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Important Tables SAP BW / BI

Below is a list of useful tables in SAP BW / BI feel free to add more!


RSTRAN Transformati e information (routine ID start/end/expert)

RSTRANFIELD Mapping rules Transformation

RSTRANROUTMA Mapping of routines in Transformation (RSAABAP)


RSBKDTP DTP information table

RSBKREQUEST DTP request information

RSREQICODS Request information in DSO’s or Infocubes

RSREQDONE Table with load request information

Transfer Structure

RSTS Transfer Structure List

RSTSFIELD Transfer Structure fields

RSTSRULES Transfer Structure rules

RSAROUTT Text name of Transfer Routine

DD03T Text for R/3 Transfer structure Objects

Update Rules

RSUPDROUT Update rules List

RSUPDDAT Update rules with routines

RSUPDKEY Update rule key fields

RSUPDINFO InfoProvider to Infosource correlation

Embedded ABAP coding for Transfer / Update


RSAABAP ABAP source code per object routine


RSLDPIO Links datasource to infopackages

RSLDPIOT InfoPackage Text Description

RSLDPRULE ABAP source code for InfoPackages

RSLDPSEL Hardcoded selections in InfoPackages

RSMONICDP Contains the request-id number by data target

RSPAKPOS List of InfoPackage Groups / InfoPackages


RSEVENTCHAIN Event Chain Processing Event Table

RSEVENTHEAD Header for the event chain

RSEVENTHEADT Header for the event chain

RSPCCHAIN Process chain details

RSPCCHAINATTR Attributes for a Process Chain

RSPCCHAINEVENTS Multiple Events with Process Chains

RSPCCHAINT Texts for Chain

RSPCCOMMANDLOG System Command Execution Logs (Process


RSPCLOGCHAIN Cross-Table Log ID / Chain ID

RSPCLOGS Application Logs for the Process Chains

RSPCPROCESSLOG Logs for the Chain Runs

RSPCRUNVARIABLES Variables for Process Chains for Runtime

RSPC_MONITOR Monitor individual process chains


RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements

RSZELTTXT Texts of reporting component elements

RSZELTXREF Directory of query element references

RSRREPDIR Directory of all reports (Query GENUNIID)

RSZCOMPDIR Directory of reporting components

RSZRANGE Selection specification for an element

RSZSELECT Selection properties of an element

RSZELTDIR Directory of the reporting component elements

RSZCOMPIC Assignment reuseable component <-> InfoCube

RSZELTPRIO Priorities with element collisions

RSZELTPROP Element properties (settings)

RSZELTATTR Attribute selection per dimension element

RSZCALC Definition of a formula element

RSZCEL Query Designer: Directory of Cells

RSZGLOBV Global Variables in Reporting

RSZCHANGE Change history of reporting components



RSRWBINDEX List of binary large objects (Excel workbooks)

RSRWBINDEXT Titles of binary objects (Excel workbooks)

RSRWBSTORE Storage for binary large objects (Excel workbooks)

RSRWBTEMPLATE Assignment of Excel workbooks as personal templates

RSRWORKBOOK Where-used list for reports in workbooks

Web templates

RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects

RSZWOBJTXT Texts for Templates/Items/Views

RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template

RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates


Directory of all InfoObjects


RSDIOBJT Texts of InfoObjects

RSDIOBJ Directory of all InfoObjects

RSDIOBJT Texts of InfoObjects

RSDATRNAV Navigation Attributes

RSDATRNAVT Navigation Attributes

RSDBCHATR Master Data Attributes

RSDCHABAS Basic Characteristics (for Characteristics,Time Characteristics, and Units)

RSDCHA Characteristics Catalog

RSDDPA Data Package Characteristic

RSDIOBJCMP Dependencies of InfoObjects

RSKYF Key Figures

RSDTIM Time Characteristics



RSDCUBE Directory of InfoCubes

RSDCUBET Texts on InfoCubes

RSDCUBEIOBJ Objects per InfoCube (where-used list)

RSDDIME Directory of Dimensions

RSDDIMET Texts on Dimensions

RSDDIMEIOBJ InfoObjects for each Dimension (Where-Used List)

RSDCUBEMULTI InfoCubes involved in a MultiCube

RSDICMULTIIOB MultiProvider: Selection/Identification of InfoObjects


RSDICHAPRO Characteristic Properties Specific to an InfoCube

RSDIKYFPRO Flag Properties Specific to an InfoCube

RSDICVALIOBJ InfoObjects of the Stock Validity Table for the InfoCube


RSDDAGGRDIR Directory of Aggregates

RSDDAGGRCOMP Description of Aggregates

RSDDAGGRT Text on Aggregates

RSDDAGGLT Directory of the aggregates, texts

ODS Object

RSDODSO Directory of all ODS Objects

RSDODSOT Texts of all ODS Objects

RSDODSOIOBJ InfoObjects of ODS Objects

RSDODSOATRNAV Navigation Attributes for ODS Object

RSDODSOTABL Directory of all ODS Object Tables


RSTSODS Directory of all PSA Tables

DataSource (= OLTP

ROOSOURCE Header Table for SAP BW DataSources (SAP Source System/BW System)

