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Part 3: Some workers must work at night.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

of night-shift work? Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Night-shift work has become a common feature in many sections of the economy.

While some people prefer working during the day, others have not choice but to work

at night due to various reasons. In this essay, I will discuss about the advantage and

disadvantage of night-shift work and provide examples to illustrate my point.

One of the main pros of night-shift work is the higher pay rate. When you work during

nighttime, you usually receive a higher salary than their daytime counterparts because

of the difficult of working at night. Additionally, night-shift workers also may avoid

distractions and interrupts form the surroundings. For instance, when I work at

daytime at a grocery, a manager offer salary about form 25k/h-30k/h for me but when

I choice working at nighttime, I received a higher pay rate this is 40k/h and I have

more money.

However, every coin has two sides and night-shift work has its disadvantage.

Employees who work during nighttime hours is the lack of social interactions. Since
most people are asleep during at night, night-shift workers often miss out social events

or family gathers, which can lead to feeling of isolation and loneliness. Furthermore,

working at night may also lead to difficult in maintain a heathy work-life balance, as it

can be challenging to maintain personal relationship and responsible during the day.

To sum up, working at nigh has both benefits and drawbacks. While offer a higher

salary and fewer distractions, it also can have negatively affected for your health and

social life. Therefore, it is essential for workers to weigh the pros and cons of night-

shift work before accepting such a position. Employers should also consider providing

night-shift workers with adequate support, such as access to healthy meals, fitness

facilities, and social events, to help mitigate the negative effects of working at night.

Some people choose to work at one job for a long time. Others prefer to change jobs

frequently. Which way do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to

explain your choice.

There are a lot of different perspectives on whether it is better to work at one job for a

long time or to change jobs frequently. In my point of view, the best choice is work at

one job for an extended period because of stability and advanced in corporation. In my

essay, I will discuss why work at one job for a long time is better and provided

example to illustrate my point.

Firstly and foremost, working as a long-term employee can make we feel stable and

secure in your job. Because when we work at a company in many years, we become a

value asset for organization. The employers tend to retain staff as you because they

invested the training time and sources in training them. For instance, I worked as a

salesperson in a grocery store in two years and when store have lower income, my

boss takes a decision which retain me instead of new employee.

Secondly, working at one job for an extend period can help us gain opportunity for

advance in the future. When we stay in company enough to long time, we obtain

knowledge about expertise and easily use equipment in our firm. Therefore,

employers will want to retain their company and offer advance opportunity for us. For

example, my mother was about ten years in her company, and she developed form a

staff to a manager of department in this time because her experience.

To sum up, while working at one job for long time or change job frequent are both

benefits. But I think working for extended period at a company is better choice

because stability in work and advance opportunity. So, we should consider carefully

pros and cons before we take decision to choose working method fit with us.

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