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Penttfon Ta&Mng 1988. tSOPJ-1.

© 19S3Ba3mrm, Rottefdsm, ISBN9u t
. dot 4

New correlations of penetration tests for design practice

MJamioDcowski, VN.Ghionna, R.Lancellotta & R.Pasqualini

Technological University Torino, Italy

A1S1K4CT: A critical review of the algnlflcant progress and Innovation in Interpreta¬

tion of in- situ penetration testing la presented. Esphaeis la placed on the Standard

Penetration Test (SPT) , Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and Plat Dllatometer Test (DHT) Use .
of these test methods In geotechnlcal practice to evaluate the basic design parameters
of Initial state variables and stress- strain-strength characteristics of cohesive end
cohesionless soils Is presented.

• 4
OT HMDS: In- Situ Testing, Standard Penetration Teat, Flat Dllatometer Tast, Cone
Penetration Teat, Calibration Chambers, Indirect Approach. Correlations, Cohealonlese

U i
Soil. Cohesive Soil.

'I To avoid duplications with other lectu¬

res In tbs programme of 1S0PT-I, the fol¬
The present lecture attempts to summarize lowing dlacusslon is limited to the Stan¬
the existing knowledge of Penetration Te¬ dard Penetration Test (SPT), Static Cone
sting in Geotechnical Design Practice. The Penetration Test <CPT), and Flat Dllatone-
laat fifteen years have been characterized ter Teat (DKT) (Marchettl. 1975; 1980).
by significant developments In the area of
in- situ testing. These developments Have
resulted In the Invention of new tests. FATIOB . PROGRESS IV PRBETVATKM
and in the Innovation. Improvement end
standardisation of the existing ones.
However, the moat relevant feature of this The penetration test Is en old and well
period, la a better understanding of the established method of In-situ experimental
relet lonahipe between the results of ln- soil engineering. At present, recent ad¬
eltu tests and basic soil behaviour. vances In electronic sensors and data ac¬
This last fact has contributed to a quisition systems have largely improved
remarkable rationalization of the inter¬ the capabilities of Penetretlon Tests to
pretation of different kinds of In- situ contribute In a cost-effective way to tha
tosts and of the use of their results In solution of important daslgn problems .
design. Tha most relevant Innovations are:
Mora detailed information concerning a. Development of the static electric
the role, advantages and limitations of cone penetrometer which permits continuous
the in-sltu testing techniques as applied measurements of cone resistance qc. and
in Ceotecfanlcal Prectlce can be found In local ahaft friction tM as well as the mo¬
works by Ladd et el. <1977). Horl (1981). nitoring of the deviation of tha CPT tip
Robertson and Campanalla (1962). Wroth from vertical (Da Rulter, 1971; 1981;
(1984) Jamlolkovskl et al. (1985) and
Robartson (1986),
1982; Scheap and Zuldberg, 1962; Robertson
and Campanalla. 1904).


& k.

C ( ( )

b. Development of largo calibration features of theCPT with that of the racterletice . atata of tha aoll deposit. This term in¬
cheabere In which different This category of C«iU include* the corporates the Information concerning:
toola ere teated
atrlctly controlled laboratory conditlona
1992; Hughes
(Jezequel et al.,

Vhltera at al., 1986).

Robartaon, 1983; prmariMUr test,
end selomlc tests.
especially the SBPT, - The Initial total vartical (*vo) end
horizontal (eÿ) geostatlc stresses,
(Holder! , 1971; Velaatanla, 1974; - The strained soil elements follow diffe¬ - The initial pore pressure (uc), not ne¬
cessarily hydrostatic.
Schaartaiann, 1976; Harcuaon at rent effective stress paths depending on
Blegenoueky, 1977, 1977a; Parkin at Lunna , 3 FEMETRATTCW TRSTIHC ADD CBOTEOBilCAL the geometry of the p roblea and on the - The macro- and micro- fabric of the depo¬
1982; Bellottl et el.. 1982). magnitude of the applied load. In this sit.
e. Recognition of the energy delivered case a rational interpretation of the - The initial void ratio (eQ) and/or rela¬
to the roda during driving of the SPT ÿ am¬ The use of penetration teating reaulte In teat la very difficult. Even with ap¬ tive density (Dÿ) in the case of
pler am an important parameter which auat gaotachnical daalgn nay be split into the propriate assumption* concerning the cohesionless deposits.
drainage conditions and soil model, the - The preconsolidation pressure (o' ) and
he conaldared when Interpreting the
reaulta of thla teat (Schmertaann end Pa-
following two dietlnct approechee.
e. Direct Approach, which glvea the op¬
solution of a complex boundary value overconsolidatlon ratio (OCR) .
A more

lacioa, 1979; Kovaca and Salomons, 1992). portunity to peaa directly from ln-eltu problem leada to something like "avera¬ complete definition of the atreaa histo¬
d. Uae of the Becker Penetration Teat, neasurenenta to the performance of founda¬ ge* soil characteristics. Comparisons ry of a deposit should include an esti¬
a large-acale dynamic penetration teat, tions without the need to evaluate any In¬ between these average value a and the mate of its cyclic strain history (ori¬
Initially developed in Canada In the lata termediate eoll parameters. behaviour of a typical soil element ginated by low Intensity earthquakes ,
tested in the laboratory or their use in ocean waves, etc.) which is especially
f lftlea, for teating depoalte of gravel This approach la frequently used in the
evaluation of the settlement of shallow tha specific design calculation are far important in cohesionless deposits but,
and cobblee. Penetration reelatance la re¬
from stralgthforvard. at present, is almost impossible to
corded in the form of blows to penetrate foundations in cohaalonlaaa deposits and
each 30 on ualng a double-walled cloaad- to assets the ultimata and service limit Typical examples of In situ teats in assess.

and earning. Recent work by Harder and Seed states of piles subjected to both axial tht a category are the plate load teat aa
(1916) accounta for variation in energy end horlaontel loadings. well as the CPT and CPTU when interpre¬ Within tha topic of tha present

* delivered to the oealng by a double-acting The direct approach leads to empirical

ted for evaluating aoll strength. lecture, it is appropriate to discuss the
from the re¬
** dloael banner during driving.
e. Incorporation of the pleaometer aen -
methods in which quality la atrlctly lin¬
ked to the number and quality of the oaae
The In situ tests results are empirical¬
ly correlated to selected soil proper¬
evaluation of
sults of penetration teats.

i» aor Into the atandard electric CPT tip

(Ballgh at al. , 1981; Caopanalla and Ro-
records upon which the approach has been
established. Valuable examples of this ap¬
ties. Typical examples are the widely
used correlations between deformation
Since the late forties (Terzaghi and
Peck, 1948), tentatives have been made to
moduli and penetration reeiatences correlate qualitatively the SPT resiatan-
i| bertaon, 1981; Huromechi , 1981; Tumey et
al., 1981; Do Rulter, 1981; Sites, 1992),
proach are the works by Burland and Bur-
brldga (1984), Bustamante and Glanlaelll measured in the CPT and SPT. Because of SPT 1 with the in- situ state of
which alIowa the neaaurenent of pore pree- (1982), Reaaa and Wright, (1979), and the purely empirical nature of these flcation of tha cohaaionlees deposits.

C' aure, u, during the penetration proceae.

f. Development of a number of new epe-
Raws# and O'Mell (1987).
b. Indirect Approach, which laads to
correlations, thay are subjected to many
limitations which are not always fully
Furthermore, quantitatively
correlations of the type

' clfic penetration devlcao among which the
following are of lamedlate practical Inte¬
interpretation methods that allow evalua¬
tion of the parameters describing the
racognlzed by potential usera. In addi¬
tion, it should be recognized that these
have been developed by Glbba and Holts
(1957), Bazaraa (1967), Peck and Bazaraa
(1969), and Harcuaon and Blaganouaky
ract to dealgnera. atresa-atraln-strangth and consolidation correlations are formulated for either
w - Flat Dllatonater (Harcbettl, 197}; behaviour of solla. Thla appproach, al¬ fully undrainad or fully drained condi¬ (1977, 1977a). Regarding these correla¬
1980; Karchettl and Crappa, 1991; Lute- though baalcally mora sound and rational tions. tions the following comments apply:
nagger, 1988); than the direct approach, suffers from the a. Tha Clbbs and Holtz (1957) correla¬
In view of what la stated above and tion (GH) , still widely applied in practi¬
• SalanLc Cone (Ceapanella and Robert eon, fact that it raquirea the solutions of va¬
1984; Campanella et al., 1986; Baldl et ry complex boundary value problems that, keeping in mind the extremely broad ce, may be approximated by the following
al., 1988); In the caaa of the penetration tests, are spectrum of the topic covered by this formula (Meyerhof, 1957):
• Lateral Streaa Cone (LS-CPT) and Fleao- rarely feasible (Ballgh. 19B3, 1986). In lecture, the following presentation la
Lateral-Straaa Cell (PLSC), which allow thla raapact It la worth considering the restricted mainly to the use of the indi¬
rect approach to e«eeaa the daalgn parame¬
pR-f[ 23 M*PT ]Q-5
neaaurenent of the lateral atreaa on the following three categories; * ,-vo
* 16
cone shaft (Ballgh et al., 198}; Ho-
rlason, 1984; Huntsman, 1983; Huntsman
- The solution of a mora or laaa complex
boundary value problem can lead to the
ters of cohealonlese and cohesive deposits
from SPT' a » CPT'a and OTT'e.
N$pr "SPT resistance in blows/30 cm, and
etal., 1986; Jeffarlea and Jonaaon,
1986; Bruzal, 1987).
of atreaa-atraln and
charactaristica. All soil
oÿQ - effective overburden stress acting
at the depth of the SPT teatÿ
- Vibratory Cone (V-CPT) , which creetea
the hope for evaluating the suscep¬
elements strained during the test follow
vary similar affective stress paths.
4 IHITIAL STATE PARAMETERS expressed in bars (lbar-98.1 kPa).

tibility of cohealonleaa depoalte to Therefore, with appropriate eeeuatptlona All geotechnlcal analyses and especially The GH correlation has been obtained for
liquefaction (Snakl et al., 1984; about the drainage conditions during the those which, more or less rigorously, clean predominantly silica sands. By ana¬
Bruxil, 1987). teet and tht atraas-straln rslatlonshlp overcome the limitations of linear isotro¬ logy with what has been ascertained for
- Praaaio-Cooa, also called Full-Displace¬
which comblnaa the
ment Presauremeter,
of the tasted soil, It la possible to
evaluate deforms don and strength cba-
pic alaaticity and rlgld-plastlc beha¬
viour require knowledge of the initial
the CPT performed In sands (Schmertmann,
1976; Baldi et al.,1985; 1986; Jamiolkow-