RODELTAM BW Delta Procedure (SAP Source System)

RSOLTPSOURCE Replication Table for DataSources in BW


RSIS Directory of InfoSources with Flexible Update

RSIST Texts on InfoSources with Flexible Update

RSISFIELD InfoObjects of an InfoSource

Communications Structure

RSKS Communications Structure for InfoSources with Flexible Update

RSKS Communications Structure (View) for Attributes for an InfoSource with Direct Update

RSKSFIELD Texts on InfoSources with Flexible Update

RSISFIELD InfoObjects of an InfoSource with Flexible Update

Transfer Structure

RSTS Transfer Structure in SAP BW

ROOSGEN Generated Objects for a DataSource (Transfer Structure, for example in SAP Source


RSISOSMAP Mapping Between InfoSources and DataSources (=OLTP Sources)

RSOSFIELDMAP Mapping Between DataSource Fields and InfoObjects


RSBSPOKESELSET InfoSpoke Directory and Selection Options

RSBSPOKEVSELSET InfoSpoke Directory with Selection Options and Versioning

RSBSPOKE List of all InfoSpokes with attributes maintained with transaction RSBO which include the
name of
the Source & Target Structures

RSBSPOKET List of all InfoSpokes with the Short & Long Descriptions (only one of these can be

RSBSTEPIDMESS Contains all the messages that have been recorded during the execution of an
InfoSpoke. This table can
be added to using the ABAP Class/Method i_r_log->add_sy_message.
SAP BW Statistics

RSDDSTAT Basic Table for InfoCubes/Queries

RSDDSTATAGGR Detail Table for Aggregate Setup

RSDDSTATAGGRDEF Detail Table of Navigation for each InfoCube/Query

RSDDSTATCOND InfoCube Compression

RSDDSTATDELE InfoCube Deletions

RSDDSTATWHM Warehouse Management


RSFEC BW Frontend Check. Useful for checking the installed SAP GUI versions on user

RSSELDONE InfoPackage selection and job program, there in field UPDMODE the update status

RSPSADEL PSA Table deletion

TBTCP Job Schedule Definition

TBTCO Job Schedule Result

RSMONMESS Monitor Messages

RSERRORLOG Check loading errors in table

V_RSZGLOBV Report Variables view table

DEVACCESS Developer Keys table

TSTC All Transactions in the system

RSDDAGGRDIR Directory of the aggregates

ROIDOCPRMS Control parameters for data transfer from the source system

SMEN_BUFFC Objects in User's Favorites

TSTCT Transaction Codes with Text

DD03L field names and corresponding data element names

DD03LT Description of each data element

DD02L All SAP Defined Table Names

DD02LT Description of All SAP Defined Table Names

Web Item

RSZWITEM Header Table for BW Web Items

RSZWMDITEM BW Web Metadata: Template Item ( Dataprovider, Item, ... ).

RSZWITEMXREF Cross Reference of Web Items

RSZWMIMEIOBUFFER Buffer for Translation MIME Rep. to IO

RSZWOBJ Storage of the Web Objects

RSZWOBJTXT Texts of Templates/Items/Views

RSZWOBJXREF Structure of the BW Objects in a Template

RSZWTEMPLATE Header Table for BW HTML Templates


RSARCHIPRO BW Archiving: General Archiving Properties

RSARCHIPROIOBJ BW Archiving: General Archiving Properties

RSARCHIPROLOC BW ARchiving: General Local Properties

RSARCHIPROLOCSEL BW Archiving: Archived Data Area

RSARCHIPROPID BW Archiving: Program References of InfoProvider

RSARCHREQ BW Archiving: Archiving Request

RSARCHREQFILES BW Archiving: Verfified Archive Files

RSARCHREQSEL BW Archiving: Request-Selections

Open Hub Destination

RSBOHSERVICETP Open Hub: Service Types

RSBREQUESTDELTA Open Hub: Cross Reference Outbound/Inbound

RSBREQUESTMESS Open Hub: Log for a Request

RSBREQUID Open Hub: Requests

RSBREQUID3RD Open Hub: Status of 3rd Party Requests

RSBREQUIDRUN Open Hub: Table with Status for a Request

RSBSTRUCTURE Open Hub: Generated Structures and Tables

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