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F74081810 - Karen - Computer Science and Information


Individual Reflection

I actually learned a lot from the 3C course this

semester, and not only that, I even learned how to sort of
effectively apply them, even though I’m not the best at it,
it’s still way better than not knowing at all. I chose this
course at the beginning of school because I thought it would
probably be useful in life sometimes, maybe when I’m doing
business, if I get there. I still believe in what I first
thought because the career I want to take is actually pretty
competitive and in order to be at the top, I think these 3C
procedures might get me through it, which is why I’m so
grateful for taking this course.

The course not only taught me how to apply these

procedures (empathise, define, ideate, prototype, test) in the
real world, but I also had so much fun in class, it was very
creative for the TA’s to set up these exercises so it wasn’t
like other courses, boring and dull, there was actually
something to do. I met a lot of different people in this
class, people from different countries and we exchanged our
ideas which was great, opening me to a whole new perspective.

Would I recommend this class to my friends? Yeah,

definitely, and this is because I want my friends to have the
benefit of learning something useful that can be applied to
the real world and also getting their credit, it’s a win win
in my books.

Honestly, I thought this general education course was a

bit heavy on the research and project type of things, well at
least compared to the other general education course I’m
taking. To be honest, when doing field research (ours was a
night market), the time my group went, I couldn’t go at all
because of other work related stuff, and so I missed the
chance to test out our prototype (which was an idea, they went
on an interview).

Speaking of our group, when we were at the start of the

other stages (empathise and define), we were not on tracks at
all since we were not working together, and that kind of
backfired, we were behind, and it was really bad for our group
at the time. But we did manage to come back strong, pick
ourselves up back onto our feet. This lesson taught me that
teamwork is so important in 3C and it’s almost impossible to
do it without every member communicating.

So in conclusion, these were my thoughts about the

class and what I learned throughout the semester. These little
mistakes that were made, was made for the better.

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