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The Аrt of Тhinking

You know what, I want to draw a beautiful magical girl that I have just
made up in my mind, but I cannot because I don’t have the knowledge of the
basic human anatomy. You know the feeling when you have an awesome idea
in your head? Like you can literally see it in front of you but you neither
know how to do it or it requires too much learning and work? Well, that
might be worth the effort!
Thinking, thinking. Why do I have to think? Can’t I just throw everything
under the rug and ignore all of my responsibilities? It requires so much
energy and thinking! Well, you cannot possibly have a colorful masterpiece
without the inspiration, or, in my understandings, logic without imagination
is impossible and vice versa. Our imagination relates to colors, while our
logic is the basis. What is logic and what is imagination? Why do we need
these? How do logic and imagination relate to art?
In this speech I’m going to describe the issues with this generation’s
abundance of thinking, also give suggestions on how to improve our thought
As Albert Einstein claims ‘’Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination
will take you everywhere’. Yet, let’s go further into the meaning of these
words. From the age of 13, Einstein started having interests in philosophy,
more particularly – Immanuel Kant’s work. Kant breaks down the basics of
logic. As written in ,,Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’’, Kant says,
logic appears to be an already finished thought in which essentially no further
development is possible.
Imagination as a definition is an action of forming new ideas, images or
concepts of side objects not present to senses. Imagination can be used in
possibilities and represents perspectives, which without judgement cannot be
possible. This proves how both imagination and logic complete each other.
Take for example artworks and musical pieces, which would not be possible
without creative thinking. Without the knowledge of math and human
anatomy, Leonardo da Vinci wouldn’t have had the imagination to create his
paintings, like ,,The last supper’’ or ,,Mona Lisa’’. Da Vinci would not have
existed now without his way of thinking nor the human species as a whole.
From the start of our existence, the survival of apes has been manageable
through creative thinking. So what is the problem? Does logic endanger
imagination? Why?
What I feel is that our generation lacks interest in and devotion to
learning because they follow instructions, in order to get the grade they want.
That’s how schools have guided our ways of thinking, instead of helping us
improve our skills, they just set goals for us to follow. That’s why they lack
motivation to learn and develop new hobbies out of school or in it. Kids tend
to get distracted easily and get bored with their tasks. I’ve met lots of people
who do not have hobbies and bluntly waste their life, which we can label as
laziness. In my experience – many opportunities of great minds have been
blown away because of their laziness and lack of interest. When I ask some
of my peers why wouldn’t they just read a book instead of doing nothing all
day, they always respond with ‘’Reading a book? Don’t be silly!’’. In
Bulgaria, knowledge is a big problem as well as finding your own self, and
with every generation, kids have less and less motivation to read and study. Is
there a solution?
A solution to developing logic within imagination is finding hobbies;
making reading a hobbie is like a friend giving you a new sketchbook in your
brain. Not looking at other points of views limits your imagination. Try
thinking outside the box. Taking up hobbies that can develop your strategic
ability like creating your own painting is also a very handful exercise.
In the end, I was able to draw my magical girl and with all of my devotion,
practice and patience I was able to create something beautiful and
outstanding. With every obstacle that came in my way I was eager to learn
more and with that I was able to see more. I can thank only myself, my
imagination, logical thinking, and no one else. Now I can share my creation
with you.

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