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ae WORKBOOK Elizabeth Gray-Virginia Evans BcdS Express Publishing Contents Module 1 New Places, Fresh Faces! bing Welcome to Edinburgh! .. & Meet my friends! .. & Meet our pets! nm Module 2 Work and Play! % Round the dock! ecnenwewnwn Pe 12 bing What time does the gome stor? .... p. 4 % A summer of adventure! enon noe pe 6 Module 3 Celebrations! ws Shall | moke the biscuits? ... Module 4 Looking Back! big Forever famous) wanna & It looks very old & A doy to remember! . Module 5 Life’s Lessons! & You've got a lot to learn! & | wonder what's happened. & Our precious planet! uu Module 6 Take a Break! I'm sure youll have o great ‘summerl big | think fl go bungee jumping) np 46 tt Working holdoys! p. 48 Reading & Writing: Further Practice .. pe 54 Listening: Further Practice nnn Progress TeSt5ucnnrnenrennnnn Pr 68 | ee ae ae Welcome to Edinburgh! e Now, ask and answer. Use: reporter, hairdresser, scientist, @ Vocabulary 1 Read and write. actor, vet, engineer. 1 My mother’s mother is my grandmother. 1 A: I’ve got a mike. What am |? 2 My father’s father is TY wees uaicins sneeesineavislereaies ; B: Yowrea reporter. BOPP IE SS SO 1S TY ic ccna nas deze cann «ochre : 4 My brother’s daughter is my .............::e : ; 5 My mother’s husband is my ; ® Grammar 6a My sisters sor emi ier sneer ns on ere : 4 Look, choose and write. 7. My father’s brother is My ......-.:2....css00- B My mother’s sister 1s MY cuvc.saiccosecacaderad When, Who, What, Where, How, Whose 2 Read and complete. People from Mexico are Mexican. People from Greece areG______k. People from T______ e ___ are Turkish. te se 38 People from Poland are Po_ = eee People ec le from the are British. People from S$ _ l le n are Spanish. People from France areF__e____. 1 When’s your B Thee wre are you : ak birthday? from? eople from! _______ y are Italian. It’s in November. I’m from Paris. CONAN BRWHD = 3 Read and number. @ mike @® costume @ helmet @ coat ®hairdryer @ test tube BD xcannnss baby is Cc ancyaibe nationality He’s Tom’s son. are you? I’m Spanish. Bie et ea is‘she?!—6 =... =.; old are Tom She’s Claudia. and Paul? They’re six today. _ NeW Places, Fresh Faces LS | Z Z ull 5 Complete the table. @ Communication 7 Read and fill in. | T Hello! My oe name’s Steve 3 : Best. yours Look at 1) me in this @ Reading and Writing photo! 2). oe) am in the park me 8 Read and fill in: is, are. dog. Q This 1) is a picture of my family. Look at us! My parents 2) ......... called June and. ee teacher and m , father is a vet. My brother 4) ... standing behind my mother. My older sister Sandra, is standing in front of me. We BOE pevaccets in our garden. We’re having lanch. It 6) —-. = Leola @ Reading and Writing pe pen Mah 7 Look, say and write. Ae eee ccc on rrene set Seeteeet Pe ee he Teena etree : Bo eee se teat ty sms tes carn veers : e as a oo eel . ) Name: Sandra Nationality: American \ Age: 7 Hair: straight fair 3 curly hair? Eyes: blue ink. ? Sandra is from the USA. She is seven years old. cr eer ere se , She has got sae ay hair and blue eyes. Name: Maree 7 > Nationality: Italian ae, Age: 19 a WS Hair: dark wavy 4 long hair? ¢ a) Eyes: green | Pe rear tine oem rraian cease g Saami (im and John) 7 Park Street @ Reading and Usage 5 Read and choose. 3 Look at the pictures. Look at the letters. Write the words. ‘ Eller. 1) ......cseeeeeeeeeeeees twenty years old. She 2) ..ccceecescceeseerseeeereees from Italy. She } ee short wavy hair and blue — She is 4) .....ccseeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeees clown. } 3). op ae ames ses family all work ina big f circus. Ellen 6) ......:::eeseeeeereee vee ride an elephant! 7)... name is Nellie and it’s Ellen’s favourite animal. B) oe cecceceeeeseeeeeteeees f father is a magician. FY rns ccers ccna tonsa an name | is Melvin the Marvel! He 10) ....-..:s:++28+ do \ lots of tricks. It’s great fun at the circus. 1 (A)is B are C am 2 A can B be C is 3 A is B have got C has got 4 Aan Ba C the 5 A She’s B His C Her 6 A can B has got C have 7 A Is B Its C It’s 8 A Her B His C The 9 A He B Her C His 10 A can B is C has 4 Match and write. 6 Look and write. | have got eight Sys eyes and eight Bi . | eat 3) oe er ee and | live in a glass 4) —— with sand in it. 1 Whose coins are Bo eecececceseeeeneeeeeeesees ? these? —§« i iaanaseeeseveeceeeneeees . What am I? They’re Jack’s. DE cena otetrnenree Vere cree be ee cesar neues teers woes ees ? @ Reading and Writing 7 Read and correct. my names Carmen. im fourteen years old and i am from edinburgh. i’ve got dark curly hair and brown eyes. my fathers name is winston. My mame’s Carmen, w...ccccececceceeeeeeeeees 8 Join the sentences. Use and or but. 1 Mary has got wavy hair. Mary has got green eyes. Mary has got wavy hair and green eyes. 2 | am tall. My father is short. lam tall but my father is short. 3 Diane has got short hair. Her sister has got long hair. Dine 2.2... eee cece cence eee eee e ete eet eee eeneeees . 4 My rabbit has got long ears. My rabbit has got a short tail. My rabbit oo... eee ee ccc ccceeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeaeaes . 5 Andy has got curly hair. Larry has got wavy hair. EY) erpemns precip eres ears tad Ba ae mab : 6 Mr Green has got a moustache. Mr Green has got a beard. PLP CSFB, cocnsasa) inthe afternoon? —“¢ 5 o'clock. 2 Kamal does/makes his bed every morning. = + Does your father 3. Can you make/do my hair on Wednesday? acgolwarke by d No, only a cup of 4 We do/have Science at half past eleven. pain tea 5 Oscar sometimes catches/goes the bus to school, > D0 you have : 6 Who has/does the washing-up in your family? pieckfast nthe’. e, On foot, les bad 7 Lalways do/make my homework after dinner. moming? Jar. 8 They go/have shopping on Saturdays. a —_ : ‘ 5 Look, read and write. 1 always/go to bed He always goes to bed at a quarter , past ten. 2 often/start work POPS Eien cates Rees 3 usually/watch their favourite comedy on TV Mary nd Ale, eos nans dee 1 It’s half past ten. or It’s ten thirty. ® Communication 7 Look, read and write. Well, usually! But sometimes | go ice siceey on >o you usually go to school on your 1) ....... Nicholas is always very busy on Sundays. af He always | 1) gets up (get up) early in the morning and 2) w..ccccsevessesesseceessevs (go) jogging! Then he 3) nn... (tidy) his house. He always 4) .....ccccccccseseseseees (have) a big breakfast on Sundays. After breakfast, he 5) ens soae (wash) his car. In. the afternoon, Nicholas 6) oi.lis suse (visit) his friend, Sylvia and they usually | 7) TA codtacees (listen) to music together. | On Sunday evenings, Nicholas often | a) oe ee (go) ice skating. Then he Gears ere (have) supper with his parents. Nicholas always goes to bed before 11:30. Sundays are busy, but he 10) ...........0.. | (enjoy) them! eget Ee eet ermeeneneneimeeneN TE I 9g Now, read again and fill in. s~ What time start? does the game ® Vocabulary 2 Ask your partner. 1. What do they do on Saturdays? Look and write. ‘wonderfull Pa ed ns | | b Ori No i soccer? ee i ice skating? 2 hang-gliding? ' ; ‘ , + _ scuba diving? "| | aw). | : ; —_— Nee manll difficult - basketball? ' a great fu | ee ae —e | : hie ——— a dangerous 1 A: Do you like soccer? B: Yes, | think it’s wonderful! or No, | think it’s boring ® Grammar 3 Read and correct. 1 We doesn’t like fishing. don’t 2 John and Eve goes ice skating. sassesssseeeees 3 Paul always have lunch at NOON. wees 4 Kate never brush her hair, sesaeuseeeeenes 5 What time do the lesson start? wecasiateua wnt 6 | think bowling are difficult. sesessseseeees 4 Read, circle and say. Alex's daily rovtine 1 John plays soccer. ng : ajter ee ee ee ee “ 1 4 get dressed after) get up Sac cereus eens ; before | Whe Pe rte epee ec ee ec pepe ee : after By GOON Sesame area eee ee er ; 2 put on pyjamas go to bed Bre cee ona gn seat emt oe era emt before 7 6G deaviecgne-heee Gee ee 4 after BPG ORG TOs be reeset aerreay eae enk crea , 3 do washing-up have lunch @ Tals otal Reeth: sic feectcatccet enter: . ‘ before | 10 Mork ee ae seeps | after - 4 do homework come back you do inside? e Which sports/activities can ! do outside? e Which sports/activities can you before from school — Alex gets dressed after he gets up. 5 Read and write. 