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1. Name:
2. 2. Gender:i.Male [ ]ii.Female[ ]
3. 3. Age:i.19-25 [ ]ii.26-30 [ ]iii.31 and above[ ]
4. 4. Edicational qualification:i.Higher secondary[ ]ii.Diploma [ ]iii.Under graduate [ ]
iv.Post graduate [ ]
5. 5. Marital status:i.Married [ ]ii.Unmarried[ ]
6. 6. Are you aware of the various committees that redress the grievance?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]
7. 7. If yes for above question kindly list out the various committees available
8. 8. Are you aware of the members of the various committees?i.Yes[ ]
ii.No[ ]
9. Are you aware of the weekly/monthly meetings of the various committees which are
being held? i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]
10. .In case the grievance has to be immediately redressed to whom do you
11. Is there any informal channel to redress your grievance such as i.Co-worker[ ]ii.Peer[ ]
iii.If others,please specify( )
12. Is the real basis of your problem identified?iStrongly agree[ ]ii.Agree[ ]iii.Disagree[ ]
iv.Strongly disagree[ ]
13. Does your higher authority listen when your grievance is presented?i.Listens patiently[ ]
ii.Shouts at you[ ]iii.Does not listen at all[ ]
14. Is imporatance given to what is right rather than who is right?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]
15. Are you constantly informed on what is being done about your grievance?i.Very often being
informed[ ]ii.Seldom being informed [ ]iii.Does not inform at all [ ]
16. Is an atmosphere of cordiality and co-operation facilitated through mutual discussion and
conference?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]
17. Is there a positive and friendly approach during grievance handling?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]
18. Do you feel that discussion and conference is given more importance rather than executive
authority?i. Strongly agree[ ]ii. Agree[ ]iii. Disagree[ ]iv. Strongly disagree[ ]
19. Is there a spirit of give and take and sharing and working together? i.Yes[ ]

20. Has the mechanism being followed resolves you grievance?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]

21. How do you feel about the decision given corresponding to your grievance? Is iti.Highly satisfactory[
]ii.Moderately satisfactory[ ]iii.No satisfaction[ ]

22. Is there regular follow up to ensure that the right decision has ended up in satiafaction?i.Yes[ ]
ii.No[ ]

23. Is there any temporary relief provided until proper decision is made so that it does not raise any
adverse effects within the organization?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]
24. Do the various committee members actively engage in resolving your problem?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]

25. If the decision is not satisfactory are you given opportunity to take it to hjgher officials?i.Yes[ ]
ii.No[ ]

26. Do you feel open to share your grievances?i.Yes[ ]

ii.No[ ]

27. Do you feel that the supervisor possesses necessary human relation skills in terms of understanding
your problem?i.Very highly skilled[ ]ii.Moderately skilled[ ]iii.Not skilled[ ]

28. Are the matters relevant to the grievance kept confidential?i.highly confidential[ ]ii.Not kept
confidential[ ]

29. Are the procedures for conveying grievance simple and easy to utilize?i.Very simple[ ]ii.Difficult to
utilize[ ]

30. Is the supervisor given authority to take action necessary to resolve the problem?i.Has given
authority[ ]ii.Does not have authority[ ]

31. Are proper records maintained on each grievance?i.Yes[ ]ii.No[ ]

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