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2019 TKU Spelling Bee Word List

No. Word Word Class Definition

1 abbreviate v shorten

2 abdicate v renounce; give up

deviation from the expected or normal; mental irregularity or

3 aberration n

4 abeyance n suspended action

5 abhor v detest; hate

6 abjure v renounce upon oath

7 ablution n washing

8 abnegation n renunciation; self-sacrifice

9 abominable adj detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad

10 abrogate v abolish

11 abscond v depart secretly and hide

12 abstemious adj temperate; sparing in drink, etc

13 abstinence n restraint from eating or drinking

14 abstract adj theoretical; not concrete; non-representational

15 abstruse adj obscure; profound; difficult to understand

16 abusive adj coarsely insulting; physically harmful

17 abyss n enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit

18 accede v agree
19 accelerate v move faster

20 accessible adj easy to approach; obtainable

21 accessory n additional object; useful but not essential thing

22 acclimate v adjust to climate

23 acclivity n sharp upslope of a hill

24 accolade n award of merit

25 accomplice n partner in crime

26 accost v approach and speak first to a person

27 accoutre v equip

28 accretion n growth; increase

29 accrue v come about by addition

30 acerbity n bitterness of speech and temper

31 acetic adj vinegary

32 acidulous adj slightly sour; sharp, caustic

33 acme n peak; pinnacle; highest point

science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to

34 acoustic n
hear in

35 acquiesce v assent; agree passively

36 acquittal n deliverance from a charge

37 acrid adj sharp; bitterly pungent

38 acrimonious adj bitter in words of manner

39 actuarial adj calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics

40 acuity n sharpness

41 acumen n mental keenness

42 adage n wise saying; proverb

43 adamant adj hard; inflexible

44 addle v muddle; drive crazy; become rotten

45 adhere v stick fast to

46 adipose adj fatty

something added on or attached (generally nonessential or

47 adjunct n

48 adjuration n solemn urging

49 adjure v request solemnly

50 admonition n warning

51 adroit adj skillful

52 adulation n flattery; admiration

53 adulterate v make impure by mixing with baser substances

54 adventitious adj accidental; casual

55 advocate v urge; plead for

56 aegis n shield; defense

57 aeon n long period of time; an age

58 aesthetic adj artistic, dealing with or capable of appreciation

59 affable adj courteous; cordial; approachable

60 affidavit n written statement made under oath

61 affiliation n joining; associating with

62 affinity n kinship

63 affluence n abundance; wealth

64 affray n public brawl

65 agape adj openmouthed

66 agglomeration n collection; heap

67 aggrandize v increase or intensify

68 aggregate v gather; accumulate

69 aghast adj horrified

70 agility n nimbleness

71 agitate v stir up; disturb

one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god

72 agnostic n
or any ultimate reality

73 agrarian adj pertaining to land or its cultivation

74 alacrity n cheerful promptness

75 alchemy n medieval chemistry

76 alias n an assumed name

77 alienate v make hostile; separate

78 alimentary adj supplying nourishment

79 alimony n payments made to an ex-spouse after divorce

80 allay v calm; pacify

81 allege v state without proof

82 allegory n story in which characters are used as symbols; fable

83 alleviate v relieve

84 alliteration n repetition of beginning sound in poetry

85 allocate v assign

86 alloy n a mixture as of metals

87 allusion n indirect reference

88 alluvial adj pertaining to soil deposits left by rivers, etc

89 altercation n wordy quarrel

90 altruism n unselfish aid to others; generosity

91 amalgamate v combine; unite in one body

92 ambidextrous adj capable of using either hand with equal ease

93 ambience n environment; atmosphere

the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional

94 ambivalence n

95 ambrosia n food of the gods

96 ambulatory adj able to walk

97 ameliorate v improve

98 amenable adj readily managed; willing to be led

99 amenities n convenient features; courtesies

100 amiable adj agreeable; lovable

101 amicable adj politely friendly; not quarrelsome

102 amity n friendship

103 amnesia n loss of memory

104 amnesty n pardon

105 amorphous adj formless; lacking shape or definition

106 amphibian adj able to live both on land and in water

107 amphitheater n oval building with tiers of seats

108 amputate v cut off part of body; prune

109 amulet n charm; talisman

110 anachronism n an error involving time in a story

111 analgesic adj causing insensitivity to pain

112 analogous adj comparable

113 anarchist n person who rebels against the established order

114 anarchy n absence of governing body; state of disorder

115 anathema n solemn curse

116 anchor v secure of fasten firmly; be fixed in place

117 ancillary adj serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary

118 anemia n condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles

substance that removes sensation with or without loss of

119 anesthetic n

120 angular adj sharp and stiff in character

121 animadversion n critical remark

122 animosity n active enmity

123 animus n hostile feeling or intent

reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and
124 anneal v

125 annihilate v destroy

126 annotate v comment; make explanatory notes

127 annuity n yearly allowance

128 annul v make void

129 anoint v consecrate

130 anomalous adj abnormal; irregular

131 anomaly n irregularity

132 anonymous adj having no name

133 antagonism n active resistance

134 antecede v precede

135 antediluvian adj antiquated; ancient

136 anthropoid adj manlike

137 anthropologist n a student of the history and science of mankind

138 adj having human form or characteristics

139 antipathy n aversion; dislike

140 antiseptic n substance that prevents infection

141 antithesis n contrast; direct opposite of or to

142 aperture n opening; hole

143 aphasia n loss of speech due to injury

144 aphorism n pithy maxim

145 apiary n a place where bees are kept

146 aplomb n poise

147 apocalyptic adj prophetic; pertaining to revelations

148 apocryphal adj not genuine; sham

149 apogee n highest point

150 apostate n one who abandons his or her religious faith or political beliefs

151 apothecary n druggist

152 apothegm n pithy, compact saying

deification; glorification; elevation to godhead; an ideal

153 apotheosis n
example of something

154 apparition n ghost; phantom

155 appease v pacify; soothe; relieve

156 appellation n name; title

157 append v attach

158 apposite adj appropriate; fitting

159 apprehensive adj fearful; discerning

160 approbation n approval

161 appurtenance n subordinate possession

162 apropos prep with reference to; properly

163 aquiline adj curved, hooked

164 arable adj fit for growing crops

165 arbiter n a person with power to decide a dispute; judge

166 arbitrary adj unreasonable or capricious; randomly chosen; tyrannical

167 arcade n a covered passageway

168 archaeology n study of artifacts and relics of early mankind

169 archaic adj antiquated.