1 A: 1 can jump! B: | can jump, too! 2 A:1| can’t play the piano! B: | can’t play the piano, either! 3 A: 1! can dance! 4 A: | can swim! 5 A: 1 can’t sing! 6 A: | can’t juggle! 7 A: | can ride a bike! 8 A: | can’t ski! Paula Murphy gets up 1) ...... 8 o’clock every morning. She gets dressed, 2)... ie breakfast and leaves home at 9 o’clock. She- goes to work 3 bus. She starts | work of 9:304) 2... the morning. Her job is very interesting. She is a chocolate taster! She tastes all different kinds of chocolate 5) 0... cee they go to the shops! In the afternoon, she likes 6) in the park near her house. “I always 7). ee. jogging in the afternoon!” she says. “| 8) ..................... about three miles every day!” 9) ...........,............... Sundays, she 10) ...................... bowling with her friends. Paula’s very happy with her life! 1 (A) at B in C on 2 A have B has C having 3 Ain B on C by 4 Aat B on C in 5 A before B after C then 6 A jogs B jogging C jog 7 A go B goes C going 8 A can B runs ¢ run 9 A On B In C At 10 A goes B go C going @ Communication 7 Read and write. Bob: Would you like to watch “Star Wars” with me? It’s on at the Odeon Cinema. Julie: 1) I'd love to! Bob: Great! Let’s go and watch it tonight. JUMLG: 2) scinecranennnettvoaosbentstaeetinnctacen! Fk BURY Bob: Oh, OK. How about tomorrow then? Julie: 3) wee . What time does it start? Bee A cl ect cee erase nk ae aa Ens agile : Julie: OK. Let’s meet outside the cinema at 6:30. @ Reading and Writing 8 Read and correct. "ainbow Theatre e Romeo ; Saturday: 7- t Irday: 7:30 Dear Roy, 7 Pve got two | tickets for the basketball Sorel y tarts at 8:30. Wou \ Sunday. It star ee like to come with me: ; an go ~ outside the cinema at 7:00. We can g \ izza after the play. for a pl d let me know before Call me an ~ Thursday. Thanks, Lisa 1 Romeo and Juliet 3 i 9 You’ve got two tickets for a concert. Write a note to your friend. Ww A summer of adventure! 2 Listening EX A 1 2 What can you do there? Al | A lt s koe Ny nents es é f le srr he e 1a} ie Full name: Sally Peterson. q Age Mita negt sel een tener ee a i _ 4 Days preferred: and Thursdays O Address: 2 tere era eticcl Ee r ee classes S.. alree cesses ae in the evening 3 Interested. (M2 se sencsee tester © Reading and Usage 3 Look, read and choose. 3 What an exciting match! — ee George is 35 years old. He’s an engineer. Every day he gets up early 1) > the _ Morning and goes jogging. @\ | Then, he has a shower and 30@S 2) work. He arrives at the office DD sscnsee yi tis 9 o'clock. George comes back home BD sure, 3 o'clock 5) W000 the afternoon and has dinner with his family. 6) oo. —sesdays and Thursdays George takes his son, =en, to the gym. 7) 0... the weekends, - ee oe Co Col ot) re ? 5 Read and write P for present or F for future. — We’re going to the cinema tomorrow. F 2 Look. John is dancing! 3 What are you cooking for the party on Saturday? 4 Listen! Mum’s singing! 5 Be quiet, please! The baby is sleeping. 6 This Saturday my parents are going to the theatre. 6 Read and Circle). There is(no/some milk in the carton. There aren’t some/any steaks in the fridge. There is some/any flour in the cupboard. Is there no/any jam in the jar? Are there any/no turnips? There are some/no eggs. We must buy some. There is any/no olive oil in this bottle. Is there some/any meat in this sandwich? There is any/no fish left. Are there some/any French fries? oO ON DUR WKH See ee @ Communication 7 Read, number and say. [_] A: Shall | make some? [| B: No, sorry! A: I’m starving. Are there any sandwiches left? [_] B: Yes, please! e Now, look and talk with your friend. @ Reading and Writing 8 Read and complete. Lucy is writing to her grandma about the surprise party she’s preparing for her mother’s birthday. The party is on 27th February at 9 o’clock. She wants her grandmother to make the birthday cake and bring some pictures of her mother as a baby. We’re having a 2) Mum’s birthday on 3) We're preparing a lot of delicious food. Would you like to make the birthday 5) Can you bring some 6) as a baby? Please let me know before Saturday. Love, Burns Night! @ Vocabulary @ Grammar } Look, read and write. Then, fill in. 2 Read and write. ; zy Mark: Hi, Linda! What 1) are you doing (do) ? ef SL Linda:! 2) ........ (read) an article on Tuna Salad summer camps. Look at the photos! Mark: Yes, they look great! 3) 2.2... Ingredients (you/usually/spend) uour summer at a 1 tin of tuna ? ~ potatoes PEEPS 1 onion Linda: No, we 4) . ...... (usually/stay) ea tablespoons of mayonnaise with our grandparents, but this year we ae teaspoon of mustard ome Te B) scssceveee (go) toa summer camp. salt, pepper . Mark: You should talk to my brother. He To make tuna salad, first wash and boil four A) wie ae .. (know) a lot about summer camps. He 7) .........::0006 (go) every year. 1% ie poraines Linda: Oh, really? Shall | phone him tonight? Mark: No, not tonight. He 8) .......ceeee (play) soccer. Call him tomorrow. Linda: OK. Thanks. 3 Put the words in the right column. Henenwe seen seasewenueeesesscsess f sencsenecectseneuesteisnsébecanae tuna salad in the fridge for one hour before you se, biscuits, potatoes, ™ etables, icecream, 4 ions, rice ‘tuna, turnips, mayonnal mustard, lemonade, veg beans, water, lettuces, on serve it. It’s delicious! should = eat shouldn’t t= join = 4 Match, say and write. @ Communication 6 Read, write and say. brush = too much coffee too much chocolate gyi = your teeth after meals = when you're ill drink = your hands before you eat = go ours 1 You should brush your teeth after meals. 2 'OU sommes eereen ake eed ; NUN, eit enroinsinnine soins lana anes Klas am eeEENR CONES . ol See en EE eee ‘ A. S 960, «cesarean eer eee ere : botgs . fees @ Reading and Writing 7 Look, read and write. Then, number 5 Read and choose. There is one sentence the sentences to put the recipe in the you do not need. right order. Baked Bananas Ingredients 4 bananas = 1/2 cup of orange juice 3 tablespoons of sugar Waitress: What would you like to eat? yogurt Oscar: ’m starving. 1) D Waitress: a there aren’t any steaks. ~ [To make baked bananas, first 1) Oscar: Oh, yes please and some French fries, too! Carmettc 3B) ci sas cans nen Waitress: No, there isn’t any oil on our salads! Carmen: 4) .....ceeeeeeeeeeee . | don’t eat meat. Waitress: Well, there’sa little meat in it, but | can Carmen: Oh, thank you! Lia: Can | have a beef sandwich please with Waitress: OK. 5)... Lia: Oh, yes please! Can we have three nmOe wo VA make you one with no meat at all! just a few French fries? (7 next, 3) glasses of Coke? orange juice and sugar ina bowl and Is there any lamb? ls 4) & e. the Is there any oil on the chef’s salad? Ln —: a Shall | bring you some drinks? ~ Are there any steaks? ~ Is there any meat in it? How about a burger? mixture onto the bananas. eee Paula ) Sandra | ——___ Ts Ted Alison Are the statements correct (Yes) or incorrect (No)? Listen and tick (V7) the correct box. Yes No Yes No 1 Stella is very hungry. es ee 4 There aren’t any onions in the Irish Lamb Stew. Papi Ed 2 There isn’t any lamb in Darren’s lrish Lamb Stew. at aaa 5 Stella loves mushrooms. Pere) 3 Darren likes chicken. fire] mp4] ma] 6 Apple pie is Stella’s favourite pudding. PL) @ Reading and Usage 4 Where can you see the notices? Read and choose. 3 Look, read and write. Tae A onatrain cakes and — at a supermarket wn C ina library on a fridge at a butcher’s at a greengrocer’s fireworks at a restaurant at a theatre ina taxi A ina park popcorn B * with every C = ee lane «SP tickell P 5 A ona beach : B inastreet i C atazoo lery 5 Read and choose. 1 What time does .............00. ? A the film starting the film start C the film starts lorry 2 There are uv... carrots in the fridge. Can you buy some? A some B no C any 1 We put it on the bed when it’s cold. ............ Dl re green peppers do you need? 2 Aplace where there are a lot of A much B many C a lot of MOUSes Gnd SHOPS.) aloosq siiisih deme. 4 VARY a sceecats raamg us roast beef on Sundays. 3 lesa large anil pews sarees A always eat B are always eating 4 We light these when we celebrate C always eats somethin, Soea1s jek bo a ee ees 5 We need scsi cusicagss milk for the cake. 5 We drive it and carry things in it.” ...03.-2:. A alittle B a few C any 6 Youcanbuy foodthere, £2 wesc G& Look! She 5 ccs sees veer her new dress! 2 You, con ew tere 92) St Se eee ceonns A is wearing B wear C wears 7 There ont cael eon mustard left. A no B some C any 8 There’s 00... rice in the packet. A much B many C alot of @ Reading and Writing 9 Can you buy oranges for me please? A no B a little C afew 10 What ....... tomorrow night? A are you doing B do you do C you do 6 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Do not write more than two words. 1 How many children are there? two 2 What are the children doing? MIGMING ce reemscbietunin ace I ns rsa ie acta aepneniteranianieninecicn 7 What has the girl got? BL ALT ates dtd dpiasau eee eae 8 What are the people doing? © Now, look at the pictures again and tell the story. Gao and Ling are in the garden. They are making... (Module 3) ¢ Look, read and fill in. Food wet 12 p__l 13 ¢._ Pp 14s___e 1S Post 16 m_x 1Z5beoo 18 m__h @ Vocabulary w ul Wh — 1 Read, choose and write. erie? MNUsic(e Nr) actor Sallor Witty A person who performs at the theatre, on TV, etc. A person who works ona ship. A person who writes stories. A person who gives us advice about the law. A person who paints pictures. A person who writes or plays music. 2 Read and fill in: missed, captain, moon, ground, batteries, scream, popular, zip, excited or character. I’m sorry I’m late, but | missec the bus. We need new ........eeceseeeeeeeeeees for the radio. J (prprernnad nieee ee ea lee Seren ei looked like a big silver ball in the sky. PG WE cts sacencenccnrmvrancsccnnipaacinnaicmennamnsiinainesia about his new job as a pilot. My jeans need G NOW o....cceccececceseeeeseeseseeees ; the old one doesn’t work. Who’s your favourite ...........0... in the story? TRE veeeeeeeeeeeeceececeeeeceeeeeeeeaeaeeesaeeaeaeeeeeteneeeeess told the sailors to get the ship ready to sail. Ricky Martin’s music is very ...........eeeeeeeeeees ; a lot of people listen to it. [Wee Spee Tis scconccrsiecncbanalsnadins xcninnminnanc whenever | see one! 10 My neighbour’s dog jumped on me and | fell to ERG cc csmss.xonet canes daauaaanes samewaavasaamanaecanbedmas atanas | Forever famous! @ Grammar 3 Look, read and correct. 2 George played soccer yesterday. Jane went fishing last week. No. Jane didn’t go fishing last week. She went sailing. Susan visited Spain last summer. 4 Sue had spaghetti for lunch. Al and Sue bought a boat last month. 6 Doug went to work by car this morning. 4 Ask and answer. 1 Where cic he go yesterday? He went to the cinema. 2 What ou... cccecesceccece ec seecueeucneenes last month? They bought a new house. 5 Ask and answer. When somo your car? @ Reading and Writing | washed it an hour ago. What for breakfast? , I had eggs and a glass of milk 7 Read and write. Who ss at the railway station? She met her friend, Louise yp, Charles Dickens 1) wos (be) a Where my car keys? famous English writer. He 2) | found them in the cupboard. (be) the person who 3) (create) characters such as Oliver t, Scrooge and David Copperfield. sople all over the world, young and old, still read his wonderful stories. Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, v x x England in 1812. in 1822 his family 4) «cose (move) to London. When Dickens was only twelve i alo las From 1834-1836, Charles Dickens 6) ..... (work) as a reporter for the ‘Morning Chronicle’. v v x 7 - x years old, he 5) (go) to work in a factory, fo / x He) ooccsennnnnnes (Begin) his career as a writer What could George do when he was two in 1837 with ‘Pickwick Papers’. Dickens years old? aun ee 8) voccnssusnee (marry) Catherine Hogarth in Br keould walk, but he couldiscewiitier sera 1836. HE 9 sacsssieeense (Rave) nine children @ Communication and was a very loving father. Dickens was one of the most popular writers of his time. Some of his BUilook kand most famous stories include ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘David eokigskiand answer. _ Copperfield’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’. paint ‘Sunflowers’ Charles Dickens 10) sss. = (die) in * Vincent Van Gogh 1870, over a hundred years ago, but his stories + 1888 are still popular today, painted ‘Sunflowers’? nt Van Gogh. * Now, read again and answer. When did he paint it? in eighteen eighty-eight. 1 Who was Charles Dickens? 2. Where was he from? 3. When was he born? 4 When did his family move to London? 2 # discover Australia = SNS 5 What did he do when he was twelve? 5 % Captain Cook 6 When did he begin his career as a writer? 1770 7 Who did he marry? 8 How many children did he have? 9 What were some of his stories? 10 When did he die? * write ‘Hard Times’ * Charles Dickens 3 Teed Now, find information about Albert Einstein and write his biography. 2 @ Vocabulary 1 Read and complete to find the secret word. a 1 4 a We can buy old furniture, etc from there. We can use them to keep our houses warm. We measure the temperature with this. We wash our clothes in this. We can take pictures with this. We fly in this. This prints books. Russian Mountains were the first ones. CONAaABRWH = e What was the secret word used for? @ Grammar 2 Read and write. What’s new? The first bicycles are on the streets! lg ie They look very strange! Theyve Jf. \ - got one small wheel and one big ff - wheel! They are called Penny | Farthings’. They're quite difficult to ride and not very comfortable. In 1870 the first bicycles 1) 0.0.0... on the streets. ce) very strange! They 3) .........006 one small wheel and one big wheel! They 4) .......... called “Penny Farthings”! They 5) .......ccscccseeeeees quite difficult to ride and not very comfortable. fel 2 2 It looks very old! 3 Look and write. New trains are faster than the old ones. sale 4 Read and write. 1 Singapore is one of tre cleanest (clean) cities in the world. 2 Who do you think is .......... eects (beautiful) woman in the world? 3 This restaurant iS ........ccccccecceeccueceeceecereceeees (expensive) one in town. ee ee ee (popular) girl in our class. 5 Whales are ......c. ce ceececcesceecueceuccuceuseeeeaseneeees (heavy) animals in the world. 6 SNOWAON iS 2... eee eec sec eccececeeceececcececaeeesaeeecs (high) mountain in Wales. -2 used to have a Citroen, but now he has a Porche. ® |t’s an old camera. Ui I UI 5 Read and write. THEN NOW 11) havea used to have Porche now. a Citroen. 2) cocccessesessse a ie ‘nasmall flat. house now. | used to work | 3) cranes in a restaurant. in a hotel now. —————— | play golf now. soccer. | collect gold ee coins now. stamps. ® Now talk about Carl. @ Communication 6 Read and fill in. * No, they were expensive. What’s this? Were cameras cheap at first? ® Then, ask and answer. D) casasinei.s wae sitet waves 8 cee. a es ems aes men ‘ 2D) eccecccececeeeeeeteneenensceeeeeeeeeeseeeeteseeteteseeees . @ Reading and Writing 7 Read and choose. a Today washing clothes is just a case of pressing a few buttons and waiting. ~ ee ee ea nin wi “tents oie b This was used to squeeze all the water out of the clothes. / c People used something called a ‘dolly’ to move __ the clothes around. —_ ~—_...-—-—— For hundreds of years, sailors washed their clothes | like this: they put the dirty clothes in a bag, dropped the | ‘bag into the sea and then | pulled it along the water! These \ days washing clothes is much easier, Bur lt | wasn’t always that way. i ashing machines were like huge ee The dolly was made of | wood and had four ‘fingers’ at NM bottom. | | ater models also had a wringer 2) 0" | were were often dangerous, i | many people got their hair or fingers Be a ( them! Thankfully, by the late 1930s, the ae \ fully automatic machine was in use. Bu | 1960s, these machines were cheaper to. - and this type of washing machine so | | yo The washing machine is an invention that most people cannot be without! | e Now read again and match. : 6 A group of people who put out fires. ( DRIEBIGFRAE__ 2 Read and fill in: pias: erupted, caused, furniture, put out, idea. Mount Etna is Europe’s most active volcano. TA SRA TAR a. corasiniensonneancnassienerepsiantmrnnnctans . many problems in the city. B Pye Got G0) se ssaiennaaacs . Let’s go for a picnic! 