264 265
c c
ÿkl «C it., 1945), b,c»u«« chlfl corrill* CONE WERttTANCg <fc<MPa>
In the last flftaan years, comprehen¬
tlon 1* r.f.rr.d Co lta application CA~
warn las rears sive sarles of CC tests have bean perfor¬
fhould bo roatrlctod to noraolly ÿ OOlfllSSl FILL «1y med on numerous uncrushable and moderately
conoolldatod (HC) oondo. Tho use of chl* ÿ KAWWÿSHl-CHO »*y cruahable silica sands with the ala to
cortolotlon In ovorconaolldotod (OC)
6 NUOATA BAND >«<* validate and Improve the existing cor¬
•onds loodo Co on ovorootlaato of cho In-
A NNQATA SAND >w* relations between qc and engineering para¬
•ltu Dg, unlooo
•correction elnller to
cho ono euggoetod by Skoepton (1944) la 0 SZ(W&L SANCf* meters of sends.
<*>WIHCONlOUDATED This effort yielded e series of Dg va
adoptad. Sirica tha rod anargy achlavad
during tha Glbba and Holta (1957) CC taata ÿ correlations (Schmertmsnn, 1976; Baldl
et si., 1983; 1963; 1986; Lancellotts,
la unknown, It la lapoaalbla to account
1983) obtained on pluvlelly deposited, u-
for tha Influence of the apaclflc driving F-FINE SANO O«o < 04mm I nsged snd uncemented sands. Regarding the¬
procedure uaad during the SPT (Seed at Ic-icmqaÿfw gp't.immJ se correlations the following comments ap-
al. ,1944; Saad and Da Alba, 1946; 1 » ply:

skeapton, 1946). Thla rapraaanta an addi¬
a. These correlations have been worked
tional uncertainty when evaluating Dg. TlCmO SAND -~-9CHMEmTMANN(OT»)
Fig, 1 Influence of aging on Standard out under the assumption that for a given
b. Tha Pack and Bazaraa (1969) correla¬ sand tha qc la mainly controlled by the
tion corraaponda to tha upper llalt of Penetration Resistance of NC sands Cp.m ; C, aO 51 : Cj- 2 73 ; Qo 4 Ovo <kPm>
level of tha consolidation stress tensor
Dg f CgpjiOÿ) for denae coaraa quater¬
nary aanda dapoalta. Otharwlae, all othar
(Adapted fro* Skenpton, 1966)
snd by the relative density. Other factors Fig,3 Dÿ versus qÿ for NC sands
like degree of saturation, strses end
coaaanta already Mentioned In tha caaa of
strain history (with the exception of
the GH correlation apply.
" •5- A_ B* Incrosim of oÿQ as result of the the following equation which fitted, very
t c. Marcuaon and Blaganouaky'a (1977, [ VBY LOOM OgNBt mechanical overconMolldMtlon, which satisfactorily, 124 CC tests performed on
1977a) corralatlon (KB) obtained in fine MXXC
Ml (Nl>a0-O concurs to the value of the relevent NC TS:
and coaraa aanda la tha only one that at- Mows/foot stress Censor), and environmental factors

cenpta to taka Into account tha influence
of OCR . In thla caaa tha level of tha rod
"«ÿ>«> ,
(cementation, aging, etc.) ere assumed to
play a secondary rola (saa Hansen, 1976).
<JC - <V<»vo>Cl ••*P«=2 »r) <"•> <*>

energy la known, leading to an energy ra¬
tio ER » 43* (gR-actual rod enargy/theo-

FOR 0M»39K - However on the basis of tha conclusions
reached by Skempton (1966) regarding the
wh.r»: C0
172; C j 0.51 and
are esiplrical constant, and
- C2 - 2.73

ratlcal anargy).
d. The GH end HB correlaclone have been
aeon cosnse SANoe nÿ, should m mcucxd SPT, the above postulatlons must be criti¬ oÿ0 - affective overburden stress in situ,

C' aatabllahad on tha baaia of CC taata par-

forued on aaaplaa reconatltutad In tha la¬
cally reconsidered; in fact, analogously
with what Is observed in the case of the the
or the axial consolidation
mldhelgbt of the CC sample
strese at

boratory. Recent ra-analyala by Skanpton •

FOR FINE SANDS Ny, SHOULD BE WCRCA8ED SPT, one may suppose the Dg vs qc correla¬ (kPa)
The seme tquetlon, applied to 41 CC tests
M THE RATIO M. tion is also Influenced by aging.
(1986) of tha available SFT'a parforned In
If this is true, the Dg vs qc correlations performed on semples of Hokksund sand
HC natural and nan-nada aand dapoalta,
obtained on freshly deposited clean sands (HS), yielded; C0-88, and C1-0.33
where ER, Dg and age of tha dapoalta ara
known, euggaata that the empirical rela¬
tione aa tha one given by eqn.(l) nay be
Fig. 2 Revised Terzaghi-Peck classification
(1948) for NC sands
(Adapted from Skenpton, 1986)
will laad to an ovarestlmatlon of Dg when
applied to natural sand daposlts.
relations ere
the above mentioned cor¬
C2 3.57. Sincereferenced to they ap¬
b. On the other hand, it must be ply to NC sanda only.
Influenced by aging. Thla phenomenon la d. The uae of eqn.(2) in OC deposits
pointed out that tha same correlations
reflected In tha Incraaaa of tha ratio: leads to sn overestimate of Dg, with the
will cause an underastlmatlon of Dg if
applied to more crushable and compressible magnitude increasing with increasing OCR.
- a ÿ b (1a) •. All the evelleble Dg va Ngpj. corre¬
lations have been eetabllsbed for predomi-
•and* than thoee used in CC research, or
to aanda containing
mora than 5 to 10%
To make such a correlation appllcabla to
both NC snd OC sands, it is necesesry to
replace in eqn.(2) with the mesn
nantly elllea aanda. Their uae in more c. Keeping in mind the above considera¬ effective stress o By applying this form
with Increasing tha eg* of the NC dapoalc,
crushable and compressible sends, like tions, It is possible to sujmaarlz* as fol¬ of fitting equation to the 228 CC tasts
*«* Fig.ii In thia cut;
oalcar«oua sanda or avan silica sands con¬ lows the Dg vs qc correlations resulting performed on both NC and OC samplaa of TS,
fÿll 60 *" SFT blow/count for ER-60%r norma¬ taining a non- negligible amount of final, from the Italian CC resaarch. Pig. 3 gives one flnda:
lized with respect to 1 bar.
On the basis of thsse findings „ on* can
argue that tha uaa of the existing Dg vs
ÿay laad to an underas tlmate of Dg (Tat-
suoka at al. X970)
f . the Dg vs qc through correlation as
obtsinad In modarataly crushable silica
C0 205, 0.51,
- C2
ting curves relating Dg to qc through ÿ
2.93. The resul¬

correlations aatabllehed on tha

f. In Fig.2 Tarzaghl and Pack's (1948) Tlclno Sand (TS). Tha same figure shows a are shown in Fig.4.
*SPT baala classiflcstion for NC silica sanda aa ra- similar correlation worked out by Analogously, on the bails of 67 CC tests'
of CC tssta can laad to an overestimate of
ln-altu Dg In all aand deposits sacapt. vlaad by Skampton (1966) Is given so that
one cen refer to the normalized SPT blow/
Schmertmsnn (1976) on the basis of CC
tssts performed on 6 different sands.
performed on both NC snd OC samples of HS,
one obtains:
rtcsncly men-aede fills. count, (NÿgQ. The Dg
-f (qÿ ÿ0) tot TS la given by

266 267
c c (
(ÿ> FMCI
i r f 11
(/MM* 20 30 SO
M-$ GUB8 t MOLTZ ( «M)
ÿWL-urn OCLOW Gt

( 1 t/ffi M 10 kPa ev
E vs
-i v e
O s v
OA NO •s ÿ
S V * d"-5ÿio[BlS«oLA«]
3 HOAKtOND s • * V
X Co- *06 : c, ; 0,-2*3 ;ÿ*fl£,CkPe> v HILTON tMHt ev
ÿ lancellotta <im3> (mifg s)

Fig,4 D_
versus q
, for NC and OC Ticino -
I 1 I I M Ml s

• V
sand V ÿ

All above Rtntloiiid vi qc

correlations Fig. 5 Correlation between 0™ and qc
have been developed after qc measured in through a' (Lancellotta, 1903)
the CC was corrected for the chaaber ai2e for NC sands Fig.6 Relative density of Po River sand from SPT's and CPTrs
effect (Parkin and Lunne, 1982; Jamlol-
kovski et el., 1985; Eld, 1987). • At leaet In principle, the
Lancellotta (1983) [for etore details sea
DR ve qc cor¬
relations obtained with laboratory sand
.1 Jmmlolkovski et si, (1985)], using results specimens should lead to the value of Dg
re (Au), and only modest changes of the The proposed correlation# are:
of 144 CC testa performed on five diffe¬ in agreement with GH values also obtai¬
rent NC sends, worked out the correlation
between and ÿ through ÿ shown In
Fig. S. This correlation allows one to
estimate the uncertainties Involved In the
ned in the freshly deposited sands.
This is Indeed true In the first 17 m of
depth, below that depth the values of
\ f match well with those yiel¬
horizontal effective stress are noticed
(Cenpanella et al., 1985; Ballgh et al.,
1985; Korisson, 1984).
After the complete dissipation of the
Induced pore pressure, Au, the effective

<0.5 Kjj)
- 0.6 W

evaluation of Dg from qc measurements. ded by Skempton's (1986) correlations

& compare values of Dg from different

which ere valid for aged natural NC
horizontal stress acting on the In- situ
device cen be equal to or higher than eÿo'
depending on the stress -strain- strength
with the latter being valid for solla
ving 1D s 1.2.

correlations between Dg and penetration The reasons for such an apparent discre¬
characteristics, sensitivity and stress
test results, a reference study was made pancy are not known. The empirical natu¬ Eqn.(5) results from eqn.(4) based on the
re of the correlations used and the lo¬ history of the soil.
of the quaternary deposit of the Po River assumption that normalized behaviour "a la
After drained penetration (Au-0) Into
silica sand. For this geotechnically well cal eoll variability might be reeponsi- SHANSEP" (Ladd and Foott, 1974) applies.
cohesionless soil, the effective
investigated deposit, reliable results of ble for this. The equations have been validated against
horizontal stress surrounding ths devics
SPT'a with rod energy measurements end of the results of laboratory tests in soft
CPTTJ's ere avelleble (Bellottl et al., In conclusion, the Dg va penetration
increases to a value *hp
r ho* For and medium to stiff uncemented clays
given soil, the magnitude of ("ho'ÿhoÿ
1986; Bruxsl et al., 1986). Fig.6 gives resistance correlations suffer at preeent (Harchetti, 1980; Lacasse and Lunne,
depends on and effective confining
the valuee of Dg for Po River send as from some uncertainties linked with the 1988). This validation, however, is hampe¬
stresses. In dense soil the oS may tend
obtained by means of the different Ngpj fact that all of them have been establi¬ red by the fact that the real in- situ va¬
to decrease with time, due to the
and qÿ va Dg correlations from which the shed on freshly deposited sends and due to lue of K0 is unknown end the values of the
relaxation phenomenon. obtained from
following Information of practical Inte¬
rest can be inferred:
the fact that by referencing them to
their applications are, strictly speaking,
The above stated soil -penetrometer in¬
preconsolidation stress o £
oedometer testa, which concur with the re¬
teraction illustrates the difficulties
- The GH correlation yields Dg valuta correct only in NC unaged sand deposits.
faced when trying to infer the parameters
ference values of OCR, are affected to va¬
about 8 to 10% higher than thoee resul¬ The tsntatlves to Infer oÿlt> (eÿ0) and/ riable degrees by sample disturbance.
describing the initial state (K0,i7j30,OCR)
ting from the formulee suggested by or OCR from the results of the penetration The experience gained seems to Indicate
of soil deposits from any kind of pe¬
Skempton (1986) for NC natural sand tests are quite recent and are atill at a that:
netration test.
deposits. In the case that the GH cali¬ preliminary stage of validation. «. Eqns. (4) and (5) tend to overestima¬
As far as cohesive deposits are concer¬
bration chamber teste hsve been csrrlsd The insertion of the penetration tool te both K0 and OCR in clays (1ÿ1.2) ha¬
ned, only the DMT (Harchetti, 1980;
out with BR < 60%, as one would expect , into the eoil changes drastically the geo-
Marchettl and Crapps, 1981) offers an
ving KD>8 .
the comperlson between GH and Skempton etatic stress conditions. In case of un- Lacasse and Lunne (1988) in the peper pre¬
empirical approach to evaluate both K0 and
(1986) correlation would lead to an even dralned penetration in saturated cohesive sented at this symposium suggest some mo¬
OCR as function of Horizontal Stress
larger difference. deposits, this change Is mainly reflected difications to the correlations under di¬
Index, Kq, end Materiel Index, 1ÿ.
In a large increase in excess pore pressu- scussion.