170 archetype n prototype; primitive pattern.

171 archipelago n group of closely located islands.

172 arduous adj hard; strenuous.

173 argot n slang.

174 aromatic adj fragrant.

175 arraign v charge in court.

176 arrears n being in debt.

177 artifice n deception; trickery.

178 artisan n a manually skilled worker.

179 ascendancy n controlling influence.

180 ascertain v find out for certain.

181 ascetic adj practicing self-denial; austere.

182 aseptic adj preventing putrefaction or blood poisoning by killing bacteria.

183 ashen adj ash-colored.

184 asinine adj stupid.

185 askance adv with a sideways or indirect look.

186 askew adv crookedly; slanted; at an angle.

187 asperity n sharpness (of temper).

188 aspersion n slanderous remark.

189 aspirant n seeker after position or status.

190 assail v assault.

191 assessment n appraisal; estimation.

192 assiduous adj diligent.

193 assimilate v absorb; cause to become homogeneous.

194 assuage v ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger).

195 asteroid n small planet

196 astigmatism n eye defect that prevents proper focus.

197 astral adj relating to the stars.

198 astringent adj binding; causing contraction.

199 astronomical adj enormously large or extensive.

200 asylum n place of refuge or shelter; protection.

201 atavism n reversion to an earlier type; throwback.

202 atelier n workshop; studio.

203 atheistic adj denying the existence of God.

204 atrocity n brutal deed.

205 atrophy v waste away.

206 attenuate v make thin; weaken.

gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in the work force
207 attrition n
without firing employees;

208 audacity n boldness.

209 audit n examination of accounts.

210 augment v increase; add to.

211 augury n omen; prophecy.

212 auspicious adj favoring success.

213 austere adj forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented.

214 authenticate v prove genuine.

215 authoritative adj having the weight of authority; peremptory and dictatorial.

216 automaton n robot; person performing a task mechanically.

217 autonomous adj self-governing.

218 autopsy n examination of a dead body; post-mortem.

219 auxiliary adj helper, additional or subsidiary.

220 avarice n greediness for wealth.

221 awry adv crooked; wrong; amiss.

222 axiom n self-evident truth requiring no proof.

223 azure adj sky blue.

224 badger v pester; annoy.

225 badinage n teasing conversation.

226 ballast n heavy substance used to add stability or weight.

227 banal adj hackneyed; commonplace; trite.

228 baroque adj highly ornate.

229 barrage n barrier laid down by artillery fire.

230 barrister n counselor-at-law.

231 bastion n fortress; defense.

232 bauble n trinket; trifle.

233 bawdy adj indecent; obscene.

234 beguile v mislead or delude; pass time.

235 beleaguer v besiege or attack; harassed.

236 bellicose adj warlike.

237 belligerent adj quarrelsome.

person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy

238 beneficiary n
or will.

239 benevolent adj generous; charitable.

240 benign adj kindly; favorable; not malignant.

241 bereavement n state of being deprived of something valuable or beloved.

242 besmirch v soil, defile.

243 bestial adj beastlike; brutal.

244 biennial adj every two years.

245 bifurcate adj divide into two branches; forked.

246 bigotry n stubborn intolerance.

247 blasphemous adj profane; impious.

248 bludgeon n club; heavy-headed weapon.

249 boisterous adj violent; rough; noisy.

250 bourgeois adj middle class; selfishly materialistic; dully conventional.

251 brochure n pamphlet

252 brusque adj blunt; abrupt

253 bucolic adj rustic; pastoral

254 buffoonery n clowning

255 bulwark n earthwork or other strong defense; person who defends

256 bureaucracy n overregulated administrative system marked by red tape

257 burgeon v grow forth; send out buds

258 burlesque v give an imitation that ridicules

259 burnish v make shiny by rubbing; polish

small group of persons secretly united to promote their own

260 cabal n

261 cache n hiding place

262 cacophony n discord

263 cadaver n corpse

264 cajole v coax; wheedle

265 caliber n ability; capacity

266 calligraphy n beautiful writing; excellent penmanship

267 calumny n malicious misrepresentation; slander

268 canine adj related to dogs; doglike

269 cantankerous adj ill humored; irritable

270 canvass v determine votes, etc

271 caparison n showy harness or ornamentation for a house

272 capillary adj having a very fine bore

273 capitulate v surrender

274 capricious adj fickle; incalculable

275 carat n unit of weight for precious stones; measure of fineness of gold

276 carcinogenic adj causing cancer

277 cardinal adj chief

278 caricature n exaggerated picture or description; distortion

279 carnivorous adj meat-eating

280 carousal n drunken revel

281 carrion n rotting flesh of a dead body

282 cartographer n maker of maps or charts

283 cascade n small waterfall

284 cataclysm n violent upheaval; deluge

agent that brings about a chemical change while it remains

285 catalyst n
unaffected and unchanged

286 catapult n slingshot; a hurling machine

287 cataract n great waterfall; eye abnormality

288 catastrophe n calamity.

book for religious instruction; instruction by question and

289 catechism n
290 catharsis n purging or cleansing of any passage of the body.

291 catholic n broadly sympathetic; liberal.

292 cavalcade n procession; parade.

293 celestial adj heavenly; relating to the sky.

294 celibate adj unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse.

overseer of morals; person who reads to eliminate

295 censor n
inappropriate remarks.

296 censure v blame; criticize.

297 centrifugal adj radiating; departing from the center.

298 centripetal adj tending toward the center.

299 cerebral adj pertaining to the brain or intellect.

300 cessation n stopping.

301 chalice n goblet; consecrated cup.

302 chameleon n lizard that changes color in different situations.

303 charisma n divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader

304 charlatan n quack; pretender to knowledge.

305 chassis n framework and working parts of an automobile.

306 chastise v punish.

307 chauvinist n blindly devoted patriot.

308 cherubic adj angelic; innocent-looking.

309 chicanery n trickery.

310 chimerical adj fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; imaginative.

311 choleric adj hot-tempered.

art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of

312 choreography n

313 circuitous adj roundabout.

314 circumlocution n indirect or roundabout expression.

315 citadel n fortress.

316 clairvoyant adj having fortuneteller.

317 clandestine adj secret.

318 clarion adj shrill trumpetlike sound.

319 claustrophobia n fear of being shut in.

