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Computer comes handy while carrying out various tasks.

It has benefited almost every

industry and business. The education sector, healthcare, hospitality and various other sectors
have largely benefited with the advent of computer and internet. It has made life easy for
those providing services as well as those seeking the same.
Advantages of Computer, namely:
Purpose of Accounting
Calculations and accounting has been made much easier with the help of computers. One
can get answers for complicated computations at just a click as opposed to the manual
calculations that require a good amount of time.
Storage of Data
Computers can store large amount of data without occupying any external space unlike
the papers and files that require separate rooms and cupboards for storage. In today’s
times when there is a growing problem of space constraint this is the best option. The data
can also be moved from one location to another with ease.
Error Free Data
Manual calculations may be flawed. No matter how intelligent a person is the possibility
of error in calculations cannot be barred out completely. However, there is no chance of
error when the data is processed and computed with the help of computers.
Speedy Computations
Computers have helped speed up several tasks. The processing of data, accounts related
work, transmission of data from one place to another – everything can be done quickly
and easily.
It is easy to connect and network with people via computer. This is one of the fastest and
the easiest ways to connect with people living in faraway lands.
Knowledge Sharing
Computers do not only help in sharing data but are also a great means for knowledge
sharing. Students, professionals as well as businesses have benefited owing to this
Computers also serve as a good source of entertainment. You can play games, watch
movies and surf the internet to explore a lot of new stuff to keep you entertained.
All in all, computers are a boon for the mankind. These are evolving and improvising and
the newer features being added with time are proving to be all the more useful. However,
computers also have their set of disadvantages that must be kept in mind before using these.

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