significant and positive impact on eWOM of an organization with beta values of 0.294
and 0.181 respectively and both variables being significant at 1% level of significance.
On the other hand, Brand Image is an insignificant variable with a negative beta value
and an insignificant impact on eWOM, which is a research gap of the conducted study.
Thus, hypothesis 6 is rejected.

Model Summary
R Std. Error
Mo Squar Adjusted of the
del R e R Square Estimate
1 .421 .178 .169 .6889
a. Predictors: (Constant), BRANDIMAGE, BRAND
Figure 16: Model Summary Regression 3

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regressi 19.44
27.684 3 9.228 .000b
on 3
Residual 128.149 270 .475
Total 155.833 273
a. Dependent Variable: E-WOM
b. Predictors: (Constant), BRANDIMAGE, BRAND AMBASSADORS,
Figure 17: ANOVA Regression 3

The following regression equation has an R2 value of 0.178 or 17.8% which is not
significantly different from the prior model. Hence, therefore the additional independent
variable Brand Image did not have a significant impact in explaining the variation in
eWOM. However, the overall model explains 17.8% of the total variation in brand
eWOM. In addition to this, there are still other factors which may explain brand eWOM
significantly and need to be incorporated in future literature and studies. The ANOVA
indicates that the overall model has a high F value of 19.443 which indicates high
significance, validity, and reliability of the model, stating that the model is an effective fit
in explaining the movement and variation in brand eWOM.

Reliability Analysis (Cronbach Alpha):

Case Processing Summary
N %
Cas Valid 274 93.8
es Excluded
18 6.2

Total 292 100.0

a. Listwise deletion based on all
variables in the procedure.
Figure 18: Reliability Summary

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.660 3
Figure 19: Cronbach Alpha

The Cronbach analysis of the independent moderating and mediating variables

indicates how closely the variables are interlinked and consistent in explaining the
dependent variable. The following model has a Cronbach alpha score of 0.660, which
indicates that the internal consistency of the three explanatory variables is 66.0%
indicating significant and high consistency among the explanatory variables further
strengthening the reliability of the proposed model applied above.

According to the above analyses H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5 are all accepted. On the
other hand, H6 was rejected.


According to prior literature and the statistical analysis in the preceding section, it can
be evaluated that brand ambassadors in the form of advertisements and PR campaigns
have a highly significant impact on the eWOM. The literature that was initially reviewed
constantly indicated a positive relationship between the two variables. This chapter
discusses in detail as to how these results can be interpreted by managers of
contemporary organizations to produce effective results while conducting marketing
activities relevant to brand ambassadors. Moreover, as the results suggested, it also
stresses upon the importance of eWOM and how it has evolved into a tool of analysis
for organizations for customer feedback.

It was statistically concluded that the proxy variables of both brand ambassadors and
eWOM were found to be statistically significant and positively correlated with a
correlation coefficient value of 0.403, which indicated that the relationship was positive,
significant, and highly valid and reliable. The regression analysis to measure the impact
of brand ambassadors on the eWOM indicated that brand ambassadors had a beta
value of 0.344 and positively impacted eWOM and the results were significant at a 1%
level of significance. The coefficient of determination or the R2 value indicated that
16.2% of the variation in eWOM was solely explained by Brand Ambassadors.

Nike, as being one of the most reputable sports brands in the world, constantly partners
with top athletes and makes them their brand ambassadors to effectively convey the
premium quality of their products [ CITATION Ayu18 \l 1033 ]. Similarly, according to the
analysis, it was seen that advertising campaigns involving brand ambassadors and
celebrities would have a significant and positive impact on the eWOM and if utilized
effectively, it can greatly lead to improved word of mouth, increased brand impression
and reach.

Danniswara, Sandhyaduhita, & Munajat, (2017) conducted a similar study on the impact
of celebrity endorsements on eWOM for the nation of Indonesia and it was concluded
that celebrity and influencer endorsement had a significant and positive relationship with
eWOM, brand identity, purchase decisions and satisfaction associated with the brand
image and trust. This is evident in the fact that the impact of brand ambassadors is not
only confined towards how customers begin to speak about the brand but rather it can
have long-term implications such as increased brand trust. Consequently, once a brand
gains the trust of the consumers, it translates to an enhanced brand image which is
considered as an essential element of the overall brand equity [ CITATION Shu18 \l 1033

Furthermore, it was statistically proven that Brand Ambassadors and Brand Awareness
were also found to be positively and significantly related to each other. The correlation
coefficient between Brand Ambassadors and Brand Awareness was calculated to be
0.454 which was a significant positive co-movement. Therefore, Nike may use its brand
ambassadors to generate significant brand awareness which in turn would lead to
eWOM generation and superior brand marketing along with increased brand
impressions and engagements.