268 269
c c c
b. AC praaant , tha iui of thooo corra- These late tertiary or early quaternary shoro: Another possibility of evaluating tha
latlons should bo roacrlctod to aofc and alcroflssured clay deposits OCR,DMT overconsoildationretlo estimated OCR of fully saturated cohesive deposits
Mdlua to atlff uacaaantad clays. Furthai
»p»®y0 due to erosion of tha overburden from DMT using eqn.(5), and originates from an indication by Ballgh at
azparlBsntal work will ba raqulrad to
sxtand. If poaalbla, tba uas of tha DMT to
and ceaantatlon by calclua carbonate. The
chronological sequence In which the two
OCR - overconeolidation ratio uClsitod
f rem tha end- of- primary consoll*
al. (1980) that the pore pressure measured
during undralned cone penetration may re¬
aaseas K0
and OCX In hard and vary hard preconsolldation aachanlsas have acted la dat ion oidoMUr curve using Ce- flect In some way the stress history of a
hsavlly OC claya. unknown. By restricting the coaparleon to sagrande's (1936) procedure. deposit. This specific topic la covered by
the case when Iq s 1.2, one obtains; s lecture presented at this symposium by
contribute Co this specific aspect
To For theae cleys having a aieilar age, Cempsnslla and Robertson (1968). For fur¬

of tha problea, the resulta of both labo¬ Taranto clay; OCRÿ/OCR 0.§J±0.22 stress history, cementation and fabric end ther details regarding the potential and
ratory and dllatoaeter taste performed Augusta clay: OCRÿ/OCR 1.J2T0.17 referring to teat# on samples having the the limitations of this approach see also
racantly on two hard to very hard heavily ÿaw degree of disturbances the DMT on a* Wroth (1984), Ballgh (1985a), Battaglio at
OC ceaented Italian clay deposits (Augusta varage underestimates OCR by 15% in Taran¬ al, (1986) and Robertson (1986).
and Taranto) ara given In Tables 1 and 2, to clay and overestimates OCR by 30% In Other newly developed penetration tools
Augusts clay. Considering the inherent Ilka PLSC (Ballgh at al., 1985; Moriaaon,
difficulties and uncertainties connected 1984) and the low* Stepped Blade (Handy et
Tabla 1. Laboratory *» DMT raaulta in Taranto illty-alay. with the assessment of OCR, the results al., 1982), have the potential to evaluate
yislded by DMT's In Taranto and Augusta to medium cleya, but
"ho Ko ln
claya look promising, and further valida¬ their discussion is beyond the scope of
4 oca"" aP"
BR/8 D«l>tb 0'
ÿ7 n cu a*
Fo P1 if U
tion of the device in similar soli depo¬ this lecture.
uu u sits is encouragsd (see example shown In In coheelonleee soils, attempts have
Flg-7). been recently mada to correlate the
from to
kP/e3 Despite the present uncertainties lin¬ acting on the penetration tools after pe¬
- - - - - -
__ ___
t Bo. B a kN X kPa KPa HP a t X KPa MPa
ked with the assessment of the K0 and OCR netration with "ho This Implies at laaat

--- --- ---

»* l/l 2.3 3.1 5*.S 10.0 39.0 763 26.6 4* 1.1* 2.77 20.6 1.43 R.A.
values from DMT results, this teat gives a qualitative understanding of the factors
0.1 113.1 16.0 26.7
0.3 136.6 16.6 *2.7
26.3 33 1.21 2.03 10.6 1.42 R.A.
26.6 38 *.46 3.01 13.7 0.37 0.52 _ an useful qualitative information on the upon -
which the difference (<rÿp ffÿ0)
- -

11.3 166,* 16.7 26.7
6.1 106.0 20.1 30.7
303.1 1.77
- 23.3 3* 2- *6 4.20 13.1 0.72 0.56 atress history of the deposit through the depends. Theae factors can be grouped as
33.3 26.3 3* 1.01 1.63 9.4 0.62 0.53 0.60 1.40 which exhibits a trend follows:
3/3 7.0 7.6 121.6 16.4 20.7 232.1 1.40 12.3 26.3 26.3 3* 1.21 1.91 6.0 0.36 0.77 Ko vs depth profile
-( 3/4
0.3 6.1 136.4 20.0 30.6
10.0 10.6 131.1 21.0 27.1
302.1 2.20 16.7
463.0 -3 13 20.7
27.0 32 1.43 2.24 10.3 0.36 0,77
27.3 37 1.75 2.79 11.2 0.61 0.59
similar to that of OCR.

3/6 11.3 12.1 163.6 20.6 22.3 463.0 -3.27 16.7 66.3 27.0 36 2.21 9.44 12.0 0.57 0.77 0.63 1.39
3/11 22.0 22.6 366.6 20.4 23.2 676.4 3.12 11.6 34.0 24.0 30 2.62 4.17 10.2 0.45 0.67 1.10 2.09 DMT
3/11* 22.0 22.6 266.6 20.3 23.2 076.4 2.73 10.2 OCR
*6.6 24.0 30 2.62 4.17 10.2 0.45 0.67
3/12* 26.3 27.1 312.6 20.3
3/1* 33.3 30.1 *01.2 20. fe 26.4 0*3.6 4.61 12.3
- - <ÿ*.44 13.8 106.6
- -
3.2S 4.07 0.7 0.47
*6.3 33 4.06 3.62 6.4 0.41 0.72
0. 91
3/4 9.0 0.6 113.0 16.0 27.0 200.0 1.62 14.2 27.7 23.0 33 0.37 1.31 3.2 3.70 R.A. ÿ OMT
0.30 2.16
y* 13.6 14.2 130.0 20.0 23.2 473.6 2.13 14.7 61.5 20.3 36 0.60 1.60 3.6 1.74 b.a. 0.20
it6 17.3 16.1 107.2 20.3 26.0 2.97 13.0 36.6 CMS OEDOMETER TESTS
20.3 32 1.60 2.34 7.3 0.65
0.30 1.21
{ H.i.L.J *6.0, 03.1, 2.3 RESPECTIVELY I 1-1. BB-3 and BH-3;
OL ÿ

: OOMSTXAUtD HGXWLOS AT 9.9 • #' ; •


Tabla 2. Laboratory *» DMT raaulta in Ausaata clay.

ÿ »
RB/O c
M z«co po P1 u
Cu OCR ***

kP* »H/m kPa k»a kPa l*i I X kPa kPa - - - -

/I 3.3 3.6 61;* .
31.1 |l90 3 120.1 764.0 6.6 11.3 14.0 31 777.4 1191.6 9.3 0.53 0.93 1.13 2.55
/I* 3.3 3.6
61.* 31.1 130.3 120.1 633.6 10.2 13.7 21.0 51 777.4 1161.8 9.3 0.33 - 1 08 2.10
/2 7.0 7.6 07.1 131.6 1*2.2 632.0 6.0 16.0 21.0 34 1044.0 1334.9 10.4 0.51 1.10 1 30 2. 29
/4 12.6 13.6 1*1,3 *0.3 1334.3 11273.3 6.0 21.6 IB. 5 31 1640.1 2291.2 11. 1 0,39 1.19 1.61 2.37
/4** 12.0 12.0 1*1.3
1/6 17.0 7.0 103.
,*1.3 23*. 3
30.3 131.3
1*22.3 10.0 24.0 16.3
7.6 20.0 21.0 30
1640.1 2201.2
1019, 2469.7
11. 1 0.30
6 1 0.39 1.40
- 1.45 2.31
1.33 2.63
'1/6* 17.0 17.6, 133.4
|l/6 123.0 123.6 1236. Oi
30.3 161.3
1.3 21.6 21.0 30
0.1 21.1 16.3 60
1016.0 2469 . 7
2130.6 2632.9
6.1 0.39 -
7.3 0 .40 1.49
1.23 2.51
1.29 2.05
• CBS OQXHtm TESTS; Fig. 7 Straaa hiatory of cemented 0C Augusta clay from DMT


270 271
( c (
- Material d«p«ndin(a i.«. (Tiding, ilna- Based on the results of DHT's performed the earns mean affective stress. The STATE PARAMETER FOR**1 CO TEST BANDS
ralogy, ihipi of grain*, etc . In CC on pluvlally deposited specimens of
meaning of this parameter is illustrated
- Strut level d*p*nd*nt, i.t. mui conto-
lldatlon ttr***, *h**r strain iaval,
TS end HS (Baldl et el., 1986a), It was
possible to establish the following
In Fig.9.
etc, tive correlation between
tenta¬ The parameter +
reflects the combined
on the
Kfl end Kn: Influence of both e, or Dj, and
- Fabric dependent, I.e. anlaotropy, ce¬
behaviour of the coheslonless soil.

mentation, etc .
Geometry dependent, i.e. physical dimen¬
K0 - Di + D2 Kd + 03 %/aÿ0 <6) The value of allows discrimination
between contractive > 0) and dllatetive
sions of the penetration tool, position where :
< 0) behaviour of soil and generally
where ohp is aeasured, etc. - cone
empirical constants, and corralates well with the behaviour of
Considering the large number of paraae-
qc - where resistance
the depth
Kq hee bean
at coheaionleaa aoila at or close to failure MEAN NORMAL 9TRE88
ters lapllcated and keeping In mind the measured.
For pluvlally deposited sands tested
<#'. V Pe. P0-Pi. Kd. etc.); see Been et Fio.9 State parameter for sand
complexity of the deep penetration pro¬ in (1987), Jefferiee and
al. (1986), Konrad
the CC, the empirical constants have the
cess, particularly in coheslonless soils, Joneson (1966). To correlate ÿ and other
the difflcultiee involved in the numerical
following values: engineering parameters for different
or analytical evaluation of (ÿp"tfhoÿ ar#
evident. Under these conditions,
Interpretation procedure* available at
*11 Dx - 0.376; D2 - 0.095 end Dj - -0.0017.
sands, it was suggested to normalize ÿ
with respect to (•B*x"*iiinÿ or Co -oa#
limiting negative or positive value of the 0
X FOR TS: 5s - 1.35 eicp(- SOS#)

present to assess
Usp of eqn.(6) in the Po River sand, vhe - state parameter (Hlrd and Hassans,
1986; o
<rho or K0 using re oÿ0 can be est lastad from the SBPT'a X
penetration devicee (Marchettl, 1965; Been and Jeffarles, 1986; Konrad, 1987),
and on the basis of the geological infor¬
Huntsman, 1965; Robertson, 1986s) ere with: 8
ÿpurely empirical.
Marchettl (I960), on the basis of limited
mation (Baldl et el. 1986a; Bruzzl et
al. 1986), atlll overpredicta
KQl BaxiKUB vold ratio 1 of the
emax- minimum test i
To eliminate this discrepancy (Baldl et void ratio j sand 5
** experience, postulated that eqn. (4) might
be also applicable to sends. el. 1986a), it was arbitrarily decided to
search by trial and error for a multiplier
Fig. 10 presents the plot of the dilato¬
l»» Further CC tests and flsld experience
led to the conclusions that this empirical
formula largely overestimates the value of
of D3 eo that the Kc
f (Kp) from eqn.(6)
would coincide with "a beet estimate" of
meter amplification factor Kq/K0 vs V
obtained for TS end HS from 56 CC teste.
-I K0 in dense and very dense sends and can
Kq in-
situ. This led to
tentative equation at¬
In this figure K0 represents the coeffi¬
cient of earth pressure at rest measured

underestimate it In loose sands, see
Fig.8. This induced Schmertmann (1981) and tempting to predict KQ of natural sand during the one-dimensional straining of
deposits becomes: STATE PARAMETER. f
Marchetti (1985) to propose a new the CC specimen.
From this figure It appears that Kq/Kq
correlation which accounts for the value
(*hp"*ho> chrou8h the ratio of qj/oÿ0 or K0 - 0. 376+0.095 Kp-0.0046 qc/oÿQ (6a) correlates quite well with f and that the Fig. 10 Dilatometer amplification tactor

