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Aurelia voluntati Dei contradicit. Ausa est rogare etiam remissionem. Ea occidit patrem filii sui.

Aurelia disputes (opposes) the will of God. She also dared to ask for forgiveness. She has killed the father
of her own son.
2. Cor meum saliebat gaudio magno quotienscumque video puellam illam. Ea Eloisa est. Ambulabamus
simul apud mare. Manducabamus simul frixum pullum ex ape gaudiale. Amabam eam et quasi
venerabat hanc mulierem, donec nox nuptiarum nostrarum quando scivi quia ea etiam vir est. Et cor
meum et anima mea franguntur in fragmina.

My heart was jumping with great joy whenever I see that girl. She is Eloisa. We were walking together by
(towards) the sea. We were eating together fried chicken from Jollibee. I was loving her too as though I
was worshipping that woman, until the night of our wedding when I knew that she is also a man. Both
my heart and my soul are broken into pieces (fragments).

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