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10/4/2018 How to Cure Bamboo: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Part to Cure
Preparing Bamboo
Bamboo Beforehand

Three Parts: Curing Bamboo for Home Projects Curing Large Amounts of Bamboo
Preparing Bamboo Beforehand Community Q&A

Making crafts out of bamboo can be fun. However, before you can use bamboo you need to
let it dry out. This process is called curing bamboo. If you leave bamboo to air dry, it can take
6 to 12 weeks. However, there are shorter methods to cure bamboo for at home projects.

1 Curing Bamboo for Home Projects

1 Select bamboo to harvest. If you're harvesting bamboo for an at-home project,

you'll first want to select the proper culms to harvest. Culms are stems of bamboo 1/11
10/4/2018 How to Cure Bamboo: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

that shoot up from the ground. Look for culms that are longer and straighter in
appearance. These bamboo culms may be sturdier and their width tapers off with height.
This means you'll have a variety of sizes to work with when using the culms for at home
3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

2 Watch for infected culms. Before you begin curing and storing your bamboo,
remove any infected culms. Culms that contain fungus, bugs, or other problems can
infect the rest of the culms.
Look for circular ring patters, which can indicate fungus. While fungus is mostly
cosmetic and can be removed, it can be a pain if it spreads. If you only have a
few culms that look like they might have fungus in an otherwise healthy batch,
you might want to simply toss the infected culms.[2]
Some viral infections leave mosaic-like patterns on bamboo culms. These culms
should be discarded. You should also get rid of culms infected with a black, sooty
Bugs and parasites can infect bamboo culms. Watch for a white substance on
shoot tips. If you notice such a substance, peel back the culm leaves and look for
small, pink bugs. Such culms should be discarded as the pesticides required to
treat such infections are pricey and time consuming.[4] 2/11
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3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

3 Prepare your culms. Once you've gathered culms and checked for infection,
prepare them for the curing process. It's easiest to simply use a grill to cure bamboo
for home projects. Therefore, you may want to saw the bamboo culms into manageable
pieces of 4 feet or so. You can use a saw or clippers that can be purchased at most
hardware stores.[5] 3/11
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3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

4 Use heat to cure the bamboo. You can use an outdoor gas grill to cure bamboo at
home. You should remove the racks from the grill and then place the bamboo culms
inside one at a time.
Turn the heat to high. Watch for the bamboo to change color slightly. This
indicates resin rising to the surface, important to the curing process as it
strengthens culms.[6]
Take an old rag and rub the resin into the bamboo culms. The color of the
bamboo should slowly change from deep green to mint green. Once the entire
culm has reached this color, set it aside somewhere to cool.[7]
Wait for the culm to be cool enough to handle. Then, poke holes in its inner
membranes. You can use any tool that can poke through bamboo culms, such as
sharp scissors. This will quicken the drying process.[8] 4/11
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3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

5 Take safety precautions. Always wear protective gloves during the curing process
to avoid getting burned. When setting bamboo out to dry, choose a non-flammable
surface to avoid fire.[9]

2 Curing Large Amounts of Bamboo

1 Prepare a storage area. If you're curing a large amount of bamboo, you need a
storage area. Proper storage assures your bamboo will dry out in a healthy, safe
fashion. 5/11
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Keep the culms away from direct soil as this prevents fungal or insect infestations.
3 Preparing
Make sure youBamboo
do not dry Beforehand
culms in direct sunlight, as this can lead to quick
changes in moisture that causes bamboo to crack and dry out. Try covering your
bamboo with a tarp.[11]
Make sure culms have decent air ventilation. This can prevent damage while

2 Decide between vertical or horizontal stacking. When drying, bamboo is usually

stacked either vertically or horizontally. There are pros and cons to each stacking
The main upside to vertical stacking is that it lessens the chance of a fungal
infection. However, a sturdier support system will be needed for vertical stacking
to prevent poles from bending.[13]
Horizontal stacking works better for large stacks. You will need to stack bamboo
on large platforms and place a thick, plastic sheet under stacks to prevent fungal
infections. Keep on eye on the culms on the lower part of the platforms. They're
susceptible to cracking.[14] 6/11
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Regardless of whether you choose horizontal or vertical stacking, rotate poles

every 15 days. This assures culms will dry in a uniform fashion. Bamboo should
be dry in 6 to 12
Preparing weeks.[15]Beforehand

3 Take measures to prevent damage. Even when stored properly, bamboo polls are
subject to some damage when drying. There are steps you can take to prevent
Bamboo sometimes splits when drying. You can prevent this by tying wires
around the ends of bamboo polls.[16]
When bamboo finishes drying, it sometimes loses some of its glossy appearance.
You can restore this by gently oiling and waxing the bamboo once the drying
process is finished.[17] 7/11
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3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

4 Consider soaking the bamboo first. While the above method is the most
conventional method to cure bamboo, some people soak bamboo before letting it air
dry. This may make fungus and mold slightly less likely depending on where you live. In
this method, you soak the bamboo for 90 days and then set out to dry for 2 weeks in a
sunny area. This method may not work well in areas subject to extreme heat.[18] 8/11
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3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

1 Collect bamboo during the proper season. If you plan on curing bamboo, you
need to collect bamboo first. Understand which seasons are best when it comes to
collecting bamboo.
The best time to harvest bamboo is at the end of the dry season in your area.
Starch content is at its highest during this season, making parasite and fungal
attacks less likely.[19]
If you have a rainy season, avoid harvesting bamboo during this time. In general,
bamboo is most susceptible to damage during this season.[20]

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Cut bamboo properly. Use a machete or saw to cut bamboo. Make sure to cut just above
the first or second node above the ground. This is the best place to cut bamboo to prevent
damage during storage and transportation.[21]
3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

3 Transport the bamboo with care. Once you've cut bamboo, make sure you
transport it properly. Improper transportation techniques can lead to damage.
Carry the bamboo above the ground or transport in a wheelbarrow or truck.
Dragging bamboo across the ground can cause damage.[22]
Do not throw bamboo culms on hard ground. This can cause damage. When you
reach the storage area, set the bamboo culms down gently.[23] 10/11
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3 Preparing Bamboo Beforehand

4 Harvest only mature bamboo poles. When you harvest bamboo, culms should not
be too young or too old. Aim for bamboo poles between 4 and 7 years old for best
Bamboo tends to grow in clumps. Poles that are inside the clump are older than
those growing outside.[25]
Talk to an experienced bamboo harvester. He or she will be able to tell the age of
bamboo by knocking on the culm and observing the different sounds. 11/11

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