qÿ/eÿwhere qD unit base realstence of
the dilatometer wedge). Thle gives a ten¬
Eqn. (6a) should be view as an attempt to
cake Into account the influence of aging
relationship between these two parameters
can be successfully fit by SMans of the
from CC testa

tative approach to account for the in¬ following formula: Table 3 gives the correlation between qc
and other environments! factors not repro¬
fluence of end end ÿ and qD and ÿ as obtained for TS and
on the measured Kp.
duced during CC teste. This formula repre¬
sents, at present, the beet available ten¬
Kq/K0 a exp (m *) (7) HS. With the help of these correlations,
one can attempt to solve a system of two
tative procedure to assess, at
qualitatively, the
K0 from DMT' s in
natural uncemented silica sands. Its use
a, m
empirical coefficients. equations in two unknowns for ÿ and K0
(Jefferies and Jonsson, 1986).
In principle, eqn. (7) offers the possibi¬ At present, the above mentioned possi¬
HQKKBUNO BAND in practice should, however, be subjected
to further validation based on field
lity of evaluating KQ -f (Kq.P), but use
in practice la hampered by the fact that
bilities to obtain KQ —
f (Kp, ÿ) repre¬
sent nothing else then a tentative Idea to
measurement* and additional CC taste.
calculation of ÿ requires assessment of ÿ rationalize the evaluation of K0 on the
An alternative and probably a mora ra¬
which in turn Implies knowledge of K0. basis of DMT results in sends. The basic
tional correlation between Kq and
KQ might To proceed further along this line, It idee behind this approach is that the va¬
be developed by correlating the
Kp/K0 ra¬ becomes necessary to eat -up a second rela¬ lue of # should be linked with the magnl-
tio, called the amplification factor (Jef-
tionship between ÿ and the result of other Cud. of ("hp -"ho) ÿ

ferles end Joneson, 1986) , to the state in-situ teste. An attempt in this di¬ recently developed LS-CPT (Hunt¬
parameter ÿ (Been and Jeff erles, 1985).
DaCX) rection was tried by Jefferiee and Jonsson sman, 1985; Huntsman et al., 1986; Jeffe¬
The state parameter who used as ths second equation the corre¬ ries and Jonsson, 1986) is en electrical
Fig. 8 Kq"1 VS measured KQ of Ticino sand of the material at a given
represents the
difference in the current void ratio, e, lation between qc and +
reported by Been CPT tip which incorporates a transducer or
and the void
using original Marchetti correlation (1980) ratio on the Steady State Line, e„, at
at al. (1986). load cell on or just behind the friction

272 273
Tabl. 1. Inatucloii ruliunet va It«t«
c c
ptliMttr: <q--B> /
# «Cata para atar

Since the appearance of the penetration

- Followed effective stress path re-
flsctlng both soil anlsotropy snd pla¬
behaviour of sands been combined with a
larga number of accumulated experimental
sticity. evidence to provide a rational outlook
taate, tha anglnaare have been atteapting
Sand Resi¬
a a N R Not*
to aaaeaa the deformation
- Time factor which, by phenomena like for the reliability and limitations of
such correlations. These findings,
viscous hardening (aging) snd creep In of
ce end/or Battlement of structures from their
shear, influences the soil stress-strain great practical interest, may be
results (Terxaghl and Peck, 194$; De Beer,
Tlcino qD 44.5 -7.7 36 0.90 NC+OC 1948; Hayerhof, 1956). This approaoh ia characteristics. Busnarlzed as follows:
Hokkeund of Therefore, the correct and safe use of a. The influence of overconsolidatlon
9C 37.0 -9.J 67 0.95 NC+OC great practical interest in
Tlcino 30. a -a. a 201 0.90 HC+OC cohesionleae correlations between penetration resistan¬ on e cohesionless soil can be divided into
"c and other soil deposits where
undisturbed ces and soil moduli presented below are two factor*. The first one is the strain
-- cone resistance
total near acreaa
sampling la still impossible,
or not coat effective. However, as
subordinated, at least qualitatively, to
the skill of the engineer to account for
hardening of the material produced by the
accumulated plastic strain. The second one
ned before, interpretation of
ÿ - effective ÿean atraaa (kPa) testing
in- situ
suffers froa many limitations
all the factora mentioned above. corresponds to an increase in for a
N - dllatometer
number of CC teats
wedge resistance
which make tha assessed deformation
The use of penetrometers to assess ths
deformation moduli of cohesive deposits is
given level of and Is rssponslble for
the well known fact that Kÿ, with;
(kPa) character 1stice very difficult to be

practically limited to the correlation f (OCR) (aa# Ladd at al. , 1977 and
- correlation coefficient linked to the relevant drainage conditions
and stress or strain level of the specific
between dllatometer modulus and tha
constrained modulus H, proposed by Mar-
Jamiolkovskl at al., 1985). This last
factor Is conventions lly linked with only
project, this renders correlations between
chettl (1980). The drained soil modulus mechanical overconsolldetion only (Evmn If
(iaava which panic* penetration resistances and
aaaauraaant of tha deformation (M) la correlated to the undralned dllato¬ a recent work by Jfeari and Cmstro (19B7)
total lateral atraaa acting on tha char actor latics of soils purely empirical,
meter expansion which occurs in soil alre¬ shows that in clmym K0 increases with
panatroaatar ahaft. Slaultanaoua aaaaura- falling Into the third category ia Section aging/ while the plastic hardening of the
ady strained by the blade penetration,
» aant of tha pora praaaura at tha aaaa lo¬ 3b.
indicating the highly empirical nature of soil appears as a consequence of all types
cation whara la aaaaurad allow* eva¬ deformation character istics of this correlation. Despite this problem, of preconsolldatlon mechanisms, i.e.
luation of tha poat-penetratlon valua of •oils are generally defined using the lavs
available experience (Marchettl, 1980; aging, cementation, deseication, low
. la known. It night ba poaal-
Once of continuum mechanics, usually under
the Schmertmsnn, 1986; Lacesae snd Lunne, strain cyclic straas history Induced by
u* bla to ralata the LS-CPT amplification
factor "hpÿ'ho wlch 4, or It" normallzad
assumption that the material behaves as a
linear elastic isotropic material. More
1988) suggests that ths DMT allows the earthquakes and wind loadings, etc.
b. Small and large scale
•I prediction, with en ecceptable degree of (CC)
recently, by virtue of vast experimental
value J, In order to aatlnata hence precision, of the tangent constrained mo¬ laboratory teats have shown that while all
o£0, evidence, geo technical engineers are leas
dulus st the the vertical ÿ tress equal to kinds of deformation moduli are strongly
cj* In the ceea of the LS-CPT, ell conanta
prevlouely made regarding the MfT apply.
reluctant to refer to the more realistic
linear elastic cross anisotropic model
This appears to be especially true in
soft end medium to stiff deposits having N
influenced by both plastic hardening and
penetration resistances are Influen¬
(Lekhnltzkil, 1977; Vroth end Houleby, ced by the current level of o£0 and remain
In both caaaa Che uea of tha aapllflce- 1985) . < 20 MPs.
tlon factor* va correlation* In order to The existing H vs Ep correlation might almost lnsenaltiva to the effect of the
Its use in every day practice is however sccumulated plastic strain. This indicates
aaaaa* the be leas reliable for highly OC very stiff
"ho and Kq of tha sand deposits hampered by the difficulties to determine that large strains caused by the penetra¬
In- tltu requires further rt»i«rch and va¬ to hard cemsntad clays, as it emerges from
experimentally the relevant five indepen¬ the data concerning the Augusta and Tar an- tion of the devices like SPT, CPT, DMT.
lidation. dent elastic constants.
Additional uncertainties whan at¬ to clays shown in Tables 1 and 2. In these etc., mostly obliterate tha effects of
Even accepting the simplifications in¬ stress end strain history in tha soil
tempting to esses* oÿ0 and KQ froa the Tables Che reference oedometer modulus
volved with the use of elastic models for surrounding ths penetrometer. This
reeulta of penetration tea to eriee froa corresponds to K evaluated far bayond aÿQ
determining tha deformation characteri¬ (the influence of the sample phenomenon has been observed in the
the faot that tha distribution of (LS- at 0.9
stics of soils, this should implicitÿ epeclal CC teets for: Dynamic Cone
CPT) and p0 (DMT) along the ahaft or tha disturbance he* been reduced by an unloa¬
Imply ths followed effective stress path Penetration Test /According to tbm writer#
penetration davlce seems to be highly non ding- reloading loop performed starting at
remains Inside the stress space outlined mil flndLngg regarding DCFT mpplimm
homogeneous (Campaualia and (2 to 3) ?v0)]- Despite this assumption,
Robertson, by the current yield surface (Schofleld
1981; Hughe* and Robertson, 198S). Thle results from Marchettl's (1980) procedure qualitatively mlmo to SPT] by Hebaba
end Vroth, 1968; Roacoa and Burland, 1968;
tdplc require* additional reaaarch with Atkinson end Bransby, 1978).
lead to N®*" values higher then those (1984), Clayton et al. (1985), (1986). CPT
;th» *!ÿ of eatabllahing the optimum geome¬ Inferred froa oedometer tests. by Lambrechts and Leonards (1978),
Actually tha deformation characteri¬ Jamiolkowskl et al. (1985), Bellottl et
try of penetration tool* tiaed to invest1- Much wider and more relevant to the
stics of a given soil depend on; el. (1966), Baldl et el. (1985), (1986)
gate horizontal atresa axle ting in the engineering practice is the use of pene¬
• Streee and strain history of the deposit
ground prior to penetration. tration resistance vs soil deformation and for DMT by Baldl et al. (1966a). These
intended in the broadest sense of the Important facts can ba inferred from
modulus correlations in coheaionleaa
term (Jamlolkowskl at *1., 1985).
results of the special CC teats summarized
- Current level of the mean affective
deposits (D'Appolonia st al. 1968; D'Ap-
polonle and D'Appolonia, 1970; Schmert- in Fig. 11 and 12.
mann, 1970, 1978; Parry, 1971, 1977, 1978; e. The results of CC teats show that
• Induced level of shear strain. all kinds of penetration resistances ere
Mitchell end Gardner, 1975). Only in the
last dscsda, however, has a be tear theore¬ more sensitive to c£0 than to the cÿQ.
tical understanding of the stress- strain Clayton et al. (1985) report qualitatively

274 275
( c i — I I


Qc foci it*l °c*


e (23i

M NC (« 13) (•)

* |SAND 08 8 8 ®1
* ¥ '-
V ¥

oÿihRa) D„(X)

<a Fig. 12 Effect of preatraining on DCPT (30) NUMBER OF CKop TfUAXIAL CONFESSION
(Adapted from: Clayton et al.*, 1985; Cÿi-MEAN EFFECTIVE STRESS <•> 2 ( OCR C 0
Leonards et al.9 1986) I I
Fig. 15 Young modulus vs cone resistance
9 aau Table 4. Empirical coefficients C to C- Co-H.4* ; C,e-0l1tt . 0,-0.313 kPe .
C3-~U23 ; R-OS9
in Ticino sand

»' in the formula .,.(8)*. ° py-lberastt.1

Fig. 13 M versus qc correlation for Ticino

Sand C
o ci C2 C3 Ho. R2 sand (Jamiolkowski , 1966) Table 5. Average Axial Strain correspond¬
ing to Young's Moduli in Fig* -14 and 15.
N„ .NUMBER OF UNLOADING AC LOADING CYCLES Tlclno 220 0.065 0.440 2.93 228 0.93

Hokksund 149 0.140 0.400 3.38 64 0.96

Sand OCR <••>15 **0*25 (,aJ50
Fig. 1 1 Effect of prestraining on results SAND NC SAND

