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Hypertension Control Programs

In Occupational Settings

HYPERTENSION REPRESENTS AN AREA OF HEALTH where Although the causes of the major cardiovascular
a modest investment ought to yield a great benefit, if diseases-heart attack and stroke-are not entirely
indeed an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of understood, certain conditions or characteristics are
cure. Cardiovascular disease, including 600,000 heart known to increase the likelihood of their occurrence.
attack deaths and 60,000 stroke deaths, was the leading The major known risk factors are a family history of
cause of death and disability in the nation in 1976 premature vascular disease, smoking, hyperlipidemia
(I). In that year, these cardiovascular diseases con- (high blood fats), and hypertension. Of these, hyper-
sumed, in direct and indirect costs, some $50 billion tension has the strongest association with subsequent
or 20 percent of all health-related expenditures. cardiovascular catastrophes, such as heart attack and
stroke, and is most responsive to available interventions.
Dr. Alderman is associate professor of medicine and public During the past generation, substantial progress has
health, Cornell University Medical College, 1300 York Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10021. Dr. Green was a professor in the been made in defining the natural history of high blood
Division of Health Education, Johns Hopkins University pressure and in developing effective means of treat-
School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore, at the time ment. Blood pressure elevation usually is first detected
this paper was prepared; he is now Director, Office of Health
Information, Health Promotion and Physical Fitness and during the fourth or early fifth decade of life. Although
Sports Medicine, Public Health Service. Mr. Flynn is a doc- this disease usually has no symptoms, early detection
toral candidate in the Division of Health Education at Johns and treatment can reduce the incidence of cardiovas-
Hopkins. Tearsheet requests to Dr. Alderman.
This article is adapted from a background paper prepared cular death and disability.
for the National Conference on Health Promotion Programs
in Occupational Settings. It was supported by contract No. Unfortunately, the best current information is that
282-78-0174 with the Office of Health Information, Health the majority of those with high blood pressure are not
Promotion and Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, Public receiving effective therapy. A national antihypertension
Health Service, and by DHEW research training grant 1-T32-
HL0710-03 to the Johns Hopkins University. campaign, however, has altered substantially the nature
158 Public Health Reports

of the problem. In contrast to the situation of only STRUCTURES FOR CONTROL PROGRAMS
a decade ago when perhaps one-half of all hyperten- Hypertension control activities in occupational set-
sives were undetected, now more than 80 percent of tings have been underway for a number of years. Medi-
those afflicted are aware of their conditions and fully cal, economic, social, and logistical imperatives have
two-thirds are receiving treatment. The glaring defect produced several approaches to achieving blood pressure
in the current situation is the widespread failure of the control. Because the knowledge that blood pressure
health care system to achieve and maintain long-term reduction can lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease
blood pressure control after patients begin treatment. is so recent and adequate iinplementation and analysis
As many as half of the patients who begin treatmnent of health care delivery prograimis require so much time,
for hypertension do not remain under care or do not inforiiation about blood pressure control activities at
adhere adequately to therapeutic recommendations. workplaces is incomplete. Nevertheless, a number of
well-documented studies have accumulated sufficient
In an effort to bridge the gap between the technical evidence to show that control efforts in occupational
potential and the actual achievement of blood pressure settings offer considerable promise of contributing to
control, a variety of structural and educational strate- workers' wellness.
gies have been developed and evaluated both in occu- Two major categories of efforts to proinote blood
pational and other settings. In this paper, we review pressure control at the worksite are (a) detection of
(a) several types of hypertension control programs that hypertensive employees at the worksite and referring
have been tested in occupational settings and (b) the them to community resources for continuing treatment
results of a series of studies conducted in occupational -a systemiatic followup program has been an integral
and other settings to determine effective educational component of these programs and (b) provision of
methods for helping patients to maintain their hyper- antihypertensive therapy at or near the worksite. In
tension medication regimen. several instances, the two patterns have been combined.
