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Some people say that workers over the age of fifty should be forced to retire so that

it is easier for young people to find jobs.

Do you agree??

Retirement is a significant issue which is often debated. Although there would

be different views, several approaches will be exposed in order to provide an
overview of such controversial issue.

First and foremost, it is believed that people who are on the age of fifty
should be allowed to retire because not only would it widen the career
opportunities, but it also helps workers to enjoy their life.

Currently, social welfare benefits, particularly pensions for the retired, have
been cut short in much of Europe. That is why, many people couldn’t afford to
support the whole family or maintain a certain lifestyle. Nevertheless, it would
depend of the profession they have. For this reason, before deciding to retire,
make sure you have the resources to make the most of this exciting new stage
of life.

There is no doubt that older workers have a wide range of positive attributes
that they can bring to their working environment. For instance, they have more
work experience than those who are younger. However, many companies
believe that older people are overpaid thus they can be replaced by the young
for less money.

From my point of view, if retirement were allowed at the age of 50, it would be
liability for the country’s economy. For this reason, workers couldn´t be forced to
retire at that age.

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