6 »OC
of CPT and DMT in Ticino sand 6 6 »
ÿObtained from CC tests with

e. • O
0.232 0.694
ÿ E* ÿ
Tlclno 1 0.113
0.30 < E» ÿ 0 2 to 8 0.039 0.069 0.159
that the blow/count of DCPT is two times
Dr < 0.98; Tlclno
HoUcaund 1 0.152 0.316 0.939
,4 50 s a* oca 1S1 HoUtaund 2 to 8 0.036 0.060 0.215
ÿore sensitive to aÿcho
•t al. (1986), by fitting their CC test
* 800 kPe 15 i8; (3>

using q values corrected for CC alao

data for TS and US, have obtained the valuee displayed in
Analysis of the
following tapir leal equation which allows effect and B25 of OC
aeparation of the influencee of w£c and Table 5 suggests that
test senda correspond to the
'vo on th* MAfurftÿ value of qc: stiffness evaluated inside the current
(a* 1C1 (at 1C2 yield surface, while the E5q of OC sends
1c - Cof, U
' Ip« J
w. )
exp rc u j
corresponds to the tangent constrained
modulus measured et aÿ et which the pene¬
tration test in the CC specimen has been
and obviously all the NC value

reflect the elastic-plastic etiffnaes at

of E

performed. the yield surface.

with the empirical coefficients CQ The results shown In Figs. 13 through 15
thorough Cj (for px
Table 4.
1 kPe) given in The E15, E25 end E5q in Figs. 14 end 15
correspond to the drained Young's moduli
3 8 indicate the following Important trends In
tsrms of the discussed correlations:
In view of what is stated above, It obtained from the triexlel CKQD compres¬
a. The ratios M/qc end £/qc ere much
appear* obvious that, for the seae sand, a sion test* performed on the pluvlally de¬
higher for the mechanically OC sands than
unique correlation between penetration re¬ posited specimens of the teat sends. They NUMBER OF CXoD TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS
for the NC one a. This means that, without
sistance end non- linear deformation Modu¬ have been evaluated at davlatorlc stress CONSIDERED an "a priori" knowledge or assumption of
lus cannot exist. lsvels corresponding, respectively, to
the stress history of the deposit, it is
This Is confined by the resulte of the CC 15%, 25% end 50% of the failure stress. • 2<OCA<«
impossible to select a reliable value of
tests sumiiarlzed in Fig*.13 through 13. The average values of the exlsl a train 1 Young modulus vs cone resistance
Fig. 14 the design modulus vs qc ratio.
They show M vi ÿ end E vs qc correlations at which these moduli have been determined in Hokksund sand
as obtainad for TS end HS. In Fig. 13, H ere given In Table 5.

c b. The ratios K/qc and E/qc dtersiii In Merchettl (1910) and Merchettl end
dllatometer modulus which emerges from tha
Dg lncrtmi. This can be axpUimd by the Crapps (1981). The reliability of thla results shown in Fig. 18. This figure show#
dlfftrtne lnflusnc* that an liter**** In Dg
has on nodull and on qÿ, respectively. In
approach la not wall aatabllahed. mainly
because of difficulties
_M_ TB_6_OC TE5T8 the results of a test performed using the
In obtaining M»*T research dilatometer (Baldl, 1987) which
fact, while moduli Increase Mora or In* reliable reference values of K in coha- allows msasursment of both deflection and
proportionally with the increase of Dÿ, elonleae soils . Internal pressure during expansion of the
the value of Increases exponentially Despite these uncertainties and difficul¬ dllatometer membrane. The obtained
with an Increase of 4* which In turn is ties, the experimental data available experimental data are similar to those
proportional to the value of Dÿ. until now (Lacaeee. 1986; Schmartaaim, shown by Campanella et al. (1983) and
c. The same ratios also Moderately de¬ 1986; Lacaasa and lunna. 1986) look promi¬ *NCH6 allow the following comments.
pend on the level of the Been affective sing with roapoct to further field and
stress. This la evidenced In fig. 13 for laboratory validation of the correleclon • QCHfl a. The shapa of the pressure versus
deflection curve resembles a ptsssureiaetmr
the M/qc ratio and also holds true for the allowing one to evaluate M froa DMT. Thla ÿ*<*> expansion curve.
R/qc ratio. la especially true If one considers the b. The slope between A and B proportio¬
lack of cost -effectiveness of the alterna¬ Fig. 17 Measured M vs calculated M0147 from nal to ED Is one order of magnitude
The above Mentioned findings result
froa the CC tests performed on freshly
tive* .
Some Information concerning the relle-
CC tests for Ticino and Hokkaund sands smaller than the slopes of the small un¬
loading- reloading loops performed during
deposited silica sands. Further research billtyjjf Karcheett'e (1980) correlation the dlletomstar expansion.
Is necessary to find out to what extant
the findings are applicable to natural and
fog -
f <*D, Kj>, lp) in ssttds c«n be
inferred froa the roeulte of
m. The ratio of Is higher in OC
sands than In NC sends. The trend la simi¬
lar to that observed for the 6 vs qc This latter experimental evidance tends
not necessarily silica sand deposits. The performed in the CC on T5 and HS. Such to suggest that, even In en OC deposit, the
correlations presented in Figs. 14 and 13.
writers believe, however, that at least reeulte are auiaearlzed in Fig*. 16 and 17.
qualitatively similar overall trends In thla case the reference value* of the
Yet, the difference between <M/MDMT)QC
end disturbance caused by penetration of the
0 should also be expected in natural aged tangent constrained modulus K have been
(N/MDOT)1jcla smaller than the difference dllatometar blade determines the situation
between (E/qc)0C end (B/9c)Kc T*11® lndt" in which the measured ED corresponds to an
»* sands . computed for the epeciflc conditions of "elastic-plastic" behaviour of soil at the
cetee en advantage of the DMT vith respect
This is especially true as far as the in¬ every CC teet (Dj, oÿ) using the equa¬ to the CPT by virtue of the feet that con¬ current yield locue, while the slope of
fluence of the stress and atrain history
t. is concerned. The confirmation of this can
tion given by Baldl et al. (1985):
M - f (D,, OCR) which fits results of
sideration In the correlation of en addi¬
tional parameter (KD) compensates for, et
the unloading- re loading loops reflects the
"elastic" stiffness of the material.
be inferred from the methods which allow
i computation of the settlements of shallow
founds t lone in sands from the SPT, CPT and
*11 available one-dimensional coapteselon
teat* run In CC. Despite the Inherent li¬
mitations of these tests due to the feet
least partially, the obliterating effect
that the dllatoneter penetration has on
the atreee and atrain history of the sand.
6' DMT results based on observed settlements
of full-scale structures. All these me¬
that they have been performed on freshly
deposited sends , the data shown In Figs. 16
b. The M/M1ÿ* ratio decreases aa DR
\ ~T 1 1 P 1 1 1

*< thods make a clear distinction between NC

and OC sands as far as the relationship
existing between the penetration resistan*
and 17 deserve the following comments: sand the existing
decreases, suggesting that for a given
f (Eÿ, Kj>, 1ÿ)
correlation is more conservative at low
than at high relative densities. The
AB»31kPS J
j .

ce and settlement is concerned.

results of the CC tests suggest a need for /TN
Regarding the correlation! between de¬ DMT

<MPa> further improve! ant of the H
formation moduli and SPT resistance, there
Is nothing substantially new with raapact NC IS relation.
rM /
to the works by D'Appolonia at at. <1968), OC T9
In the meantime, more research is / fix
D'Appolonia and D'Appolonia (1970), Parry advocated towards the development of cor¬
(1971, 1977, 1978) axespt the valuable
relations between Ep and E in the vertical
direct approach recently proposed by Bur-
lexid and Burbrldge (1984). This area pro¬
direction because this latter parameter /a RCAEXNG j
more intimately relates to the evaluation SLOPE; AB-0.7IT
bably requires a new research effort and a 1amoao

of settlements of foundations in sands. In KL>3.73 as
critical revision of the available experi¬ this regard tha racent paper by Leonards MN-3A7 LOOPS j
mental data, «specially as far as the im¬
and Frost (1987) presents an interesting
<5P- 4.17 J 147 CSMT-I

pact of rod energy on the correlations Is 1 1 1 ÿÿ F- 1 1 1 1 1

attempt to link Eq with £2 5 suggesting

0 02 oa aa oa
that the ratio &23/ED~*23 *9"** to 0,7
The DMT allows evaluation of H as a
function of the dllatometer modulus Ep
and 3.5, respectively, in **
NC and 00

soils. Fig. 18 Typical preasu re-diaplacetoent

following Karchettl's (1980) correlation.
Further Improvements In correlations diagramme from DMT in dry Ticino sand
According to such a correlation, the Fig. 16 Constrained modulus featured in CC between non- linear deformation moduli of (Baldi, 1987)
f (Cjj, ID), when Che fonula* vs DMT modulus
allowing evaluation of cen be found
cohef Ionises soils must take into account
the physical significance of the measured

278 279
cThe tbovi «xpo««4 ftcti And the rclittd Srt« MPTM AC
SOATVFSS Table 6. Age and Grading Factors in
coHiitCl l«td to a quito negative attitude m
* % IMI

o« for oo tho rollAblllty of tho «xlicln| so s $ A» t asm TO MSPMN

Bqn.(10) -
Otha and Goto (1978).
*o TO
correlation* between penetration resistan¬ MMO M as AS T lSS&sofsat Soli Clsy Fine Me¬ Coarse Send Gra¬ a location map
ce and non-linear defomation moduli are QtOtA s ÿ Gra¬ Send dium Sand and vel -Go'qc FROM CC AND RC
concerned. A notable exception in this WW TO
ding: Send Gravel TESTS ON PLUVIALLY
T •0
1 1.09 1.07
respect Is represented by the "maximum"
dynamic shear Modulus
• a IS AS* a
asgagss fc 1,16 1.15 1.45 DEPOSITED 8:
C0 aeasurable
[resonant column test (RCT) and in- situ
no SWA
Deposit' e Holocene Pleistocene ÿ.3aip,(ÿ) exp(-te40e)

tests using seismic methods) at a shear

KrvtA •
10 1.30
strain level 7 < 10"* , eee Ohts and Goto
* m 4 a «ss
(1976, 1970), Sykora and Stokoo (1982), qc RECEIVER CONE FILTERED
Robertson and Campanalla (1982, 1984), SPT ACCORDING TO VIVATRAT
Table 7. V -Cross-hole vs V' (I07«>
Bellotti ot al. (1986), Rlx <1984) and Lo ro mvmn imo
Prestl (1987). The large number of D*-f (N«,) SM£MPTONtmee>
ÿ + 1SD Estimated
0*01* M|SIO
Site Grading Age P«A2kN/m)
available experimental data show that
G0 a of Deposit
of cohesionleas soils 1« Influenced very GMCLjc 2Jm BELOW GL,

little by the stress and atraln history of rarzeUi River Fine to 0.8410,06 Holocene
the sand. For a given coheslonlesa soli Po medium SANDS HAVING LESS
this modulus la mostly a function of the V-4017 THAN 10% OF FMEB HAVE
following variables [see Yu and Rlchart
(1984), Las and Stokoe (1986) and HI and Gloia Sand and 0.9210.11 Holocene
Tauro gravel Fig.20 Correlation of G0 vs qc from
Stokoe (1987)1, seismic cone in Po river sand
Co 1 - 'i. »b> <»> River Gravel 0.8410.14 Lover
Dora and sand Holocene
- direction
in the
propaga¬ River Gravel 0.6010.14 Holocene* - NUMBER "1
r 1
Po, TV and sand Pleistocene
tion, and Go OF DMT 11
> 1 "l
- effective TE8T8 J

i i
ÿ sent.
stress acting in the
direction of soil particle displace*
Fig. 19 Shear wave velocity from N
v, <m/eeo>
The writers are not aware to what extent
this Is due to the range of the SPT resi¬
J 13<
jO -

ti These variables Influence both N<SPT

(Ohta & Goto, 1978) SPT
stances for which the correlation has been
established or to the inadequate account

H* end q Therefore it results that both

via for the age and stress history of • OMT S IN CC IN TS
penetration resistance and G0 are two Vÿ-C (N60)017 Z° 193
fAfG («/eec) (10) ffA
the deposit. DMT<e IN PO RIVER SAND
different functions of the same variables.
This suggests that the correlations of GQ where: Analogously, Rlx (1984), Baldi et al. L. J 1

0 20 40 so SO 100
vs qc or vs might be more reliable C empirical conetant-53 5, . (1986) and Bellotti et si. (1986) have
shown that q£ can be correlated reliably Dr<X>
Z depth in meters, TIC INO BANC : FROM RCT's
results than those relating penetration with Gq. An example of such a correlation
resistances to deformation moduli at fA • factor depending on the ege of
as obtained by Baldl at al, (1986)
deposit, see Table 6, and
larger strains.
To support this point one can mention a
number of empirical correlations between
fG - factor depending
grading, see Table 6.
on the soil ccwparlng the results of GC tests snd
RCT's both performed on pluvlaily
deposited specimens of the IS is reported
Fig.21 G0vsEp for Ticino and Po river sands

Ngpj and shear velocity, Vfll developed and In Fig. 20. The same figure showe also tha In fact, In this caae one might take
used successfully In Japan (Ohaaki and The formula has the advantage of consi¬
values of resulting for the Po River advantage of the additional parameters
Ivaaakl, 1973; Ohta and Goto, 1978) and dering et least approximately both the age
send taking Into account GQ obtained from measured, trying to establish a correla¬
and the grading of the deposit; it leads, .