March-April 1980, Vol. 95, No. 2 159
Detection, Referral, and Followup sure. As much effort as necessary to produce effective
Chicago Heart Assocation Project. 'I'he workplace referral was expended. Followup efforts were conducted
was p)erhaps first used as a means of casefinding and primarily by mail and telephone. As a result, 88 per-
referral in the mid-1960s. The Chicago Heart Associa- cent of all identified hypertensives actually consulted
tion, in collaboration with 84 induLstries, systematically a physician. Thereafter, contact with both patients and
screened soime 37,714 (55 percent) eligible emploNveees physicians was miaintained at semiannual intervals.
(2). Hypertension was detected in 19 percent of these WVith followup data available for up to 2 years, more
eiupjilov ees, but at the time of screening it was being than 80 lpercent of the successfully referred employees
cointrolled satisfactorily in fewer than 15 percent. Al- maintained satisfactory blood pressure control.
though 65 percent of these hypertensives actually saw,r a The factor that distinguishes the Michigan prograim
referral physiciain, followul) for the group as a whole froiim less successful programs is the project staff's sys-
rexvealecl that they had not achieved significant improve- temzatic and diligent followup of both patients and
Iment in blood pressure control after 5 years. physicians. It seemns that this aproach is mlore likely to
The directors of the Chicago project concluded that produce blood pressure control than simple referral
their initial approach-merely advising screenees with without vigorous folloup.
elevated blood pressure levels to see a physician was
not sufficient to plroduce and Imaintain the necessary The Burlington Industries Program. A third approach
long-teriim therapy. Therefore, in 1969, they began an- to detection, referral, and followup is represented by a
other approach to detection and referral of hyperten- program initiated by Burlington Industries in 1974 (4).
sive employees. T'his approach substantially increased A well-planned educational program for management
comIImunicatioin between hypertensive workers ancl staff and workers resulted in 100 percent participation in the
of the hypertension control program because it incltuded screening component of this program. Appointments
additional contact with those with elevated blood pres- were mlade with a physician chosen by each worker
sure readings at the first screening. Laboratory tests having an elevated blood pressure. The workers' phy-
were performed, and the restults were gixen to the hy- sicians received a letter containing a record of the
lertensive einplovees for transimission to their physi- blood pressure readings and an offer to provide the
cians. Also, a health educator spoke with each of these worker with blood pressure checks, education, and other
emp)loyees, and five 1-hour classes on cardiovascular services at the worksite in cooperation with the physi-
disease wer-e offered to the affected workers at their cian. T'he workers wvho participated thus continued as
workplaces. patients of their personal physicians for treatment of
Unfortunately, the response to this second strategy hypertension, but received supplementary services from
was as uninil)ressive as the response to the first approach. the worksite hypertension program to nmonitor their
Fewer than half of the hypertensive employees actually blood pressure and to help them continue in treatment
and inaintain their medication regimens. About one-half
visited a physician and 2 vears later only one-half of of the referred employees were approved by their
those who sought care had achiexved and maintained
control of their blood pressure. physicians for participation in the cooperative care com-
The results of the Chicago project suggest that al- ponent of this program. No data on blood pressure con-
though workplace screening imight be a convenient and trol were available from this pilot study, but long-term
economnical way to detect hypertension, it does not contact with hypertensive employees and communica-
necessarilv lead to either participation in treatment or tion between the worksite program staff and community
to improved control of blood pressure. Siimple referral physicians have been found in other studies, such as
to culstomary souirces of care does not seem to effect the MIichigan Worker Health Program, to be effective
the change in behaxvior necessary to achiev e these approaches. The Burlington study demonstrated the
goals. feasibility of close cooperation between community phy-
sicians, hypertensive employees, and staffs of worksite
Michigan Worker Health Program1. Investigators at hypertension control programs.
