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Referendum 90 (Approve)

Referendum 90 will decide whether Senate Bill 5395 — colloquially

known as Washington’s sex-education bill — will be enacted into law.

SB 5395 was passed by the state Legislature earlier this year. Approving
the referendum would enact the law, which, in short, requires all
school districts in the state to teach “comprehensive age appropriate
sexual health education” by the 2022-2023 school year, according to
the ballot measure.


1.) If Sex Ed is removed from Washington School Districts do you think it will result in a
spike of teen pregnancy? Furthermore, do you believe it would cause a rise in STIs
amongst the teenaged population in Washington. It has been proven that if you teach
students what safe sex at an appropriate age teen pregnancy will drop significantly, as well
as STD’s.

2.) Will kids be taught the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching?
Will there be counselors dedicated to sexual abuse and trauma for younger participants?
Younger children will be taught what affirmative consent is. They will also be taught what the
signs of abuse are. This will be taught through social and emotional learning.

3.) Will there be coverage on alternative contraceptives, such as Diaphragms, IUDs, and
Implants? Along with that will cautionary tales and the possible complications of
contraceptives be taught to students? It will be required that at the high school level
students will learn about contraception and what the different kinds are. This should teach
students what safe sex is and how to avoid STD’s and teen pregnancies.

Endorsements List professional organizations, unions and elected officials who have publicly endorsed this candidate.
King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, WCSAP, NASW, SVLC, Planned Parenthood, Jay Inslee, Rep. Monica
Press Link news stories and letters to the editor in support of the candidate.


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