Moving towards the construct of Brand Awareness, it was statistically proven to have
the second most significant impact on eWOM and was seen to be positively correlated
with eWOM with a coefficient value of 0.279, the beta value of 0.127, and significance of
0.058. Moreover, Brand Awareness is a mediating variable and has an intermediate
impact on eWOM through the Brand Ambassador channel. The element of brand
awareness is extremely critical for organizations, especially in the earlier days
[ CITATION Was14 \l 1033 ]. Nike however is one of the oldest sports brands and thus its
brand awareness extends around the whole world. Therefore, the process of selecting
brand ambassadors becomes more important for Nike as they cannot compromise on
the integrity of their advertising campaigns. This will be explained further in the section
with regard to the current environment.

In addition to this, brand awareness is a further mediating variable that is correlated with
the brand image. It was revealed in this study that Brand Image and Brand Awareness
had a correlation coefficient of 0.597 which was a significant positive and strong
correlation. Therefore, according to the framework developed in this study, it was
observed that brand ambassadors had a direct and indirect positive impact on Brand
Awareness and Brand Image which in turn translated into eWOM.
Moreover, another component of the brand identity components includes Brand Image
which was regressed and correlated with eWOM and in this study, the impact of Brand
Image on the eWOM did not yield conclusive and significant results which is one of the
limitations of this research.

However, brand image was indirectly impacted through brand awareness which was
also indirectly impacted through Brand Ambassadors. Therefore, it was observed that
out of all the components studied, Brand Ambassadors had both a direct and an indirect
impact on eWOM of a brand. Furthermore, brand ambassadors, brand image, and
awareness were interlinked and moved together leading to a multiplier effect and having
a positive and significant impact on the eWOM of the brand. According to the regression
analysis, it was observed that the 3 independent variables impacted eWOM positively.

The brand image being insignificant with eWOM of a business is contrary to prior
literature and studies. A study conducted by (Jalilvand, 2012) in the automobile sector in
Iran revealed that customers have begun to prefer putting up their pleasant and
unpleasant experiences online. It studies the constructs in the opposite direction and
reveals that eWOM in due course impacts the brand image of a brand and then
eventually leading to purchase intention.

Additionally, the significance of eWOM goes beyond the conventional definition of

leading to brand equity through increasing shareholder value as eWOM is a recent
concept that has emerged due to the widespread use of social media [CITATION Yan \l
1033 ]. Therefore, eWOM is interlinked and interconnected with major marketing
indicators such as brand image, recall, identity, association, awareness, and general
brand equity [CITATION Erf14 \l 1033 ].
A study by Severi, Ling, & Nasermoadeli (2014) stated that eWOM and brand
awareness had a reverse causality relationship between each other indicating both
components of the brand identity components had a complimentary impact on each
other which meant that one component impacted the other through one channel or

The results of the study that eWOM through any form of channel or framework, mainly
celebrity endorsement or social media. Marketers should ensure that their target
audience is well defined and specified to properly yield the benefits of eWOM on brand
equity and overall success of the organization. If they are to analyze what the
customers are saying about their brand, it is imperative that they are able to target the
right customers in the first place [ CITATION Sim14 \l 1033 ] .Therefore, the use of
celebrity and influencers leads to a significant impact on eWOM as proven earlier which
in turns leads to superior brand awareness which in turns leads to brand equity and
improves brand perception about a company or a brand. Moreover, the results of this
study also have numerous theoretical implications which include the fact that the
variable brand awareness acts as a mediator between eWOM and Brand Image and
vice versa.

Another managerial implication and observation can be drawn from the relationship
between eWOM and brand image. A comprehensive study conducted by Wattegama &
Qing (2014) stated that in times of negative publicity, eWOM is a useful tool that
generates a positive brand image and improved brand perception which may lead to
superior consumer purchase decisions. The study further stated that in the 21 st century,
when almost every marketing strategy is digital in nature and everyone is free to convey
their views about a specific product, eWOM is essential in generating significant and
positive brand image and perception [ CITATION Yan \l 1033 ]. Therefore, when faced
with any negative or detrimental consequences, an organization should aim to improve
its marketing channels through the use of superior eWOM marketing and an attempt to
increase consumer engagement with their brand.
Moreover, in the study conducted by Wattegama & Qing (2014), it was observed that
due to increase of eWOM in the last decade led to increased consumer participation
within the marketplace which in turns increased their overall involvement which led to
superior and better buying decisions in the short and long run (Wattegama & Qing,
2014). Another major element was that organizations were also able to make product
changes through eWOM by analyzing what the consumers demanded or expected from
the brand.

