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Session 3

5 element theory

Chinese Medicine Department
Session 3 - Outline
o What do you know about five element points?

o How do we apply them?

o What is five element theory?

o How can we use it in practice?

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The Five Elements
o Five element theory is one of the oldest methods of point
selection and prescription.

o The earliest mention of the five phase properties

allocated to the five shu-points is in the Classic of
Difficulties (Nan Jing). This important text was compiled
in the first or second century A.D. (Unshuld 1986, p.3).
This is one of the first texts to offer a discussion of point
classification and prescription.

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The 5 Elements
o Each of the 5 shu points belongs to one of the five
elements - fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

o The function of each point is then directly linked to the

attributes of it’s corresponding element.

o This helps you extensively with your point selection. For

example all water points are likely to be cooling, all fire
points can be used to clear heat.

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Lets explore these element
Five Element Points
Water Points can be used to?
o Cool heat
o Tonify yin
o Clear damp and phlegm
o Regulate the water passages

List some water points & consider how their indications

relate to their function.

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Five Element Points
Wood Points can be used to?
o Strongly & dynamically move qi
o Have an affinity for treating wind
o Can be used to treat the sensory orifices especially the

Identify and explore some wood points.

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Five Element Points
Fire Points can be used to?
o Clear heat
o Drain fire
o Calm the spirit
o They are not used for tonifying yang

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Five Element Points
What qualities would you expect an earth point to have?
o Tonifying & strengthening
o Grounding
o Great for treating digestive complaints

What earth points can you think of? Discuss their function.

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Five Element Points
What is metal associated with?
Breath, the surface of the body, wei qi, external pathogenic
attck, cough, po, consolidation, taking in & letting go,
integrity, responsibility, grief, skin, dryness, body hair, the
nose, weeping…..

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5 Element Theory
 Five element theory is also very helpful in developing
your point prescriptions.

 It provides a framework for tonification and dispersion

between elements.

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Five Element Theory

The Nan Jing, Question 69 says “In cases

of deficiency reinforce the mother, in cases
of excess reduce the child”. Anonymous author Han Dynasty –
(Translated by Lu, H. 1978, p 1237)

What could this mean? And how could we

apply it?

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Five phase properties of the 5 shu

This has been understood to describe the method of

selecting points to tonify or reduce a channel or organ
according to the sheng and ke sequence of the five

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The clockwise
Sheng cycle sequence on the
Nourishing Cycle
Fire circle represents
the Sheng cycle,
also called the
‘Nourishing’ or
Wood Earth
Each element is the
mother to the next;
Water nourishes
wood, wood fuels
fire, fire nourishes
earth (ashes), earth
yields metal, metal
Water Metal nourishes water.

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Sheng cycle Ht9
Mother Points

Tonifying Fire

Wood Earth

Water Metal Lu9

Ki7 © Endeavour College of Natural Health 15

Child Points
Five element theory also provides a framework for reducing

This is done via the child points.

 You can use the child points to drain the mother.

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Pc9 Pc7
Sheng cycle Ht9 Ht7
Child Points

Reducing Fire
Lr2 Sp2

Wood Earth
Lr8 Sp5

Water Metal Lu9


Ki7 Lu5
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Element Points
o Other important points to be aware of on each channel
are the element points.

o The element point is the point that represents the same

element as the channel it is on. For example the earth
point on the earth channel or the metal point on the
metal channel.

o These points can be used to strengthen the energetic

function of that element and channel. They are
particularly helpful if it is just a single element that is in
disharmony rather than multiple relationships.

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Pc9 Ht8 Pc8 Pc7
Element Points Ht9 Ht7

Lr2 Sp2

Lr1 Wood Earth
Lr8 Sp5

Water Metal Lu9

Ki7 Lu5
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Ke cycle
Controlling Cycle Each element also
Fire has a grandparent

Wood Earth

The grandparents
role is to control
the behaviour of a
Water Metal grandchild.

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Ke cycle
o When constructing point prescriptions you can utilise the
ke or controlling cycle to balance relationships.

o Tonifying the metal may help control an excessive wood.

o Strengthening the earth may help prevent the wood from

over-controlling it.

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Ke cycle
Wood Earth

 Excess Wood will cause deficient Earth;

therefore, tonify Metal. Water Metal

 Excess Fire will cause deficient Metal;

therefore, tonify Water.
 Excess Earth will cause deficient Water;
therefore, tonify Wood.
 Excess Metal will cause deficient Wood;
therefore, tonify Fire.
 Excess Water will cause deficient Fire;
therefore, tonify Earth.

(Matsumoto & Birch, 1983, p.157).

© Endeavour College of Natural Health 22
Pc9 Ht8 Pc8 Pc7
Ht9 Ht7
Pc3 Pc5
Ht3 Ht4
Lr3 Sp1

Lr2 Sp2

Lr1 Wood Earth
Lr8 Sp5

Lr4 Sp9

Ki2 Water Metal Lu9
Ki10 Ki3
Ki7 Lu11 Lu5
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Five Element Theory
Five element theory can be used to dictate point selection
on a single channel.

