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Name: Rizki Rahmawati

Cross Cultural Understanding


High context culture is implicit communication and nonverbal cues. In high context
communication, the message to be conveyed is not direct and not straightforward. Asian,
African, Arabic, central European, and Latin American cultures are regarded as high context
cultures. When interacting using nonverbal elements, high context culture consider the tone
of voice, movements, facial expressions, and eye movements to be very important. While
when verbal communication they deliver messages indirect, not to the point, and not
straightforward. Low context culture relies on explicit communication. In low context
communication, more information in messages is elaborated and defined. Western Europe,
the United States, Canada and Australia, are generally considered to be low context culture.
When interacting with low context cultures, nonverbal elements are not significant. Verbal
messages are explicit, and communication is seen as a way of exchanging information, ideas
and opinions. Low context culture when delivering the message they will be to the point,
straightforward, and direct.

Example of high context culture: There is one of my friends when sending a message to ask
for my help she will ask other things first, like "How are you? "What are you doing?" "How
is your college life lately?" "What are your activities recently?" After a long chit chat then
she ask me "Can I ask for your help?"
Example of low context culture: The example is come from myself. When I want to ask
something to my friend I'll send them a message directly to the point. For example "Hey can
we have lunch together after class?" "Hey let's go to the library." or "Hey can you please help
me?" So does when communicating directly, I usually directly to the point when there are
things I need to talk about.

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