Another study conducted by Syahrivar & Ichlas (2018) which was in line with this study
stated that all the components of brand identity have a positive impact on eWOM
including brand image. The study further stated that several other components
significantly impacted eWOM either directly or indirectly which included brand
perception, perceived quality, brand association, and brand loyalty as well. These
variables also positively impacted eWOM and led to increased and superior brand
equity. Moreover, all these variables were interlinked and moved together in order to
generate increased customer involvement within the marketplace and higher consumer
participation and better purchase decisions (Syahrivar & Ichlas, 2018). This implies that
it is imperative to consider such elements as well and that eWOM is a concept that is
largely impacted by more or less all the elements relevant to a particular brand.

The findings from this chapter meet the objectives stated in the Introduction section. 

This study included investigating and determining the impact of brand identity components on E-
WOM in sports-related brands, specifically focusing on Nike’s Dream Crazy Campaign. After
reviewing the literature, an initial pilot study and statistical correlation, regression and reliability
analysis was conducted. The 3 major brand identity components studied in this research were
Brand Ambassadors, Brand Image and Brand Awareness. The results revealed that all of them
had a positive and significant impact on the E-WOM of a specific brand.

Furthermore, the correlation analysis indicated that all the components studied had a positive and
significant correlation and co-movement with each other. Onwards, a statistical regression
framework was constructed to assess the impact of the brand identity components on the E-
WOM. It was observed that all the components had a positive and significant impact on E-WOM
of a brand either directly or indirectly. In addition to this, an analysis of variance was conducted
and the cumulative coefficient of determination or the R2 value of the 3 variables was calculated
to be 0.178 or 17.8% which indicated that approximately 20% of the variation or determination
of electronic word of mouth was determined through the brand identity components.
Additionally, a reliability and validity analysis were conducted by calculating the Cronbach
alpha. The alpha value was calculated to be 0.660 or 66% consistency between the independent
or explanatory variables. Therefore, in conclusion the results of this study were in line with prior
literature studies which stated that brand ambassadors, awareness and image had a positive and
significant impact on E-WOM.

The results of this study were in line with the findings of Danniswara, Sandhyaduhita, &
Munajat (2017); Jalilvand (2012); Severi, Ling, & Nasermoadeli (2014); Syahrivar & Ichlas
(2018); Wattegama & Qing (2014). The results were consistent with the findings of this literature
which stated that the brand identity components such as Brand Image, Awareness and
Ambassadors have a positive and significant impact on eWOM of an organization. The current
study was conducted for the United Kingdom whereas the prior studies were conducted in Iran,
Malaysia and other Asian and South Asian nations. The results were conclusive and significant
for all nations where similar studies were conducted. Brand Image proxy for this study may have
been proven to have an insignificant impact, however the variable has a multiplier effect on the
other components of the brand identity proxies and hence indirectly does impact eWOM.
Therefore, as a managerial implication for Nike, the company can greatly improve its brand
image, awareness, association, loyalty and consumer purchase decisions if it invests significantly
in eWOM marketing through celebrity and social media influencers.

The results of this research indicated that all the 3 brand identity components studied and
researched had a significant and positive impact on E-WOM of a brand. Brand Ambassadors had
the most significant and compound effect on E-WOM as calculated by this study therefore it is
recommended that the company or organization should devote a significant portion of its
advertising budget on celebrity PR campaigns and events as it both directly and indirectly
impacts E-WOM through increasing brand image, awareness, trust, loyalty and commitment.
[ CITATION Ran17 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, the celebrity media campaigns and other marketing
strategies is highly likely to positively impact the brand identity components of a company
including its E-WOM. Hence, Nike should focus more on celebrity and influencer marketing
rather than the conventional form of advertising in order to increase the organizations
engagements, impressions and overall reach.

Future Research:
One of the main limitations of this research was that it was conducted only in one city and the
results of this research cannot be a complete representation of the effect of brand identity
components on E-WOM of a brand. A more global or at least countrywide research is
recommended in order to better assess the impact of the brand identity components on E-WOM
overall. Moreover, one of the components and explanatory variables of this study, Brand Image
was found to have an insignificant impact on E-WOM which was inconsistent with the prior
research studied and cited. This limitation may have arisen due to the limited and narrow scope
of this study and limited responses and time constraint of this research. However, for future
studies and research it is recommend to conduct a more comprehensive and detailed study.
Furthermore, the model summary of the main statistical regression equation stated that the
coefficient of determination was calculated to be 0.179 or 17.8% which is not a very conclusive
estimate and there are other significant factors and excluded variables which significantly
explain E-WOM. Therefore, the omitted variables and other brand identity components need to
be incorporated into future studies and literatures.

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