For example you can use the child point to reduce or the
mother point to tonify.

o For example tonify the Liver (wood) select the Liver channel point
that belongs to the mother phase (water), which is Qu Quan, LR 8.

o To reduce the Liver (wood) select the Liver channel point that
belongs to the child phase (fire), which is LR 2.

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Five phase properties of the 5 shu
Five element theory also explains the function of many

o For example Liver 4 is the metal point on the wood


o Along the ke cycle metal controls wood.

o Liver 4 is the controlling point on the Liver channel. Liver

4 is used to clear heat and stagnation affecting the Liver
channel & has a reducing effect on patterns manifesting
with a liver excess.

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Five Element Theory
A point prescription may use five element theory both on a
single channel and between channels

o For example to tonify the Kidneys, KI 7 (the mother point on the

Kidney channel), would be used in combination with a point from the
mother channel, the Lung channel.

o The point on the Lung channel may vary between different schools
but it would either be the child point on the Lung channel LU5 (water
point on the metal channel - the same element you wish to tonify) or
it would be the element point LU8 (metal point on the metal

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Five Element Theory
You can use the mother channel to assist in tonification.

o For example to help tonify the Liver (wood) use the mother channel of the
wood element which is water (Kidney channel), along with a liver point. Your
point prescription would be KI10 and LR8.

And the child or controlling channel to reduce.

o Or assist in draining the Liver (wood) by reducing the child channel of fire
(HT, PC or SI, TE) or sedate using the controlling channel (tonify metal,
such as the lung channel, to help it’s ability to control an excess in wood).
Your point prescription may be LR 2 plus LU 8 or LR 2 plus a sedating point
on a fire channel depending on which one was most excessive.

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5 Elements in practice
o Point prescriptions are based around balancing
relationships within the cycle.

o Try to firstly only utilise points on channels that are in

disharmony. Don’t drain a deficient channel, you can use
an element point if you need to.

o Usually five element treatments are focused on

balancing the yin channels.

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5 Elements in practice
o 5 element theory is used extensively by meridian
therapists to balance relationships between channels.

o Fire is not included as a deficient pattern, as fire tends to

be in a state of excess. It is also the monarch, who
should never be criticised. As it relates to our life path
and spirit the heart is very delicate.

o Any imbalance in the heart is treated via the

relationships around it, nourishing kidney for yin xu,
tonifying the spleen & stomach for blood xu or draining
the liver to clear excess heat.

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Five element point combinations commonly used by meridian therapists.

Deficient meridian Tonifying point Supporting point

Lungs Lu 9 (mother point) Sp 3 (element point)

Spleen Sp 2 (mother point) Pc 7 (yuan source &

or child point)
Sp 3 (element point)

Liver Liv 8 (mother point) Ki 10 (element point)

Kidneys Ki 7 (mother point) Lu 8 (element point)

Lu5 (child point)

Adapted from Denmei (1990, pp191-195).

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The Pulse
o The pulse is often the most important diagnostic tool for
identifying Five Element patterns.

o This is because the pulse reflects the movement of the qi

in the channels.

o The aim of Five Element acupuncture is to balance the

movement of Qi between channels.

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The Five Element Sheng Cycle reflected in the pulse.




Left Pulse Right Pulse

Adapted from Matsumoto & Birch, (1983, p.114).

Spleen Deficient Pattern Treatment Points: PC7 & SP2/3




Left Pulse Right Pulse

Adapted from Denmei, (1990, pp191-195) & Matsumoto & Birch, (1983, p.114).
Lung Deficient Pattern Treatment Points: SP3 & LU9




Left Pulse Right Pulse

Adapted from Denmei, (1990, pp191-195) & Matsumoto & Birch, (1983, p.114).
Kidney Deficient Pattern Treatment Points: LU5 & KI7




Left Pulse Right Pulse

Adapted from Denmei, (1990, pp191-195) & Matsumoto & Birch, (1983, p.114).
Liver Deficient Pattern Treatment Points: LR8 & KI10




Left Pulse Right Pulse

Adapted from Matsumoto & Birch, (1983, p.114).

Five Element Theory
Five Element theories can be particularly helpful with certain clinical
For example: John is angry and grieving the death of his son, his liver
is excessive and his lungs are deficient? How could we treat him with 5
element theory?

o LU 9 (earth point on metal channel) tonifies the lung as the mother

point on the lung channel or we could use LU 8, the metal point on
the metal channel, to really assist with metal function.
o LR 2 (fire point on wood channel) is the child point on the liver
channel or we could select LR4 the controlling point (metal point on
wood) which may assist in establishing the correct metal / wood
o As the imbalance is between the metal and the wood it is best
to use the LU8 & LR4 combination, to work on the metal/wood

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Five Element Theory
When Sarah is busy writing her assignments she forgets to eat
properly, she has had recurrent colds and coughs all year. She is
diagnosed with Spleen and Lung deficiency.

