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Good afternoon
I'm going to talk to you about my project and put it in context a bit.

The problem is that three out of 10 schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 are overweight according to the
publication made by UNICEF on March 4, 2020.

The community that I am going to focus my project on is children between 6 and 12 years old.

And the transformation perspective will be to reduce the rate of child overweight through an

Taking into account that children are not normally interested in doing physical activities, much
less learning about nutrition, the App will be a video game in which the boy or girl will perform
physical activities through missions, and challenges in different scenarios such as the home, the
park, supermarkets, among others, that will require physical activity. The child will be active
and exercising without knowing it! In addition, there will be challenges in some sections that
will teach the child in a very playful way about what foods do them good or bad, but with a very
friendly and childish language.

- I made the decision to also make an App that is of use for the parents of the children of the
community to which my project is focused since they are a fundamental and essential part in
the formation of children. In this App, they will be able to link their child's account so that they
receive weekly reports of the physical activities that their children carry out through the game,
in addition, this app will provide them with information about good


From this problem or situation that I am raising, I identified a group of users that surround the
community of TOODLERS that is what I am working on for my App.

Then I made the interaction scenarios as hypothetical stories of what could happen in the
application depending on each case.

In the process, the characterization of the types of users that could interact with the App
continues. This allowed me to have a broader context and learn more about each type of user.
In this case, I chose some categories that could help me obtain this information such as
biography, personality, behavior, goals, influences, frustrations, motivations, needs, and social
- Thanks to the information collected from these specific characteristics for User Persona, I was
able to understand how to connect with the ideal users for my App.


Then comes the realization of the User Journey Map that was made to track the touchpoints
and pain points at the moment the App is used by the User Persona in a specific scenario
considering three segments: Observation lens, Experience, and Findings.


In this last part, I am going to talk about the Benchmarking technique that allowed me to
compare some applications where I was able to identify opportunities for improvement,
strengths, and advantages.

- I have to clarify that there are two analysis matrices because my project is focused both on the
community of children aged 6-12 and on the parents of children in this community.

The analysis criteria that I decided to compare between these apps are those that you can see
on the left side of the matrix, taking into account the needs for each app. As you can see, I
made some conventions to differentiate the methodological, functional, and aesthetic criteria.
In this comparison, what I did was rate each one of these analysis criteria from 1 - 10, and those
that were below 8 I raised as a problem with a solution as an opportunity for improvement.

Project conclusion

- Taking into account the conclusions obtained previously, it is important to note that each of
the investigation phases was important throughout the process since one depended on the
other until the end, and if one of them failed, the result would not be optimal.
Finally, I want to say that after completing this investigative process, the focus I want my App to
have and the elements that will be necessary for my users to have a good experience when
using it is clearer.

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