4 It took the fire brigade three hours to .......... the fire. THE VOLCANO sir nxed ccnvewe again two days ago. Come to my house and see my new ............ ; I’ve bought a new sofa and an armchair. NO — nwo © Grammar 3 Read and choose. 1 I haven’t finished this exercise ..........:. eee ‘ A already (B) yet C now 2 TAGYE WOU ssncnrsccnmmamencewenones rescued anyone? A last B just C ever SO He Come £0 EC CUR vemonermasctiaccennon A just B two days ago C tomorrow what's happened! A We have ........ eee written the report. A already B ever C sometimes 5 Theo broke his glasses .........:sccsssseeeeeeeeeeeees A usually B yet C yesterday G The Car Ne casosccsonaan caught a mouse! A yet B just C ever 7 We spent our holidays in Paris .............60000 A last year B _ never C next summer 8 There was an earthquake in Turkey a few TUONVERIS sacuxvansccanie A before B ago C in the past 4 Read and complete the table. was/were 1 D eee anaasn dl bought 3come’ “

Fuji hasn’t erupted for almost three hundred years. The last eruption was in 1707. It began on 24th November 1707 and lasted until 22nd January, 1708! : An earthquake has destroyed the area. : a Hide under the bed. b How terrible! c No, not yet. uy wo > Martina Lopez is a volcano ‘fan’ and she has been to Mount Fuji many times. “I’ve visited lots of volcanoes,” she says “but Mount |? Fuji is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! St aemctmnn ttm A tte IR mge tO t a © Communication 7 Read and complete. Quake hits _@ Now, read again and fill in. California! Sale aan anes A: An earthauake has 1). neve vecstestts sunsesvessseesee! Para Ty | _MaMe) Piece PAO GG lle A8iGtngee wom 5. Really? Did it cause many problems? te ee A- Yes, it’s the Worst 2) ......cececseeeceseeeeeeeeeeeeeeenee they’ve ever had! Pare 2. SEO YE votes vues 2m pees eo te Mow reudagain and say. rms Para 3: Martina Lopez’s comments: .............. _ York flooded again! as eee sect sinsii castes ital TT #40 Our precious planet! © Listening Bs Listen and put a tick (V) or a cross (X). + He's done the washing-up. + He's made his bed. + He's been to the supermarket, + He's washed his clothes. + He's taken the rubbish out. hes Listen and choose. Charity Dinner ~ What has the class done so far? ) 1 “Brian has .. . & a decorated the dining room ae b bought knives and for a a 4 i Jenny has sold the tickets aa ¢ ~.b phoned the singer 2 Tony has -.seseeesee st © @ ordered the flowers 4 b washed the floor _ Aaa. 5 Donna hd «......eesseenee a cooked the food Ua yyb bought the drinks 3 &£ Sally has ...... “— a phoned the baker's 2 f b ordered the meat Reading and Usage 3 Read and match. There is one extra notice. 2u must not throw away rubbish here 2 You can join a club here 3 vou can recycle old magazines here. + ‘cu should help protect the rainforests. must save electricity. 4 Read and choose. Jack Black is a rescue worker. He travels all over the world to help people in need. Last summer he 1) .. . to Taiwan, Asia. 2) . he arrived there, he met with re be a lot of problems. “There ‘ was no water 3) electricity in the area,” said Jack. “The people there 4) ... English so we 5) ... At" stayed in Taiwan 6) s. it was very difficult, but he says itis snsunss experience he has ever Z oT have helped a lot of people nope | can keep on doing this for the rest of . understand ened travelled B travels C have travelled A When B Before C Then 3 A either B but C or 4 A didn’t B aren't C haven't A mustn't B couldn't C can’t Ain B for € until 7 A good B better C best 3 A had B has C have 5 Read and write. © erupted eruptions Mount Fuji hasn’t erupted for more than three hundred years Mount Etna produced one of the biggest volcanic eruptions in history * destroyed © destruction We must stop the ....... of our planet before it’s too late. A tidal wave the town near the coast. © polluted * pollution In big cities, air . has caused serious health problems to many people. The chemicals from the factories have ssn the river and people can’t swim in it anymore © protected —® protection We haven’t .. the animals around us very well John is working for the of animals in the area. $Al ~ Reading and Writing 6 These people have worked for the protection of our planet. Read and complete. Animals deserve our protection but look what we’ve done to them! We’ve tested our chemicals on them, we’ve destroyed their homes, we’ve used them as attractions in zoos and circuses. It’s not fair! They deserve better. We’ve got to help to protect them before they disappear for ever. Animal Care Campaign The animals on our planet are in danger! Don’t just stand there — do something! Help us Save them before it’s too late! We must do something TODAY to save the animals! There’s no time to lose! We mustn’t: Together we can protect the animals on our planet! Join our Animal Care Campaign — it’s the right thing to do now! We can’t live in big cities anymore. Chemicals from factories and cars have polluted the air we breathe. We have also covered our streets with litter and we have cut down all our trees to build more houses. Our cities need our help. Let’s do something about it! Help Our Cities Campaign Our cities are in trouble! Don’t just stanc there — do something! .....-.s.sccesernnerrseereeeeees ! (Module 5) 4a. ee Vocabulary 1 Read and complete. probably didn’t hear you the first time. You can’t travel to another country without and the motor will start. The boats were safe in the h ’ll send you a p holiday. Will you collect my m _ _ _ holiday, please? when I’m on We'll be in London for a week and we'll see all the famous s there. beach. Why don’t you join us? We are going to have a b on the Grammar 2 What do you say? Read and ask. You can’t do your homework on your own. Ask your older brother to help you. Will you help me with my homework, please? You can’t make a cup of tea. Ask your mum to make you one. Bg Ae ic ennai nda ee ? You can’t watch the soccer match tonight. Ask your father to record it for you. ee ? You can’t draw a picture of a horse. Ask your friend to draw you one. Pe Z You can’t get a ticket for the concert. Ask your sister to get one for you. ? See meee eae renee eee eee aero eee eee Hee eee eee een eeese ees recee * Mike beach — bus D>rDn>w>D>D>D lm sure you'll have a great summer! - 3 Look, ask and answer. 2 ® Cathy -— mountain: — car plane 1 A: Where will Mike go on Saturday? ‘B: He’ll probably go to the beach. A: Will he go by bus? B: Maybe. I’m not sure. 4 Read and write. : We haven’t got anything in the fridge. : |’. go shopping, then. : The sink is full of dirty plates. Be etna eee See eee them, then. : The dog wants to go out. ee es ry him for a walk, then. : We haven’t got any beef. | bntoas wees some chicken, then. : We can’t go to the cinema tonight. Se a video, then. a, Communication 5 Read, number and say. A ~ > ~< a : Two weeks. : Of course! I’ll water them every day! : Thanks. Will you water my plants? Reading and Writing [| B: Peru? How long will you be away? A: I’ll send you a postcard from Peru. [| B: Have a great time! 6 Read and complete. Use: adventure, forget, flight, to, ride, wild, things, of, see, sights, programme, couple. annie amar Explore India! A(n) 1)...» holiday that takes you from the busy streets of Delhi to the natural beauty of Corbelt National Park. On our Explore India tour, you will 2) ............... and do lots of exciting 3) ............... . Here is your seven-day 4) .....-...