the University of Mfichigan developed a worksite hyper-
tension control program based on a coordinated detec- Occupationally Based Treatment
tion, referral, and followup campaign (3). This pro- Several investigators have designed comprehensive pro-
gram, carried out in collaboration with labor unions and grams for the detection and treatment of hypertension
managemiient in several work settings, included mlain- in the occupational setting. One such program, devel-
taining contact with both the worker and his or her oped by Cornell University Medical College for the
physician after screening revealed elevated blood pres- United Storeworkers Union in New York City, detected
160 Public Health Reports
and treated hypertensive employees at Gimbels and tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, has developed
Bloomingdale's department stores (5). Since 1973, some a strategy through which it hopes to demonstrate that
15,000 employees have been screened. The prevalence industrial blood pressure control activities can be stimu-
of hypertension was 15 percent; about 1,500 identified lated by the educational efforts of local company repre-
hypertensive workers are now receiving care at 1 of sentatives. The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
11 union-provided treatment locations. The program Company in Springfield has instituted an occupationally
uses a health team approach; a nurse, supervised by a sponsored program in which education, detection, and
physician, provides care according to a systematic followup of hypertensives is carried out at the worksite
protocol. There is no direct cost to the patient for and community physicians provide treatment. An ad-
visits, drugs, or laboratory tests. Patients' adherence ditional feature of this program has been the assump-
to treatment has been high, with attrition amounting tion of full costs by the company. Physicians provide
to less than 10 percent per year. Satisfactory blood information on patient status through the billing- process
pressure control has been achieved and maintained by so that vigorous patient followup is assured and ac-
80 percent of the program's active patients. Preliminary curate cost-benefit analysis is feasible.
data suggest that absenteeism and hospitalization have A variety of worksite-based programs to detect, re-
declined for treated patients. fer, follow up, and treat hypertension among employees
Recent studies have demonstrated that equally satis- have been initiated in different kinds of occupational
factory results can be achieved for employee groups settings. In many cases their experience has been long
treated at an offsite union health center clinic. This enough to permit some outcome analysis. The results
experience suggests that a rigid therapeutic approach, have been sufficiently encouraging to justify their ex-
reliance on a health team, removal of personal financial pansion. Studies now underway should clarify the rela-
impediments, emphasis on patient participation in the tive merits of the different occupational programs, as
treatment process, and the provision of all services well as provide an accurate definition of their medical
within a socially cohesive institution are individually and cost-benefit implications for indsutry.
or together more important determinants of outcome
than the physical location of the treatment facility. EDUCATIONAL STRATEGIES
Programs in Progress The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has
The projects just described, and other similar ones, sponsored 11 studies to test various strategies for im-
have stimulated the establishment of a variety of formal proving compliance of patients with blood pressure
demonstration and evaluation projects designed to meas- control (6,7). The principal investigators of these
ure the relative merit of these various approaches. The studies met several times over the course of their 3-year
University of Michigan, in collaboration with the Ford grants. In sharing and exchanging their experiences
Motor Company, has established three distinct inter- and findings, the investigators arrived at several con-
vention programs that include two methods for detec- clusions that are particularly relevant for occupational
tion and referral and one for onsite treatment at three health applications. (The results of these studies have
automotive plants. No intervention is planned for a not yet been published.)
fourth plant so that results can be compared with those
of the experimental locations. The Westinghouse Elec- Health Care Providers
tric Company recently was awarded a contract by the Increased contact time. In all 11 studies it was found
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to un- that short-term improvement in blood pressure con-
dertake a prospective analysis of different approaches to trol can be achieved by almost any intervention that
antithypertensive therapy in various plants. The Uni- provides more time for discussion between a health
versity of Maryland also has been awarded a grant by care provider and a hypertensive patient. This finding
DHEW to conduct a study of blood pressure control for suggests that periodic blood pressure counseling, even
State employees. It is expected that prospective collec- without a highly structured educational or behavioral
tion of economic and medical data will permit accurate intervention, could possibly be a cost-beneficial activity
assessment of the relative merits of the various ap- of worksite health programs. We offer this possibility
proaches being tested. with trepidation in view of the various types and de-
Understandably, insurance companies also have be- signs of the studies on which it is based. Nevertheless,
come interested in the development of programs to en- there are theoretical explanations for the phenomenon
courage blood pressure control activities in industry. of reduced blood pressure resulting from such general-
The Blue Cross Association, with support from the Na- ized intervention. Most such explanations can be cate-
March-April 1980, Vol. 95, No. 2 161
gorized as experimental effects or placebo effects (8). provider with tangible goods such as trading stamps,
Since all the studies fromn which this observation was a book, or at ticket to a sporting event (12-14). In the
drawn were experimental, reduced blood pressure Johns Hopkins study in Baltimore it was noted that of
could result from the patients knowing that they were three kinds of intervention the one that required the
being observed and therefore taking greater care to greatest amount of participation by the patients, as
bring their pressure down by compliance during the distinct from provider-initiated contact, resulted in
period of the study. the greatest reduction in blood pressure (15).
