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The New MMS Protocol 1000

The New MMS Protocol 1000

This is it: The new HIV/AIDS and Other Disease Protocol MMS-1000:
• Take 3 drops of activated MMS in juice or water once each hour for at
least 8 consecutive hours every day for 3 weeks.
• Normally it is best to start by taking only one or two drops an hour for
the first several hours.
• For a very sick person, it is best to start out with a half drop an hour
for the first several hours.
• Increase the number of drops per hour as the person is able to
tolerate more drops but never go more than 3 drops an hour.
• If vomiting or diarrhea seem extra bad, stop hourly doses until they
are over and then start back, but at a reduced dose.
• In case of nausea immediately reduce the dose but do not stop taking
MMS unless the nausea is severe.

You can make your MMS doses in either of two ways and be sure to do it in
a clean, dry cup or glass:
1. Use a 50% solution of citric acid and add one drop of it for each drop
of MMS. Swirl it a little, wait 20 seconds, add a half cup of water or
juice (with no added vitamin C but natural vitamin C is OK), and drink
2. Use a 10% solution of citric acid (or lemon or lime juice) and add five
drops of it for each drop of MMS. Swirl it a little, wait three minutes,
add a quarter cup of water or juice (with no added vitamin C but
natural vitamin C is OK), and drink it.

Do not use orange juice, but most other juices are OK, as long as they
have no added Vitamin C. Orange juice and added Vitamin C prevent the
MMS action.

If you don’t have juice or would rather not use juice, instead use a full glass
of water (8 ounces). Then you may not notice the taste.

Dealing With Nausea etc.

If you notice nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or severe tiredness, drink a glass
of water or take a teaspoon of baking soda or Alka Seltzer. If that doesn’t
help, stop until the problem is gone, and then continue with less MMS for a
few hours. But return to 3 drops an hour as soon as you can. Only stop in

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The New MMS Protocol 1000
the case of severe nausea until the nausea or other problem is gone and
then continue at a smaller dose.
• These reactions in the body are indications that MMS is working, but
that you have taken more than your body can comfortably handle.

MMS Protocol 1000 for HIV/AIDS

This protocol is for all HIV/AIDS CASES and many other diseases where
one’s life isn’t immediately threatened, where one feels that he has weeks
or months to act, but the disease will eventually be life-threatening.

The MMS-1000 protocol is also a super detoxification procedure, probably

the most effective known. People who have finished the procedure are
healthy and for the most part, happy. You have to be here in Africa to see it.
Once Protocol 1000 is done, people shine with good health. I don’t think
you could find any doctor to say that they are not healthy, and in my
opinion, healthy people are often happy people. I wish you could be here.
These people are far beyond any detox or fasting program I have ever
seen. Eight hundred treated so far in this one test plus many others around
the world. Many have been checked at the local hospital just for general
health and they are fine

HIV Testing (Written January 2010)

Here in Africa so far, we have successfully treated 800 HIV/AIDS cases
during this visit (July 2009 to February 2010). For many of the people, AIDS
was far advanced. But you have to look at what I consider “successful.”
There is no test for checking to see if someone is HIV negative. Also, I
don’t mean to sound like these are the only successful HIV/AIDS cases.
We have been successful with HIV/ AIDS for the last 10 years or so but this
new protocol makes it very easy. Long before the 3 weeks are over, the
person is healthy again.

All the tests for HIV have been designed to test for HIV positive. The tests
detect antibodies to the HIV virus or antigens. Antigens are substances that
cause the immune system to generate antibodies. Unfortunately, both
antibodies and antigens will be with you long after the HIV virus is gone,
maybe for the rest of your life. That’s the immune system’s job, to protect
you from the disease, or from the disease coming back, by keeping
antibodies available. So the present tests for HIV positive will never work
for testing HIV negative.

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The New MMS Protocol 1000
OK, so what is a successfully treated HIV person? Well here in Africa we
have now come to consider that it is any HIV/AIDS case that has lost all the
various discomforts and symptoms and poor health that a person with AIDS
has. In other words, here in Africa, when he is healthy and active again, we
consider that his treatment has been successful.

The CD4 Count

One other test that we apply, even though most doctors will say they don’t
know what it means, is the CD4 count. Any doctor has to admit that the
CD4 count going up is a good significant indicator. It is a test of the white
blood cells that the immune system uses to kill diseases and other things
and the theory is that it is low when the HIV virus is present. But that is only
a theory. The reason why doctors say they don’t know what it means that
the CD4 count goes up is that they do not believe it to be possible that the
HIV virus is gone.

If the CD4 count is back up to normal or going up to normal, we consider

that a very good indication. The normal range is between 400 and 1000.
That is a measurement of white blood cells.
• A person on the HIV/AIDS MMS protocol will have a 200 to 400 point
increase in CD4 count in 3 to 4 weeks.