-.1.000 : Days 1 and 2 You will have a couple 5) days to relax and see the of New and Old Delhi. You “fF can do some ' shopping, too! BS GN 2 PEAR GA sesscicces veces Mumsemmeontns cuss Jet eet at 3: I cco ocean st ete emacs 4: GO eccsstinsesievevestennsessesvee mgs 5 and 6: Sper wescsccessocssscevineesccdennteeey Day 3 You will travel to Agra and see the beautiful Taj Mahal. Don’t 7) your camera! Day 4 You will go to Jaipur and see the colourful palaces and buildings there. Days 5 and 6 You will spend a 8) 2... jy.) ss. of days at Corbelt National Park. You can 9)<:....4........... on an elephant and see tigers and black bears in the 10) : 2S : Day 7 a You will return 11) ..2.4,,...) Delhi, ready © for your 12) .....0 . back tothe UK. I’m sure you will really enjoy your week of adventure! 7 What alt people see and do in your country? Write a seven-day holiday programme for people who want to visit your country. jumping! © Vocabulary 1 Read and write. ACROSS 2 You take a plane from here. 6 You use these to see far away objects. © Grammar 7 The weather in summer is ............0005. . 8 You camp in this. 3 Read and choose. DOWN 1 Look at Tony! He ............... into the water! 1 You take photos with this. A. welll Furtp eeu os ue 3 You take a packed .............. when you go on 2 I’m hungry. | think | oe. a sandwich. a trip. A will make B am going to make 4 Yau. put elntnes fr Ehis wien you go camping. BS | Prornise | css cxaiss cazns ves to tidy my room. 5 You can get across a river on this. ; : A won’t forget B amnot going to forge: 2 What will the weather be like 4 I can’t come to the party tonight. | .............. tomorrow? Look, read and write. my grandparents. 7 A will visit B am going to visit Bhs rearing.” “T sasemersnamns: my umbrella, then. A will take B am going to take 6 Look at the blue sky. It oc eeneee sunny today. A will be B is going to be ff Well be 1) & sunny. 7 Fifty years from now, people .......... ee in the sea. A will live B are going to live 8 I’ve bought a camera, because | ............... some photos while on holiday. A will take B am going to take 4 Read and write: prediction, on-the- spot decision, request, promise. 1 In the future, people will live on the moon. 2 Will you help me make the dinner, please? 3 Ill write to you when I’m in New Zealand. 4 “It’s cold!” “ll close the window.” .............. 5 “It’s raining.” “Pll wear my coat, then.” 6 I’ll probably be in Japan next year. .............. 7 I'll take you to the zoo tomorrow. prediction 8 Will you show me how this computer works, please? 5 What can Tom do? What will he be able to do when he’s older? Look and say. 1 Tom can ride a bike now, but he’ll be able to ride a horse when he’s older. © Communication 6 Read and fill in. | OT ' / PL go shopping) ( You'll be able to ) - { are you going to | A: What 1) ......eeeceeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees do today? Be . Pr meet etre, | GT BY seni cccaiceccne exenocamnanenn ces with Marie. A: Great! 3) viccccccccecccecsecseccseuecessusseseeeeeeeens buy some new jeans, then. ©) Reading and Writing 7 Read and answer. mont el Dear Cathy, We’re having a great time here in Australial We’ve done some really exciting things! Yesterday, we went shopping in Brisbane — it was fantastic! We bought lots of things! Today, we are going to go to Sea World and look at the dolphins. We'll take our cameras $0 we can take lots of photos. On Thursday, we are going to go visit Brisbane Forest Park. We'll go on the ‘Night Wildlife Tour’ and take a journey through the rainforest! | car’t wait. It sounds really exciting! Anyway, I'll say goodbye for now and I'll see you soon. Love, James 1 Who’s writing the letter? 2 Where did they go shopping yesterday? 3 What are they going to do today? 4 What will they do at Brisbane Forest Park? © You are on holiday in another country. Write a letter to a friend. 4 e Mrs Fern is talking to her students about a day trip to France. 1 They are leaving at six o’clock in the MOPAUNG: SP trae 2 The journey will take five hours. ws. 3 They will have breakfast in Calais. 4 After breakfast they can do some Sappelngy e a 5 They will have lunch at twelve o’clock. ....... 6 Lunch will take two hours. wan. 7 They will go to the zoo in the GerAGOM, —COC ea 8 They will leave Calais at seven o’clock. ....... 3 <4 Listen and complete the form. Swift Travel Company Name: Penny Fayne Address: 22 2.0 Road | Telephone: . | Nameof hotel Ping... Hotel Number of people; Number ofreoms: .... Meals: 2... Reading and Usage 3 Look, read and write. harbour suitcase student visa uniform tour guide Policemen wear this to work. You fill this in to geta job. You can travel in this. This person shows people interesting places and things. There are lots of boats here. You need this to visit some countries. This person studies at school or college. You can put clothes in this. 4 Read and write the questions. > Do | have to work at the weekends? No, you have the weekends free. B: No, not too early. You start work at 11. A scuba diving A snorkelling B canoeing B life-saving C jet-skiing C canoeing A hang-gliding A_ rock climbing B mountain biking B_ horse riding C rock climbing C scuba diving A hiking e A scuba diving B mountain biking B life-saving C hang-gliding C underwater photography _ 6 Read and choose. wear a uniform to work. 1 Nurses .......cccecec cece A has to B have to C don’t have to 2 When Paul is 17, he .........cceeeeeee a car. A will drive B will be able to drive C is going to drive get up early for work. 3 Carol B does have to A don’t have to C doesn’t have to A. [ Going Shopping | xs cases vescs wea ot some new clothes. A am going to buy B will buy C is going to buy 5 We ~ summer. A have to C doesn’t have to wear warm clothes in the B don’t have to ® Reading and Writing 7 Read and answer. a Supercamp is looking for young energetic people who like to work and play! We need camp guides to help us this summer. Activities at our camp include: hiking, scuba diving, mountain biking and rock climbing. We also offer courses in: underwater photography, jet-skiing and snorkelling. Our camp guides will have lots of free time and can take part in any of our courses. Camp guides have to be 18 or over and they have to be able to work from June to September. If you're interested, please phone 9834658 for an application form. look after my cat when |’m or MS sainina sacha xxens oe holiday, please? A Will you B You will C Are you going to 7 DAVE cosas vn cuss cones go to school every day. A have to _B _ has to C don’t have to ee you every day, | promise. A will phone B will be able to phone C am going to phone 9 “Does Steve have to work at _ night? « ” B No, he does C No, he doesn’t ” “J 10 “The phone is ringing.” “I ......cccceeeeees A will answer B am going to answer C will be able to answer # 1 Supercamp is looking for young energetic people. (A) Right 2 Supercamp is in Italy. B Wrong C Doesn’t say A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 3 You can’t go hiking at Supercamp. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 4 Camp guides don’t have to work all day. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 5 There is aswimming pool at Supercamp. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say 6 Camp guides have to be over 21. A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say -@ Write an advertisement looking for people to work at a camp this summer. (Module 6) * Look, read and fill in. Holidays WW j_t-s____9 12 rk co _oee 9 13 m_____- n bg a inter PraGiiter Story A Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers. Donny Shaw 1) | re D = 2° Po oO Qe 2) seaicpenom everywhere! “Fantastic!” he shouted, and 3) Pic eee and went into the garden. Donny loves the snow. He spent all day makin sen hea aN . When he finished it, he gave the snowman some 7) hh rahe sea , a hat and his father’s old th . He called his snowman “Coz | Carl”, because he looked like a pop star! He was very pleased with his work, but soon it was time to 2: a huge 6) inside. “See you tomorrow,” he said happily. The next day it was sunny. Donny 9) What is the best title for this story? Tick (“) one box. How to make a snowman! [| A friend for a day! [ | like snow! fo 54 Story B Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words. + was Friday afternoon. Walter Sims left work walked to the bus stop. There was a ng woman standing there. “Oh, hello, my!” he said happily. “You look great. You 20k thinner and your hair looks different!” 