320 clavicle n collarbone.

321 clemency n disposition to be lenient; mildness, as of the weather.

322 clique n small exclusive group.

323 cloister n monastery or convent.

324 coalesce v combine; fuse.

325 codicil n supplement to the body of a will

326 coerce v force; repress

327 cognate adj related linguistically: allied by blood: similar or akin in nature

328 cohort n armed band

329 collateral n security given for loan

330 colloquial adj pertaining to conversational or common speech

331 colloquy n informal discussion

332 colossal adj huge

333 comatose adj in a coma; extremely sleepy

334 combustible adj easily burned

335 compendium n brief comprehensive summary

336 complaisant adj trying to please; obliging

337 complement v complete; consummate; make perfect

338 conduit n aqueduct; passageway for fluids

339 confiscate v seize; commandeer

340 conflagration n great fire

341 congenital adj existing at birth

342 conglomeration n mass of material sticking together

343 congruence n correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship

344 conjugal adj pertaining to marriage

pretense of ignorance of something wrong; assistance;

345 connivance n
permission to offend

346 connoisseur n person competent to act as a judge of art, etc.; a lover of art

347 connubial adj pertaining to marriage or the matrimonial state

348 conscientious adj scrupulous; careful

349 consecrate v dedicate; sanctify

350 consensus n general agreement

351 consonance n harmony; agreement

352 conspicuous adj easily seen; noticeable; striking

353 conspiracy n treacherous plot

354 consummate adj complete

355 contentious adj quarrelsome

356 contiguous adj adjacent to; touching upon

357 contravene v contradict; oppose; infringe on or transgress

358 contumacious adj disobedient; resisting authority

359 contusion n bruise

360 conundrum n riddle; difficult problem

361 conversant adj familiar with

362 conveyance n vehicle; transfer

363 convoluted adj coiled around; involved; intricate

364 coquette n flirt

365 corollary n consequence; accompaniment

366 corporeal adj bodily; material

367 corpulent adj very fat

368 coterie n group that meets socially; select circle

369 countenance v approve; tolerate

370 courier n messenger

371 covenant n agreement

372 crevice n crack; fissure

373 crotchety adj eccentric; whimsical

374 crux n essential or main point

375 culdesac n blind alley; trap

376 culpable adj deserving blame

377 culvert n artificial channel for water

378 cumbersome adj heavy; hard to manage

379 curmudgeon n churlish, miserly individual

380 cynic n one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives

381 cynosure n the object of general attention

382 dais n raised platform for guests of honor

383 dally v trifle with; procrastinate

384 dank adj damp

385 dappled adj spotted

386 debacle n sudden downfall; complete disaster

387 debauch v corrupt; seduce from virtue

388 debutante n young woman making formal entrance into society

389 deciduous adj falling off as of leaves

390 decimate v skill, usually one out of ten

391 decipher v decode

392 declivity n downward slope

393 decorous adj proper

394 defamation n harming a person's reputation.

395 definitive adj final; complete.

396 deify v turn into a god; idolize.

397 deign v condescend.

398 delectable adj delightful; delicious.

399 deleterious adj harmful.

400 delirium n mental disorder marked by confusion.

401 demeanor n behavior; bearing.

402 demented adj insane.

403 demolition n destruction.

404 demoniac adj fiendish.

405 demure adj grave; serious; coy.

406 denouement n outcome; final development of the plot of a play.

407 derelict adj abandoned.

408 derivative adj unoriginal; derived from another source.

409 dermatologist n one who studies the skin and its diseases.

410 derogatory adj expressing a low opinion.

411 descant v discuss fully.

412 desecrate v profane; violate the sanctity of.

413 desiccate v dry up.

414 despondent adj depressed; gloomy.

415 despotism n tyranny.

416 desultory adj aimless; haphazard; digressing at random.

417 detergent n cleansing agent.

418 detriment n harm; damage.

419 dexterous adj skillful.

420 diabolical adj devilish.

421 diaphanous adj sheer; transparent.

422 diatribe n bitter scolding; invective.

423 dichotomy n split; branching into two parts (especially contradictory ones).

424 dilemma n problem; choice of two unsatisfactory alternatives.

425 dilettante n aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler.

426 diminution n lessening; reduction in size.

427 disarray n a disorderly or untidy state.

428 disavowal n denial; disclaiming.

429 disburse v pay out.

430 discernible adj distinguishable; perceivable.

431 disheveled adj untidy.

432 disingenuous adj lacking genuine candor; insincere.

433 disputatious adj argumentative; fond of argument.

a formal systematic inquiry; an explanation of the results of a

434 disquisition n
formal inquiry.

435 dissection n analysis; cutting apart in order to examine.

436 dissemble v disguise; pretend.

437 disseminate v distribute; spread; scatter (like seeds).

438 dissent v disagree.

439 dissertation n formal essay.

440 dissonance n discord.

441 dissuade v advise against; persuade not to do; discourage.

442 diurnal adj daily.

443 doldrums n blues; listlessness; slack period.

444 dolorous adj sorrowful.

445 domicile n home.

446 doughty adj courageous.

447 dour adj sullen; stubborn.

448 douse v plunge into water; drench; extinguish.

449 dowdy adj slovenly; untidy.

450 drudgery n menial work.

451 dubious adj questionable; filled with doubt.

452 duenna n attendant of young female; chaperone.

453 dulcet adj sweet sounding.

454 duress n forcible restraint, especially unlawfully.

455 dwindle v shrink; reduce.

456 dyspeptic adj suffering from indigestion.

457 ebullient adj showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm.

458 eccentricity n oddity; idiosyncrasy.

459 eclecticism n selection of elements drawn from disparate sources.

460 eclipse v darken; extinguish; surpass.

461 ecstasy n rapture; joy; any overpowering emotion.

462 edify v instruct; correct morally.

463 eerie adj weird.

464 effluvium n noxious smell.

465 effrontery n shameless boldness.

466 egregious adj gross; shocking.

467 ejaculation n exclamation.

468 elegiacal adj like an elegy; mournful.

469 elysian adj relating to paradise; blissful.

470 emanate v issue forth.

471 emancipate v set free.

