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ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

Title of Learning Segment: Image of Example/

Wire Wall Hanging Sample

Grade or Class:
Bowman - 4th

Prior Knowledge:
Conceptual thinking, strategizing, planning, self reflecting, where art supplies are in the class

Central Focus/Big Idea:

Using Found Materials to Create Sculpture

Learning Segment Overview: Briefly describe each

Day 1: Intro/ Motivation/Engage/Research: Show students powerpoint about using found

objects to create art, show students where supplies are around the classroom, Introduce Wilm
Delvoye, and his sculpture work with recycled material.
Time needed: 45 min

Day 2: Instruction process/Procedure/Explore/Guided Practice: Playing around with making

shapes out of wire, planning out color schemes, picking what beads they want to add, picking
what yarn they want, sketching design in sketchbook.
Time needed: 45 min

Day 3: Present/ Respond and/or connect/present: Show teacher mock up example and artist
statement, conduct a walk around/in process critique. Continue working on project.
Time needed: 45 min

Day 4: Summative Assessment/ Evaluation/Closure: Finish up wall hanging, and complete exit
ticket– self reflection mini worksheet
Time needed: 45 min

Standard Learning Objective (Summative) Assessment

NVAS: Explore Students will be able to
and invent art-
demonstrate an understanding
techniques and of three dimensional work.
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

SCVAS: Students will be able to create a

I can combine three dimensional work of art using
several elements recycled materials.
of art to
construct 2D or
3D artwork.

Academic Language Demands, as applicable:

1. Language Function One LF essential for students to develop & practice. Use Standard and Objective
action verbs, e.g. analyze, compare/contrast, interpret.
a. “Students will be able to create a three dimensional work of art using found materials.”
2. Vocabulary No more than 5 terms w/definitions using age-appropriate language. Cite source
a. Found material, three dimensional work, multi media artwork.
3. Discourse How will you develop students’ academic discourse (putting the words to work/responding)
and/or syntax (symbols, etc.)?
a. I will show my students many examples of Film Delvoye’s work. I will show them student examples
of wall hanging example.
4. Practice How you will you help students practice using the language function? What specific opportunities: e.g.
reflective writing, exit tickets, critique, small group discussion, presenting?
a. We will have very small and basic critiques, and do walks around the room to get inspiration from other
students. I will also have students plan out their tasks for the next class using the vocab we learned.

Key Materials Include appropriate technology that you will use in each activity as well as a complete list of the
materials you will use (manipulatives, worksheets, word lists, game directions, art supplies, book titles, PowerPoint
etc.). I will be using my powerpoint lesson plan full of examples, standards, and vocabulary. We will be using wire,
yarn, and beads to create our wall hangings. I will show videos of Film Delvoye’s artistic process, and other sculpture

Lesson I of 4 (2 of 4 etc.) Each lesson is a step to teaching the Big Idea of L. Segment
Standard Objective Formative Assessment
The focus of this lesson Same as overview Formative for this lesson is… Mini
I can combine Students will be able to create in process critiques, and planning
out what needs worked on in their
several elements of a three dimensional work of
art to construct 2D or art using recycled materials.
3D artwork.

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

• Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks should match Objectives & Standards. This is
the heart of the plan. It is your script. Write so it is a clear, concise, yet thorough sequence.
• Include enough detail so that anyone who is well-educated could follow your plan.
• Include Introduction, reflective questions, & enough activities to adequately address your
objectives. They must be developmentally appropriate for grade level.
• Add at least 2 references from theory to practice
• Be very specific in this section, particularly with transitions. E.g. Can vary based on lesson:
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

o Focus/review OR INTRO
o Share objectives
o Teacher instructions Or I DO
o Guided practice We do
o Independent practice YOU DO
o Connecting/sharing/presenting
o Closure/ review
Day 1:
Teacher will introduce Wilm Delvoye, and show the students examples of his work.
Teacher will show the recycled sculpture powerpoint and introduce the standards and objectives
Students will brainstorm in their sketchbook and figure out what shape they want their sculpture
to be.
Students will gather wire, yarn, and beads of their choosing.
Students will get started on their sculpture
Day 2:
Teacher will show more examples of work, and share teacher example.
Students will continue working on wall hangings for the majority of class time.
Day 3:
Students and teacher will have a mini in process critique and walk around the classroom looking
at each student’s work.
Teacher will show teacher example of project
Students will continue working for the remainder of class
Day 4
Students will finish projects
Students will clean up.
Students will complete their exit ticket and work through the handout that walks them through
self reflection and critique.
Theory/Theorists/Research Connections: State the theory/theorists whose thinking
influenced yours for this learning segment. E.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Lowenfeld. Cite sources.
These are the two that you referenced in your Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
According to the Studio Habits of Mind, students can stretch and explore their understanding of
art by discovering new techniques to create art. This habit inspired this lesson plan because I
want my students to not only further their skills by exploring three dimensional artwork, but I
want them to explore new non conventional ways to create art by using recycled materials.

Accommodations Universal Design for Learning used in this art lesson.

• Representation: Clarification on vocabulary/concepts, multiple representation of different
types of learners in the powerpoint, giving background information on Wilm Delvoye and
sculpture artwork.
• Engagement: Giving choice of color/type of material, Keeping students focused, giving self
reflection/exit tickets.
• Expression: Using multiple resources to teach the lesson (powerpoint, videos, examples),
keep them goal oriented by helping them plan ahead.
• Individual student with special needs: Providing accommodations and having things more
structured. Also providing a planned out schedule in the beginning of class so they know
exactly what’s coming.

Resources/ Books, dictionary, articles, websites cited correctly using APA

Will Delvoye Website, Lesson Powerpoint, Powerpoint showing students how I
completed the lesson, examples of three dimensional artworks using found objects, Studio
Thinking from the Start book.

Artifacts/teacher or student made Images, handouts, PowerPoints, etc.

Sketchbooks, yarn, wire, beads, exit ticket handout.
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

Reflection (Internship I only) What went well? Not so well? Next time I will do this differently…

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