1 What day was it? Friday 2 Where did Walter walk to? 3 Who was at the bus stop? The woman looked at Walter, but she didn’t say anything. She just smiled. “There’s a great film on at the cinema,” Walter said to her. “Would you like to go with me?” “I've got a better idea,” the woman replied. “Let’s go bowling. | love bowling!” 4. Where did Walter want to go? 5 What did the woman want to do? walter was surprised. “But, Amy, | thought u hated bowling!” he said. Then the woman arted laughing. “I'm not Amy,” she xplained. “My name's Ellen! Pleased to meet ! Waiter felt very silly, but he took Ellen wling and they had a great time! = What was the woman's name? 7 How did Walter feel? That was a long time ago. Walter is my father and Ellen is my mother! That’s the story of how they met. | think it’s a very funny story. Mum and Dad tell it to all our visitors! 8 When did the story happen? a 9 Who do they tell the story to? 55 Story C Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers. town. On his first day there he started at six o’clock in the morning. His job was to serve breakfast to < really surprised. “Wow!” he said! “I like this summer job. It’s really exciting!” He couldn’t wait to go hor: and tell his friends about his first day at work! What is the best title for this story? Tick (“%) one box. First day at work! ies Zappy Crimp’s strange clothes! EE Summer jobs! | Story D Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words. - rained all day last Saturday. Jilly Jones zidn’t want to go out that night. Her husband =rank was at work, so Jilly stayed at home and watched TV. What was the weather like last Saturday? 2 Where was Jilly’s husband? 3 What did Jilly do? It rained all day. There was a film on TV. It was called “The Hairy Monster!” Jilly felt quite scared. It was dark outside and there was a full moon. 4 What was on TV? oo Me ees 5 How did Jilly feel? Suddenly, she heard a strange noise outside in -n2 garden. Then, there was a very loud knock 27 tne door. She didn’t know what to do! She >oxed out of the window and saw something >.¢ and ugly standing at the door.“Go away!” 72 screamed and ran to telephone the police. + What did she hear outside in the garden? er er cen cwses 7 What was there at the door? something ...........0 Then a voice from outside shouted “It’s me! It’s Frank! Open the door!” She opened the door and saw her husband covered in mud from head to toe. “I fell over in the garden,” he explained. “There’s a lot of mud out there!” Jilly laughed. “Oh, Frank! You scared me,” she said. “| thought you were the scary monster!” They decided not to watch any more films that night! 8 What happened to Frank? 58 s&2 Listen and write. xX TRAVEL First Name: Dan PRIN Surname: Roland a oe 2 Address: itn ee 3 Phone number: oe oo 0 Se Be A QUCQESS A... ier gee eT 2 een an 2 Studies:...... Wet ee : d ye Listen and colour and draw. 59 2 Where does he live? 3 What does he drive? + What's his favourite sport? = nat is he going to do this weekend? - 61 62 A What are they going to bring to the party? Listen and write letters in the boxes. Rachel 3 Mel B 1 Jane [| 4 Stella [ 2 Ray [ 5 Stuart [ Progress Test 1 (Unit 1) | | NAME: . DATE: “CLASS: MARK: 700 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary Grammar 2 Read and choose. B. Choose and fill in. MY sass ’s name is John. ’s his name? A aunt (B brother C sister is this pencil? I They're Anna is a. A hairdresser’s B hairdryer C hairdresser your sister at ’s Frank’s birthday? . are you sad? sam and Paul seseeee from B Turkey C UK 3 This is Judy. She’s my . Edinburgh. A niece B nephew C grandfather series sssenls a photo of Steven and his son. £15 ROb frOM veessessseens? Our parents love . scene A USA B the USA C American This is sosseeees Cat, Princess. 'S ssn iS called Angela. (Marks: am A husband B father C wife \10x5 / = Mand Mrs Sims are Tom's... Communication A nieces B grandparents C uncles C. Look, read and fill in. =2 works at the theatre. He’s a(n) ...... & actor B vet C reporter Oh, hil I’m Stella. Nice k is an engineer. He sometimes wears at work. A mike B helmet C costume (marks: ——) \8x5 65 Progress vocabulary 20k, read and circle) 1 Janice has got wavy/straight hair. 2 Sam has got a beard/moustache. 3 John is slim/fat. 4 Tom has got long/short hair. PY =, 5 Karen has got curly/straight hair. (Marks: =~ \5x5 25} mar Write the plural. FE EA esses (flower) in the vase (wolf) eat sheep. .. (baby) (man) ter has got two... are two . 2 car. [Re ase Gish) many (tooth) has the baby got? 2's got four (duck) in her garden. ou got any (child)? 2 are ten .. (reporter) ur magazine (Marks: =—\ \ox5 45) Test 2 (Unit 2) DATE: MARI 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Communication C. Read and write. tall and slim straight fair hair and green eyes clever and kind B: 3) * tall and slim * straight dark hair and brown eyes + friendly and helpful hh A: What does Chris look like? B: 4) SV ommapreen A: What is he like? B: 6)... (Marks: ——' \6 x5 67 Progress Test 3 (Unit 3) NAME: DATE: CLASS: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary Communication Read and write. C. Read and match. 1 What does your English teacher look I’m from Poland. a J b It’s mine. e 2 er meet my ¢ She's tall and fat. friend, Linda! d Hi Linda. Pleased to 3. Are you British? meet you! 4 Whose is this pen? V'm an actor. 5 Hello! My name's No, !’m American. e sf Sarah. g. Oh, hit I'm Jessie 6 What's Tom like? 7 What do you do? ot hairy legs. a 8 Where are you from? He’s clever and helpful. ot a shell ot spikes 1 3 5. 7 « a big lizard. 0 aa a és sn’t got any legs. = green and it’s got a lot of legs. «- ‘Marks: ——\ (Marks: 7) ) ( (oy 9) \ax5 Grammar zad and underline. Have you got a pet? yes! | 1) has got/have got a tortoise, ude. Really? Is she big? ‘es, she’s quite big and she 2) have got/ has got a shiny shell. Vhat's 3) his/her favourite food? 4) Leafs/Leaves, vegetables and fruit. Have you got any pets? l've got two 5) gooses/geese! at are 6) their/theirs names? ry and Tara. (Marks: ——\ \ox5 30} Progress Yocabulary « Read and fill in: bus, the washing-up, breakfast, gging, dressed, bike, foot. gets up at 7:00, has breakfast and es the usually goes to work by car but ometimes she catches . Zn Saturdays Will goes . d, Stan. times go to school on my ... morning Jenny has some coffee and she gets . ways has a big ning, goes to school on... sually do va with his in the . in the evening. (Marks: —\ \ax5 ‘Grammar = ead and choose. . up in the morning? B get you C do you get at time ..... + you get .. at home on Friday evenings. often stay B often stays C stays often taxi, c by a shower in the morning. haven't got B has C have a) ©: took, read and write. } What time do) you get up? Do you go to school 2) Test 4 (Unit 4) DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) our grandparents at the weekend. B don’t always visit 5 We... A don’t visit always C not always visit . the bus to work. B sometimes catch 6 Jasmine... A sometimes catches C catches sometimes 7 How ...... . A are you usually C do you usually . go home? B you do usually 8 | always go shopping ... .. Saturdays. Ain B on Cat (Marks: —" \exs 4 ) Communication in@ get up at 7:30. Well, 3) ~D , but | usually go 4) 2b 7) Progress Test 5 (Unit 5) NAME: DATE: CLASS: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary 4. Read, look and write. 1 Every Saturday John goes Paul and Tom have .. classes on Thursdays. lan’s favourite hobby is Alan g0@S vests at weekends. 