Some of the studies, however, used resident staff of
the clinical setting rather than research staff to conduct Social Support
the interventions, thereby minimizing the possibility A fourth common observation in most of the 11 studies
that the patients would respond on the basis of know- was that the involvement of a significant other person
ing they were part of an experiment. The second ex- in addition to the patient and the provider was helpful
planation is that the mere process of being under more in reducing blood pressure at least temporarily. Two of
intensive care and observation resulted in a reduction the University of Michigan studies were designed spe-
of blood pressure without necessarily increasing coin- cifically to test the hypothesis that the enlistment of a
pliance or other behavioral changes. Such a placebo partner in blood pressure control would have this effect.
effect is wvell documented in relation to a vide range Perceived social support was significantly increased, and
of phenomena, including blood pressure. preliminary analyses suggested that blood pressure con-
trol corresponded wvith social support (16-18 and per-
Increased number of contacts. A second observation sonal communication about NIH grant No. HL18418
from many of the studies was that the frequency and
from R. D. Caplan, Research Center for Group Dy-
continuity of contact between patient and health care namics, Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, Mich.,
provider resulted in greater blood pressure control.
This observation is similar but it is in partial contrast 1978). The North Carolina study at Chapel Hill suc-
cessfullv mobilized the effect of social support through
to the first observation, wvhich was concerned more
with amount of time and intensity of each contact as family members or friends who were trained to measure
opposed to the number and variety of contacts over the patient's blood pressure and by home visits by a
time. The Johns Hopkins data revealed an effect from pharmacist or nurse (19). The Johns Hopkins study
the number of contacts, but it was not the number of also stimulated such social suport through home visits
contacts alone that accounted for this effect; rather, (20). The potential of the worksite as a more con-
it was the combination of content and contact result- venient place than the home to mobilize social support
ing in more opportunities for and types of repetition for blood pressure control suggests an even greater
and reinforcement of behavioral changes (9). In the potential for achieving this effect with co-workers in
University of California study in Oakland, a similar occupational health programs.
contact-content difference was found between home Self-Monitoring of Blood Pressure
visits and regular contacts wNith clinic personnel
(10,11). Again, the advantage of the worksite is obvi- Some of the studies found an added effect when patients
ous. With regular and appropriately spaced contacts were given the opportunity to monitor their blood pres-
at the worksite, the schedule of behavioral change can sure and to keep records of changes (13,18,19,21,22).
be paced and tailored to the abilities and motivation This effect is believed to operate through another form
of the worker and reinforced over time by subsequent of direct feedback and reinforcement. When the changes
contacts. in blood pressure are more visible and accessible to the
patients, they can adjust a variety of lifestyle habits
Active patient participation. A third generalization according to the trends and changes in their blood
drawn from these studies suggests another level of in- pressure. Some of these changes may not have been so
tervention. The 11 studies appear to have achieved obvious to the health care provider, much less the
varying levels of blood pressure control, depending on patient, without such direct feedback. Thus, the work-
the extent to which patients were actively rather than place could be a setting in which the development of
passively involved in setting goals for their own blood self-monitoring skills with accessible resources should be
pressure control or behavioral change. Some of the easier than is most medical sites or homes (21).
most dramatic effects were achieved, for example, in
small studies in which each patient literally contracted COMMENTS
with the health care provider for behavioral and blood From the work reviewed, it is clear that hypertension
pressure achievements that would be rewarded by the control programs that are focused primarily on detection
162 Public Health Reports
of elevated blood pressure are unlikely to achieve bene- the First International Congress on Patient Counseling.
fits sufficient to justify their costs. Programs that include Patient Counseling Health Ed 1: 35 (1978).
7. National High Blood Pressure Education Research Pro-
efforts to ensure completion of referrals may achieve this gram. Announcement, NIH guide for grants and con-
intermediate objective, but they do not address the tracts. Bethesda, Md., 1973, vol. 2, pp. 3-4.
problem of patients' failure to stay in treatment or to 8. Green, L. W.: Evaluation and measurement: some di-
adhere to medication regimens-the additional steps lemmas for health education. Am J Public Health 67:
necessary to achieve blood pressure control. 155-161, February 1977.