USA (Sykora and Stokoe, 1982; Seed, 1983; the Vg measured using ISMES's seismic cone tion similar to eqn.(10) in which
Seed et al. , 1986). for the four considered deposits, to the
(Bruxzl , 1987). f A " f <V "nd fG " f (ID>-
An example of the use of one among average ratios of estimated over mea-
The ratios of the Po River sand As an example, Fig. 21 ahows tha C0/Ed
these correlations as applied to four lured V® given In Table 7. G0/<lc values obtained in Po River sand. The same
Italian natural coheeionleae deposits Is The vÿ/vfratio reeultlng for the (having the grading and mineralogy similar
to thosa of TS) shown In Fig. 20, are for figure shows the GQ/ED ratio for TS as in¬
given In Fig. 19. It compares V$ measured four Italian natural cohee ionises deposits
sand containing less than 101 fines, in ferred from CC tests snd RCT's. Experience
using the crosshole method against V seems to indiesto that the reliability of
which CPTU penetration occurred under gained so far in correlating the G0- field
evaluated from Nÿ, using Che Ohta and the empirical correlation expresaod by
completely drained conditions. obtained from seismic methods vs results
Goto (1978) empirical formula adapted by eqn.(10) decreases with increasing age of
Preliminary experimental data available of the penetration tests indicates that
Seed et el. (1986); tho deposit and/or with increasing value
indicate that ED from the DMT can also be these kinds of relationships might suffer
of H,60-
correlated against C . from the fact the penetrometer le very

c c (
«iniitiv« to local soil variability which yond the scope of this paper. Generally SHEAR STRENGTH TO SHEAR MOOULU6 AT PEAK be used to predict cu
on the basis of the
la not reflected In Chi results of tha
crosehole and downhole tests.
speaking, ell available approaches can be
grouped as either theoretical
empirical. The former refers to bearing
or 0.2
--— OS
"T'' ÿ

- t
--- 2
1 • .
B 10 20
penetration pore pressure measured during
the CPTU (see the lecture by Csmpanella
and Robertson <198B) presented at this
capacity theories, based on different symposium) .
failure mechanisms and constitutive soil i
z The complexity of the undrained pene¬
models. As typical examplas one can men¬ HYPERBOLIC
tration process and the difficulties in a
Interpretation of the penetration test tion Berezantztv (1967), Veslc <1972) and i realistic modelling of soil behaviour lead
to aaeese the shear strength of panatrated
soil la always mads referring either to
Baligh (1986)
approaches which refer,
to rlgld-plestlc; linearly-
s to the use of empirical approaches. In
this case undralned strength la estimated

completely undrained (aaturatad cohaaiva elastic perfectly-plastic end non-llnearly from the following formula;
deposits) or to completely drained elastic perfectly plastic soil behaviour.
(coheslonless dapoalts) conditions. Among them, the simple pile (SP) solution
a. In coarse grained saturated uric nan-
ted soils where penetration takes places
• obtalnsd by Baligh (1985, 1985a. 1986).
using the strain path method and assuming
§ where:
in the condition of u » uc, the test re¬
sults are used to evaluate the drained
shear strength expreaaed through the
non- linear elastic perfectly plastic soil
behaviour, takes into account the most
Nc - non-dimensional
empirical cone

friction engla, +* . factors affecting the undrained penetra¬ DEVIATOPWC YIELD STRAIN Eyl%) .
tion resistance and (it) represents the Establishment of reliable empirical
b. In fine grained saturated soils ha¬ most rational solution available at T correlations between q„
ving low permeability, penetration occurs DIRECT SIMPLE SHEAR Ey«py/l/S *c u and their
and c,,
present. According to this theory, the correct use in practice Is strictly rela¬
in en essentially undrained mode. In this
case the results of penetration testa ara
approximate value of cu
can be evaluated ted to adequate consideration of the
from the following formula: following aspects.
used for evaluation of shaar strength in a. The undrained strength is not a uni- t
terms of total stresses as reflected in **SP quely defined soil property but reflects
the undrained strength cy. rather an overall complex soil behaviour
The results of penetration testing in¬ where: (Ladd st al. , 1977; Wroth, 1964). This

a< cu
volving intermediate drainage conditions undrained shaar strength of an Iso¬ makes it necessary to refer the qc va
cannot be rationally interpreted at pre¬ tropic clay, corresponding In the SYKAIN. \> STRAIN. \> correlations to a well defined end clearly
sent . first approximation to the undrained declared strength test. The most reliable
Fig. 22 predicted point resistance of

The CPTU provides useful Information on shear strength of an anisotropic and controlled correlations can be
drainage conditions during penetration simple pile in clays (Baligh, 1985)
(-natural) clay obtained from un¬ obtained basing them on cu
resulting from
testing, allowing one to distinguish drained direct simple shear tssts; the field vane (FV) tests, from undrained
between the two extreme cases of drained
ve undrained At preeent , there Is a lack
qSp - unit simple pile penetration resi- triaxial compression test# performed on
ths samples reconsolidated under in- situ

of criteria valid universally which would
permit distinguishing drained from undrai¬
om - qCT:
initial mean total stress at the
depth where qÿ has baen measured;
ÿ --

tf (TC) ; C - -4 3
effective geostetic stresses (TC-CKQU) or
from DSS-CKcU tests,
ned modes of penetration. By rule of
thumb, Baligh and Levadoux <1980) and
Ngp - simple pile penetration resistance
factor; and where :
b. The empirical correlations presently
available are based on measured qc. With
Ballgh (1985a) indicate that if 509 of the
pore preaeure excaae, Au, caused by CPTU
penetration requires more then 2 to 5
- total cons resistance corrected for
unequal area effect (sea Jamlolkow-
axial strain at failure, and
Eÿ undrained Young modulus at a given
the wider use of the CPTU, it will be more
rational to refer them to qÿj.. This might
et al.. 1985) strain level. be especially important In soft and medium
minutes to dissipate, one can argue that Despite its remarkable refinements, the clays .
the test was run In virtually undrained Fig. 22 shows the values of Ngp as given SP solution must still be considered as c. The use of qc to obtain cushould be
conditions. This refers to the 10 cmÿ by Baligh (1985); Ngp is a function of the approximate , because it does not incorpo¬ limited to non- fissured clays without
electric Fugro- type cone penatreting at a
rate of 2 cm/sec.
deviatorlc yield strain, Ey, and the ratio
rate the factors like aniaotropy, strain highly developed macrofabrlc . Ignoring
physical meaning is softening, and strain- rate dependency this limitation might easily lead to an
Moreover the comparison of Au and qc , similar to Veslc'e rigidity index exhibited by real soils and because it overestimate of the field ibidrelned
obtained during tests run at different
penetration rates can give useful indica¬
Ir (within the frame of the constitutive refers to a simplified geometry of the strength (Marsland and Powell, 1979). At
model used bj Baligh (1966) E coincides cone tip. present, the more reliable correlations
tions on drainage conditioxis et specific with Bp at failure/ .
In principle, the Preliminary validation of this formula is have baen validated for soft to stiff in¬
sites, values of IL, C__, and C,ÿ In should be given by Baligh (1985). Further experimen¬ tact relatively homogeneous clays (Lunne
Procedures to evelusts cu in saturated established through DSS tssts (see Fig.22), tal research in this direction is required et al., 1976; Lacaeae at al., 1978;
cohesive deposits from the results of but as a first approximation they might to check the reliability of eqn.(ll) for Kjekstad et al., 1978; Baligh at al.,
CpTU's and CPT's have been the subject of also be assessed via
CKoU triaxlal large variety of natural soils. 1980; Lunne and Klaven, 1981; Jamiol-
a large number of theoretical end experi¬ compression (TC) tests by means of the
The theories of expanding csvlties In kovski et al. , 19B2; Kaaveny, 1985; Aas
mental studies, e review of which Is be¬ following relationships: at al., 1986; Keaveny and Mitchell, 1986).
linesr-elastic perfectly plsstic soil can

282 283
c c (
d. Th. data for aofc and aadlua Co
actff claya have been salnly eollaetad at
Table 8. 4' from qc - Available Approaches.
HIT and NCI ualng the electric Fugro-cypa Examples Stress-strain Curvilinear Compressi¬ Progress 1ve Relevant Other Data
cone and referring to (FV) Thle leada of available Relationship Strength bility Failure Stresa Required

to the valuea Nc auaaarlred In the
of approachea Envelope Tensor
upper part of Fig. 23. The lower part of
Fig- 23 show Nc values obtained after Schmar tmann
No Assumptlon-
no no no none
dr1 gsd

correction of the cu
(FV) for anlaotropy
and strain rate effects a* recommended by
Bjerrun (1973), Ladd at el. (1977). This
Bean et al. No Assumption-
r~+'t no no o'
e' ,e tX
o' ss' 85
leads to the average value of 14±5
which according to Lacaase et al. (1978)
Hc - to 20 ao 40 SO eo TO
(1986) Empirical
allows to assess the operational undralned .
PtAST tCIT V tNOl X PI (%) Durgunoglu 6 Rigid-Plaatic no no
Ko K
strength. Mitchell (1973)
a. Assuming that "a la SHANSEP" (Ladd
and Foott, 1974) normalized behaviour Bolton
(1984, 1987)
no no pf Kv Ko
holds, Harchettl (1980) suggested the pro¬
cedure for evaluating the ratio of cu' vo
Vesic Elastic - yes no
*m V c- «v
as function of OCR. as: (1972) P. Plastic

fek fel •
(OCR) 0.8
P . Plastic

Note: non* Of the approaches take into account the anisotropy of

yes no

4' <
V G' <v

#«ÿ * (0.23 ± 0.04)(0. 5Kd) <H) 20 30 40 50 SO see Tatsuoka (1987)

plasticity indcx , pi t%>
This formula implies that the average ope¬ porto

Mat TEST aiES m>t Tggrgfre
rational cu along a potential failure pla¬
ne of a NC clay la (0.2310.004)#ÿ (see
4ÿ - Ojr£-'2.72angle
secant of friction at of a specific design problem (Baldi et
Kesri, 1975; Larsson, 1980; Jaalolkovski AEBOfWmQCNQe got10OMG p4; and al . , 1986). The existing experience in
et al., 1965). The reliability of thla
Fig.23 Empirical cone factors
a - anglethewhich describes the curvature assessing 4' f*o* Che results of penetra¬