5 Jack does a. on a> Tuesdays and Fridays. T 6 Mark goes .. in “== the summer. (Marks: ——\ \ox5 30] Matilda can dance. She can’t/can sing, too. | always make my bed before/after | get up What time does the film starts/start? Jason don’t/doesn’t often go bowling. Paul can’t swim. He can’t ride a bike elther/ too. 1 2 3 4 5 6 I think it’s/it awful. 7 Do/Does Martha and Penny like soccer? 8 Can you speak English? Yes, | do/can. 9 The quiz show starts at/on 9:30. 10 We sometimes go/go sometimes to the theatre on Sundays. Marks: ——\ (vs x5 90) Communication C. Read and fill in. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight it starts at 6:00 I'd love to Sorry, | can’t A: Would you like to go for an ice cream? B: Yes! 1) os ‘A: What time does the film start? B: 2) A: 3) .. B: 4) (Marks: —\ \ax5 20) 73 Progress Test 6 (Unit 6) WAME: DATE: CLASS: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) 3 (he/can/play) golf? Vocabulary 4 a (you/usually/do) your homework in the afternoon? + Read, look and write. 5. My mother (not/cook) Sv dinner every day Bes, 6 Pam’s nephew . eens (notfwork) + Jack's favourite sport is i, . Remora — fe 2k 7 fe .-- (your father/take) : you to school? 8 On Sundays, Anna .. (ometimes/ 2 Sue doesn’t like te Fem eis pvastosnerears (Marks: ——\ \ax5 40) You can join the Communication C. Read and match. group. 10 you like + Let's go to the —_ bowling? 2 How do you get to 3 What time do you get up? 4 Can you juggle? = --and | 5 What time does the ee quiz show start? [2 Would you like to go swimming? € Can I join the . class? Grammar 1 bw Read and fill in. a (you/go) to school by bus? 2 Paula . an (always/play) the guitar at night. ood No, | can’t. It’s difficult b At about 7:30. Bowling? Yes, | do. | think it’s great fun. At eight after the evening news. By train, usually Sorry, | can’t. | haven't got a swimsuit 5 6 (Marks: ——\ lexs 29) 75 Progress Test 7 (Unit 7) NAME: ... DATE: CLASS: MARK: 10 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary z What do you do/are you doing now? A Look and write. Grammar . Read and underline. Have you got some/any pets? 2 There aren’t much/many eggs in the fridge. 3 Do you go/Are you going to the theatre tomorrow? How many/much olive oil do we need? There is any/no sugar left: Look! The baby is walking/walks! There aren’t any/some tins of tuna in the cupboard. 9 We don’t need much/no butter for this dish. 10 Would you like a packet/glass of milk? Marks: —\ (ve x5 50 ) Communication C. Read and fill in. ls there any salad left No, sorry Shall | clean Yes, please A: 1). .. the car? B: No, it’s OK. I’m doing it later. A; Pm starving. 2) ? B: 3). . How about a sandwich? A: 1 4). 77 Progress Test 8 (Unit 8) NAME: CLASS: Vocabulary - Read and match. 1 boil Ge yy Te 2 grill b L 3 peel c 4 slice 4 5 pour e 6 mix f an _—* ash a 3 chop h 3. 5 + 7 2 4 6 8 Marks: ——\ (. x5 40) DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) _ Grammar wn Cc. Read and correct. There is a few honey in the jar. Grandma always wake up early. ...... Boils the turnips first and then mash them. You shouldn’t wash your hands before you eat. 1 usually go to school on foot, but today | go by car. There are a little onions in the basket. Lucy is meeting her friends every Saturday. There is a few tuna in the tin. (Marks: —— \gx5 40 ) Communication Put the words in the correct order. you / What / like / would 1) seteeaeeneeeel a few / milk / Just / biscuits / for me / and a little / please 2d with Iifdo/ What / these / shall 3) .. . them / Slice / and / fi OD) cassie orneist: tte 79 Progress Test 9 (Unit 9) NAME: DATE: CLASS: (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary 5 There are .....ssssss Mushrooms in the basket. A any B much —C_ alot of + Read and fill in. 6 Is there... milk in the carton? Aa B any © many 7 Tusually have a tuna sandwich for lunch, but today | ... a hot dog t's cold tonight. I need an extra ... . Aiea ah oee ML Cave having on my bed. B There is .........s.+0.. Mayonnaise in the jar. 2 Let's go and watch the . display! Aalitle — B any C afew are large animals. Unele Nick can do a lot of magic ..... . La Tomatina is the world’s biggest food ... (Hats w) + My sister likes wearing Indian ..... > At the festival you can listen to some communisction music 2 There's @ nn. for the best dancer. Thope you win tt C. Read and match. (ee 7) I’m starving, ls there a. Just afew sandwiches any lamb left? and a little water for 2 What shall | do with me, please. Grammar the potatoes? b No, it's OK. I’m going! , What would Yo like? © No, sorry. How about 3. Read and choose. ie some beef? market? d Peel them first and HOW s.r: butter do we need for the cake? then boil them. A many B alot of C much 2 There aren’t .. pictures in our 1 2 Brees 4 classroom. A any B some — C much (ras =| 20 3 Listen! Grandma . 4x5) A sings B issinging C sing 4 What... . tomorrow? A do youdo B are you doing C are you do 81 Progress Test 10 (Unit 10) NAME: DATE: CLASS: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary | Grammar Look and write. Read and underline. | was late because | missed/lost the bus. ran outside. 5 The clown did/made a lot of tricks at the (Marks: \5x4 Henry Ford grew/produced the first cars Suddenly, we heard a loud scream/dog and C. Read and write. Use past simple. €.g.1 wert (go) to the park yesterday. 1 We... ss (See) a good film last night. 2 The Williams .... (travel) all over the world in 1985. 3 Wher .... . (Brian/come) home? 4 Ben .- (call) me a few minutes ago 5) eee (not/can) find my schoolbag this morning, 6 V vsesessene sassass (Rot/be) at home yesterday, 7 ... (you/read) Kim's article ie? about Agatha Christ 8 The baby .. (not/sleep) at all last night. 9 . . (you/can) walk when you were two? 10 The children .... (be) excited about their journey to London. (Marks: ——\ \1ox4 49) 30) Communication D. Read and write. (/Who was > Leonardo da \ vinci? YS He was an Italian Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the famous writer/character, Sherlock Holmes. ‘ party, sy) “ When was (Marks: } he \2x5 10 83 Progress Test 11 (Unit 11) DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) C. Read and write. Vocabulary A. Read and write yes or no. e.g. My motorbike is faster thon (fast) Tim’s F 1 [think English is .. : Ie’ an old washing (interesting) Maths. machine ones 2 Jack Michaels is . + (good) basketball player bial all. _ee 3 That armchair is... * bo Ted ae) : (comfortable) this one here. e 4 Which is . (long) river in < the world? It’s an old telescope. wa I think aeroplanes are .... .. (safe) boats. Trains were .. .. (slow) horses at 4 It’s an old radio. Bt Jirst. 7 He's . (bad) person | know. |S o (Marks: =— It’s an old printing press. as... \7x5 35 (ares 3) 5x5 Communication Grammar D. Put the words in the correct order. 3. Read and write. used / for / what / this / was A: 1) 2g.) ood (ve in Edinburgh. Near ie at erctan’ -, used 7 taking / it | photos / was / for a BMW. i It's an old camera! Now he drives a Ferrari. . to Spain on holiday. Now we go to Italy on holiday, cheap / were / at / first / cameras A: 3) Now she drnksleafie, = a no | expensive / were / very / they fr. eee basketball. 8 4) 4 Now they play soccer. 1 ees. (rots a) (eres 70 } \4x5 x 85 Progress Test 12 (Unit 12) NAME: ..... CLASS: DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary 4 What's this ... oe noise? A loud B loudly Rea LE 5 She waved .. at me as she got on the lane. Oi concert annoyed (ee rate Mere ace Tat aac B sadly my legand stayed 6 George doesn’t speak German very ... in hospital for the night. A good B well 2 Andy was late and his mum was really She wanted to call the police. 7 Markis very. eo - A polite B politely 2 The musician .. his new song all day. & Nancy... a . B Please, do the exercise sree 1 her ike and hurt her oot. A quick B quickly 5 The litte girl when she saw the spider in her room. (Has a) 5 Ive got two tickets for the ... 8x5 Do you want to come with me? Iwas so... . with James, because he was two hours late for dinner. The wooden stairs .....scsses as we walked upstairs. Communication C. Read and match. (Marks: — \ex5 40 } Grammar 1 Who was Charlie a In 1990. 3. Read and choose. Chaplin? 