472 embezzlement n stealing

473 emblazon v deck in brilliant colors

474 embryonic adj undeveloped; rudimentary

475 emeritus adj retired but retained in an honorary capacity

476 emollient n soothing or softening remedy

477 empirical adj based on experience

478 emulate v rival; imitate

479 enamored adj overwhelmed by love

480 encomium n praise; eulogy

481 encompass v surround

482 encroachment n gradual intrusion

prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific

483 endemic adj
area or country

484 enigma n puzzle

485 enigmatic adj obscure; puzzling

486 enjoin v command; order; forbid

487 enmity n ill will; hatred

488 ennui n boredom

489 ensconce v settle comfortably

490 entomology n study of insects

491 entrepreneur n businessman; contractor

492 ephemeral adj short-lived; fleeting

493 epitaph n inscription in memory of a dead person

494 epithet n descriptive word or phrase

495 epitome n perfect example or embodiment

496 equanimity n calmness of temperament; composure

497 equestrian n rider on horseback

498 equilibrium n balance

499 equinox n period of equal days and nights; the beginning of spring and

500 equivocate v lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth

501 erroneous adj mistaken; wrong

502 esoteric adj hard to understand; known only to the chosen few

503 espionage n spying

504 ethnology n study of man

505 etymology n study of derivation, structure and development of words

506 eugenic adj pertaining to the improvement of race

507 eulogy n expression of praise, often on the occasion of someone's death

508 euphemism n mild expression in place of an unpleasant one

509 euphonious adj pleasing in sound

510 euthanasia n mercy killing

511 evanescent adj fleeting; vanishing

512 evasive adj not frank; eluding

513 eviscerate v disembowel; remove entrails

514 exacerbate v worsen; embitter

515 exasperate v vex

516 excoriate v scold with biting harshness; strip the skin off

517 exculpate v clear from blame

518 execrable adj very bad

519 exegesis n explanation, especially of Biblical passages

520 exhume v dig out of the ground; remove from a grave

521 exigency n urgent situation

522 exiguous adj small; minute

523 exodus n departure

524 exorbitant adj excessive

525 extemporaneous adj not planned; impromptu

526 extraneous adj not essential; external

527 extravert n person interested mostly in external objects and actions

528 exuberant adj abundant; joyfully enthusiastic; flamboyant; lavish

529 facade n front (of building); superficial or false appearance

530 fallacious adj misleading

531 fecundity n fertility; fruitfulness

532 feign v pretend

533 fidelity n loyalty

534 fiduciary adj pertaining to a position of trust

535 finesse n delicate skill

536 flaccid adj flabby

537 flamboyant adj ornate

538 flotilla n small fleet

539 flotsam n drifting wreckage

540 forbearance n patience

541 formidable adj inspiring fear or apprehension; difficult; awe-inspiring

542 fractious adj unruly

543 fraudulent adj cheating; deceitful

544 fraught adj filled

545 frieze n ornamental band on a wall

546 frolicsome adj prankish; gay

547 frugality n thrift; economy

548 futile adj useless; hopeless; ineffectual

549 gadfly n animal-biting fly; an irritating person

550 gait n manner of walking or running; speed

large, isolated system of stars, such as the Milky Way; any

551 galaxy n
collection of brilliant personalities

552 gambol v skip; leap playfully.

553 garrulity n talkativeness.

554 garrulous adj loquacious; wordy.

555 gastronomy n science of preparing and serving good food.

556 gauche adj clumsy; boorish.

557 gauntlet n leather glove.

558 genteel adj well-bred; elegant.

559 germane adj pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand.

560 ghastly adj horrible.

561 gluttonous adj greedy for food.

562 gnarled adj twisted.

563 gnome n dwarf; underground spirit.

epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and

564 gourmand n

565 gourmet n connoisseur of food and drink.

566 granary n storehouse for grain.

567 grandiloquent adj pompous; bombastic; using high-sounding language.

568 grandiose adj pretentious; high-flown; ridiculously exaggerated; impressive.

569 granulate v form into grains.

570 gratuitous adj given freely; unwarranted; uncalled for.

571 gregarious adj sociable.

572 grimace n a facial distortion to show feeling such as pain, disgust, etc.

573 gullible adj easily deceived.

574 gustatory adj affecting the sense of taste.

575 hackneyed adj commonplace; trite.

576 haggard adj wasted away; gaunt.

577 halcyon adj calm; peaceful.

578 haphazard adj random; by chance.

579 hapless adj unfortunate.

580 harangue n noisy speech.

581 harass v to annoy by repeated attacks.

582 harbinger n forerunner.

583 haughtiness n pride; arrogance.

584 hazardous adj dangerous.

585 hedonism n belief that pleasure is the sole aim in life.

586 heinous adj atrocious; hatefully bad.

587 herbivorous adj grain-eating.

opinion contrary to popular belief; opinion contrary to

588 heresy n
accepted religion.
person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the
589 heretic n

590 hermetically adv sealed by fusion so as to be airtight.

591 hermitage n home of a hermit.

592 heterogeneous adj dissimilar; mixed.

593 hiatus n gap; interruption in duration or continuity; pause.

594 hibernate v sleep throughout the winter.

595 hierarchy n body divided into ranks.

596 hieroglyphic n picture writing.

597 hilarity n boisterous mirth.

598 hoax n trick; deception; fraud.

599 holocaust n destruction by fire.

600 homogeneous adj of the same kind.

601 hortatory adj encouraging; exhortative.

602 horticultural adj pertaining to cultivation of gardens.

603 hovel n shack; small, wretched house.

604 hubbub n confused uproar.

605 hubris n arrogance; excessive self-conceit.

606 humane adj kind; marked by kindness or consideration.

607 humdrum adj dull; monotonous.

608 hydrophobia n rabies; fear of water.

609 hyperbole n exaggeration; overstatement.

person unduly worried about his health; worrier without cause

610 hypochondriac n about

611 hypothetical adj based on assumptions or hypotheses; supposed.

612 ichthyology n study of fish.

613 iconoclastic adj attacking cherished traditions.

614 idiosyncratic adj peculiar to an individual.

615 idolatry n worship of idols; excessive admiration.

616 idyllic adj charmingly carefree; simple.

617 igneous adj produced by fire; volcanic.

618 ignoble adj unworthy; based in nature; not noble.

619 ignominious adj deeply disgraceful; shameful.

620 illimitable adj infinite.

621 imbecility n weakness of mind.

complicated situation; painful or complex misunderstanding;

622 imbroglio n
623 immaculate adj spotless; flawless; absolutely clean.