tr formula is directly related to the of failure envelope. tion tests can be sunaiarlzad as follows
reliability of tha aeeessed value of the (Adopted from Baligh et al , , 1980) As shown by Bald! et al. (1986) in (see also Table 8).
silica sands, or increases with increasing a. A number of empirical correlations
Kc- f (Kq) and the postulated links
between K0 and cu/vÿc through OCR. The shear strength of uncemented cohe-
Dj. In the first approximation, the varia¬ exist like:
f. The existing experience with the sionleas soils Is usually related to the
tion of a with Djÿ can be matched by means - 4' ve NspT correlation (De Kello, 1971);
use of eqn.(13) In soft to stiff unte¬ mobilized angle of friction, 4* expressed
of the following empirical relation: - v» Dp relationship taking into
' nanted nonfisaured clays Is quite positi¬
ve. The paper by Lacasse and Lunne pre¬
in terms of effective stress. One of the
most relevant aspects of the behaviour of
- ( (DR-0. 2)/0 . 8| • 10* fc 0* (15)
account soil- grading (Schmertmann,
1976) , where Djÿ can be assessed both
sented to this Symposium reports an from qc and Ngp.j values;
granular materials at failure is their
interesting set of comparisons between curvilinear strength envelope (De Beer,
Because of the non- linearity of the - 4' vb 4 correlation, suggested recently
and tha raaulta of tha FV. DSS-CK0U strength envelope, the angle 4 ' of a given by Been et al. (1986).
1965; Vesic And Clough, 1966; Taroshenko,
and TC-0KoU tests as obtained for seven 1967; Berezantzev, 1967; 1970). This well sand Is not uniquely defined but It b. There are procedures based on the
different clay depositsÿOne can deduce documented
depends on the magnitude of Therefore bearing capacity theories of a rigid
experimental fact Induced
that the value* of cj}CI>MT corresponding to Baligh (1975) to formulate the following
any value of Inferred on the basis of plastic body (Durgunoglu and Mitchell,
the lower limit of eqn. (13) matches strength criterion:
tha SPT, CPT and DMT results corresponds 1973; Berezantzev, 1967; 1970). These
satisfactorily with the TC and the to s secant angle of friction, whose methods, through measured qc - and qÿ
magnitude Is controlled by the average values, allow determination of the secant
corrected FV strengths, while it ovarpre-
dlcta the curesulting from the DSS-CKQU.
At present, the use of eqn.(13) in highly
Ttr "Io*io ÿ]] <14> value of
around the
acting on the failure plane
penetration device. The
4' corresponding to triaxial and
strain conditions, respectively. To vali¬

estimate of this value of date these methods against the results of

OC cemented and/or flaaurad clays Is mora where: .ofe is very laboratory it la necasaary to
uncsrtain. Tha experimental data shown in difficult. At present, it can only be teats,
fff~ *hear a tress on the failure plane at
determined in a very approximate manner estimate the average value of around
Tables 1 and 2 Indicate that for these failure;
types of clays further calibration of the following the indications reported by De the penetrometer , which usually involves
*ff- effective normal atreaa on the failu¬
DMT correlation is required. re plane at
Beer, 1965; Schmartmann, 1982 and Bellotti the assumption of ÿff** (l+*ind# )*y©
et al., 1983). Knowledge of
ofe is however (Schmertmann, 1982; Mitchell, 1984) and
Pa ** reference stress, aseumed equal to 1
bar - 98.1 kPa; essential to link the 4' value inferred
from the penetration tests with 4' value
which therefor# involves an iterative
process when computing 4* • With the Above

284 285
c c (
aantlonad auuaptlon, tha axparlanca «o The result! show thst the Durgunoglu sod
(n gainad In ualng tha Durgunoglu and HIecho 11 (1973) theory ueed in conjunction
MO and OC sends having different compres¬
Hltchall (1971) theory (Schaartunn, with qD sligthly underpredictt the value
sibilities as predicted from qc using Ve-
eic'e (1972) theory.
1942; Ballottl et ml., 1943; Koaveny, of #£g. The difference (#ps(X«b)-ÿs(qD) ) a N.c. HQKK8UND BAND
The agreement is excellent, and espaclally A O.C. HOKK8UNO BAND
1941; Hltchall and Kaaveny, 1986; Ealdl et increeees with Increasing sand density. remarkable ia the capability of tha modi¬ a CHATTAHOOCME WVER 8AND(CR8> dff/p1
al., 1986) lndlcataa that thla aathod This probably testifies to the increasing
fied Veslc (1972) theory to predict 4* of
laada for ellica aanda to 4' valuer which importance of crushing and progressiva the highly compressible Chattahoochee Ri-
are, on average, 1* to 2* lower than peak failure phenomena around tha penetrating l ver sand containing 10% mica.
4' raeultlng froa TC teata. Fig.24 ahowe blade . d. The shear strength of coheilonless
an exaaple of the evaluation of 4' on the c. The rigid-plastic bearing capacity soils is related to the rate of dilation
baala of qÿ froa DHT'a performed In the CC theories are unable to account for the which in turn depends on their relative

In TS using the Durgunoglu and Mitchell Influence of the soil deformablllty on the
density, level of mean effective stress
(1973) theory. In thla caee the puah force ultimate collapse load. Therefore, they and compressibility.
7j} wee aeaaured by aeana of a load cell fall to predict qc and qp of sands with The above factors are reflected In Rove's
located Juat above the dllatoaeter blade. the exception of the uncruanable or mode¬ (1962) street -dllatancy theory which has
To Infer the net value of the dllatoaeter rately crusheble allies sends. To predict recently received e simple but conceptual¬
wedge resistance qD, It was necessary to •ore reliably qc end qD In more compressi¬
ly sound formulation by Bolton (1984), 30 -
3S40 —
1 „ -4SJ-- 1~

subtract froa FD the force absorbed by the ble materials, it is necasiary to refer to
tha t**rlng capacity formulae baaed on the
(1986) , This formulation represents an PEAK firxi o
friction on the blade. This was atteapted excellent tool In attempting to assess 4'
following two distinct aethode Indicated theory of expending cavities in e linear Fig.25 Difference between $[xx) an<*
\ from qc or qD.
In Fig. 24, both leading to alaost the seas alaetic perfectly plastic medium (Vaslc, predicted using modified Vesic (1972)
m. The main features of Bolton's (1984)
value of qÿ. 1972; Ballgh, 1975). This approach howaver theory (Keaveny, 1985)
The plane strain values of 4£s
are coapared with the 4pg of TS obtained
f <qD)
addition to the penetration
requires, In
at least an approxlmata
stress -dllatancy theory may be summarized
as follows.

froa laboratory teste; this latter wae knowledge of additional soli parsmatara
During shearing at large strains, tha sand
reaches the critical state. At this Stage DI
Dg (Q in pf> 1- (16) -
obtained by transforming trlaxlal 4yy to like KQ| volumetric e train and G ell con¬ further shearing deformations occur at where:
4pg on the basis of Lee and Lade' a (1976) curring to the seassement of the reduced constant volume and the shear strength of Q - factor depending on tha mineralogy and

<; empirical relation. rigidity index 1„ -rr (Veslc, 1972; Keeveny,

1985) which renders the use of these
theories In practice difficult.
the material is controlled by the critical
value of the angle of friction,
varies roughly between 33* (quartz) and
shape of the soil particles.
According to Bolton (1984), Q decreases
with increasing compressibility of the
• 300 ÿ*) Recent comprehensive reviews of the proce¬
Jti' I'll

40* (feldspar) and depends principally on soil. For typical silica sands, a value of
dures ueed in the evaluation of 4* from qc i the mlzieraloglcal composition of the Q-10 Li suggested.
• tend
(Kaaveny, 1975; Mitchell end ICaavany, grains. Factors like the grading, shape of f. In an attempt to assess 4*+ÿ from
EVALUATED FBOW TC TEST* 1986) show the following,
the grains, mean stress level and dire¬ qc, the approach presented In Fig. 26 la

11 ÿ
• In ceee of the compressible and crusha-
bla sands, only the theories of expen¬
ding cevltles can correctly predict 4'
ction of shearing are of minor importance.
Before reaching the critical state condi¬
tion, tha difference between the mobilized
suggested. The use of this approach
requires knowledge of KQ, 4'c v And an
assumption about the value of p£. Fig. 27
froa qc. reports the validation of the proposed
angle of friction 4* end 4 is controlled
To obtain a good agreemant between by the rate of dilation (-dLy/d#ÿ), where approach for TS; the 4L*-* from TC testa
d'(qc) and 4' (Lab), the Authors suggest ere compared with obtained from qc
the use of spherical cavity thaory when <v and t ÿ are, respectively, the volume¬ measured in CC teste. Because of the non-
tric and major principal strains.
Ir In particular, the peak value of friction linearity of the strength envelope, tha
when > 250.
Irr angle, 4L»w !ÿ related to the maximum dl- abova mentioned validation has baan
- Based on the laboratory results (Mlura & f lation rate, and according to Bolton referenced to oÿ£-2.72 pa(-267 kPa) ; this
Tokl, 1984 , 1984a) , Keavany (1985) po¬ leads to the 4 as defined In Ballgh 's
(1984) tha differance (ÿx-ÿv) in
stulated that tha volumetric strain (1975) curvllinaar strength envelope. The
triaxlal and plane strain testa can be
maasured during the trlaxial ex tans ion reciprocal relation between and p£
approximated, respectively, by means of
tast is mora pertinent to the problems balng given by the following formula:
ÿ tin IOjOS of axpandlng cavities than volumetric
[ the formulae:
strain from tha triaxlal compression
teat. Therefore, the results
extension testa should concur with tha
Triaxial test: 4ÿx
Plana strain taet: 4ÿx
' *iy
- d£v -
- 3 DI
5 DI
ft - «£f[l(. + t»n24' - -
3 coa 4r

assessment of Irr-
Flg.25 reports the values of 4* for five
where: DI - dilatency Index,
The value of DI is empirically related to
which for tha range of (34*
of practical Intaraet leads to:
to 46*)

,24 $ps °f Ticino sand from DMT using the and mean effective stress at
Durgunoglu 8 Mitchell's theory failure p£ through the following relation¬ 1.2 a a 1.6
ship: 'ff

