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Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

8E Combustion (for YEAR 9):

Name: Class:

Q1. Simon made two candles from the same amount of wax.
He drew lines on both candles.


(a)     What would Simon use to measure the distance between the lines?

1 mark

(b)     He timed how long candle 1 took to burn.

His results are shown below.


Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(i)      How long would it take for candle 1 to burn from C to D?

Write your answer in the table.
time for candle 1
part that burned
to burn (minutes)

A to B 30

B to C 30

C to D  

D to E 30
1 mark

(ii)     Simon timed how long candle 2 took to burn.


         How long would it take for candle 2 to burn from A to B and from D to E?
Write your answers in the table.
time for candle 2
part that burned
to burn (minutes)

A to B  

B to C 20

C to D 40

D to E  
2 marks

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(c)     Simon wanted to use a candle to measure time.

He made candle 3 the same size as candle 1.


          Why is candle 3 more useful than candle 1 for measuring time?


1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Q2. The table below gives information about three fuels that can be used in cars.
  shows a substance is produced when the fuel burns.
X  shows a substance is not produced when the fuel burns.
some of the substances produced
when the fuel burns
fuel physical released,
  state in kJ/kg
carbon sulphur water
monoxide dioxide

petrol liquid 48 000      

hydrogen gas 121 000 X X  

ethanol liquid 30 000   X  


(a)     Which fuel, in the table, releases the least energy per kilogram (kg)?

1 mark

(b)     Some scientists say that if hydrogen is burned as a fuel there will be less pollution.
From the information in the table, give one reason why there will be less pollution.


Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7
1 mark

(c)     Which of the three fuels in the table can be compressed into a small container?

1 mark

(d)     Which gas in the air is needed for fuels to burn?

Tick the correct box.

carbon dioxide



water vapour
1 mark

(e)     Petrol and ethanol are both fuels. Petrol is made from oil.
Scientists say that oil could run out in 100 years.
In some countries people plant sugar cane and use it to make ethanol.

Sugar cane will not run out. Explain why.


1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

Q3. (a)     George used the apparatus below to find out what substances are produced
when methanol burns.

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7
          As the methanol burned, two different gases were produced.

(i)      One of these gases condensed in the U-tube to give a colourless liquid. Give
the name of this liquid.

1 mark

(ii)     The other gas turned the lime water cloudy.

Give the name of this gas.

1 mark

(b)     Methanol is sometimes used in antifreeze. It can be added to water in car

windscreen wash-bottles to prevent the water from freezing in cold conditions.


(i)      The label on the bottle of antifreeze has two hazard warning symbols. What
two precautions would you need to take when using this antifreeze?

1. .........................................................................................................


2. .........................................................................................................

1 mark

(ii)     Water freezes at 0°C. The label on the bottle shows how the freezing point
changes when different amounts of antifreeze are added to water.

         Terry put a mixture containing 10% antifreeze into the wash-bottle of his car.
During the night the temperature dropped to –14°C.
The wash-bottle burst.
Explain why the wash-bottle burst.




Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7
2 marks
Maximum 5 marks

Q4. This question is about three different fuels, A, B and C.

          Fuel A is stored in tanks. It is not stored under pressure. It flows along a pipe to
where it is needed.

          Fuel B is stored under pressure in small cylinders. It is used by campers.

          Fuel C can be stored in sacks or bags.

(a)     (i)      Tick the correct box.

         Fuel A is a:



1 mark

         Name a fuel which A could be .............................................................

1 mark

(ii)     Tick the correct box.

         When fuel B comes out of the cylinder this is a:



1 mark

         Name a fuel which B could be .............................................................

1 mark

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(iii)     Tick the correct box.

         Fuel C is a:



1 mark

         Name a fuel which C could be .............................................................

1 mark

(b)     Complete the statement to describe what happens when a fuel burns.

          Two waste products formed from burning fuels are

.................................................  and .....................................................

2 marks
Maximum 8 marks

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

Q5. (a)     Methane can be a gas, a liquid or a solid. In the diagram below, arrows P, Q, R and S
represent changes of state.

          The boxes on the right show the arrangement of particles of methane in the three
different physical states.
Each circle represents a particle of methane.

(i)      Draw a line from each physical state of methane to the arrangement of
particles in that physical state.
Draw only three lines.
1 mark

(ii)     Arrows P, Q, R and S represent changes of state.

Which arrow represents:

         evaporation? ............................................................

         melting? ...................................................................

2 marks

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(b)     Methane is the main compound in natural gas. The scale below shows the
melting point and the boiling point of methane.

          Methane has three physical states: solid, liquid and gas.

(i)      What is the physical state of methane at –170°C?

1 mark

(ii)     The formula of methane is CH4. The symbols for the two elements in methane
are C and H.

         Give the names of these two elements.

element C .............................................

element H ............................................
2 marks

(iii)     When methane burns, it reacts with oxygen.

One of the products is water, H2O.