624 imminent adj impending; near at hand

625 impeach v charge with crime in office; indict

626 impeccable adj faultless

627 impecunious adj without money

628 imperious adj domineering; haughty

629 impermeable adj impervious; not permitting passage through its substance

630 impertinent adj insolent

631 imperturbable adj calm; placid

632 impervious adj impenetrable; incapable of being damaged or distressed

633 impetuous adj violent; hasty; rash

634 impiety n irreverence; lack of respect for God

635 impinge v infringe; touch; collide with

636 impious adj irreverent

637 implacable adj incapable of being pacified

638 implausible adj unlikely; unbelievable

639 implement v supply what is needed; furnish with tools

640 importunate adj urging; demanding

641 impotent adj weak; ineffective

without previous preparation; off the cuff; on the spur of the

642 impromptu adj

643 impropriety n improperness; unsuitableness

dispute or contradict (often in an insulting way); challenge;
644 impugn v

645 inanimate adj lifeless

646 incandescent adj strikingly bright; shining with intense heat

647 incantation n singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula

648 incapacitate v disable

649 incarcerate v imprison

650 incessant adj uninterrupted

651 inchoate adj recently begun; rudimentary; elementary

652 inclement adj stormy; unkind

653 incompatible adj inharmonious

654 incongruity n lack of harmony; absurdity

655 incongruous adj not fitting; absurd

656 incorrigible adj uncorrectable

657 increment n increase

658 indefatigable adj tireless

659 indemnify v make secure against loss; compensate for loss

660 indenture v bind as servant or apprentice to master

661 indict v charge

662 indigenous adj native

663 indissoluble adj permanent

664 indolence n laziness

665 indomitable adj unconquerable

666 indubitably adv beyond a doubt;unquestionably

667 inebriety n habitual intoxication

668 ineluctable adj irresistible;not to be escaped

669 inept adj lacking skill;unsuited;incompetent

670 inequity n unfairness

671 inertia n state of being inert or indisposed to move

672 inexorable adj relentless;unyielding;implacable

673 infallible adj unerring

674 infamous adj notoriously bad

675 infantile adj childish

676 infinitesimal adj exceedingly small;so small as to be almost nonexistent

677 ingenuous adj naïve;young;unsophisticated

678 ingratiate v make an effort to become popular with

679 iniquitous adj wicked;immoral; unrighteous

680 innocuous adj harmless

681 insatiable adj not easily satisfied;unquenchable;greedy

682 inscrutable adj incomprehensible;not to be discovered

683 insidious adj treacherous; stealthy;sly

684 insomnia n wakefulness; inability to sleep

685 insouciant adj indifferent; without concern or care

686 insular adj like an island; narrow-minded

687 intermittent adj periodic; on and off

688 internecine adj deadly; mutually destructive; relating to an internal conflict

689 interstices n chinks; crevices

690 intransigent adj refusing any compromise

691 intrepid adj fearless

692 inveigh v protest strongly; denounce; attack with words

693 irascible adj irritable; easily angered

694 iridescent adj exhibiting rainbowlike colors

695 irreconcilable adj incompatible; not able to be resolved

696 irrelevant adj not applicable; unrelated

697 jaundiced adj prejudiced (envious, hostile, or resentful); yellowed

698 jocund adj merry; cheerful; blithe

tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of

699 kaleidoscope n colored pieces of glass, etc., produce interesting symmetrical

700 kiosk n booth; summerhouse; open pavilion

701 kismet n fate

702 kleptomaniac n person who has a compulsive desire to steal

703 knavery n untrustworthiness; lack of principles; villainy

704 labyrinth n maze

705 lacerate v mangle; tear

706 laggard adj slow; sluggish

707 lagoon n shallow body of water near a sea; lake

708 lapidary n worker in precious stones

709 larceny n theft

710 largess n generous gift

711 lascivious adj lustful

712 lassitude n languor; weariness

713 lecherous adj impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste

714 leniency n mildness; permissiveness

715 leonine n like a lion

716 lesion n unhealthy change in structure, injury

717 lethargic adj drowsy; dull

718 lewd adj lustful

719 lexicon n dictionary

contact keeping parts of an organization in communication;

720 liaison n
go-between; secret love affair

721 libelous adj defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person

722 libertine n debauched person, roue

723 libido n emotional urges behind human activity

724 licentious adj amoral; lewd and lascivious; unrestrained

725 lieu n instead of

726 lilliputian adj extremely small

727 lineaments n features of the face

728 litotes n understatement for emphasis

729 longevity n long life

730 loquacious adj talkativeness.

731 ludicrous adj ridiculous; laughable; absurd

732 lugubrious adj mournful

733 luscious adj pleasing to taste or smell

734 luxuriant adj abundant; rich and splendid; fertile

735 macabre adj gruesome; grisly

736 machination n evil schemes or plots

737 madrigal n pastoral song

738 maelstrom n whirlpool

739 magnanimous adj generous

740 magniloquent adj boastful, pompous

741 maladroit adj clumsy; bungling

742 malaise n uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health

743 malapropism n comic misuse of a word

744 malicious adj hateful; spiteful

745 malign v speak evil of; bad-mouth; defame

746 malleable adj capable of being shaped by pounding; impressionable

747 marauder n raider; intruder

748 masticate v chew

749 matriarch n woman who rules a family or larger social group

750 maudlin adj effusively sentimental

751 mayhem n injury to body

752 mediocre v ordinary; commonplace

753 medley n mixture

754 megalomania n mania for doing grandiose things

755 mellifluous adj sweetly or smoothly flowing ; melodious

756 memento n token; reminder

757 memorialize v commemorate

758 mendacious adj lying ; habitually

759 mercantile adj concerning trade

760 mercenary adj motivated solely by money or gain

761 mercurial adj capricious ; changing ; fickle

762 meretricious adj flashy ; tawdry

763 mesmerize v hypnotize ; fascinate

764 milieu n environment; means of expression

765 miscellany n mixture of writings on various subjects

766 misdemeanor n minor crime

767 misogamy n hatred of marriage

768 missile n object to be thrown or projected

769 mitigate v appease

770 mnemonic adj pertaining to memory

771 mogul n powerful person

772 moiety n half; part

773 molecule n the smallest part of a homogeneous substance

774 mollify v soothe

775 momentum n quantity of motion of a moving body; impetus

related to monks or monasteries; removed from worldly

776 monastic adj

777 monolithic adj solidly uniform; unyielding

778 monotheism n belief in one God

779 monotony n sameness leading to boredom

780 moribund adj at the point of death

781 morose adj ill-humored; sullen; melancholy

782 mortician n undertaker

783 motley adj multi-colored; mixed

784 mulct v defraud a person of something

785 myopic adj nearsighted; lacking foresight

786 narcissist n conceited, self-centered person

787 nascent adj incipient; coming into being

788 nauseate v cause to become sick; fill with disgust

789 nautical adj pertaining to ships or navigation

790 nebulous adj vague; hazy; cloudy.