In my opinion at this time, anyone who has a 200 to 400 increase in CD4
count is HIV and AIDS free -- otherwise why is the CD4 count going up so
far? Anyway a person with a 400 CD4 count or less is considered to have
HIV and a person who has less than 100 CD4 count is considered to have
AIDS. In the U.S., they consider that you have AIDS when the white blood
count is 200 or less. (There are reasons that they consider it 200 in the US
and 100 in Africa, and I think it is because the sooner you are considered to
have AIDS, the sooner it is legal to sell you AIDS ARV drugs.

The drug companies claim that ARV drugs can increase the CD4 count as
much as 25 points a year, but they haven’t shown any such records proving
it, that I can find.

So in my opinion, when someone finishes this latest HIV protocol, I believe

that he really is HIV/AIDS negative. So far the people here who have
finished this protocol have remained healthy for up to 4 months (till now).
Someday, there will be a test to prove HIV negative, but there is no such
test now. And appalling as it sounds, there are many false HIV positive

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The New MMS Protocol 1000
tests reported, causing people distress, wasted money and lost time when
it is not necessary, and of course the drug companies could care less, as
they just make extra money selling the ARV drugs that people take if they
are considered to be HIV positive. As long as we cannot prove HIV
negative, the people who believe doctors will continue to take the
poisonous ARV drugs. And of course, everyone in Africa believes doctors.

All the people treated with this protocol here are happy to be over their bad
health and suffering and back to their normal lives. On their health sheet
under “Other Data,” they all write, “Happy.” They are not worried about HIV
any more as they feel that should their health deteriorate, they will just take
some more MMS. In all the cases so far there have been no failures. They
just get well. Why would I fool you? I don’t sell MMS.

Although the HIV protocol is a bit intense and takes three weeks, it is quite
simple. It uses only MMS which is now called MMS1. Out of the entire
group, only 3 needed MMS2 because they had cancer, and that was
handled too.

Opportunistic Diseases
Normally, HIV positive people have what are called opportunistic diseases
that take over or get started because of the distressed immune system.
Evidently the first thing MMS does is to go after those diseases. This
strengthens the immune system which can then gear up and kill pathogens
throughout the body.

The reason why hourly doses are required is that HIV is a virus -- or maybe
not. I know there are theories that HIV doesn’t exist and that AIDS doesn’t
come from HIV. And the fact is, about 50% of people who have AIDS never
were diagnosed with HIV. Fortunately, MMS doesn’t care one bit either way.
It just does its job.

It has been demonstrated that killing viruses takes longer than killing
bacteria. It evidently takes more than 1 or 2 hours. How much longer I am
not sure, but the 3 drops hourly for 8 hours per day for 3 weeks seems to
work. All I know is that MMS overcomes AIDS and either it kills HIV or it just
kills all the diseases that are present.

I believe that something more than just bad nutrition is responsible for all
those opportunistic diseases that seem to occur. They may be caused by

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The New MMS Protocol 1000
the ARV drugs that are given to most patients. The ARVs certainly don’t do
anything to prevent the opportunistic diseases or aid in their treatment.
That is announced on the side of each ARV drug box.

However, the ARV drugs that most HIV/AIDS patients are using also do not
seem to prevent MMS from working. The people get well and I consider
that amazing, as these drugs are the most poisonous thing a person can
take that does not kill him immediately.

So the thing to do is get people to stop taking the ARVs. But that can be
dangerous in some cases, as ARVs are not something you can fool with
much. It would be best to wait until they have finished the HIV protocol or
until they have been taking MMS for 4 or 5 days. At that time, they can
easily stop the ARV drugs. ARV drugs are killing a lot more people than

MMS works very quickly. How many people do you see tossing off their
diseases and health problems in 3 weeks? Not many. In Protocol 1000,
there is no need to use DMSO or MMS2 unless some unusual problem is
present or comes to light.

Protocol 1000 for Swine Flu (H1N1)

In the event you are using the Protocol 1000 for the pig flu (swine flu,
H1N1) and you don’t notice an improvement in the first 4 days or less, you
should add MMS2 to the protocol. Start out with one or two capsules and
use as many as 4 capsules a day, taking one every other hour. Separate
the capsules from the MMS1 doses by about half an hour. Do this faithfully
and you should be well long before 3 weeks are up.

The swine flu goes to your lungs and can cause you to cough up blood. I
had it and several have called or sent emails to mention that they had it.
From what people say, it sounds like the worst flu yet. But they said they
handled it with MMS.MMS treats it successfully. Just don’t take too much
MMS -- remember the rules.

If MMS makes you feel worse:

• It is working, but you are taking too much. You must decrease your
doses. If you try to tough it out and continue taking too much, it can
kill you. Decrease your dose to one drop an hour and if you are

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The New MMS Protocol 1000
already taking a drop an hour and it is still making you feel worse,
reduce to half a drop an hour or a quarter, or an eighth. But:
• Do not stop taking MMS, especially if you have the swine flu. It is OK
to stop for an hour or several hours if the MMS did indeed make you
feel worse. Stop only until you are feeling like you were when you
started the MMS and then start back at a smaller dose.

Read this data again. Be sure to continue on an hourly dose, and continue
to increase the dose if you can. If necessary, reduce all the way to an
eighth of a drop per hour. But increase the dose as soon as possible. As I
already said, add MMS2 if you are not improving.

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