         Give the name of the other product.

1 mark
Maximum 7 marks

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

Q6. The diagrams show two Bunsen burners. One burner has the air hole closed, and the other
has the air hole open.

(a)     Explain why opening the air hole of a Bunsen burner makes the flame hotter.


1 mark

(b)     Natural gas is methane, CH4. It is burned in a Bunsen burner.

Complete the word equation for the chemical reaction in the clear blue flame.

          methane +  ............................. →  ............................. +  .............................

2 marks
Maximum 3 marks

Q7. The exhaust gases of a car with a petrol engine are analysed during its ‘MOT test’. The results
are shown below.
gas % volume

carbon monoxide 3.0

carbon dioxide 13.0
oxygen 0.4
other gases 83.6

(a)     The air going into the engine contains about 20% of oxygen.
Explain why there is only 0.4% of oxygen in the exhaust gases coming out of
the car engine.


1 mark

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(b)     (i)      Petrol is a mixture of compounds which contains only carbon and hydrogen.
Complete combustion of petrol produces carbon dioxide and one other
substance. What is this other substance?

1 mark

(ii)     When petrol is burned in the car engine, carbon monoxide is produced
as well as carbon dioxide.

         Explain why carbon monoxide is dangerous and may kill you.


1 mark
Maximum 3 marks

Q8. This table shows where different pollutants in the air come from.
  source of pollutants

percentage percentage percentage

pollutants from power from road from other
stations traffic sources

sulphur dioxide 72 2 26

nitrogen oxides 28 51 21

smoke 6 46 48

carbon monoxide 1 90 9

(a)     Which two pollutants in the table above cause acid rain?

1. ..................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................
2 marks

(b)     Lichens are organisms which grow on buildings and trees. They are affected
by some pollutants.

          Use the information in the table to suggest why few lichens survive close to
power stations but many survive alongside roads.



1 mark

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(c)     The two products of complete combustion of petrol are not shown in the table.
Give the names of the two products of complete combustion of a fuel such as

1. ..................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................
2 marks

(d)     Smoke contains particles of carbon. These can burn when there is enough
oxygen present. Write a word equation for the reaction of carbon with excess

1 mark

(e)     Which term best describes the combustion process?

Tick one box.




1 mark
Maximum 7 marks

Q9. Burning fossil fuels causes air pollution.

(a)     (i)      Give the names of two fossil fuels.

....................................................... and ..............................................

1 mark

(ii)     Some fossil fuels contain sulphur.

         Complete the word equation for the reaction between sulphur and oxygen
in the air.

sulphur + oxygen → .............................................................................

1 mark

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(b)     Burning fossil fuels leads to the formation of acid rain.

Acid rain has collected in this lake.
A helicopter is dropping calcium hydroxide into the lake.

          Calcium hydroxide dissolves in water to form an alkaline solution.

(i)      What effect does an alkali have on the pH of an acidic lake?

1 mark

(ii)     When calcium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid in the lake a calcium
salt is formed.

         What is the name of this salt?

Tick the correct box.

          calcium carbonate                   calcium chloride      

          calcium nitrate                         calcium sulphate     

1 mark

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(c)     The photograph below shows trees damaged by acid rain.


(i)      The trees have lost their leaves and have died.
Explain why leaves are needed for a tree to grow.


1 mark

(ii)     What effect does acid rain have on buildings made from limestone?


1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7
Q10. The passage describes the consequences of air pollution.

Complete the passage by writing a suitable word or words on each dotted line.
The release of the gas sulfur ................................................................................... into the

atmosphere is an example of air pollution because the gas dissolves in water in air to

form ................................................................................... rain. This rain can kill trees on land

and fish in lakes.

Another gas that pollutes the air is ................................................................................... monoxide.

This gas combines with ................................................................................... in red blood cells and

makes it more difficult for them to carry out their function.

Other gases that pollute the atmosphere are greenhouse gases such

as ........................................................................ and nitrous oxide from the burning

of ................................................................................... fuels,

and ................................................................................... from the digestive system of cattle.

These gases increase the ................................................................................... effect and may lead to

a problem known as ................................................................................... in which the air temperature

may rise.

This rise in air temperature may destroy the place where a species lives

known as its ................................................................................... .

(Total for question = 10 marks)

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7
Q11. The data show the mean temperature in central England during thirteen periods of 25 years.
The midpoint of each period is shown.

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7
(a) Plot the data on the grid, using straight lines to join the points.

(b) Between which two neighbouring periods was the change in mean temperature
the greatest?

(c) Some scientists think that the release of greenhouse gases has contributed to these
changes in temperature.
(i) Name a greenhouse gas.

Q1 – 4 Level 5 Q5- 9 Level 6 Q10-11 Level 7

(ii) What is meant by the term greenhouse gas?


(iii) Suggest how human activities could be responsible for the change in temperature
between 1970 and 1995.

(Total for question = 12 marks)


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