791 necrology n obituary notice; list of the dead

792 necromancy n black magic; dealings with the dead

793 nefarious adj very wicked.

794 nemesis n revenging agent

795 neophyte n recent convert; beginner

796 nepotism n favoritism (to a relative)

philosophy that traditional beliefs are groundless and

797 nihilism n
existence meaningless; absolute skepticism; terrorism

798 nocturnal adj done at night

799 nomenclature n terminology; system of names

800 nonchalance n indifference; lack of concern; composure

801 noncommittal n neutral; unpledged; undecided

802 nonentity n nonexistence; person of no importance

803 nonsequitur n a conclusion that does not follow from the facts stated

804 nostalgia n homesickness; longing for the past

805 nubile adj marriageable

806 nugatory adj futile; worthless

807 numismatist n person who collects coins

808 nuptial adj related to marriage

809 obdurate adj stubborn

810 obeisance n bow

811 obelisk n tall column tapering and ending in a pyramid

812 obfuscate v confuse; muddle; cause confusion; make needlessly complex

813 obituary adj death notice

814 obligatory adj binding; required

slanting; deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight

815 oblique adj

816 obsequious adj slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic.

817 obstetrician n physician specializing in delivery of babies

818 obstreperous adj boisterous; noisy

819 odoriferous adj giving off an odor

820 odorous adj having an odor

821 ogle v look at amorously; make eyes at

822 olfactory adj concerning the sense of smell

823 oligarchy n government by a privileged few

824 ominous adj threatening

825 omniscient adj all-knowing

826 omnivorous adj eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything

827 opalescent adj iridescent; lustrous

828 opprobrious adj despicable; disgraceful

829 opprobrium n public disgrace or reproach; vilification

830 optician n maker and seller of eyeglasses

831 optometrist n one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects

832 ornithology n study of birds

833 orotund adj having a round, resonant quality; inflated speech

834 orthography n correct spelling

835 oscillate v vibrate pendulumlike; waver

836 ostentatious adj showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention

837 ostracize v exclude from public favor; ban

838 pachyderm n thick-skinned animal

839 pacifist n one opposed to force; antimilitarist

840 paddock n saddling enclosure at race track; lot for exercising horses

841 paean n song of praise or joy

842 palatable adj agreeable; pleasing to the taste

843 palatial adj magnificent

844 palaver v chatter; talk idly; flatter

flat surface on which a painter mixes pigments; ranger of

845 palette n
colors commonly used by a particular artist
lessen violence (of a disease); alleviate; moderate intensity;
846 palliate v
gloss over with excuses.

847 palpable adj tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable

848 palpitate v throb; flutter

849 paltry adj insignificant; petty; trifling

850 panacea n cure-all; remedy for all diseases

851 pandemonium n wild tumult

852 panegyric n formal praise

853 panoply n full set of armor

854 panorama n unobstructed view; comprehensive survey; range

855 pantomime n acting without dialogue

856 papyrus n ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant

857 paradigm n model; example; pattern

858 paranoia n psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution

859 paraphernalia n equipment; odds and ends

860 pariah n social outcast

861 paroxysm n fit or attack of pain, laughter, rage

862 parry v ward off a blow; deflect

863 parsimonious adj stingy; excessively frugal

864 partisan adj one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party

865 parturition n delivery; childbirth

piece of writing or music made up of borrowed bits and

866 pastiche n
pieces; hodgepodge

867 patriarch n father and ruler of a family or tribe

868 patrimony n inheritance from father

869 patronize v support; act superior toward; be a customer of

870 paucity n scarcity

871 peccadillo n slight offense

872 pecuniary adj pertaining to money

873 pedagogue n teacher; dull and formal teacher

874 pediatrician n expert in children's diseases

875 pejorative adj negative in connotation; having a belittling effect

876 pellucid adj transparent; limpid

877 penance n self-composed punishment for sin

878 penurious adj stingy; parsimonious

879 peregrination n journey

880 peremptory adj demanding and leaving no choice

881 perennial n something long-lasting

882 perfidious adj treacherous; disloyal

883 peripatetic adj walking about; moving

884 pernicious adj very destructive

885 persiflage n flippant conversation; banter

886 perspicacious adj having insight; penetrating; astute

887 perspicuous adj plainly expressed

888 pertinacious adj stubborn; persistent

889 pestilential adj causing plague; baneful

890 philander v make love lightly, flirt

891 philanthropist n lover of mankind; doer of good

narrow-minded person, uncultured and exclusively interested

892 philistine n
in material gain

893 phlegmatic adj calm; not easily disturbed

894 physiognomy n face

895 picaresque adj pertaining to rogues in literature

896 pillage v plunder

897 pinion v restrain

898 pinnacle n peak

899 pique n irritation; resentment

900 pithy adj concise; meaningful; substantial; meaty

901 placate v pacify; conciliate

902 plagiarism n theft of another's ideas or writings passed on as original

903 plaintive adj mournful

904 platitude n trite remark; commonplace statement

905 plausible adj having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious

906 plebeian adj common; pertaining to the common people

907 plebiscite n expression of the will of a people by direct election

908 plenipotentiary adj fully empowered

909 plethora n excess; overabundance

910 podiatrist n doctor who treats ailments of the feet

911 poignant adj deeply moving; keenly affecting

912 polemic n controversy; argument in support of a point of view

913 polygamist n one who has more than one spouse at a time

914 polyglot adj speaking several languages

915 ponderous adj weighty; unwieldy

916 posterity n descendants; future generations

after death (as of child born after father's death or book

917 posthumous adj
published after author's death)

918 postulate n essential premise; underlying assumption

practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the

919 pragmatic adj
practical worth or impact of something

920 preamble n introductory statement

921 precarious adj uncertain; risky

something preceding in time that may be used as an authority

922 precedent n
or guide for future action

923 precipice n cliff; dangerous position

924 precipitous adj steep; overhasty

925 precocious adj advanced in development

926 precursor n forerunner

927 predilection n partially; preference

928 preeminent adj outstanding; superior

head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself;

