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PUD Commissioner Term: 2020- Rob Toyer Republican

26 Years

PUD Commissioners are in charge of overseeing operations of the PUD and setting
rates for the utilities. They also often meet in an open session where members of the
public can participate in making some decisions.


How will you help fight the climate crisis during your term? [Rob] is impressed by the advances in wind and solar
electricity and believes that should be the focus for the PUD. [He] would continue to offer incentives for business and
homeowners to upgrade to LED lighting as one goal.

What two things do you plan to fucus on during your term? Rob is committed to promoting government
transparency and managing the public’s fund responsibly.

How is Snohomish County using 100% clean energy? What forms of clean energy? The top three forms of
renewable energy used by Snohomish are Hydroelectric, Nuclear and wind.

Do you plan to help consumers lower their bills? As PUD Commissioner, Rob is committed to … prudently investing
public funds to reduce tax burdens on families and businesses.

Candidate was not interviewed; Information was gathered from

Endorsements Press
Kamille Norton, Marysville City Council President 
Mark James, Marysville City Council
Brett Gailey, Lake Stevens City Council  toyer-best-choice-for-county-treasurer/ 
David Sherman, Tulalip Bay Fire Commissioner

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