2 When were you b Washing clothes. + “Dve got a surprise for you!” he said...... born? to me 3 When could you c At four. A happy B happily run? 4 What was this used d_ A British actor. 2 Please, cycle ...... for? There are a lot of cars here. A careful B carefully 1 3. 2B She's @.VETY crecressesreseestereentereeetceeees Gitl Marks: —— A beautiful 8 beautifully 4x5 20 87 Progress Test 13 (Unit 13) Anne is ill and she needs «secs. A doctor to get well. B medicine We can all help to children in Africa. A get the lives of the B improve NAME: . DATE: CLASS: MARK: ___ 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary Grammar 4. Read and choose. B. Read and write. Use present perfect. 1 My favourite .... . are in town fora 1 My mum .. .. (make) concert. a delicious cake for us. A band B musician 2 What ... (you/do) so far? 3 We . .. (not/selD) 2 We are trying to ... . all the tickets for all the tickets yet. the match tomorrow. Then, we can help the 4 .. (you/ever/live) poor people in our city in Mexico? A sell B buy 5 Richard . Gust/buy) a motorboat. 3 You need a new .... for your boat. The 6 The baby old one doesn’t work. (already/drink) his milk. A wheel B motor 7 Mary ... .. Gust/clean) the carpets. + Thaven’t.. ... @hotel room, but 'msure 8. .. (Cathy/book) we can find one. her holiday yet? A given B booked 91. sve Calready/write) two letters to Sheila. 5 She has a because she can’t hear 10 Mike . -. (not/paint) very well. his room yet. A hearing aid B mike ( S We can use this to catch fish with. Fi Heke nee Communication C. Put the sentences in the correct order. ve washed the floor ~ No, not yet - What have you done so far = Have you cooked lunch Progress Test 14 (Unit 14) Vocabulary A. Read, look and write. —— + Al) . has hit the southern coast and destroyed the town 2 is on its way and the people are leaving their homes aa ea 3 Al) hit the town early this morning and the rescue workers are trying to help the people in the area. The .. erupted and caused /” many problems in the city. (Marks: —— \sx4 20) DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Grammar B. Read and underline. Have you ever seen/Did you ever see a whale? He has become/became an actor in 1983, Stan hasn’t phoned/didn’t phone me yet. Have they gone/Did they go camping last year? Have you driven/Did you drive to work yesterday? It’s the most delicious meal I've ever had/I had! Miriam’s aeroplane has arrived/arrived a few minutes ago "ve already made/already made the beds. 9 When have you visited/did you visit the museum? Ihave met/met my friends last night. Francis has taken/took driving lessons last year. Have you ever swum/Did you ever swim in a river? The children have enjoyed/enjoyed the trip to Edinburgh last month. No wrens o 10 1 12 13 (Marks: \i3x5 ) Communication C. Read and fill in the answers, (Have you Yes, | phoned them? ) 0 When did you ‘About half an hour \phone them? 2. a 2 (‘ve climbed Really? What | , Mount 3) cecsssesene like / Vesuvius. \ Fantastic! \ a 15 | Progress Test 15 (Unit 15) NAME: DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) 3 We . keep animals in zoos. eee 4 Factories use special filters 5 We pollute our cities. A. Read and write. ‘Marks: ——\ ca 8 (fer) |234 6 5{ |7] 910 wp TT Communication C. Read and match. 1 The name of our planet. 2. Abig building with machines for making things. 3 We need .... .. to breathe. 4 Cows, tigers and dogs are 5 A shark is one! 6 .. has caused health problems for many people. Jim: Hello, Susan. a Yes, | have. 7 We throw away yenenee Susan: 1) ...... a2 8 We pour ...... .. from factories into our Jim: Have you seen . rivers and seas. Patrick's new pet © AJew minutes 9 We can swim in it snake? a 10 We have cut thousands of them. Susan: 2) oo 11 Akind of a forest. Have you seen it? ¢ What was it (Marks: ——\ Jim: 3) .. . like? \i1x5 5°) Susan: Really? 4) . , ria d_ Oh, hi, Jim. i Jim: It was a bit scary Say Susan: When did you see 7 it? e No, not yet. B, Read and write must or mustn't. Jim: 5) : 1 We .. .. drive cars in the centre fatick ener of the city. (Marks: ——" 2 We .. protect the rainforests. \sxs 2 93 Progress Test 16 (Unit 16) NAME: . CLASS: DATE: oossseeecsssseeceennee MARK: 100 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary A. Read and fill in: ring, press, get, go, put, see, have, do. 1 Well .. on an adventure holiday in Peru. 2 Let's. . a barbecue tonight! .. the doorbell? 3 Why don't you = He's probably inside 4 A hundred years from now, we'll tell robots what to do and theyll sucess the rest. 5 Can you see the red button? Just it. 6 Please .... on your helmet. It's dangerous to ride a motorbike without one. 7 When I'm on holiday, I'l relax and. the sights of Lima. 8 Don’t stay in the sun all day. You'll sunburn. (Marks: \Bx5 - Grammar 8, Read and write. Use will. e.g.l'm very tired. | think | tonight. 90 (go) to bed early .. (youltell) me how to use it? 2 “Susan can’t come to work today.” “Don't worry. | . (help) you.” 3. Everyone (have) their own robot a hundred years from now. 4 Come to my house and | (show) you my new stereo. 5 They... (not/probably/visit) us this summer. . (you/decorate) the room for my party, please? .. (youlwash) the dishes, please? 8B I promise | you every day. -- (cal) (Marks: 7- \8x5 _ Communication C. Read and underline. : Will you post two letters for me, please? : Yes, of course./VUl do it every day : The box is on the top shelf. : PUL try it later./OK, Vll get it for you. : Will you see your cousin while you're in Rome? : Maybe. I’m not sure./He speaks Italian. : Have a great time in Mexico. : Thanks, I'll see you when | get back./I think so, N >orer * 2>o (Marks: ——' \ax5 20 ) 95 Progress Test 17 (Unit 17) NAME: ...... DATE: MARK: ___ 100 CLASS: (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary 3 | won’t/am not going to be late. | promise, 4 “My room is so dirty.” “Don’t worry. PIL/’m going to help you clean it. 5 “Why did you buy this tent?” “U/’m going to Lejlon go camping this summer.” k s¢ joe 6 | don’t want to go to school by bus. Pil/’m A. Look, read and write. 1 going to go on foot. 7 There's a quiz show on TV tonight. Will you/ ‘Are you going to watch it? 8B Don’t drink so much coffee. You won’t/aren’t going to sleep at night. 9 I'm sorry | was late. It won’tlisn’t going to happen again. 10 Bill will/is going to buy some plants for the garden. He told me last night. 11 “I haven't done the washing-up yet.” “OK. P'l/’m going to do it later!” 12 “Someone's ringing the doorbell.” “PLU/’m going to answer it.” ‘¥ (Marks: ——\ \i2x5 6) Communication. C. Look, read and write. Oh, good. We'll be le to see the Grammar 8, Read and underline. 1 Have you heard the news? Anne will/is going to have a baby! 2 One day everyone will/is going to have a car. (Marks: ——\ 97 Progress Test 18 (Unit 18) NAME: DATE: CLASS: MARK: 700 (Time: 20 minutes) Vocabulary _ Grammar A. Look and write. C. Read and fill in. 1 e.g.All students 01° (0 <1) (Study) these three books I don’t have a CAF, | sssessseststneee (walk) 2 home every day Pll stop at the supermarket. | ...cne. (buy) some fruit. ae Sue . (not/speak) French. She speaks German. You ..... (get up) early a tomorrow. : We .. cs .. (not/stay) at a hotel. We can go camping Marks: ——\ 5 ( x5 25) Communication Marks: >=-\ 5 x5 / D. Read and match. mi Do | he tt rr ot 8. Read and fill in: tour guide, uniform, Fe ne Se ne the meals? Archiazology, expenses, foreign: 2 What are you going b No, I’m going to do 1 All waiters in this restaurant wear a(n) ..... to do today? that. — 3 ll bring the 2 Don’t worry, You don’t have to pay your sandwiches. © Yes, of course! 4. How long will you 3 He's a student of .... seesenee $0 A'S be away? d. Yes, you do. interested in ancient cultures 5 Will you feed the 4 The. ... told us to be back at cat for me, please? Three weeks! 11 o'clock for our flight back to London. 5 I don’t speak any languages. =; 9 gg a Marks: — ( x5 25) 99 ~ WORKBOOK: Wi BbodS Express Publishing

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