929 preempt v

930 prefatory adj introductory

931 prehensile adj capable of grasping or holding

932 prelude n introduction; forerunner

933 preposterous adj absurd; ridiculous

934 prerogative n privilege; unquestionable right

935 presage v foretell

936 prevalent adj widespread; generally accepted

937 prevaricate v lie

938 primordial adj existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary

939 pristine adj characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled

940 privation n hardship; want

941 proboscis n long snout; nose

942 proclivity n inclination; natural tendency

943 procrastinate v postpone; delay or put off

944 prognosis n forecasted course of a disease; prediction

945 prognosticate v predict

946 projectile n missile

947 proletarian n member of the working class

948 promiscuous adj indiscriminate (often sexually); haphazard; irregular

949 promontory n headland

950 promote v help to flourish; advance in rank; publicize

proclaim a doctrine or law; make known by official

951 promulgate v

952 propellants n substances that propel or drive forward

953 prophylactic adj used to prevent disease

954 propitiate v appease

955 propitious adj favorable; fortunate; advantageous

956 propound v put forth for analysis

957 propriety n fitness; correct conduct

958 propulsive adj driving forward

959 prosaic adj dull and unimaginative; matter-of-fact; factual

960 proselytize v convert to a religion or belief

961 prosody n the art of versification

962 protégé n person receiving protection and support from a patron

963 protocol n diplomatic etiquette

964 provincial adj pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated

965 prurient adj having or causing lustful thoughts and desires

966 pseudonym n pen name

967 psychopathic adj pertaining to mental derangement

968 puerile adj childish; immature

969 pugilist n boxer

970 pugnacious adj combative; disposed to fight

971 puissant adj powerful; strong; potent

972 pulchritude n beauty; comeliness

973 pulmonary adj pertaining to the lungs

974 pulsate v throb

975 pummel v beat or pound with fists

laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; minutely attentive

976 punctilious adj
to fine points (perhaps too much so)
977 purgatory n place of spiritual expiation

978 purveyor n furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer

979 pusillanimous adj cowardly; fainthearted

980 pyromaniac n person with an irresistible desire to set things on fire

981 quadruped n four-footed animal

soft wet boggy land; complex or dangerous situation from

982 quagmire n
which it is difficult to free oneself

983 quandary n dilemma

984 quarantine n isolation of person or ship to prevent spread of infection

985 querulous adj fretful; whining

986 queue n line

987 quiescent adj at rest; dormant; temporarily inactive

988 quietude n tranquillity

989 quintessence n purest and highest embodiment

990 quixotic adj idealistic but impractical

991 quizzical adj teasing; bantering; mocking; curious

992 quorum n number of members necessary to conduct a meeting

993 raconteur n storyteller

994 rancid adj having the odor of stale fat

995 rancor n bitterness; hatred

996 rapacious adj predatory; greedy; plundering

997 rapprochement n reconciliation

998 ratiocination n reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises

give a plausible reason for an action in place of a true, less

999 rationalize v
admirable one; offer an excuse

1000 recalcitrant adj obstinately stubborn; determined to resist authority; unruly

1001 recapitulate v summarize

1002 recession n withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity

1003 recidivism n habitual return to crime

1004 recondite adj abstruse; profound; hidden from view

1005 reconnaissance n survey of enemy by soldiers; reconnoitering

1006 recumbent adj reclining; lying down completely or in part

1007 recuperate v recover

refusing to comply (applied specifically to those who refused

1008 recusant adj
to confirm to Church of England practices)

1009 redolent adj fragrant; odorous; suggestive of an odor

1010 refractory adj stubborn; unmanageable

1011 regal adj royal

1012 regicide n murder of a king or queen

1013 regime n method or system of government

1014 rehabilitate v restore to proper condition

1015 reimburse v repay

1016 remedial adj curative; corrective

1017 reminiscence n recollection

1018 remunerative adj compensating; rewarding

1019 rendezvous n meeting place

list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared to

1020 repertoire n

1021 reprehensible adj deserving blame.

1022 reprieve n temporary stay.

1023 reprimand v reprove severely.

1024 reprisal n retaliation.

1025 repugnance n loathing.

1026 requiem n mass for the dead; dirge.

1027 rescind v cancel

1028 reserve n self-control; care in expressing one-self.

1029 resplendent adj dazzling; glorious; brilliant.

1030 restitution n reparation; indemnification.

1031 resuscitate v revive

1032 retaliate v repay in kind ( usually for bad treatment)

1033 reticence n reserve; uncommunicativeness; inclination to be silent.

1034 retrograde v go backwards; degenerate.

1035 revelry n boisterous merrymaking.

1036 rhapsodize v to speak or write in an exaggeratedly enthusiastic manner.

1037 rhetoric n art of effective communication; insincere language.

1038 rubicund adj having a healthy reddish color; ruddy; florid.

1039 rummage v ransack; thoroughly search.

1040 saccharine adj cloyingly sweet.

1041 sacerdotal adj priestly.

1042 sacrilegious adj desecrating; profane.

1043 sacrosanct adj most sacred; inviolable.

1044 sadistic adj inclined to cruelty.

1045 saffron adj orange-colored; colored like the autumn crocus.

1046 sagacious adj perceptive; shrewd; having insight.

1047 salient adj protruding; strikingly conspicuous; jumping.

1048 saline adj salty

1049 salubrious adj promoting good health; healthful.

1050 sanctimonious adj falsely holy; feigning piety.

1051 sanguinary adj bloody.

1052 sanguine adj cheerful; hopeful.

1053 sapient adj wise; shrewd.

1054 sarcasm n scornful remarks; stinging rebuke.

1055 sarcophagus n stone coffin, often highly decorated.

1056 sardonic adj cynically mocking; sarcastic.

1057 satellite n small body revolving around a larger one.

1058 satiate v satisfy fully.

1059 saturate v soak.

1060 saturnine adj gloomy

1061 schism n division; split.

1062 scion n offspring.

1063 scourge n cause of widespread devastation; severe punishment; whip.

1064 scrupulous adj conscientious; extremely thorough.

1065 scurrilous adj vulgar; coarse; foul-mouthed; obscene.

1066 sebaceous adj oily, fatty.

1067 secession n withdrawal.

