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8 Dd-1


Name Ghadeer Hussain Al-khayat Class 9gg Date 22-9

14660 a What resources do protoctists need to grow well? Tick (✔) three.

✓ moisture ⬜ ethanol ✓ warmth ✓ oxygen ⬜ soil

b What additional resources do protoctists with chloroplasts need? Tick (✔) two.

✓ carbon dioxide ⬜ flagella ⬜ pseudopods ⬜ nitrogen ✓ light

4172 Add ticks (✔) to complete the table to compare protoctists.

Amoeba Paramecium alga

cell surface membrane
✔ ✔ ✔

cell wall ✔ ✔ ✔

cilia ✔ ✔

flagella ✔

mitochondria ✔ ✔ ✔

pseudopods ✔

4173 What is an organic molecule?

a molecule that has joined carbon atoms

1072 Some algae swim towards light. Explain why they do this.

for photosynthesis

1073 a Draw lines from the words to the correct organisms in the food chain. Some words will
link to more than one organism.
carnivore: stickleback - consume - water flea and stickleback - herbivore - water flea
-producer- algae

algae → water flea → stickleback
b Circle the organism above that stores the least amount of energy per gram of mass.

c Where does all of the energy in the food chain originally come from?

the Sun

d How is energy lost by organisms? Tick (✔) two.

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8 Dd-1

⬜ light ⬜ photosynthesis ✓ in wastes ⬜ feeding ✓ respiration

(for movement)

I can…
● describe the functions of the common parts of protoctist cells
● describe how algae make their own food and explain the importance of this.

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