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True Freedom

By Dr. Robert Anthony

Imagine doing what you want, when you want, with whom
you want, where you want, for as long as you want, without
ever having to answer to anyone…

Let me ask you a question…

How would you KNOW if you were “rich”?

That may seem like a stupid question. You would probably

reply, “I would know if I was rich if I had no bills, or I had a lot
of money in the bank, or had income producing investments
or a thriving business, or I could buy whatever I want without
having to go into debt. But the real question I’m asking is…

What are TRUE Riches?

If you gave any of the above answers you would be partially

correct. Most people perceive wealth or riches as the ability


to be financially secure. However, true riches offer an even
greater benefit than financial security.

A person who is truly rich knows they are truly rich when they
have achieved the most valuable asset of all:

Imagine living YOUR life, not what others have deemed

possible for you. Imagine having the power to determine
each day and each outcome as you’ve always imagined
was possible. Your own personal journey of happiness,
designed by YOU.

This is true wealth – to have complete FREEDOM to live life on

YOUR terms.

Focus on What You Want to Attract


When I didn’t understand this principle of personal freedom, I
focused on only money. I wanted money, and I wanted lots
of it! That was my one single goal. And because we get what
we focus on, I attracted more money.

But then one day I realized that what I really wanted was the
freedom to live life on my terms. I wanted the power to
choose how to spend my time and life in each and every
moment. This was my ‘aha’ moment and once I realized
what that meant, nothing else would do.

First, it's important to know when people see how I live and
conduct my business today, they often say to me, “It’s easy
for you, you earn a lot of money, you’re a well-known author
and coach, you’ve got a huge demand for your books,
training programs, etc.” But they miss the point. I purposely
designed my life this way when I had no money. This was my
dream. This was my intention. This was my focus.

Focus on Having Personal Freedom


You’ve heard me say this time and time again, you will get
what you focus on, the good AND the bad. So adjust that
focus lens to personal freedom and set your course for the
happiness and joy that come with it.

As most of you already know, living this way is the basis of

what I teach in my books, programs, seminars and personal
coaching. What you get in life is determined by what you
focus on and the actions you take. In other words, you get
the outcome of personal freedom by focusing on it and
practicing it. It is both the cause and the effect or the
outcome. You have to ‘walk the walk’ so to speak.

My personal freedom includes, doing what I like, when I like,

where I like, with whom I like in BOTH my personal life and in
my business. For example, I don’t carry a mobile phone with
me unless I’m traveling. When I am at home, which is ninety
percent of the time, I don’t carry one with me. I don’t need
one because I have actually trained people not to call me.
Sounds crazy right?

My reasoning is that I am just not that important that I must

annoy everyone who comes into contact with me by
constantly and incessantly talking on and checking my
mobile phone. People can easily connect with me by
appointments and emails and the world will still go on
spinning (including their worlds and my world). Progress will
still be made and questions will still get answered. The only
and important difference is that I will be fully engaged in my
present experience. And let me tell you that FEELS FREE!


If you feel you have to carry a mobile phone with you
everywhere and answer every call, text and email the instant
it comes in, you are not free - you are a prisoner BUT you
have a choice to live differently.

Create Your Life by Design

Here’s another example from my own life. In addition to not

carrying a mobile phone with me, I don’t take unscheduled
phone calls. Even my personal coaching clients who pay me
thousands of dollars must make advance appointments to
talk with me on the phone.

This isn’t because my clients aren’t important to me and this

isn’t because I don’t care about them. It’s because I choose
a life of personal freedom and my definition of that freedom,
means very specific scheduled work time – SO that I can also
have very specific free time.


Again, this means I’m 100% engaged with my clients when
I’m working with them, speaking with them, communicating
with them in an email and I’m 100% engaged in everything
else when I’m not. It’s a win for my clients because they get
all of me during their sessions and a win for me because I am
free to do as I please when I’m not scheduled to work. And
remember I am scheduling my own work time, so I again
choose when, where and how I’m going to do the work that
I love.

As a result of choosing this particular personal freedom,

today, I work only with people I enjoy working with.
No exceptions.

My Freedom Makes Me Truly Rich


I live pretty much as I choose. If I want to take a day off, I do.
If I want to travel somewhere, I do. If I want to see a friend,
dine anywhere or do anything at all, I do it. My intention in
sharing this with you is not to brag, but to simply make this
life-changing point…

My peace of mind and my freedom to live my life on my

terms IS why I am truly rich. Yet, I want to quickly emphasize,
this has nothing to do with the amount of money I earn. This
just helps to support my lifestyle of freedom. And here’s the
key to my personal story:

I created this at a time when I could not

afford it. I didn’t wait until I had the money
to do it. It was my core desire.

I believe anyone can live this way if they choose. People tell
me that because of their circumstances it is not possible for
them to do this. I tell them “horse pucky.” You can do
anything you want if you set your intention and follow
through with your actions.

This is true wealth. You can have it your way, regardless of

what you do for a living, regardless of the business you're in,
where you live, your current income, wealth or lack thereof,
regardless of any variable you can possibly name.

If you deliberately get in ALIGNMENT with creating your

personal freedom, YOU can have it!


Get in Alignment with Your Desire to be Free

Your mission - should you choose to accept it - is to get in

total ALIGNMENT spiritually, mentally, emotionally,
strategically and behaviorally with a lifestyle of personal
freedom, so you can enjoy the results of true wealth.
Freedom is available to each and every one of us, we simply
have to live it!

If you want a lifestyle of total personal ‘True Freedom’

remember the simple (not necessarily easy) steps:

1. Realize what it means to be rich (personal freedom to

live your life as you desire).

2. Understand and accept that you CAN live this way.

3. Get in alignment with this personal freedom goal in

every way possible, mentally, spiritually, physically, etc.


4. And most importantly, live this life of True Freedom
starting now!

You deserve and can have True Freedom. It’s time to stop
waiting for your life to be different and become a conscious
creator. Everything you want is here for you IF you’re willing
to choose it.

Your partner in change,

Dr. Robert Anthony


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