1068 sepulcher n tomb.

gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident;

1069 serendipity n
accidental good fortune or luck.

1070 serenity n calmness; placidity.

1071 serpentine adj winding; twisting.

1072 servile adj slavish; cringing.

1073 severance n the act of dividing or separating.

1074 sibylline adj prophetic; oracular.

1075 sinecure n. well-paid position with little responsibility

1076 sinewy adj. tough; strong and firm

1077 skulduggery n. dishonest behavior

1078 sleight n. dexterity

moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol);

1079 sobriety n.
1080 sobriquet n. nickname

1081 solecism n. construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically

1082 solemnity n. seriousness; gravity

1083 solicitous adj. worried; concern

1084 soliloquy n. the act of talking to oneself

1085 solstice n. point at which the sun is farthest from the equator

1086 somnambulist n. sleepwalker

1087 somnolent adj. half sleep

1088 sonorous adj. resonant

1089 spasmodic adj. fitful; periodic

colored band produced when beam of light passes through a

1090 spectrum n.

1091 stagnant adj. motionless; stale; dull

1092 stalwart adj. strong and vigorous; unwaveringly dependable

1093 stamina n. strength; staying power

1094 stentorian adj. extremely loud

1095 stratagem n deceptive scheme

1096 striated adj. marked with parallel bands

1097 strident adj. loud and harsh; insistent

1098 stringent adj. severe; rigid; constricted

1099 stygian adj. gloomy; hellish; deathly

1100 stymie v present an obstacle; stump

1101 suave adj. smooth; bland

1102 suavity n urbanity; polish

1103 subaltern n subordinate

1104 subsidiary n/adj. something secondary in importance or subordinate; auxiliary

1105 subterfuge n deceitful stratagem; trick; pretense

1106 succor v aid; assist; comfort

1107 succulent n/adj juicy; full of richness

1108 sundry adj various; several

1109 superannuated adj retired on pension because of age

1110 supercilious adj arrogant; condescending; patronizing

1111 supplicate v petition humbly; pray to a grant favor

1112 surcease n end; cessation

1113 surfeit v satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything

1114 surly adj rude; cross

1115 surreptitious adj secret; furtive; sneaky; hidden

1116 surrogate n substitute

1117 surveillance n watching; guarding

1118 sybarite n lover of luxury

1119 sycophant n servile flatterer; bootlicker; yes man

logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise,

1120 syllogism n
and a conclusion

1121 sylvan adj pertaining to the woods; rustic

1122 symmetry n arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity

1123 synchronous adj similarly timed; simultaneous with

1124 synthesis n combining parts into a whole

1125 taciturn adj habitually silent; talking little

1126 tantrum n fit of petulance; caprice

1127 tarantula n venomous spider

1128 tautological adj needlessly repetitious

1129 tawdry adj cheap and gaudy

1130 temerity n boldness; rashness

1131 terminus n last stop of railroad

1132 terrestrial adj earthly (as opposed to celestial); pertaining to the land

1133 tertiary adj third in rank or order

1134 tessellated adj inlaid; mosaic

1135 thaumaturgist n miracle worker; magician

1136 therapeutic adj curative

1137 threnody n poem or song of lamentation; dirge

1138 tithe n tax of one-tenth

1139 titillate v excite superficially; tickle

1140 titular adj nominal holding of title without obligations

1141 tortuous adj winding; full of curves

1142 trajectory n path taken by a projectile

1143 tryst n appointed meeting

1144 turbid adj muddy; having the sediment disturbed

1145 tutelage n guardianship; training

1146 tutelary adj protective; pertaining to a guardianship

1147 tyro n beginner; novice

1148 ubiquitous adj being everywhere; omnipresent

1149 unanimity n complete agreement

1150 unctuous adj oily; bland; insincerely suave

1151 undulate v move with a wavelike motion.

1152 unprecedented adj novel; unparalleled.

1153 usury n lending money at illegal rates of interest.

1154 vacillation n wavering; indecisiveness; fluctuation.

1155 vacuous adj empty; inane.

1156 vagabond n wanderer; tramp.

1157 vainglorious adj boastful; excessively conceited.

1158 valedictory adj pertaining to farewell.

1159 vanguard n advance guard of a military force; forefront of a movement.

1160 variegated adj many-colored.

1161 vehement adj forceful; intensely emotional; with marked vigor.

1162 venerable adj deserving high respect.

1163 venial adj forgivable; trivial.

someone who can make his or her voice seem to come from
1164 ventriloquist n
another person or thing.

1165 verbatim adv word for word.

1166 verdant adj green; lush in vegetation.

1167 verisimilitude n appearance of truth; likelihood.

1168 versatile adj having many talents; capable of working in many fields.

1169 vertex n summit.

1170 vertiginous adj giddy; causing dizziness.

1171 vicissitude n change of fortune.

1172 vignette n picture; short literary sketch.

1173 virulent adj extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter.

1174 visceral adj felt in one's inner organs.

1175 viscous adj sticky; gluey.

1176 vitiate v spoil the effect of; make inoperative.

1177 vitreous adj pertaining to or resembling glass.

1178 vitriolic adj corrosive, sarcastic.

1179 vituperative adj abusive; scolding.

1180 vivacious adj animated; gay.

1181 vivisection n act of dissecting living animals.

1182 vixen n female fox; ill-tempered woman.

1183 vociferous adj clamorous; noisy.

1184 voluminous adj bulky; large.

1185 voluptuous adj ravenous.

1186 voracious adj grant; choose to give in reply; permit.

1187 votary n follower of a cult.

1188 vouchsafe v grant; choose to give in reply; permit.

1189 vying v contending.

1190 waif n homeless child or animal.

1191 wastrel n profligate.

1192 wheedle v cajole; coax; deceive by flattery.

1193 whimsical adj capricious; fanciful; quaint.

1194 winsome adj agreeable; gracious; engaging.

1195 wrangle v quarrel; obtain through arguing; herd cattle.

1196 wrath n anger; fury.

1197 writhe v twist in coils; contort in pain.

1198 wry adj twisted; with a humorous twist.

1199 xenophile n one attracted to foreign people, manners, and styles.

1200 xenophobia n fear and hatred of anything foreign.

farmer who cultivates his own land; freeholder ranking below

1201 yeoman n

1202 zenith n point directly overhead in the sky; summit.

1203 zephyr n gently breeze; west wind.

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