What might your point selection be using 5 element theory??

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Five Element Needle Methods

Theoretically you could use 5 element theory to balance relationships

between any channels.

The 2 and 4 needle methods focus on relationships following the

sheng cycle. They are summarised on the following pages.

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2 Needle Method
This is the five element theory applied on one channel.

o For excess conditions: sedate child element point on

excess channel

o For deficient conditions: tonify mother point on deficient


Ref: Ross, J. 1998. Acupuncture Point Combinations. Churchill Livingston. Edinburgh. pp80-85

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4 Needle Method
Five element theory applied between two channels.

For excess conditions:

1. Sedate child point on excess channel.
2. Sedate element point on child channel.

For deficient conditions:

1. Tonify mother point on deficient channel
2. Tonify element point on mother channel.
Ref: Ross, J. 1998. Acupuncture Point Combinations. Churchill Livingston. Edinburgh. pp80-85

© Endeavour College of Natural Health 41

How to use 2 point method add for 4 point method
Channel Tonify for Reduce for Tonify for Reduce for
Deficiency Excess Deficiency Excess
Lung LU 9 LU 5 SP 3 KI 10
Large Intestine LI 11 LI 2 ST 36 BL 66
Spleen SP 2 SP 5 HT8 or PC8 LU 8
Stomach ST 41 ST 45 SI 5 LI 1
Heart HT 9 HT 7 LR 1 SP 3
Small Intestine SI 3 SI 8 GB 41 ST 36
Pericardium PC 9 PC 7 LR 1 SP 3
San Jiao TE 3 TE 10 GB 41 ST 36
Kidney KI 7 KI 1 LU 8 LR 1
Bladder BL 67 BL 65 LI 1 GB 41
Liver LR 8 LR 2 KI 10 HT8 or PC8
Gallbladder GB 43 GB 38 BL 66 SI 5
Ref: Ross, J. 1998. Acupuncture Point Combinations. Churchill Livingston. Edinburgh. pp80-85

© Endeavour College of Natural Health 42

o Stay focused on the channels where an imbalance is

o Don’t reduce a channel if it is already deficient, or tonify

a channel if it is excessive.

o This is a highly appropriate method of point selection if

your patient presents with the specific imbalance in
relationships that five element theory is able to address.
Then you will get some amazing results!!

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And now for some fun……….
Class Practical
o Let’s practice our diagnostic and point prescription skills.

o Partner up and allocate patient and practitioner roles.

o Use all your diagnostic skills to come up with a diagnosis

that references 5 element relationships. Look for
deficient and excessive elements.

o Construct a point prescription to treat your patient.

o Share with the class Swap!!

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More fun………..

If you run out of time this can be completed at home at followed up

with next week.
Five Element Patterns
o Five element theory can also be applied to personality
types and patient’s life patterns.

o Click the link below and do a quick quiz to find out -

Which personality type are you??????

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Five Element Patterns
Let’s talk about strategies for supporting each element

What points might be applicable for treatment ??

Consider your 5 element in class diagnosis & your 5

element personality questionnaire, are they similar? Would
your point prescription change? And if so how?

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Who loves research………………..
Five Element Constitutional
The Worsley School

You may hear mention of 5 Element Acupuncture in

reference to the Worsley School which was developed in
England by J.R. Worsley during the 1970’s. This school has
a large emphasis on the emotional and psychological
aspects of each element and patient’s are assigned an
element as their “Constitutional Factor”. An important
aspect of treatment in the Worsley School is the use of
Entry and Exit points. (Hicks, Hicks & Mole, 2011)

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Five Element Constitutional
The Worsley School
As part of your self-directed learning for this week, please
research how to use of Entry and Exit points (it is very
different from five element / five phase theory).
Consider how to construct a point prescription using entry
and exit points? When would this be appropriate? Use your
experience in life or invent a patient who would benefit from
an entry/exit point treatment and bring in a treatment
protocol for our next class.
We will have a discussion about this next week 

© Endeavour College of Natural Health 51

A Complete Translation of The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine and the
Difficult Classic. (1978). (H. Lu, Trans.). Vancouver: The Academy of Oriental Heritage.

Denmei, S. (1990). Introduction to Meridian Therapy. Seattle: Eastland Press.

Dong, J.H., & Ma P.R. (1987). Shi Yong Zhong Yi Xin Li Xue [Practical TCM Psychology].
Beijing: Beijing Publishing House,.

Matsumoto, K., & Birch, S. (1983). Five elements and ten stems. Brookline,
Massachusetts: Paradigm Publications.

Nan-Ching The Classic of Difficult Issues. (1986). (P. Unshuld, Trans.). London, England:
University of California Press..

Rossi, E. (2007). Shen: Psycho-Emotional Aspects of Chinese Medicine. London:


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