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We are looking for articles about how a visitor could have a great time in a city in your country in just

one day.

Write us an article telling us what a visitor can do. What they can see and how they can travel

The north of Spain.

Many people usually go abroad and they haven´t thought about travelling around their country
where there are many beautiful places. Are you one of those people?

I have visited almost all of the cities in my country, but the most special one for me is Ponferrrada
where I grew up. This is a small city which is located in the north os Spain.

Ponferrada is sorrounded by the mountains, so if you are adventurous lile me, you could do many
outdoor activities such as hiking, climbing, rafting..otherwise you could go sighseeing on foot
because there are a lot of places to visit especially a medieval castle which is famous because of the
pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

When night falls, one of the most popular things are “pinchos” a small piece of food that you can get
free when you order a drink. So everyone tends to go out with their friends from one pub to another
and the whole town goes crazy! Even if you wanted to go alone, this wouldn´t be a problem because
people are friendly and extremely welcoming.

Its well worth it, trust me! You shouldn´t hesitate because I´m sure that it will be a good experience
that you will never forget it. So have you changed yout mind?

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