286 287
c c (
The rssults pr«»»nt.*d In Fig.27 show thee g. For ua* in practice, Fig. 28 report* 7 concurs10HS 2. Deformation Characteristics
the proposed procedure ylelda value* of 4'Q the relation between
for TS which are only 1/2 to 1 degree
4'0 and qc/«ÿ0 for
value* of KQ of inter**t. Fortunately, Thin paper preterit* a critical review of a. The main area of interest in the use
lower than thoee reaultlng froa TC taeta. coneidarlng the dlfflcultle* in the new possibilities offered by penetration of penetration tests is to assess the
Siallar reiulte have alio been obtained •stlaats of K& in cohealonless soil*, testing as an Important aid in geo techni¬ deformation character istics of cohesion-
for HS. Fig. 28 indicate* that the estiaat* of cal design. The topic covered by the title less deposits. Existing experience is
i* not too strongly Influenced by the of this lecture is extremely broad. The mainly limited to uncrushable and mode¬
assuaption concerning thi* paraaeter. Authors have, however, chosen to Halt the rately crushable silica materials.
SUGGESTED APPROACH This figure has been obtained by adopting topic to addressing: b. Because insertion of the penetrome¬
djy-34* which is that of TS, while the - The Indirect approach, which permits, ter obliterates the stress and strain
of US 1* equal to 11* . The average value evaluation of the basic design parame¬ history of the deposit, no unique
of 4ÿv of 23 different ailice asnde, ters (initial state variables, stress- correlation between penetration resistance
Including the two aentloned above, 1* strain- strength and consolidation and nonlinear or elas to-plastic soil
equal to 33.6* ± 2.5* (sea also Henna and characteristics) from the results of modulus can exist. To evaluate the
a»®0 Youaaef. 19B7) . penetration testing. magnitude of medium- to-large strain
Once the procedure baaed on Bolton's
(1986) st re* a -dilatancy theory outlined in
- Discussion of the three most widely used
penetration devices in practice, namely
deformation moduli of cohesionless soils
on the basle of penetration tests, one
Fig. 26 la accepted and validated, it can the SPT , CPT and DHT. must estimate at least qualitatively the
be used to obtain the value of at any The following conclusions can be drawn stress history of the deposit,
value of p£ as a function of which is from this critical examination. c. Experience gained so far indlcatas
of interest for design. An alternative ap¬ that the results of penetration tests can
proach eight consist in the evaluation of 1. Initial State Parameters be correlated in a quite reliable manner
«™|> fron Fig.28 coablned with an assuaption maximum shear
to the linear-elastic

of a -
f (Dg) appearing
envelope, using
in Ballgh's
a. The existing correlations between DR
and penetration resistances qc) are
modulus G0,

aqn, (14) to obtain secant 4' at any desi¬ applicable only to NC unagad silica sands. 3. Shear Strength
red level of
Additional Information and details concer¬
Their use in other sands might cause ei¬
ther overestlmation (in the case of aged a. Theundrained shear strength of


ning Bolton's (1986), (1986) strass-dlla-
tency theory can be found in Tateouka
and/or OC deposits) or underestimation
(in the case of more compressible sands)
eoft-to-stlff saturated intact cohesive

Fig.26 <p '

- f (qc) of sand fron (1987), Bolton (1987), Tateuoka and of the in- situ density.
deposits can be Inferred in a quite
reliable manner from CPT and DMT results.
o" Bolton's
(1986) stress dilatancy Pradhaa (1988), Henna and
and Kanna at al. (1987).
Youseff (1987) \
b. The use of Harchetti's Flat Dilato-
meter to infer the stress history of
saturated cohesive deposits looks very
The use of the above mentioned correla¬
tions in hard clays with highly developed
macro -fabric might be questionable.
promising. Existing experience indicates When evaluating Cu from penetration tests,
I that profiles in clays are similar In it is always necessary to keep in mind the
•»! 1 »(>« (- e AUERAQE OPIUTX CKoD shape to the OCR profiles established reference strength to which the specific
|(- fi.dtfc) FROM J2t
through oedoneter tests performed on high-
quality undisturbed samples. Because this
empirical or theoretical procedure

correlation holds in clay deposits which b. The cone resistance qc offers a

subjected to different a
have been
mechanisms, values of 0ÿ resulting from
£ possibility to assess of freely
draining cohaslonless deposits. In silica
the DMT should be considered as a vertical sands the use of the rigid plastic bearing
I yield stress along the K0 stress path. capacity theory by Durgunoglu and Mitchell
c. The assessment of Ou0 and/or KQ in (1973) yields satisfactory results which
sands from penetration test results is In sre generally sligthly on the safe side.
a very early stage of development. The An estimate of +1 from qc of mors compres-
recently postulated ideas that or K0 slbLa (calcareous or micaceous) sands
might be inferred through correlations requires theories of expanding cavities to
between amplification factor (K])/K0 or take into account the influence of plastic
mora generally ®hp/ff£0) and stata parame¬ volumetric strain on the measured qc.
0 M SO
On f*> Fig. 28 Angle of shearing resistance ter + requires further experimental and The recently presented stress dilatancy
theoretical validations. theory by Bolton <1964, 1966) offers an
Fig. 27
9' f (qg) for NC end OC Ticino
send using Bolton's stress dilatsncy
theory (1986)
using Bolton's stress dilatancy theory0
(1986) excellent tool for assessing from qc.

288 289
( c c (
Furthtr valldxcion of thl* thaocy, CPT's and CPTU'S. II Part; Drained Pene¬ Htn *nd Interpretation, G*o technique , bla, Vancouver, Canada. Soil Mechanics
iipidAlly In morm conprtnlbU sands, tration on Sands. Froc. IV Int. Geotech. No. 2. Series No. 66.
will ba axtcaaaly walcoaa. Seminar on Field Instrumentation and In Bellottl , R., Bizxl. G. , Ghionne, V. 1982. Compendia, R.G. A Robertson, P.K. 1984. A
c. Whan axsaaalng 4' from qc ualng all Situ Measurements, Hanyang Tech. Inst., Design, Cone true t Ion and Ilea of a Cali¬ Seismic Cone Penetrometer to Meaeure En¬
of Cha abova aantlooad procaduraa , do* Singapore. bration Chamber. Proc. ESOPT 11, Ana tar¬ gineering Properties of Soil. LIV An¬
attanclon should ba paid Co cha face ehae Bsldl G. et al. 1986a. Flat Dllatomatar dea. nual international Meeting and Exposi¬
Cha acrangth anvalopa of aoat natural Teats in Calibration Chambers. In-Sltu Bellottl, R. et al. 1963. Evaluation of tion of the Society of Exploration Ceo-
aanda la curvilinear. This naana that cha '86. Froc. Spec. Conf. GEO ASCE, Virgi¬ I Sand Strength from OPT, International physlclsts, Atlanta, Georgia.
Infarrad 4 ' corresponds Co the secant nia Tech., Blacksburg. J Symposium on Soil and Rock Inveetlge- Campenella, R.G. , Robertson, P.K. , Gil¬
angle of friction which depends on the Baldl G. et al. 1988. Seismic Cons In Po tlona by In-Sltu Tooting, Parte. lespie, D.G. A Grieg, J. 1965. Recent
average existing around the penetra¬ River Sand. Proc. ISOPT-I Orlando, Fla. Bellottl, R. at al, 1986. Deformation Developments In In-Situ Testing of
tion device. To link with a specific Baligh, M.M. 1975. Theory of Deep Site j Character latic a of Cohooionloee Soils Soils. Proc. XI ICSMFE, San Francisco.
design problea, one eust take thla stress Static Cone Penetration Resistance. Res. from In-Situ Teote. In-Situ '86. Proc. Csmpsnella, R.G. at al . 1986. Seismic Cone
dependency into account. Report R7S-56, Ho. 517, Dept. of Civil Spec. Conf. GEO ASCE, Virginia Tech. , Penetration Teet. In Situ '66. Proc.
Eng., HIT, Cambridge, Mass. Blackeburg, Spec. Conf. GED , ASCE, Virginia Tech. ,
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imswi«nciimT« JGED. ASCE GT9. Invaetlgation of the Shear Strength of Compendia, R.G. A Robertson, P.K. 1966.
Baligh, H. 1985a. Interpretation of Piexo- Sonde. Proc. of the Ceo technical Conf. Current Status of the Piezocone Test.
The writers acknowledge the contribution cope Measurement
• during
HIT Special Summer Course; Recent Deve¬
Penetration. on Shear Propertiee of Natural Soile and
Rocke, Oslo.
ISOPT I, Orlando, Fla.
Casagrande, A. 1936. The Determination of
of Dr. C. Baldl (ISMZS), Dr. 1. gellottl I
(ISHES) lopments In Measurement and Modelling of Berezantxev, W.G. 1970. Calculation of tho the Fre -Consolidation Load and Its
(ENEL CRIS) and Dr. D. Druzzl
Clay Behaviour for Foundation Design. Construction Basle. Leningrad (in Rus¬ Practical Significance. Proc. I ICSMFE,
whose fruitful discussions and Inform*-
sian) ,
ft tlons on the results of their recent re- Cambridge, Mass.
Baligh, M. 1986. Undralned Deep Penetra¬ Bjorrua, L. 1973. Problem* of Soil Mecha¬
Cambridge, Maaa.
Clayton, C.R.I, , Hababa, MB. A Simons. „

search have greatly contributed to the

tion, Geotechniqua , Ho.4. nics and Construction on Soft Cloys. N.B. 1985. Dynamic Penetration Resistan¬
present work. Host of the experimental

Li I
I data presented In the paper represent the
outcone of joint research among ENELCRIS
of Milan, ISMES of Eargamo and the Technl-
Baligh, M.M. 6 Lsvadoux, J.H. 1960. Pore
Pressure Dissipation After Cone Penetra¬
tion. Research Report R. 80-11, MIT, Cam¬
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ce and the Prediction of the Compress 1-
billty of a Fine -Grained Sand- a Labors-
tory Study. Gdotechnique No.l.
(f j cal University of Turin.
The writers wish to thank Dr.K. Stokoe (U.
bridge, Mass.
Baligh, M.M.. Vlvatrat, V. & Ladd, C.C.
tancy of Sands. University of Cambridge,
CUED/D- Soile/TR 152.
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N.E. 1986. Author's reply in Diacueelon.
Bolton, M.C. 1986. The Strength and Dlla-
&• ' of Texaa) for his critical review of the 1980. Cone Penetration in Soil Profi¬ Geotecnlque No. 2.
manuscript. Also, the cartful typing of C. ling. JGED. ASCE, GT4 . tancy of Sands. Ceotechnlque No.l. D'AppolonU, D.J., D'Appolonia, E., Brle-
i lamella and drafting of V. Hanerba and S. .
Baligh, M.M. at al 1981. The Piezocone .
Bolton, M.C. 1987 The Strength and Dila- aatta, R.F. 1968. Settlement of Spread }

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Ratio Effects on Shear Modulus of
deployment systems
Sand. JGE Div., ASCE, GT3.
HughesInsifuEngineering Lid, Vancouver, BC, Canada

ABSTRACT: There is the potential to make almost any drill rig into a deployment
system for a cone, thus making the cone very accessible to almost any project where
the ground conditions are suitable. This paper discusses the problems with this
/ approach, and some of the solutions which have been adopted to solve them. The
approach suggested may seem inefficient, compared with that used for purpose-built
vehicles. However, it is possible in suitable terrain to test up to 200 m per day,
with no mobilization of heavy equipment. Further, there are few limits to the type
of material that can be tested. The field experience which has provided the basis of
this paper has been obtained in Canada or the United SLates, both on land and over
shallow water.


The difficulties encountered with cone However, at present, the cone contractor
testing are, for the mootl part, related and Lhe design engineer must recognise
to the methods of deployment of the cone. these problems.
Deploying cones from purpose-built
vehicles, enclosed and etivironaentally- The object of this article is to
controlled, is quite a different concentrate on the use of cones,
situation from operating with a drill rig particularly from non-purpose-built
from a floating barge, in a swamp or even deployment systems. Although it is
on firm ground. recognised that the above problems exist,
I they are not addressed in this paper.
Although considerable effort has been
devoted to develop standards for the MosL of the background for this paper
external geometry of the cone, the has been based on experience in North
Internal details and some of the external America, where engineers, with a few
details of cones manufactured by exceptions, are not familiar with the
different companies vary. The inpacL of capability of Lhe cone. Purpose-built
this on commercial testing is that cones, deployment vehicles are few and far
aven in calibration, can yield different between, but drill rigs of all shapes and
results. In most instances, this is not sizes are readily available.
a problem. However, if different types
of cones produced by the sane or
different manufacturers are used in the COMMON GE0TECHN1CAL SITE INVESTIGATION
i sane formation, there are situations in TEST PROCEDURES IN NORTH AMERICA
which they will give different values for
friction and porepressure, In North America the cone, particularly
the piezocone, is relatively speaking a
The need for further understanding of recent innovation. Hence, site
the reasons for these anomolies, and the investigations are often not designed to
need to set standardisation guidelines, make the optimum advantage of the cone.
is well recognised. No doubt with time Ideally, it should be used to identify
all these anomolies will be resolved. the strata in which high-quality samples

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