9. Chwalow, A. J., Green, L. W., Levine, D. M., and Deeds,
Programs that include some form of long-term con- S. G.: Effects of the multiplicity of interventions on the
tact vith hypertensive employees appear to be success- compliance of hypertensive patients with medical regimens
in an inner city population. Prev Med 7: 51, March
ful in achieving blood pressure control. The success of 1978.
these programs is enhanced by contact with the hyper- 10. Syme, S. L.: Hypertension education program in a low
tensive worker's personal physician or by the provision income community. Final report on NIH grant No.
of services for the patient at the worksite, or both. The HL16959, 1976 (National High Blood Pressure Educa-
findings on the effectiveness of increased intensity, tion Program).
11. Fisher, A. A., Hussein, C. A., and Syme, S.: Congruence
variety, and number of contacts and on the effective- between self-reported and staff perception of compliance.
ness of social support are consistent in studies of pro- Hypertension management. School of Public Health,
gram structures and of patient educatibn strategies. University of California, Berkeley, 1977.
12. Brucker, C.: Assuring patient compliance by health care
The experiences of the programs reviewed afford contracts. Final summary report on NIH grant No.
some warnings and some encouragement. The caution- HL17230, 1977 (National High Blood Pressure Educa-
ary conclusions come from the poor results and short- tion Program).
lived effects of simplistic screening, referral, or educa- 13. Steckel, S. B., and Swain, M. A.: Contracting with
patients to improve compliance. Hospitals 51: 81-84
tional programs that have no followup and reinforce- (1977).
ment over time. The encouraging signs come from 14. Swain, M. A.: Experimental interventions to promote
worksite programs that are more intensive-they in- health among hypertensives. Paper presented at American
volve hypertensive employees in their own care and Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto,
vigorously maintain contact with these employees over Canada, 1978.
15. Levine, D. M., et al.: Health education for hypertensive
time. Additional encouragement is drawn from the patients. JAMA 241: 1700-1703, Apr. 20, 1979.
results of recent studies of educational interventions in 16. Caplan, R. D., et al.: Adhering to medical regimens:
clinical settings. Their methods could be used and pilot experiments in patient education and social sup-
probably their effective results could be achieved in port. Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, Mich.,
occupational settings. 17. Flowers, R. V.: Effects of social support on adherence to
therapeutic regimens. Doctoral dissertation. University
References of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1978.
1. American Heart Association: Heart facts. National Cen- 18. Kirsht, J. P., and Rosenstock, I. M.: Patient adherence
ter, Dallas, Tex., 1980, p. 11. to antihypertensive medical regimens. J Community
2. Schoenberger, J. A.: Health disease in industry: the Health 3: 115-124, winter 1977.
Chicago Heart Association Project. In High blood pres- 19. Earp, J. L., and Ory, M. G.: The effects of social support
sure control in the work setting. National High Blood and health professional home visits on patient adherence
Pressure Education Program, Bethesda, Md., Oct. 14, to the hypertension regimens. Abstract based on year
1976, pp. 46-58. three progress report on NIH grant No. HL18414, 1978
3. Foot, A., and Erfurt, J.: A model system for high blood (National High Blood Pressure Education Program).
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1976, pp. 33-45. Blood Pressure Control Conference, Washington, D.C.,
4. Murphy, A. F.: The Burlington Industries Industrial 1977.
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tion Program, Bethesda, Md., Oct. 14, 1976, pp. 30-33. for a progress report to the National High Blood Pressure
5. Alderman, M. H.: Detection and treatment of high blood Education Research Program. Stanford Research In-
pressure at the work place. In High blood pressure con- stitute, Menlo Park, N.J., 1977.
trol in the work setting. National High Blood Pressure 22. Solomon, H. S.: Hypertension-education models to
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6. McGill, A. M.: A National High Blood Pressure Educa- Education Program). Peter Bent Brigham Hospital,
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March-April 1980, Vol. 95, No. 2 163

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